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Guild Xp Changes

Discussion in 'Guild Discussions' started by Sheepn, Nov 24, 2020.

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  1. Sheepn

    Sheepn life CHAMPION

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    In the changelog, we saw that guild XP was removed from territories. This does fit in with the general theme of the update, that resources are becoming a main focus of guilds. It makes sure that people claim territories for their resource and tactical value and not XP. It also continues to make people less interested in 24/7 warring (if it's even possible in the new update). These are all great things, but there is the problem of how do guilds now level up.

    Now rather than commenting on the thread that this is the worst thing to happen to guilds... In the history of guilds... we can talk here in a more respectful way to come up with ideas we all like. I've seen a few solutions come out in the past 24 hours, and thought I would share them to hear your ideas.

    #1 Is of course, Glow Bulb Cave. This is assuming Glow Bulb isn't mega nerfed (again) or that XP donations don't change. Guilds will level up by going to the cave and grinding. The main issue I see with this is how it compares to the guild XP requirements. They are being lowered by a large amount, while Glow Bulb can easily pump out 250-300mil an hour. Some grinding as much as 20 billion over DXP weekend, solo. While it does allow for large, high level guilds to continue leveling, it also invalidates the first 30 levels or so for any guild starting. Additionally, guild levels are required to get badges, ally slots, and new members. Right now leveling is grinding wars 24/7 for XP, but I don't think it should change to grinding Glow 24/7 for XP.

    #2 to level up is Raids. While we don't know much about how they work, we do know they are going to be an intense challenge requiring teamwork. What if raids were the only way to level up, requiring teamwork and strategy to level up, not just grinding? Dynamic XP gain would probably have to be implemented for higher guilds, but what do you think about Raids to level up?

    #3 is Resources for XP. Many have brought up that guilds don't appear to have a clear endgame. You must strategize and plan your territories, gain allies and upgrade your territories, all of which is great. But what happens if you are a guild who feels comfortable with what you have? You can spend resources to gain guild XP. This gives all guilds a goal to work towards, not just becoming bigger and bigger. It further promotes staying small, building a solid resource base, and then using that to level up.

    I know many CT dislike the guild community for how toxic it is for updates, and I completely understand that, it scares me too. I will reiterate that this thread is for calm discussions about what you think is the best way for guilds to now gain XP, not "1.20 bad".
  2. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    Without going fully into the specifics, I'd like to point out how backwards it would be to separate guild territories from guild xp entirely in an update that is looking to make guild content more engaging.

    With this change, glowbulb would become the only non-negligible provider of guild xp which makes me scratch my head a little, farming glowbulb isn't exactly engaging and wasn't the plan to make guilds more interesting?

    Also would like to confirm that even with a small group you can rack up a few billion xp in glowbulb in just a few hours, if the xp gains of the most accessible(or only) method remains constant then this completely trivializes the first 40 levels. I'm not sure where the admins got the impression that guild leveling is too hard with these numbers and i'm saying that whilst currently being in a lvl 81 guild. Not many here are really complaining about the 80 billion xp we need for a level since we know we're at the higher end and it should be hard at that point.
    TurtlePlaysGamez likes this.
  3. Sheepn

    Sheepn life CHAMPION

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    So do you think XP should be added back to territories the way they are now? The current system has around 20-25 territories worth warring for, while the majority are buffer for artemis or just bad. Do you have any ideas on how this can be improved/changed?
  4. Rothboy

    Rothboy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Ok, first my feedback to the options:

    1) pls no, dont make guilds go from mindlessly warring to mindlessly grinding bulb for hours and hours a day. As mentioned, bulb is already op as it is right now, getting 20bi solo in one weekend shoudnt be close to possible. With the lower xp requirenments, those 20bi a single person grinded in 3 days in bulb would be able to get up to a guild from level 1 to like level 50-60 (since lvl 42 will be 40mi), which took guilds ages to get to.

    2) i would love for raids to be a viable way to get guild xp. It should require great teamwork and strategizing, removing the "the more time u spend basically afk in wars or in bulb the better". Eden members are already hyped to do some raids together, and making it give guild rewards as well as personal rewards would be lovely.

    3) I think this is also a viable option, since early and mid game on guilds would be securing resources and investing them, but end game you should have many spare resources, and being able to spend them to gain xp would be a good solution.

    I think a third way to get xp should be added and that should be by territories giving xp, but differently from nowadays.

    Yes, nowadays like more than half of the terrs are totelly useless with 30 having like 80-99% of the map xp. I think the xp should be unattached from the individual xp gained on the terr, and transformed in a resource just like the others, with a set xp gain for each territory. That would allow the terrs to be balanced and may also be the way to implement the resource to xp trade: just like the other stuff you can upgrade in the terr, you could use resources to upgrade the amount of xp it gives.
    Asthae, TurtlePlaysGamez and ivo_bs00 like this.
  5. Sheepn

    Sheepn life CHAMPION

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    Yeah right now there is a massive amount of content being added to guilds, improving warring, conflict, territories. But, all this new content has been added to guilds, while the main source of XP has been removed. Since the old way of XP gain has been deleted (for good reason, its boring and grindy) new 1.20 features should be added in a new form of XP gain, rather then leave there to be no content tied to XP gain at all.
  6. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    Basically this^ the current system is because it is dependent on the xp gained in that territory which varies extremely. making xp similar to the other resources (except universally the same quantities for each territory) gives every territory a chance to make good xp, even more so if you could potentially upgrade the xp generated by a territory.

    A middle ground option would be to do both but weaker, territories at the moment give 3x the gained xp in that area, you could nerf that to just 1x and also include a flat rate that every territory gives as mentioned above which keeps some of the variety in place but also levels the playing field
    Sheepn likes this.
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