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Wynncraft Minimap Help (looking For One!)

Discussion in 'Questions' started by WolvesDestiny, Nov 10, 2020.

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  1. WolvesDestiny

    WolvesDestiny Skilled Adventurer

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    Idk if this is the correct area to post this? But...

    I am running OSX Lion 10.7.4 on a desktop Mac and I really, really want a minimap with waypoints because I always get freaking lost and hate having to manually find cords for quests. I made it to lv 90 doing quests somehow, literally I hand write the cords down on a paper next to my desk and have to manually find the locations and I get lost so easy its frustrating. It would be 110% better if I could just mark the waypoint and go find it. However, the highest version of MC I can run is 1.11.2 (no joke). I can get wynntils for this version (the mod I want), but I can't get a single modloader to work to make it run. I tried forge and it crashes when i try to run it (keep in mind I ran forge for 1.7.10 with mods and it runs fine so maybe this newer forge is not compatible with my computer?). I tried multimc and it wont let me add and account (tho it did open and run which made me so surprised it even did that LOL). Is there any other I have yet to try? Nothing seems to want to run n my 9 year old computer :/ It either stops working or never works and I've had it.And no, I can't update my computer. Don't ask.

    Y'all got any suggestions for literally anything that runs with my old computer that 1) wont get me banned 2) will actually run on my computer 3) has a minimap 4) you can mark waypoints.The only two things I want in the mod is minimap and waypoints. I could care less for any other features tho they would be a bonus.

    I've downloaded so many things and nothing works. Any ideas? I can provide extra info if needed.
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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  3. SoulBurned

    SoulBurned eee HERO

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    I’m not entirely sure, but you might be able to use a version of Xenforo or something of the like, otherwise try using 1.11.2 forge with Wynntils, if you haven’t tried that already.

    He said he already tried Wynntils, I don’t think you’re understanding what he’s asking
  4. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Yeah, I read it again now.
  5. brixt01

    brixt01 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I’m not really sure what I can say about it because I’ve never had any trouble with forge or wynntils. I guess it could help to use the Wynncraft map (map.wynncraft.com/) as it shows where you are on it as well as coordinates but it’s defiantly not as useful as wynntils.
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