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Let's Try To Guess All The Features Of 1.21

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by quadblast24, Nov 27, 2020.


What Will be Added in 1.21? Just Guess

  1. What I think

    2 vote(s)
  2. Some of it

    14 vote(s)
  3. Nothing I say is logical

    17 vote(s)
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  1. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    I don't think this is true b/c Portal to Dern in SE.
    Also, Gateway island isn't necessarily Dern (it was probably intended to be but it doesn't really fit as much now).
    True, but it would be nice if somehow we could have a fast-travel between Lutho and somewhere not in SE, and late-game Gavel and Wynn; both of which for ease more than anything else.
  2. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    Oh true, also yea Gateway Island most likely leads to Dern but I don't think they're gonna do anything with it since it doesn't have much potential compared to the SE's Dern portal.
    I agree, however most of the times fast travel routes are connected to the lore (eg. the Ragni-Detlas fast travel is a tunnel that had to be cleared) so the outcome doesn't look very good. Would be nice if it was somehow fit into the game though (also I'm pretty sure there's an unintentional fast travel route where if you go into the Nexus and /kill you end up in Lutho iirc).
  3. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    I think the term you're looking for is 'decayed' raids.
  4. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Firstly, a fast-travel from Ruined Olmic City -> Time Valley might make sense if they built it previously, but Lutho is still a while away from Olmic City, and EO even more so.
    Also, there could be a fast-travel from Skyraider's Base to Rymek b/c bandits, and there is a tunnel from Rymek to Abandoned Mines, etc. but this is still long and a bit annoying.

    True but you lose 2 sp and if you are a noob like me you need them.
    Ellphant and DaCorruption like this.
  5. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    I highly doubt that they would increase level cap for that much in a time without adding items within that level range...
    And this will be problematic because mythics (or maybe change all of them)
    Potion Making got a cutscene so it seems not-so-bad, and even tho Craftmas Chaos is old but it is quite good compared to pretty much all quests in the desert.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  6. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    that moment when we spend months to put out 3 raids and people start asking for 10 new ones
    Gogeta, HalfCat_, SoulBurned and 13 others like this.
  7. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    i doubt that its possible to make raids in wynn province anyway (lore wise tho)
  8. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    they said the cap will never go over 110
  9. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    Does that suggest then that Dern could just be a big boss fight with the dernic beast ?
  10. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    dern would fit well in the 105-110 slot
  11. BramVeen

    BramVeen Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    When did they say that, I doubt an entire region will cover only 6/7 levels
  12. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Screenshot 2020-11-28 at 8.58.11 PM.png

    Since I'm fairly interested in the direction Wynn's headed in the future, I'll take my time to reasonably predict everything that are in store for us, with some imagination of my own added, until the day the game is declared 100% complete.

    Before you read this, I should let you know that I used to be part of the Content Team, until I left earlier this year. As much as the persisting meme that it takes ages for Wynn to produce content holds, I can assure you that the CT is quite efficient for the quality of content that they make. Planning and execution of 1.20 only started after I left in February (considering the fact that in between 1.19 and said month, I haven't witnessed any sort of document or plans regarding 1.20), meaning everything in Gavel Reborn is a product of work done between mid-Feb to late November. <- If i'm wrong about this, please let me know.

    1.21 - The Fruma Expansion
    November 2021 - January 2022

    There is a very, very likely chance 1.21 is going to be Fruma. The Gate to Fruma and the Recover the Past quest aren't added to the game just to be sitting around teasing a province that's not going to be coming for the next 2 years. ​

    • The Province of Fruma. Homeland of the Humans, it is a by true definition a monarchic dictatorship, providing a stark contrast to the familiar monarchy present in Wynn and the free seats of government in Gavel. The first of it's kind, Fruma is ruled by the mysterious and tyrannical Queen of Fruma, who rules the state with an iron fist and ensures all knowledge of magical power is reserved only for leaders of the state, preventing any sort of threat to her autocratic power.
    • It is likely an endgame or near-endgame province, so possibly levels 90-105.
    • New unique regions and biomes in the province.
    • Enter new questline. Dwarves and Doguns, a five-part questline, was only about preventing a war. In Fruma, you call in the calvary and bring the war to them. As all beloved Hunger Games readers know - when life gives you a dictatorship, you overthrow the dictatorship! Your mission will bring you around Fruma as you gather intelligence and build rapport with the citizens while simultaneously evading enemy forces of your own kind, so we're quite possibly looking at a ten-part questline here, or maybe even more than that. Who knows, maybe we might even call in the lads from Corkus for help, since they are Fruman separatists, right? Exeunt.
    • Other quests not related to the main Fruma questline, but they provide you with more insight on the real history of the province.
    • Corrupted Galleon's Graveyard, Corrupted Fallen Factory. I feel like there won't be any new dungeons in Fruma, as Eldritch Outlook seems like a fitting end for dungeon progression.
    • New raid in Fruma - Complex One. Level 100+, team of 4-6 required. The province's headquarters of domestic security, home of the largest prison, provincial operations centre, and the most fortified compound within hundreds of square kilometres around. You get it.
    • Quest improvements to existing quests
    • New discoveries in every region of Fruma, including ultimate discoveries.
    • New discoveries in the remaining Wynn regions, including ultimate discoveries.
    • QOL changes, bug fixes

    That's about it for 1.21. Personally, I don't see any need to change existing gameplay or add any new ones: the fulfilment of raids (promised in 2015) and the tome system in 1.20 are perfect. Any more than that and the game's going to start getting complicated. Wynn's gameplay aspect is done, let's focus on the worldbuilding now.

    1.22 - Ocean Reborn
    August 2022 - September 2022

    If there's any region in the map that is in the most need for a revamp, it's the ocean. Long overdue, this update serves to completely change the ocean, which is currently more of a very flat lake rather than an ocean. Even better, I hope the server moves to only 1.13+ by this date, to make full use of Minecraft Update Aquatic content.
    • Depth to the ocean. It is no longer a flat plain, but now resembling actual underwater terrain, with valleys, hills, trenches, underwater caves, sea life, flora, and the occasional shipwreck you can find loot in.
    • Deep Ocean. A particularly deep region of the ocean, it is located between the Volcanic Isles and mainland Gavel. Sunlight disappears as you descent to the bottom, nightmarish creatures live among the massive shipwrecks, and strange forms of life cluster around geothermal vents spewing chemicals like some form of primordial soup. Near-endgame zone, with unique resources and loot, for levels 80-90.
    • Coral Sea. Not too different from Seavale Reef, it is a sunny and vibrant region of the ocean located in the vicinity of Selchar and encompasses the numerous islands between Selchar and Nemract. Swim with schools of tropical fish as you explore the most colorful zone of the ocean, where danger is minimal but resources are scarce.
    • Frozen Glade. This iceberg-cluttered, shipwreck-prone sea is located in the waters surrounding the Ice Islands in the east. Home of the Vikings, they are tough folk hardened by the climate, but are friendly due to your help in restoring peace between their nations. Large areas of the waters are frozen over, making fish an abundant resource. You can dive into the icy waters and swim around underwater caves for loot and fight monsters, but keep in mind that most mobs inflict slowness. Recommended for levels 40-50.
    • New raid in the Deep Ocean - The Drowned City of Atlas. Level 80-90+, found at the bottom of the abyss, team of 4-6 required
    • New discoveries in every region of the ocean, including ultimate discoveries
    • Revamped Selchar. The quaint seafaring refuge is now the centre of the shipbuilding industry that rivals even Corkus City. Added dry docks, loading docks, and ship repair facilities around the central island collectively named Selchar Shipyard.
    • A few new quests in the ocean.
    • QOL changes, bug fixes

    That's about it for 1.21. After an ocean makeover, the game is one step closer to completion. All there is left in the main storyline is...

    1.23 - The Dern Expansion
    August 2023 - November 2023

    On April 30th 2023, Wynncraft will celebrate its 10th anniversary. As always, the dates in this wall of text are estimates, but I would be happy to see Dern being released on this exact date, to add a final chapter to your adventure, and a fulfilling ending for a game more than ten years in the making.
    • The Realm/Province of Dern. This is the closing chapter, the finishing act, the conclusion of your journey, the grand finale of the story, the sum of all its parts...this is the end. Currently, not much is known about Dern, except for the Olm, Bob, and the Dern Beast which is 99.9% the real endgame boss you're going to fight. The portal to Dern is located at the end of the Silent Expanse, and you're probably going to have to at least finish A Hunter's Calling in order to use it. To enter Dern, you need to be level 105.
    • Otherwordly regions in Dern. It's definitely going to have a theme similar to the Silent Expanse, so I'll leave it to the creativity of the Content Team.
    • Only one quest, but it's the longest ever made and culminates in your battle against the Dern Beast. Who knows, maybe for some reason Bob isn't actually dead and becomes a part of your journey at some point.
    • New discoveries in every region of Dern, including ultimate discoveries
    • Extensive tidying up of the entire Wynncraft lore compendium, to make sure there are no conflicting histories or quest information.
    • Reviewing of the entire map, at least adding tidbits of content to areas that lack them.
    • Writing lore for all legendary, fabled, and mythic items in the game (please)
    • QOL changes, bug fixes

    I have no idea what you're going to do after you defeat the Dern Beast, but whatever's fitting for the end of the storyline, I'll go with it.

    1.24 and beyond - ???
    2023 - ???

    adding all the general suggestions threads that were ever created

    Tekenen, Dream, Nyam and 16 others like this.
  13. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    Yeah, but it that would mean not too many quests and content, comparing the idea that gavel is a province and although dern is not a province I remember grian saying they would be treated the same way? That said the SE didn't have too much going on Content wise but was still really good i guess
  14. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    can't find, but that has been stated
    Dern will likely be as big as the Realm of Light, and while I do not know how RoL will be post-update, I am assuming it's going to be at MAX the size of Corkus (another area which is treated as a province mechanically (even though it actually is a province, whatever)!!!!!!!!!), which takes around 10 levels. Assuming the quest content in Dern has smaller level gaps, it fits very well in that five level gap. Also, wouldn't it be very boring to wander those same dark lands of Dern for 25 levels, which are also the levels it takes the most time to level up through?

    But next, I want to focus on the actual reason the level cap really can't rise past 110. The current endgame is entirely designed around level 100, and rising it to numbers like 125 means a COMPLETE endgame rework. All the stuff considered endgame like LI will now be mid/lategame content. The entire item and build meta would go through a rework aswell. Even the new Raids are designed for this endgame, and I really do not see a level cap rise like that happening in the next min. 5 years. That would take so much effort, and Wynncraft would be a very different game. Yes, they did it with Gavel, but pre-Gavel Wynn was a whole another, much much simpler game. Additionally, they regretted raising the level cap from 75 all the way to 100.
  15. BramVeen

    BramVeen Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Wynncraft would not be a different game at all. It would just be expanded and that means current endgame meta is no longer endgame, which I think is not that big of a deal right?
    ThedumbOX likes this.
  16. CrunchyCol

    CrunchyCol CrunchyCOOL CHAMPION

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    Well it is a pretty big deal actually. For all of class building and mythics and current endgame content to be made arbitrary and have to do a full rework is a huge undertaking and would result in a lot of backlash from the community. People love class building, so for all the current meta items people use to just become useless would be a real turn off for many including myself. I’ve always thought that the maximum level they’d go to would be 113, for crafting with dernic materials, but realistically 100-113 has the same power rating as 95-100.

    Salted also said that he really likes where classbuilding is, which is why they’re adding tomes—to reintroduce progression without upending the current classbuilding system.
    ThedumbOX, Samsam101 and Emogla3 like this.
  17. nicktree

    nicktree wynncraft player HERO GM

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    - Corrupt Corrupted Dungeons
    - Aledar Cart Boss Fight
    - Morgor
  18. BramVeen

    BramVeen Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Those builds can stay relevant, for the levels they are at now. If people love class building so much I'm sure they wont mind doing it for new items for higher levels.
    sarscov2 likes this.
  19. ChickenApple

    ChickenApple Adventuring Chicken

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    The ability to get one tapped in raids... it’s gonna be a real pain on release.
  20. ChromaticDragons

    ChromaticDragons RAGE CHAMPION

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    I think with this update the ocean will grow larger behind corkus...
    Secret passages in and out of fruma maybe as well?
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