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Guild |♕ Kingdom Of Foxes ♕|

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by LoveLusting, Sep 7, 2015.

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  1. flyingman

    flyingman Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Guild Application Form

    In-Game Username: Flyingcity263

    Country and Time-Zone: Hungary, CET (GMT+1)

    Gender: Male

    Age (Optional):

    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: 1-2 hours depending on what I'm doing.

    What's your main class and its combat level?: Assassin lvl 103

    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I like fishing, breeding horses and guild wars.

    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I have heard you have a great community and that the people in FOX are very welcoming and friendly. I also want to join FOX over any other guild is because I enjoy guild wars and because I am excited to see what new features this new guild update holds.

    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left:
    IMP, I left because I had a lot of schoolwork after summer break ended. IBT, I enjoyed the guild until all the alliances and merges and whatnot got me pretty confused about who's doing what any why and where.

    Do you have Discord?:

    Who invited you? (Optional):

    Additional Notes (Optional):
  2. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  3. FeliniteX

    FeliniteX Fox here! CHAMPION

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: __Leoh_
    Country and Time-Zone: Serbia, CET (GMT +1)
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 21
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: A couple of hours per day; sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on whether I have academic responsibilities or not.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Mage lvl 103
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Since 2014 I have had a number of interests that have kept me here. When I have time and just want to relax, I will either grind or explore the world (Sometimes even archive my findings for my own amusement). But I also really enjoy coming up with various builds, even though my knowledge of items and my ability to do all the number-crunching is lacking.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Since I started playing minecraft, my avatar has always been a fox, so I feel like it would be fitting. This guild is also the one that has stuck out to me most over the years.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: I used to run my own guild with some friends, but they have stopped playing years ago. I was also part of another smaller guild of people who I randomly met in game, but they were also inactive after a while, so I left.
    Do you have Discord?: Indeed I do
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional): In case it's a deciding factor, I just figured I should say that my general knowledge of guild culture is lacking because I never really managed to include myself in the wynncraft community.
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  4. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  5. Scorcherblaze

    Scorcherblaze Skilled Adventurer

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: Scorcherblaze
    Country and Time-Zone: NA , EST
    Age (Optional): 19
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: As of recently, I play pretty much daily about 2-3 hours, and on weekends a bit more.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Assassin 105
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I liked doing quests the most, mostly quests that involved fighting mob or bosses.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I just recently finished most of the quests and this guild's description had mentioned guild wars which is something i'm very interested in, It also mentioned rising to challenges, helping friends, and respecting chain of command. These are all thing that I enjoy doing. This guild seems fairly old so I also hope to learn from the more experienced players as while im not completely new there is still stuff Im not familiar with as I played on wynncraft mostly a long time ago and just picked it back up recently.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Never been in a guild
    Do you have Discord?: Yes, (AlexC#6629)
    Who invited you? (Optional):No one
    Additional Notes (Optional):
  6. Viridian

    Viridian The Moviegoer CHAMPION

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  7. Silopers

    Silopers I am th danger HERO

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    In-Game Username: LesBaskets
    Country and Time-Zone: France UTC+1
    Gender: male
    Age (Optional): 19yo maybe 20 when you will read it :p
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I played wynncraft since 2015 but not often. I played around 2 times per week and the weekend
    What's your main class and its combat level?: assassin lvl 92
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I like the wynncraft farm, merchandise
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I discovered guild a few time ago and it is a good way to meet new players and improve my english skills btw
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: nop
    Do you have Discord?: yes
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional):
  8. killbiz

    killbiz Well-Known Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Killbiz
    Country and Time-Zone: France GMT+1
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 19
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I play wynncraft since it was launched, at the first version. I don't want to lie, I'm not playing a lot, as you can seen i'm 19, and my study begin to be hard, i can't play in week (sometimes Wednesday and Thursday) and I got an exam every saturday morning. So I only play the saturday and Sunday.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: it' a Mage lvl 105 (35% xp i think)
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): it's war, expactially, big war between alliance with huge defense, that make war more difficult.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?:Because i'm a Veteran of Fox, I've been in the guilde during 1 year (you can check the LSM at Malo#4552). I want to join Fox back to enjoy the 1.20 at the highest experience i can have.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Fox (so Valk/luna/artemis) I left the guild because i wasn't able to play a lot, and my motivation was a bit down .Wrath of the fallen, my actual guild, it's a french guild (my nationality), quite active but, they never war (and i want to war).
    Do you have Discord?: Yes, i'm already on Fox Discord
    Who invited you? (Optional): I'm not "invited" but i know some people in, and i know well antho74
    Additional Notes (Optional): I'm an old Royal dragoons of Fow with a stuff that permite me to do 22k defense in solo (i use to do, it's been a long time i never do it so, now idk).
    I know that many veteran and new players want to join fox at the moment because of the 1.20. You can choose me because i know how the guild work and how to war, but if you don't take me, because i don't play a lot, I will understand.

    (Sorry for my english, and yes i know, most of the french people say that they are sorry for their english ^^)
  9. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  10. _Antho74_

    _Antho74_ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ew second page
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  11. DoogWIthCheese

    DoogWIthCheese Newbie Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: DoggoWithCheese
    Country and Time-Zone: Israel GMT‎+2
    Gender: male
    Age (Optional): 14 but i dont think im that annoying lol
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: i played for around 2-3 months now and i play every day
    What's your main class and its combat level?: currently my only class is mage level 80 as of writing this
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): quests rn but maybe guilds if i could
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: i saw that this is a good guild with a nice cummunity and i want to be part of it
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left:
    Do you have Discord?: yes SpaceDoggoWithCheese#9602
    Who invited you? (Optional): no one i just looked for guilds
    Additional Notes (Optional): [insert somthing that will make them liike me here]
  12. aLucario

    aLucario Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    In-Game Username: aLucario
    Country and Time-Zone: U.S mountain time
    Gender: male
    Age (Optional): 15
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: 1-2 hours during the week, higher during weekends.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Mage, lvl 103, working on lvl 82 sha.
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Quests and wars, I love the conflict and wars give me things to do.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Looks like a good place to start, active, I've wanted to be part of a bigger guild for a while and I'd love to be an active member.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Waste of Air for inactivity.
    Do you have Discord?: yes, cAiD#5924
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional): Playtime during the week may fluctuate, weekends are the best time for me to play.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
  13. Hackersimon24

    Hackersimon24 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: Hackersimon24
    Country and Time-Zone: Germany CET
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 20
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Everyday for at least 2-4 hours
    What's your main class and its combat level?: mage lvl 105
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Grinding
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I just like to play with the best guild out there
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Hax i quit Wynn for a month
    Do you have Discord?: yes
  14. Emilia

    Emilia Sand Eater VIP+

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    Viridian and Tekenen like this.
  15. crowobar2525

    crowobar2525 Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Guild Application Form
    • In-Game Username: crOwObar2525
    • Country and Time-Zone: USA, Central [UTC -6]
    • Gender: Male
    • Age (Optional): 21
    • How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Daily[few hours] if I can, weekends[more than a few hours] for sure.
    • What's your main class and its combat level?: Archer 104
    • What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Professions at the moment, and prepping for the update, getting some ingredients saved up, will probably finally bother getting to level 105. I like MMOs is what it boils down to, so a little bit of everything.
    • Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I come from games where guilding is a long term commitment, and this guild has clearly stood the test of time, that bodes well. Assuming all is well I fully intend to stick around and climb the guild ladder however long that takes, and take on the commitments that brings. Plus having consistent raid groups of dedicated players beats LFG any day.
    • Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: None
    • Do you have Discord?: crowbar2525#1436
    • Who invited you? (Optional): Nobody
    • Additional Notes (Optional): I'm an Engineer [the math kind not the train conductor kind], some days that will take more of my time and I wont be on, but for the most part I work a pretty normal schedule and will be able to play daily, and as stated before weekends for sure. For a less serious and more fun fact, I was top 10 for a while in gen 6 OU Smogon Pokémon ladder on Pokémon showdown.
  16. Viridian

    Viridian The Moviegoer CHAMPION

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  17. ziekoth

    ziekoth Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: Ziekoth
    Country and Time-Zone: UK, BST/GMT+0
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 23
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I play Daily and will generally play for about 2-4 hours at a time but do sometimes play longer
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Mage 98
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I enjoy theorycrafting different builds and trying to make particular items work, also I have been doing professions and getting into dungeons in preparation for the next update. I am also hoping to get into lootrunning soon.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Having played games like WoW and Runescape for considerable amounts of time, I want to have a reliable guild where I can find people to meet up with and do the new content together with. This guild has been stable for a long time and I would like to be apart of a group of people who are active and are still wanting to do and test new content.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: None
    Do you have Discord?: Ziekoth#4287
    Who invited you? (Optional): Nobody
    Additional Notes (Optional): I have a very long time played in MMORPGs and have been a big part of helping to grow the guilds I have been in. I have large amounts of time to dedicate to this game and am well-versed in the mechanics of these types of game.
  18. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  19. TheKillerFake

    TheKillerFake Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    In-Game Username: TheKillerFake
    Country and Time-Zone: UTC+1
    Gender: M
    Age (Optional): 18
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: 3h/d
    What's your main class and its combat level?: warrior / 103
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Currently I am not a member of any guild, but would to fight in wars for territories.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: My friend is already in the guild and I've heard lots of good about the community and the teamwork inside the guild and would love to join it.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: TheGuildO, left to join this guild.
    Do you have Discord?: yes (would only share it in private if thats possible)
    Who invited you? (Optional): FlQyD
    Additional Notes (Optional):
  20. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    really epic gamer guild, apply today!
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