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Lore/Story Hive Drabbles: Tasogare Oyaji

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Selvut283, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    "If I refuse to talk about her then, what makes you think I would talk about her now?"
  2. Bixlo

    Bixlo Got drip like pablo HERO

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    Hello Mistress Qira, Its been awhile since ive attempted your challenge, Mostly because ive been busy figuring out this worlds secrets However is good to see you again. If you don't mind I have a couple questions for you, well actually many and for multiple people.

    For Qira;
    1. Behind your Hive there are multiple caves, inside is a tomb for gale. Did you bury her yourself, or did someone else?
    2. Do you know of the entity called Bak'al? I assume he knows of you...
    3. You are aware of the decay, So if I boldly assume, you know of the Light realm, and therefore Orphion(sorry I cant spell for bollocks)
    4. With the construction of your hive, Before its creation what was there before it?

    For The Vangaurd;
    1. Have you ever tried honey in tea? Its the golden liquid stuff that bees make
    2. Are you able to control your own temperature? As can you touch other people without burning them.

    For Yansur:
    1. :P

    For The kinky Lighting boss boi(I have the memory of a gnat so i barely remeber names sorry)
    1. For a being that can erase memories, why haven't you erased your bad ones so you can be more happy and not a soggy cheeto puff...

    And finally for gale: I visited your grave during my exploration of the Hive, and I would like to know some things about you and your acquaintance with Qira.
    1. Were you originally a challenger of the Hive?
    2. What race are you? I assume elf due to the fact that you are a wind archer
    3. With Ohms, was he aware of Lab N?
    4. Have you traveled outside of the Gavel province?
    5. What is it like being a ghost?
    Nukewarmachine and 7Red_Dragon7 like this.
  3. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    oh, there hasn't been a question here in a while, huh
    well, i have one for orja: is the following dialogue you speaking, and if not, do you know who it is?

    • Hive Servant: Oh? I didn't know that Qi- er, Mistress... That Mistress allowed travellers or challengers into the servant's quarters now.
    • Hive Servant: I suppose you could make yourself at home. It's a little dingy, but I guess you get used to it after a while. I'm new here...
    • Hive Servant: Though, don't take that to mean I'm complaining. It isn't like I had anywhere else to go, after all. I used to be just a beggar.
    • Hive Servant: Hardly had an emerald to my name. It's so weird to think that money doesn't matter to me anymore, now that I'm here!
    • Hive Servant: So long as we stay loyal to Mistress and do what we're told, we have a roof over our heads, a cozy room, food and drink, and an opportunity.
    • Hive Servant: We're able to be a part of something so much greater. People say she's evil and the rumors always fly like mad, but... I have to wonder sometimes.

    • Hive Servant: I really can't believe it. How did you beat her?! You must be ridiculously strong to have defeated Mistress!
    • Hive Servant: I hope you didn't hurt her too bad, and that she didn't rough you up too harsh either. For someone with your skill, getting hurt is a waste, I think.
    • Hive Servant: I mean, even just beating the Thunder Division is certainly more than I could ever hope to achieve, eheheh...
    • Hive Servant: I'm fine just being a cog in the clockworks, so to speak, but some of the other servants dislike their positions here. I just can't understand them.
    • Hive Servant: Mistress is a fine ruler. She keeps us safe, her rules aren't overbearing, she's infinitely wise... What have they got to hold against her?
    • Hive Servant: Sometimes, I wonder if they realize the opportunity she's given us. I wonder if they're thankful, even at all.

    oh and do you know who this person is and why they act... this way?
    • Hive Servant: Don't go getting a swelled head, small-nose. You beating Her Witchiness means nothing in the long run.
    • Hive Servant: She holds back when she "tests" challengers. That wand and extra padding actually limits her magic. You didn't accomplish anything of note.
    • Hive Servant: Heh, I'll bet she's got her eyes on you now! I bet she's creeping on you like you're some kind of delicious little cupcake for her to eat up!
  4. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Just going to bump this since it's been kinda quiet here for a while now
  5. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    alright Qira, here's a better idea for your army:

    penguin soldiers that ride kantyrs everywhere.

    of course you're gonna have to go to the silent expanse to get eyes big enough to feed the kantry with but otherwise its a flawless idea.
  6. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    anyone in canon's response when they hear you mention feeding them eyes:

    Bixlo and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  7. Doot (Trumpet)

    Doot (Trumpet) Well-Known Adventurer

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    To Qira - With the odd goings on of the Forgery near Cinfras, and more specifically the use of highly potent rune magic that may be tied to some form of "Alternate timelines" or at least different but separate dimensions of some kind, would you believe there would be any merit to investing in learning the use of these runes, for possibly more favorable dimensional outcomes that could work to your benefit, for the hive or personal reasons? Or is the use of these possible rewarding runic magics less than it may seem, assuming you've dealt with it before?
    TrapinchO likes this.
  8. Bixlo

    Bixlo Got drip like pablo HERO

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    Is Qira on vacation or smthn...shes been kinda quiet......
    fishcute and ocel0tgirl like this.
  9. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    I imagine selvut is a bit busy with fixing the update's dialogue and doesn't have time to make more.
    Either that or Qira is busy bribing and threatening convincing the new npcs not to say anything bad about her.
    Bixlo likes this.
  10. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    Half this, half a-lot-of-questions-are-pertaining-to-1.20 and I don't want to answer them until the update is actually properly OUT.
  11. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    starx280 and Doot (Trumpet) like this.
  12. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Dear Mistress of the Hive,

    Howdy! I noticed you were mostly starved of answerable questions thanks to all the hype around 1.20, so I found something that's the exact opposite of the questions you're trying to avoid; a question about something from literal years ago, that only a select few will care about. The best part is that the question is exceptionally simple, if you're feeling particularly lazy you can easily respond with a simple 'Yes' or 'No'! Of course, I can make no promises on the bearing of the question's answer, but I'm sure it'll all be fiiiine.

    In order to ask the question, there's a teeny tiny prerequisite that must be read. Of course, getting to the aforementioned prerequisite is simple; go to the search bar on the main page of these here forums, and search all mentions of 'qira' from the user 'Selvut283'. Go to page 9 of the search results, and click on the 11th search result, counting from the top down. For better clarity and to safeguard these instructions in case of another post containing 'qira', it should be the third and lowest post in a chain of 3 posts on the same thread. Give the page a second to load, and read the post. While I do apologize for making you do these steps, the reasons as to why will quickly become apparent after reading the post itself. My question, as mentioned in the first paragraph, is simple; is this still canon?

    Please do not kill me for this. Thanks in advance!
    yy8erig, Doot (Trumpet) and Ellphant like this.
  13. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    "You aren't the first to question those rumors, and you won't be the first I've rejected giving an answer to. Such things are private, and none of your business besides."
    7Red_Dragon7 and starx280 like this.
  14. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Bumping again
    Just in case I forget to in the next week
    7Red_Dragon7, Bixlo and ocel0tgirl like this.
  15. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    Now, to tend to the backlog.

    "I have read stories about the Colossus, but it is almost entirely conjecture as to what the purpose of it may be rather than concrete information. It is on my list of things to do, to send an investigative party and examine if it has any particular magical ability I may learn from, but it is far down the list as it currently is."

    "Death is a metaphysical concept. I fail to understand the question."

    "Firstly, the dragon. She knows better- Many of the creatures of the Hive are capable of flight. As an example, the Fyrovern and Rams Zephyria. That, and the intense magic runoff from our daily activities churns the skies and causes strong winds above the basin. Little for her to eat, her prospective meals always fight back, and a flight to the area is a risk in of itself. She has learned that we control this aerie, and we do not encroach upon each others' territory thusly. It would be a shame to kill such a majestic creature, anyway.

    Secondly, the Dojo... That Miyagi man has attempted my challenge, and he has failed- Though I will admit, fighting to the Oceanic Judge unarmed was quite a feat. Many of the students there have done similarly, tried and failed at varying degrees of progression. However, unlike many others, they act cordially and respectfully to myself and my servants, and that is a breath of fresh air. We have a small agreement between us, a simple trade agreement- So my opinion of that Dojo is high."

    "Make an educated guess."

    "...I must admit, I was tempted to ignore this question given the strange leadup involving mere ants, but not as far as I ever knew, and if I did have one at any time she certainly would not be alive considering the amount of time I have been alive."

    P: "Last time I tried that, I got my CHEST CORED OUT."
    G: "Not since I became a dead woman walking, no!"
    S: "Mistress assures me that I have more power than I know, yet I fight with all my strength against the challengers I face. It is confusing to me."

    Q: "The name Bak'al is unfamiliar to me. I have heard tales of the Light Realm, and the elves speak of Orphion often, though I have not sought either of these places myself. As for what was here before the hive, I cannot say for certain. When I arrived, the hive was here, but merely an insect hive, even if of gigantic proportions. I converted it for my use. As for your first question, it would do you well to understand when things are not your business to ask."

    V: "I do not know what a bee is. I have heard mention of honey among the servants, but have not tried it myself. And yes, I can control my temperature to a certain degree. Down to the point of not burning bare flesh, however, I cannot go."

    Y: "You bring me down here with the promise of piquing my coveted wisdom, and bring to bear NOTHING! Do not waste the time of such an illustrious servant as I!"

    P: "WOW, you're just an absolute fucking idiot, aren't you?! I wouldn't even NEED to manipulate your mind, it's already feeble enough that you make Yansur look competent! I'm not even going to answer that question, because clearly you wouldn't understand it even if I reduced it down to baby babble!"

    G: "...these questions are really getting super invasive. Can I skip this interview?"

    "Runic magic is interesting, and I have used it once or twice in the past, but it proves very difficult to control and extremely easy to trace for those able to identify it if successfully utilized. I am more interested in the anomaly of the Forgery itself than the implications of the runes, if we are being frank."
  16. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    To Qira, how and when did you find out about the threat of the Darkness that galvanized you into creating your own army?
  17. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    Alright Qira, here's another idea for you:
    Penguin soldiers amalgamated onto the tops of tiontaith beasts. they constantly ride and control them.
    it's even better than the kantyr idea! if you can manage to teach the penguins how to control those things and their bloodlust of course

    also what's your opinion on the lexdale prison?
    Bixlo likes this.
  18. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    O: "Uh, she was gonna answer those questions, then she read the first one and just walked away."
  19. SnakyOmnivore

    SnakyOmnivore actually fan of DC comics CHAMPION

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    To Qira,

    I'm kind of curious why you have to consider that Oceanic Judge needs kind of twerking? Is there something wrong with his peformance... or is it just his personaity?
  20. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    Sheesh. Alright then, I’ll assume the answer to the first question is a solid no.
    You can answer the second question in her place, Orja! Today’s your lucky day! You get to take questions from a lunatic talking penguin!
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