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Cotl Negative Emotional Aura

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Samsam101, Sep 27, 2020.

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    In super mario 64, a famous creepypasta-esque tale talks about how many players want to quit when they play the level ''Wet-dry world''. It's a true story and applies to Wynncraft as well.

    I don't know what it is, but whenever I reach the Canyon of the Lost, I want to stop playing. Up until that point, i progress well and have fun. When I reach the canyon, I take ages to progress and get bored very fast. Here are the reasons I think the area is so bad.

    1: Awful quests
    A good amount of quests in the area are terrible. Here is my list of dislikeable ones.
    The qira hive: Psychomancer is stupidly difficult and you have to walk from Thanos to get back if you die.
    From the bottom: Literally a slaying post but you then have to explore the bazaar for somebody who wants your item.
    The thanos vaults: I can hardly even call this a quest. It's more like a minecart ride with something that barely passes as a boss at the end. Oh wait, that's EXACTLY what it is.
    Marauder's Dues: Getting to the tower is stupidly difficult without a horse or walkspeed because the level 120 crystals bombard you with overpowered attacks. From there, the quest is basic and boring.
    The canyon guides: Seluc.. I swear to god if you die one more time...
    Also, I found a way to skip most of The Canyon Guides by going through a cave with some waterfalls. There are no hostile mobs and the waterfalls lead into a lake in the Bantisu Air Temple. It takes like 20 minutes to guide Seluc up them though. Must say it was better than walking him through and is the only reason I got him to the air temple on my first try. He was on 812 health when I was guiding him up. Pain.
    The lost: I've said this in a previous thread but those god damn gargoyles like to throw you around and the flags can be hard to find.
    Canary calls: NO. FUCK OFF. I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS GOD AWFUL MINECART PUZZLE EVER AGAIN. It doesn't even work properly. The minecart spawns inside the floor and the only way to win the quest now is to push the minecart to the end.
    Cowfusion: I sort of like this one but a lot of people call it cringy which to some degree i agree with.
    Hidden city: Unlocks Eltom, making returns to the Hive even worse. Plus I never like doing this one because Eltom looks pretty boring.
    Enter the dojo: I actually love this quest but a lot of people hate it so I thought I'd mention it.

    That leaves 2 good quests and they are Beyond the Grave and Belly of the Beast (aka vore the quest). Wow.

    2: The appearance
    Gavel in general has never struck me as a particularly attractive place. That's the theme with the decay and all but there's no need for it to be that way in the Canyon, which is not decayed. I often look at the area and think to myself ''God, this is pretty plain.'' The area DOES look good, but only if you can see the full thing. Lower end computers will NOT see the full thing. Crystal falls is good.

    3: Its structure
    On your first playthrough, the canyon is near-impossible to navigate. Playthroughs after that are easier but you will always remember your struggles and want to turn back. It doesn't help that the map lists the Sakura Dojo as the Bantisu Air Temple.

    4: Thesead gate
    It is incredibly difficult to get to Thesead before completing AMD because of the movement spell differences. Sure, there are other paths. But this is the most notable and the one that most people take. Even after beating AMD the gate is broken and you have to go over it.

    5: Level progression
    This is the part of the game where it gets REALLY grindy. Up until now you have been whizzing through your quests and feeling powerful. Now you will suffer through hours of grinding, low XP from quests and mostly having to do lame mini quests.
  2. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    tl;dr: CotL sucks, fix pls
    This isn't even scraping the surface. Psychomancer is a bit too OP for its own good at the moment, with a shotgun style attack that makes you give up all hope and life.
    I've already suggested a respawn system change, but it doesn't seem to have gained much traction.
    The reason most people do this quest is the obscenely strong armor and accessories you get from doing the quest. Everything (almost) you receive in this quest are endgame viable, and with the exception of Infused Hive Weapons, they're some of the best items in the game (alas, pre-nerf Anima-Infused was just a bit too OP).
    This has the same energy as Enzan's Brother, except crappier and with nothing to do after the railroad sequence in a quest that's supposed to be troubling for its worth.
    It unlocks one of the two routes to Thesead (and the rest of the high-level Gavel) - the other route is from Jofash.
    To be fair, the only reason I even bother doing this is for the 2 LE you get for completing it. You can get to Thesead with a myriad of methods, including totem flight and TP spam.
    Is it weird that I had no problems doing TCG first try on my Level 84 Hunter?
    The AI certainly needs fixes.
    Flags being hard to find are agreed with, but it isn't just the gargoyles. Harpies are a nuisance as well (if any).
    Wynncraft entity collision bug claims another quest! This is a longstanding issue that I'm not at all surprised seeing in quests involving minecarts, which HASN'T BEEN FIXED SINCE 1.19 CAME OUT.
    Well, you do get milked...
    This is more or less a "sequel" to Tunnel Trouble in that you meet the cult leader Drale again.
    Eltom/Thesead fast travel doesn't even save that much time. The only reason I even bother is the monetary reward.
    See above - Qira's Hive needs a spawn point change.
    Mainly due to people calling it "out of place". What is a Chinese style dojo doing in Gavel of all places? In a medieval setting, no less?
    Nukewarmachine and Samsam101 like this.
  3. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    This quest is all fun and games until you are told to get milked
    It sounds fine until you realize you are supposedly human and not a cow even if you are visually a cow in that quest
    So yeah I kind of agree on that
    I agree tbh, can we add a Qira bank and other NPCs of the same kind? The walk isn't even nearly as short as Lusuco-ToA's walk, and none of the towns have scrolls which is a pain
    This quest would be cool if it was meaningful in any way honestly
    Yeah honestly, I have no idea how I managed to pass that quest with my Warrior
    I'll be honest, the only thing that bothers me about this quest is the fact that Seluc gets distracted, I never got him to die but man it is quite infuriating when he starts attacking enemies right before/in front of a boulder
    All I want for this quest is for the puzzle to work properly yes
    Eltom does feel a bit pointless yeah, but the quest itself isn't bad honestly
    Also the fast travel is something I appreciate
    I just don't like the puzzle
    The one in Eye of the Storm was already bad and then this one adds the third dimension to the equation, my pea-sized brain cannot comprehend this puzzle
    Also as someone above pointed out, yeah it feels a bit out of place, but next update seems to give some more love to the area so...
    Yeah I get that the joke of the area is to be painful to navigate but... is it really fun?
    So that's a bug I see
    There is one grinding spot that is really good but after level 87 it starts feeling weak so yeah this is definitely the point of the game in which the XP curve starts to grow way too much, grinding spots need serious buffs in the levels 85-100
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I did the quest a little bit after making this post and found out that there was a cave that you're supposed to go through to avoid the enemies. Before that I just ran past on a black horse
    I disagree somewhat. There's a part of me that loves the old slow leveling progression that we had before grindspots. I remember when places like Half Moon and Skien were popular for grinding. Nowadays half moon is ignored and Skien is only used for the set as well as its quest things
  5. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Yeah but having to spend 2 full hours of grinding without totems or dxp just to level up (it sometimes feels THAT slow to me) is a bit too much, the 30-50 minutes grinds that tend to be at levels 50-75 are ideal in my opinion, levels 85-100 are too much
    Also Half-Moon and Skien are ignored because there really isn't much to do in any of them, Skiens' content is either way too situational or way too cryptic, and Half-Moon is just there, I hope they add a Half-Moon island quest at some point, I would like some lore to it (And I totally agree on it being forgettable currently, I literally forgot it existed during my earlier 2 runs this year, and I got surprised once I saw it got reworked as I had never realized that happened)
    Though I'm not sure how these 2 places are related to my comment, I'm referring to levels 85-100, those are level 35 and level 65 areas...
    Druser likes this.
  6. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    ...Am I the only one here who likes CotL?

    It isn't too hard to navigate, as a variety of distinct mobs and structures help you figure out where you are. Cowfusion, Qira Hive, and Beyond the Grave are standout quests that offset a lot of the subpar ones in this region. While the canyon is kinda plain-looking, I feel like the mountains contrast well with the ground, letting you know where the path is. The amount of quests in this level range doesn't make grinding too hard (and let's face it, it's nearly the endgame so difficulty should be ramping up). I will agree the Thesead gate sucks.

    And honestly, the beautiful locations such as Thesead's outskirts and the Dojo, as well as the catchy music, all prevent the canyon from having a "negative emotional aura" for me.
    Emogla3, Jbip, ExertKarma and 13 others like this.
  7. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    You arent
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
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  8. Endercomet

    Endercomet HongKonger

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    I get lost in olux more than in cotl
    Emogla3, Jbip, Nukewarmachine and 5 others like this.
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    But grinding isn't difficult, it is just boring and lame
    You are slapping the same silverfish enemy for 2 hours while some kid is fighting a colossal rat in a pirate ship and having the time of his life making memes about Wynncraft's multiple rat sizes
    Jbip, Druser and TrapinchO like this.
  10. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    For those who don't know, you can take the waterfall near what formerly was the water mini-dungeon to get directly to Thesead. It leads into a nearby cave past the gate, so any class can do it without any trouble.

    I like how this region's design makes it hard to navigate at first, but after you learn its secrets, it ends up being one of the easiest to get through.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  11. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    I actually don't know what this is, could you dm me a link lol
  12. •WhiteWolf•

    •WhiteWolf• Traumatised. HERO

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    It’s kinda annoying but not horrible. I don’t really bother with the thesead Gate cos there’s the waterfall entrance. A lot of the quests can be done quickly with a horse. For from the bottom, I keep a stash of troll hair in my bank which I saved from grinding Phoenix feathers for my AORs since I keep losing those.

    Psychomancer is brokenly op but I don’t really mind. You can exploit his bad to aim to get him up against a wall, or just ask for help with him.

    There does need to be more lvl 80+ quests imho because cotl/mh/sky progression is painful when you’re as allergic to CUR as I am. I’m hoping fruma might fix this a bit, because the 4(?) corkus quests don’t
  13. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    4 words.
    Add lifts to CotL.
    fishcute and Samsam101 like this.
  14. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Cotl navigation isn't hard with the power of movement spells lol (Though getting to Thanos is a bit of a pain), though some quests are just stupid (Canyon Guides would've been decent if Seluc wouldn't try to get aggressive when other mobs attacked him, and we had some sense of navigation before guiding him). Hive just needs a Psychomancer nerf (Though you can adapt to agi tank builds and make him a joke or use the power of walls), Gale, Vanguard, Judge, and Revorce buff (Mainly revorce), and reduce their Ele Defenses (Judge has like 4k+ water ele resistance I think, tried him with my cryo). I don't remember how The Lost was as I did it months ago and it didn't leave anything that gave me a reason to remember it.

    Basically COTL isn't too hard to navigate, they should improve Selucs AI and give a little sense of navigation at least before having us have to move seluc across like a couple hundred blocks that's hard to make Seluc survive (Also give Seluc more hpr). Psycho should be nerfed to suit a lvl 80, and the 4 other bosses (Not qira) should be buffed, and don't make qira so easy to a water shaman, and fix spawnpoints. I also do recall The Lost now and how hard it was to find the flags. Maybe make it a bit easier to find them. Thanos Vault minecart is somewhat satisfying but it's just stupid as you ride a minecart to kill a boss. so should be a bit more interesting. Mauraders dues also needs to be more interesting, the crystals aren't really bombarding as you can use 2nd spells.
  15. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Did none of yall notice the caves with helpful-convenient arrow signs that you're supposed to go through that specifically avoid the sightlines of the turrets completely
  16. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    In fact, I never knew until now what
    Tell that to Warrior
  17. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    to be fair it is sometimes hard to see
  18. Steampunk

    Steampunk Acc not linked. Ing _Steampunk

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    Quite literally railroading

    Only fun as assassin when you can drag him along with multihit, maybe slam him into a few walls for existing (causing brain damage, but he probably didn't really have a brain to begin with) and cyberbully him all the way for having no attention span
  19. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Well yea cotl kinda sucks at this moment, please fix asap
    Thanos to hive is kinda annoying tbh
    And I started hive at like level 90 so I don't really feel that Phychomancer is a problem, maybe for its level yes
    at least I got 1 le and some materials for armouring, not saying no for that
    Some random guy: hey I offer you a "roller coaster" for free but you have to kill some mobs for me
    There is a tunnel which only has level 55 rats and protects you from the crystals. And maybe it is just me though, I found the tunnels easily in my first playthrough.
    The problem is that, it unlocks the only way (I mean without climbing mountains with spells) to go to thesead or eltom or whatever places beyond the gate, but the gate is FUCKING BROKEN.
    Seluc be like: Oh look there is a landslide! Let's fucking go there haha
    While I appreciate the concept of the quest, the execution wasn't right. I see they added the aledar cart escort thing in AJB so why not doing the same thing to seluc? Or maybe it is getting reworked idk
    It is a reskinned From the Bottom, and the canyon chart is FUCKING USELESS.
    Free LE I am not saying no to that
    The 3-D puzzle is just so good, also when I am doing this I feel like I am in a dungeon. However the green tea stage kinda screwed this up...
    I am an asshole who leeches other's bomb to do cuc lol. Also freezing heights (early lvl 90) or the place with starred mobs near the gate is fast for me imo

    Also another thing, I noticed and explored somewhere called the "upper canyon". I saw literally no quests there, and what exists is only an Aldorei gate, which no one uses it. Most of the level 80s quests are in the lower canyon area (I mean except the lost), making a portion of the places in the whole region unexplored by some people. What makes it worse is, unlike old rodoroc, there are literally no good grind places nor any points of interest to begin with. Currently I am finding some wasted builds which has the potential to become actual content or even a chill place. I don't see why you guys built something there but don't really give it purposes.

    Also, thanos scroll when
  20. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Do you mean the area with the bamboo forest, the Ailuropodas and that tower on a hill?
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