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Is Corkian Amplifier Sentient?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Qzphs, Nov 23, 2020.

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  1. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Thank you for standing up for people like me, I really appreciate it!
    Rimuwu and Sg_Voltage like this.
  2. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    I’ve spent more money on mythics than I’ve made by selling them. I’ve sold one hero, one dawnbreak, one grandmother, and uhh.. An Apoc and a warchief lol. I’ve kept most of my mythics for my collection.

    And I don’t care to share how I make my money because then I’ll have competition and that wouldn’t be very gamer :(
  3. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I probably edited in this after you replied so I'll paste it here;

    "Just to be clear, I don't think what you're doing is a problem, not at all, but calling it a skill anybody can learn is very misleading tone deaf at best. Also, it's not a problem that you got rich from a bad system, but that doesn't change the fact that lootrunning is an economic disaster when you look at the math and adding anything to reduce the amount done is a good thing. I want to be crystal clear that is my one and only point I am trying to make."
  4. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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  5. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I don't have the time, patience and knowlexde to read and understand the whole discussion.

    Could you please make a short summary of what you have discussed?
  7. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    I've literally just been discussing the point J.Lo made about "rich becoming richer" and how it's false because anyone has an equal opportunity to earn money through grinding and or the market, without needing money to flip mythics or whatever. And then I went a bit off topic, talking about how I go about making the money that I do
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  8. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Oh lol, sure;

    I think we both agree this item is good, I started a bit of a pissing match with this guy because I think what he wrote about how anyone could make 1+ stacks a day easy was funny, there wasn't really anything productive said on the 10% item to my knowledge.
    I'm glad we're both in agreement that nothing of importance was really missed lol
  9. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Once again you missed my point, if they're controlling the market it means that they won't be forced to bring their prices down, on the contrary they'll probably attempt to bump up prices. I brought up Archangel as an example because that's exactly what happened, they artifically bumped up the prices and the prices actually stayed at the new high prices. Those rich people won't really be so desperate to quicksell their stuffs, and I'm sure they'll also gladly cooperate with each other in attempting to artifically bump up the prices if they do hold control over the market coz it'd be beneficial to them.
  10. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Collusion is easy when there are only a few sellers. When a lot of people have the ability to sell the same item, market forces overpower the ability to keep prices high. Demand is not going to change and supply is going to go up. If people want to hold onto their mythics unless they get the price they're looking for that's fine, but the new item isn't going to change peoples attitudes. That all means prices are going to come down or at the very least, stay the same. There's no reality where this item alone brings mythic prices up since every person with mythics will be able to get them and improve their garbage mythics. I understand your point, but unless you can point to a real example of what you're saying, the economics don't support what you're saying. You're making a lot of assumptions about human behaviour without any data to support them which is a big no no.
    Arkade likes this.
  11. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    First of all, arguing that mythic owners spend the most money is a little far fetched. Once you can show me a study that actually supports that claim, I'll accept it. But keep in mind a lot of revenue comes from people buying xp bombs of all kinds. Those are the players that play a lot. Naturally, they have a higher chance of getting overpriced mythics. "To keep them happy" if that was indeed the case, they would make mythics even more overpowered. But as the game stands, having every content being soloable with legendaries, that doesn't make much sense. You're jumping to conlusions there.
    "A ton of super good Major IDs"
    Out of 46 Mythic items in game, 6 received a major ID. And while ones like Roving assassin are very OP, it only means a select few mythics are actually benefitting from the existence of major IDs. It still depends on the class, too. Not a single shaman weapon with a Major ID exists. 2 Spears, 2 Daggers, 1 Bow, 1 Wand. The buff was also mostly to mythics that were relatively weak in comparison to the other ones before the addition of Major IDs, with the exception of Weathered. You could even argue that Nirvanas Major ID makes it less viable for damage since it won't benefit from the water passive.
    They are not solely getting buffed. The CT are constantly trying to balance them among the other mythics.
    It's also not just that mythics are way too op, it's just that they enable more rigorous playstyles. Legendaries are mostly balanced around 2 or more stats, while mythics are one thing and one thing only. Cata? Pure dmg. Guardian? Pure Def. Of course they are going to be one of a kind things and Legendaries won't come close.
    Mythics should not be nerfed in general.

    So you are saying a mythic which is 100x more rare than a legendary is also almost 100x more powerful? Wow. Wonder where that came from. Comparing Mythics to legendaries is like comparing an axe to a handsaw. They do similar things but are still different. A legendary always enables you to build a bit more freely, whereas a mythics makes you adapt a specific playstyle most of the times. If you use a Thrunda you will always be tankier than a Cata user, but also deal less damage. This is the way the game works. Arguing with deminishing returns is stupid in that it doesn't do the actual item system behind wynncraft justice. The item system of wynncraft is more complex than most other MMORPG if you consider all the different build options etc. whereas in other games the only upgrade from tier 1 to tier 2 is a bit of damage and a few better stats, not a whole 'nother playstyle. There is no reasonable way to compare a Nirvana build to a Sitis build when you want to do the system justice and consider everything important, like dmg, survivability, mobility, etc.

    Yes, I said RNG is a problem. I didn't say it is THE problem. Maybe start reading. I said that the way you obtain mythics, the whole RNG behind that rn, is a problem. It takes no skill, just a few 100k mobs or 2-5k chests to find one. It is more of a tedious grind than it is a skill-based "test" with a good reward.

    Edit: Please excuse any "foul"ish language in my post, I am just getting worked up a little bit and won't change my post after I already released it for fairness reasons.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
  12. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    First, I have no strong proof, just observation, but I think there's probably a strong correlation between the people who play the most and spend the most money. You can also look at the top players in almost every category and almost all of them have rank, mostly hero which is what I'm mostly basing that claim on.

    Next, I never claimed Major ID's were a buff to all mythics, I clearly claimed they have no interest in nerfing mythics which is why I brought up Major ID's as a small part of my claim, not the entire claim. I don't need to prove every mythic got buffed to make a claim that mythics aren't getting nerfed any time soon, I just need to show a couple cases of good mythics getting even better, which I'm glad you mentioned rovering assassin since that's exactly what I was thinking of when I wrote that. Also shaman mythics can't really get buffed since they're already broken to begin with. Also "buffing relatively weak mythics in comparason" is a joke since almost every item is relatively weak compared to most mythics.

    I understand that mythics are speced into one thing, they're supposed to be very specific and limit you in a lot of ways, but the problem is that the tradeoff just isn't there. You mentioned that Thundra will be tankier but do less DPS then cata, but the problem is when you compare it to a legendary weapon you are both tankier and do more damage.

    Next, not once did I suggest that a mythic was 100x stronger, I was trying to illustrate the idea of diminishing returns. 100x is a completely random number I chose since it helped make the point that the rarer something is, the less of a gain it should have over the previous rarity. My point was that the scaling shouldn't be linear based on rarity, it should face diminishing returns. Right now, I think it's fair to say mythics are to legendary items what legendary items are to rares which would give the power scaling a linear relationship. I don't have a clue what the slope of that line would be, but the fact that it's a close to linear slope is a problem.

    Also, you're way off base with the line about wynn having a much more complex item system then any other MMO, MapleStory has a nearly identical system, it's actually far more complex considering there's a whole lot more considerations with sockets and somehow they managed to figure out how to make powerscaling work properly. It's actually funny to me that you would say Wynn has a complex system considering all the depth is in equipment compared to most games which have buff skills which add much more complexity in practice.

    Also, your entire post was about RNG, you mentioned you wanted a more reliable way to get mythics, they you mentioned RNG was poor in this regard, which I agreed with, then you hoped it could change in the future. Sorry for assuming that you thought RNG was the main problem but I can't really argue against what you think if you don't actually type it.
    75% of the rarity from the first phase yeilds about 15% of the power - Confusious Probably
  13. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    I give up trying to explain myself, I gave an actual example of what happened on the trade market (and very recently too) and you pretty much ignored what I said
  14. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    Thrunda. Thrunda Ripsaw. I would not dare compare cross-classes.
    I know is is technically nitpicky but considering one or two examples are really not going to cut it to disprove my argument when I said "most", I feel like this belongs here.
    Wynncraft has very, very, very many options to build when you start considering that there are hundreds or thousands of items to choose from. Also it is still getting updated. Who says we will never be able to get buffs, especially with the upcoming tomes?
  15. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Fine, I'll come up with some more;

    Runescape has a much more robust tick system where you can use prayer for buffs and combat is much more in depth.
    WOW has class buffs and much more customization.
    Destiny 2 is fairly basic but there are a lot more differences between the weapons which essentially leads to a lot of different builds. That paired with the combat system and supers and stuff makes it a much more in depth system to me since it isn't just a bunch of numbers, it actually takes skills too.

    I can probably keep going if you want, but my point is that Wynn is basic. It looks complicated but it's just about maximizing numbers. Once you're actually playing it's about dealing as much damage as quickly as possible and the builds which do more damage are just flat out better in almost every case.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
  16. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    Every MMORPG is about maximizing numbers in one way or another. I agree that wynncrafts "just deal dmg" philosophy has been a problem for a long time, but since the addtion of The Eye and with the upcomming raids, this will most likely change. The eye doesn't even regenerate hp. You can literally almost AFK the Eye bossfight. Credits to @SmileyAlec and his Thorns run :saltedhigh:

    Wynncrafts building system consists of 3 factors: weapons, armour / accessoires, Skillpoints. You can literally mix everything with almost everything, giving you a lot of options. With the addition of tomes, this will probably become even more so. You literally have thousands of possible builds to choose from, playstyles to choose from. Nvm the fact that wynncraft is not even done yet. Who knows, we might have class buffs in the future, too?
    J_Lo777 and SmileyAlec like this.
  17. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    The better way to look at Wynn is that you get 9 choices. Skillpoints aren't really a choice since they're required for armor and most builds aren't super flexible on skill points. You can mix and match 9 things and that's about it. Once you get in game there are no more choices to make. Your build either spams spells, spams melee or works on some fringe mechanic like poison which involves one of the previous two things. The other thing is, there are a lot of items but most of them are bad, and there are a lot of builds but for any style there's clear winners and losers. There's some variety, sure, but when you look at a reasonably good and easy to do build like orange lily, almost every build I've seen for it use at least 4-5 of the same items of the 9. It's dishonest to pretend like there are thousands of combinations when most of those are bad or are surpassed by something which is just better in every metric, especially when you consider the best of the best builds are almost entirely gated behind extremely expensive mythics.

    Bringing this back on topic though, most builds don't even matter at all. Mythics are supposed to be high trade off weapons, but most mythic builds are still better in every metric compared to their non mythic counterparts. A good freedom build will have more way more defense and a way higher DPS then basically every other viable archer build which is exactly what my problem with them are. If freedom builds had -100 defence in every element to make up for the 30K+ arrowstorms they can spam out every tick, it would be more reasonable (still busted) since they're paying for that in defense but the problem is that they're not, they get the best of both worlds. Also going back to what you said before, the fact that mythics are so specific is a plus, not a minus because it makes building them into really powerful builds a lot easier.

    I think I need to repeat this too, but the problem with mythics is entirely how powerful they are relative to all other gear considering their rariry. If they introduced fabled items which were 10-20% weaker then mythics but were essentially the same items with the same trade offs I would have no problem with the existence of mythics and how rare they are, or if they made mythics slightly stronger legendary items for collectors that would also be fine, but having them as their own, super rare subset of item which gives the user 50%+ damage output in a game where that's the only important metric is almost as insane as the people who argue that it's actually good game design.

    If you want a good example of extremely scarce items which were designed well, look at party hats in Runescape or skins in CS:GO, which are probably the closest to what mythics really should be.
  18. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    You're always talking about the best. Most Damage. Most Powerful.
    Start having fun and enjoy the game. The reason I use cata is not because its "the most powerful" it's because it's fun. The same goes for most other players. If you don't use something that is fun for you, then you won't keep playing for long. And legendary items offer a lot more variability than mythics in that regard. Thats a plus for legendaries. If the playstyle you are looking for is also managable with a mythic, then you can also try and go for a mythic.
    Also, have you taken a single look into the trade market recently? Almost all mythic prices are not even close to where they were before. Getting a cataclysm or a Nirvana is as easy as never before. All it takes is a little effort to get some LE and start trading. I don't say it won't take long, but as it stands, mythic prices are going down by the minute. It won't be long before they are down to less than 10 stax on average, with most even below 5.
    As I see it, they will have to introduce the server to a new item tier and harder bosses in the next few years, since by then almost everybody will have access to mythics if this keeps going. And honestly? I still greet the idea of a new item tier exclusively as raid rewards and untradable. But at least they'd be somewhat reliable to get by doing skill-requiring raids that are not just a dps-test, just like they eye (but harder).
  19. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    That's a non-arguement, I have 800 hours in the game over the past 8 years and I wouldn't be writing this if I wasn't having fun. I'm making these comments to explain why the economy in the game is bad. If you don't care about the issues in the games you play, that's fine, but it isn't a good reason to tell people with legitimate concerns about the direction and developement of the game to not voice their concerns. The fact that mythic prices are going down is also a somewhat concerning trend but I haven't been following the markets closely so I don't know enough about it to say why it's happening. It could be a good thing, but it could also be a big problem. Regardless of all that though, I'm glad we both agree there's a clear solution, though I personally doubt it's ever going to happen.
  20. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    Never said you are not allowed to voice your opinion man. Just told you to not always view everything from the "it has to be good" standpoint. Mythic prices went down to hell for the past few months.
    Also, when did this get a "I have xhours in the game" debate. It barely matters for how long you have played.
    This discussion is over.
    J_Lo777 likes this.
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