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1.20 Gavel Reborn - Changelog

Discussion in 'Major Updates' started by Salted, Nov 23, 2020.

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  1. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    At least the bell is not immediate, there is a random delay.

    It is quite controversial, true
    RoboticGhost likes this.
  2. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    Literally unplayable.
    RoboticGhost and Pulty like this.
  3. Pulty

    Pulty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    It's playable but the negative definitely outweigh the positives imo
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  4. BramVeen

    BramVeen Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    CrunchyCol, Rimuwu and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  5. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    I genuinely cannot see how the Champion rank essentially "invalidates" the team reworking a good majority of Gavel, adding three raids, adding housing, reworking guilds, and adding a bunch of new shit.
  6. Zirker

    Zirker Well-Known Adventurer

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    If slot reserving was agains't the EULA big servers that hit 60k players at a time would have been shut down by now, this does not break the EULA.
    creeper1562 and WhirlwindWar like this.
  7. _Dl3G0_

    _Dl3G0_ The everlasting star

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    True, for exaple Hypixel that, when the server is full, lets you skip the join queue if you are VIP rank or higher
  8. Pulty

    Pulty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Because now unless I get lucky and happen to join the right server before bombs are thrown, I have to work 4x longer to level up professions, which is not even worth it. The new rank essentially locks half of the economy update behind a $120 paywall. $120 is a lot of money - that's two triple-A games worth. It also hurts people who like to level classes through grinding. It is very easy for you to see the rank as not a big deal as someone who is probably getting the new rank benefits for free and hasn't even seen how insanely slow lvl 90 gatherings get
    Hypixel already violates EULA with allowing players to buy booster cookies with real money and sell them for millions of skyblock coins
  9. BramVeen

    BramVeen Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Oh no! Someone *might* be able to get in a server, where I can do side content a bit faster, before me! This clearly invalidates an entire update full of awesome, new content for me!"

    Vip_sans gives you the advise to get a life
  10. Pulty

    Pulty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I have one and that's why I'm not going to be wasting it doing professions.

    Maybe if you had one you'd value your time and money a bit more.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
  11. WhirlwindWar

    WhirlwindWar Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I don't want to get into a debate about champion because I believe we should actually wait to see how some of the stuff functions in-game before picking up torches and pitchforks, and I believe the rank has positives and negatives but I do have one thing to say, which is this: Obviously, this Hypixel cookie thing doesn't violate the EULA, or they wouldn't be allowed to do it. Hypixel is the biggest minecraft server, I'm sure the Mojang/Microsoft team has heard about the cookie thing they're doing and they wouldn't be letting it happen if it actually violated the EULA. And I'm positive both Hypixel and Wynncraft have some sort of legal team advising them about matters like this, so if things like Champion and the Hypixel cookie thing actually violated the EULA, one or all of their lawyers would have caught it and stopped them.

    Also, saying one feature you don't agree with invalidates entire update with loads if interesting content that has absolutely nothing to do with Champion or its perks is just weird. I mean, you do you, but that really is rather absurd.
  12. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    Is that so? You DO realise that the bomb bell takes some time to actually show where a bomb has been thrown. Then, most people usually shout when they will start bomb parties. There is also the bomb discord.
    Champion is going to be expensive as heck, meaning there will barely be any people who buy it when compared to Vip, VIP+ or HERO.
    Now you trynna tell me that the update locks half the economy update. First of all everything is still accessible. Second of all the whole bomb thing will barely change anything about parties, meaning that it HAS BEEN like this since the economy update and WILL BE like this for the future. It's barely going to be less likely to get the benefits of bombs than before the update, because the only thing that will change is how likely it is you will be able to join a server that has unannounced bombs.
    Maybe you should start and do other stuff instead of tryharding professions. You are clearly not ready for the grind when all you do is complain about how people who support the server have an easier time doing it than some others, essentially bullshitting everyone from the CT who worked their arse off to deliver YOU an update for FREE.

    And to conclude this, I will mention that the server can not just live on love and sunshine alone. It NEEDS the money, and therefor, to get people to spend money, they need juicy offers for those willing to donate. You can't expect the server to survive when all you offer a $120-$160 donation is maybe some cosmetics. That's not gonna cut it to keep wynncraft alive. What it takes is benefits. And the bomb bell is really not as gamechanging as you think it is. It will change some stuff, yes. But not to the degree you think it will. Think about it like Totems. No one complains about totems nowadays.
  13. Constelacion

    Constelacion Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    As WhirlwindWar already brought up the point about these servers having legal teams, I would like to say that these legal teams are much smarter and more knowledgeable on this stuff than you are. This is their literal job. If there was an issue with the EULA, they would tell the team not to implement the feature. It's quite simple, really. It's not like the devs just pick and choose features on a whim even if they violate EULA. So honestly you just seem really pompous for assuming you know more than literal licensed lawyers.
    Also, not too important, but on the topic of Hypixel - their booster cookies are literally not even close to violating EULA. Sure, you can pay for them, but you also get one for free and you can buy as many as you want with in-game coins. Honestly, do you even know what the EULA does?
  14. Pulty

    Pulty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I haven't mentioned the bomb bell once, why are you going on an entire rant about it? I think it's a great feature. Champion reserved slots is what I don't like.

    Why do you think many people aren't going to buy champion? There's tons of hero ranks on the server and if it is $40 more, and they've already spent so much on hero, I doubt they're going to be turned off by the price.

    The update is going to change how likely I am to get into a server as bomb servers posted in bomb discords are almost always full, and guess who gets priority into those servers after the update? So my chances of not getting in are now a little smaller than "barely".

    I'm allowed to complain when they put paywalls for stuff because EULA says it's a free game, it turns off new players and current non-donors from getting into the game and maybe donating later down the road (That's what most people do), and I think the feature is bad for the players and may in the long run be bad for the server if players realize how broken reserved slots really are.

    I get that the servers needs funds but there are plenty of other ways to monetize the server - look at what others do.
  15. VovaTheEpic

    VovaTheEpic Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    A. CT do not get free champion and I hate the fact that you think that.
    B. I hate this point but; just don't do profs? It'll be incredibly tedious and take hundreds of hours with champion or without.
    C. The biggest bomb parties are pre-planned so no real advantage there.
    D. Hypixel actually doesn't invalidate anything technically speaking. Mojang's commercial use guidelines are super vague and Hypixel can easily get away with what they're doing.
  16. BramVeen

    BramVeen Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    What paywall? You're literally complaining about having to play the game. A bomb is a bonus, stop thinking you're entitled to always have a bomb because you're too lazy.
  17. CrunchyCol

    CrunchyCol CrunchyCOOL CHAMPION

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    Not arguing with you here, but I’m fairly sure the reserved slots for champion were confirmed to simply be extra slots on top of the current 50. So for non champion players everything will remain exactly the same since you’re still spamming to get into a world with the same chances as everyone else spamming. Champion players won’t get priority over other players, and once the reserved slots are full champion players will be stuck spamming like everyone else.
  18. Pulty

    Pulty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I'm sure there's technically a loophole to allowing them to do what they are doing, and I don't doubt that legal teams know more than me, but all the skyblock players I know say that they find it as p2w and that they hate that part of that update. It doesn't matter what the lines technically read to me, it's how the players, who are the source of revenue for these servers, feel. And it's not like minecraft couldn't examine special EULA cases if players feel it should violate EULA.

    Gems can be bought with real-life money. There is no other way to obtain gems. Infinite booster cookies can be bought with gems and can be sold for millions of in-game currency each. EULA is made to stop players from spending real-life money to obtain unfair advantages over others. Obtaining 100 million coins in skyblock from spending money is viewed by most people as p2w, maybe not your server's legal team.
    If that's the case then I think this is a great update, but I don't see the advantage in that perk if that's how it works, so I feel like it's gotta work with champions getting server spam join priority.
  19. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    Champion reserved slots are literally the LEAST of your problem then. I don't get why you complain about them lowering your chances of receiving dxp when they offer only an advantage to those who have them and no disadvantage to those who don't.
    Your crying does not even make any sense then. The chance of you getting on a dxp server will be just as likely as before the update. Nothing changes for you. So stop. Your arguments are completely unfounded.

    Why do I think not many will buy champion? Look at how many HEROs there are relative to the amount of people who played the server. Don't argue that you see more HEROs than others. Why? Cuz its simple logic: People who dont like the server stop playing. People who DO like the server are more likely to spend money, resulting in relatively more HEROs nowadays. Next, if its in the same order as before, Champion will cost 160 bucks. That is double the amount that it takes one to buy HERO. See anything? Also I don't know where you figured that CHAMPION will cost $120 but if I missed something, point it out.

    Do you even KNOW what a Paywall is? Stop throwing that word around and expect people to just accept it. Nothing in wynncraft is LOCKED behind a paywall except for some cosmetics or features like totems.

    This discussion is over for me.
  20. Pulty

    Pulty Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Maybe if you read my first comment you would understand what you should've been arguing about.

    Out of ranked players in wynncraft servers, hero is the most common.

    Yes I am assuming that it is $120, since that's what I would guess it would be, but if it's $160 that just adds to my argument of paywall.

    It is technically not a paywall but I don't know anyone that does professions without bombs and doesn't hate themselves. Again going back to the idea of how players feel.
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