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Exposing Wynncraft; Part 1/?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by T-Flex, Dec 23, 2020.

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  1. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    Seven years ago, I got enrolled at an engineering college. Few days ago, I successfully defended my master's thesis and got a title of an engineer. I did it, yay \o/

    But, no, that's not the reason I'm making this thread. I have something else on my mind that's been bothering me.

    I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with a structure of a thesis, but in my country, it is accustom to make a sort-of "Thank you" page before the official topic. It's basically a sheet of paper on which you thank anyone who helped you significantly during your student days. Well, there is still one more thank you I need to write.

    I joined Wynncraft almost six years ago. It was right after BdoubleO and GenerikB's playtrough video and, damn, I got hooked instantly. Game looked a lot different back then. Temple of legends was the endgame, highest level was 70, 75 (!?), there were no mythics and five LE was considered a decent amount. Still, game was a blast to play. I still recall how I was supposed to study thermodynamics, and instead, I was farming poison spiders in a cave near Almuj. Good times, 10/10, would do it again.

    However, it was not only the game that left an impression on me, but the community as well, Wynncraft as whole. I joined forums not long after trying the game. I think my first thread was a Wynncraft theory thread, made as an "add on" for theory series created by a user named Steelix (or a very similar name). That was a very long time ago, but ever since I made that thread, I couldn't imagine a day pass by without me checking the forums. Thus, that's how my Wynncraft journey started.

    And what a journey it was. I made many friends, participated in many discussions and suggestions, helped a lot of players in-game, helped creating the item team and so much more. I watched both the game and the forums expand, improve and inevitably change. Unfortunately, as the place changed, so did the very people that shaped my Wynncraft experience. They left one by one and after some time, the same fate caught up to me. While I occasionally returned to Wynncraft to check what's new and try it out, it just wasn't the Wynncraft I once knew. Ultimately, I decided to end my journey and move onto new projects.

    I don't regret time I spent here, because this place, the very people that are a part of it, helped me trough some hard times and shaped me as a better person. I still remember how, not long after I joined the forums, I had this opinion that, because I'm older, people could learn a lot from me. While that's not necessarily wrong, what I failed to realize is that I have a lot to learn from you as well, regardless of age. That life lesson stuck with me to this day and it's one I'll never forget. I know I wasn't perfect, but due to Wynncraft, I decided to work on my shortcomings in order to better myself. For that, I'm grateful.

    While I can't remember the name of every single person that contributed to my Wynncraft experience, I'll always remember their impactful words and gestures. For some, I even remember the avatars and exact messages they sent and, occasionally, when they randomly pop up on my mind, due to nostalgic feel, I get a short-term happiness boost. They really were wonderful people.

    Thank you, Wynncraft (that means you!) for new friendships, for making my college days a bit more bearable, for improving me as a person and respecting my dedication I showed this place. I'm glad I was part of this wonderful journey and I'll always happily remember it.

    If you are still scratching your head, *this* is the entire "exposure". Yes, it's a clickbait title, no, I don't regret it and yes, I would do it again.

    I hope all of you are doing well in this troubling times.

    Merry Christmas everyone, may your turkeys be moist and your socks dry.

    Take care.
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    glad to see youre still here goo, its nice seeing the old community still alive
  3. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    Cool to see that you had a good time and good job on defending your master's thesis, I've heard they can be a menace to defend. Just dumb curiosity and someone who's interested in engineering, what did you go after for a degree and what was your master's thesis on?
  4. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    Nice thread and congrats
  5. PikaPrince

    PikaPrince Famous Adventurer HERO

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    holy shit that hit hard at home right here
    Castti likes this.
  6. Grugle

    Grugle RotS Enthusiast. HERO

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    Oh my goodness, I remember when I was struggling to do the Spider Dungeon as a warrior, and then some random girl came up to help me beat it; I never felt so connected to a community before when having people lead me around a world that I was just so incredibly fascinated with. I don’t think anything could ever recreate those memories.
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