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Guild Level 104 ✫✫✫ ↿↾ Avicia ↿↾ Recruiting All Players

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by birdiefly209, Sep 6, 2018.

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  1. FlamingoBike

    FlamingoBike Chief of Avicia HERO

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    Hello TheWitherMaster3!

    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    Hello Kroko_fant!

    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret likes this.
  2. HaiMl

    HaiMl Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. What is your username? Karyyyy
    2. What is your Discord username? HaiMl#7933
    3. How old are you? (Optional) 20
    4. What level is your highest level class? 83 Assassins . 82 Archer
    5. What is your time zone? GMT+7
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? at least 2 hours per day
    7. Have you been in a guild before? No
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? I want to find some ingame friend . join some wars and events
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? much as I can
    10. How did you find our guild? Ranklist
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional) English isnt my main language so im not too good at it
    thepicferret likes this.
  3. Baconsile

    Baconsile Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. Baconsile (most likely not permanent but it wont change for a while)

    2. Omegablinknurse#4504

    3. 16

    4. 93 and 92 archer, both are old and i've recently started playing again on a new archer which is now level 61

    5. Pacific time (PDT)

    6. I started playing again about a week ago and have been online every day since then for usually 4-7 hours

    7. I have never been in a guild before

    8. I think it could be fun

    9. Absolutely no clue

    10. I got messaged while playing and was invited to apply

    11. Nope
    thepicferret likes this.
  4. Nearwynn

    Nearwynn Newbie Adventurer

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    1. What is your username? Nearwynn
    2. What is your Discord username? Karou#5535
    3. How old are you? (Optional) 22
    4. What level is your highest level class? 105 Mage
    5. What is your time zone? GMT+7
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? 2-4 hours weekdays, various during weekend
    7. Have you been in a guild before? No
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? Seems liek a fun guild
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? Depends on what the guild needs
    10. How did you find our guild? Someone offered me an invite
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional) I don't do pvp
    thepicferret likes this.
  5. Nerfet

    Nerfet Cute little blue cat CHAMPION

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    Hello HaiMl

    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    Hello Baconsile!

    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    Hello Nearwynn!

    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret likes this.
  6. Classicalad

    Classicalad Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. Classicalad
    2. Classicalad#2452
    3. 21
    4. 105
    5. EST
    6. 2-3 hours pretty much every day
    7. I was in FOX a while back, but had to go inactive for exams, and then summer job.
    8. I enjoyed doing wars and I'm just looking to do more again!
    9. I spend most of my time on wynn currently loot running, and when I'm doing the cork or rodo runs, as is with everyone I've always got those excess emeralds on each run, so having a guild bank to pop them into so they wouldn't go to waste would be dope!
    10. When I was doing guild wars last, I remember doing most of them in the sky islands, and I see that you guys own the sky islands now so that's what first draw me. Plus I just want to be apart of an active wynn community!
    11. As I mentioned I spend most of my time currently just loot running. Got my first mythic last week (warchief fml), and ended up getting another one a couple days later. Currently I've got a full LQ set that I've been having a blast with (although scrap is way too expensive :P ). I've got a 105 archer, and a 100 mage, and a few other classes in the 50s.

    Looking forward to hopefully joining!
    thepicferret likes this.
  7. FlamingoBike

    FlamingoBike Chief of Avicia HERO

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    Hello Classicalad!

    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret likes this.
  8. Nerfet

    Nerfet Cute little blue cat CHAMPION

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    Join avo rite naw
    thepicferret likes this.
  9. Mobyyyyy

    Mobyyyyy UwU CHAMPION

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    ngl I agree here is a free bump.
    thepicferret likes this.
  10. FunRunKala

    FunRunKala Shadow Assassin VIP

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    Playtime 32 hours
    Kills: 3677 mobs
    Total lvl: 136
    Chests looted: 323
    Discord username: Kála
    My time zone: On weekdays usually 2pm-20pm
    I play on Wynncraft every day usually 5-7 hours
    Guilds: I've been in Roselia once, to learn how guilds work
    I want to join Avicia because i saw we can get territories from other guilds, and i want to join this battle. Also, in my latest guild, we could sell things to eachoter, and talking to our friends.
    I could contribute to Avicia with some battle forces, and it hink you could tell me what else to do.
    thepicferret likes this.
  11. Nerfet

    Nerfet Cute little blue cat CHAMPION

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    thepicferret likes this.
  12. Gumikacsa

    Gumikacsa A leghűvösebb kacsa a világon HERO

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    Hi Avicians!
    • 1. What is your username? Gumikacsa
    • 2. What is your Discord username? Gumikacsa#2013
    • 3. How old are you? I'm turning 18 soon!
    • 4. What level is your highest level class? 106 Shaman
    • 5. What is your time zone? GMT+2
    • 6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? I've came back to Wynn when the lockdown started in April, have shown up to 8 hours a day of activity.
    • 7. Have you been in a guild before? I've only ever been in IceBlue Team/BNU so far, excluding short-time hops to other Artemis guilds as help.
    • 8. Why do you want to join Avicia? I have heard a lot about it's activity, and I've been looking for another guold
    • 9. What could you contribute to Avicia? Definitely wars, and I consider myself as a really good community person as long as I feel comfortable
    • 10. How did you find our guild? You guys always eat our ffa's come on this is not fair
    • 11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? I can climb walls in my dreams
    thepicferret, jhil and Hatvan like this.
  13. jhil

    jhil Pogger CHAMPION

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    1. What is your username? jhil
    2. What is your Discord username? (Ex. birdiefly209#0987) tomex#1683
    3. How old are you? (Optional) 14
    4. What level is your highest level class? 4 105's
    5. What is your time zone? GMT+2
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? i play like 4-5 days on a week and for 2-3 hours each time
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s). yes, ANO and BNU
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? AVO has an active community and war team so i want to join it
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? wars and xp
    10. How did you find our guild? Forums
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional) Hatvan is qwq
    thepicferret likes this.
  14. Doggy_W00F

    Doggy_W00F Chief of Avicia CHAMPION

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    Hello Gumikacsa :D

    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    Hello jhil,

    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret likes this.
  15. Szamitogepezo

    Szamitogepezo Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. What is your username? Xerxesz
    2. What is your Discord username? (Ex. birdiefly209#0987) KACSA#3302
    3. How old are you? (Optional) 15
    4. What level is your highest level class? mage 106
    5. What is your time zone? gtm+2
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? 1week 2 days 3-4 hr
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s). yes i was in BNU for almost 6 mounths
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? comununity
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? a wonderful person
    10. How did you find our guild? my friends told me to join
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional) Hatvan is UwU
    thepicferret likes this.
  16. 777IAmLucky

    777IAmLucky Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. What is your username? 777IAmLucky
    2. What is your Discord username? (Ex. birdiefly209#0987) xQgamers#5603
    3. How old are you? (Optional) 17
    4. What level is your highest level class? 106 Assassin
    5. What is your time zone? CST
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? I've been playing for many years, it's hard to pinpoint exactly when I joined, but for context I have a key to most of the animal dungeons. I come and go throughout the years, usually playing months at a time. I am back and looking to rejoin the guild if possible.
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s). Yes, this one only (Avicia)
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? I want a guild because Wynncraft can get lonely playing alone, and I really enjoyed playing with the members of Avicia. You guys are all very friendly and helpful.
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? I am not rich, so I won't pretend I can donate stx of emeralds. My bank account sums up to about 15 LE right now. What I can contribute is a return of that friendliness I loved so much, and help out the new and old players of Avicia in any way I can.
    10. How did you find our guild? I googled it. Originally -- the first time I joined Avicia -- I was just trying to get my forums account messages up to 10, and the thread caught my attention after I commented.
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional) The reason I quit Wynncraft so soon last time I joined was because I tried being a hunter to see if it was any fun. I failed my kill and instantly got labeled a hunter, and wasn't allowed near any prof servers or profs really for a while. I didn't enjoy the hunting as much as I thought I would, but it was too late and everyone figured they'd better not get too close to me. So the game wasn't much fun for me anymore, because I could not join the prof community in grinding all day. Eventually I found a new server and didn't really look back. Hopefully all goes well this time around, and I will stick to just farming profs and not hunting others.
    thepicferret likes this.
  17. Doggy_W00F

    Doggy_W00F Chief of Avicia CHAMPION

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    Hello Xerxesz!
    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    Hello 777IAmLucky!
    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you again, and we're glad to have you back :D
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2020
    thepicferret likes this.
  18. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    Submission time!

    1. What is your username?

    2. What is your Discord username?

    3. How old are you? (Optional)
    14.5 years

    4. What level is your highest level class?
    a level 105 shaman, and am now building up and archer

    5. What is your time zone?

    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?
    I usually play every day for 3-6 hours a day (of course this may vary from certain circumstances)

    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s).
    I have not been in a guild before, this is my first time, although i have seen some stuff.

    8. Why do you want to join Avicia?
    I think it is a community that i will enjoy and I believe I will help it

    9. What could you contribute to Avicia?
    I will contribute a powerful fighter and a good friend

    10. How did you find our guild?
    I found it through suggestion of a high ranking member, and reading through forums

    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional)
    I will be ready to face any challenge, even though i may not be ready to face it. I am a 105 shaman that.. is decent at fighting.
    Edit 4 days later: I now have quite a few legendaries i could give out/sell on the trade market
    I am poor because i don't know how to keep emeralds ;-;
    And thats it! hopefully you like it!
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020
    thepicferret likes this.
  19. birdiefly209

    birdiefly209 Proud Owner of Avicia HERO

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    Props to Albb_n for the fancy animated banner!
    Pifg, Ankarin and thepicferret like this.
  20. Pifg

    Pifg aaaaaaaaaaaa CHAMPION

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    1. What is your username? SuperPiggeh
    2. What is your Discord username? (Ex. birdiefly209#0987) NotSuperPiggeh#4751
    3. How old are you? (Optional) 16
    4. What level is your highest level class? 105
    5. What is your time zone? PST
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? I used to play at least a few hours every day then I kinda got bored of it and started playing other things. I'm now bored of THOSE things and so I'm back here. I remembered that I don't really have much to do on the server when I'm not in a guild, so if I were to be accepted, I would definitely be on for at least an hour a day.
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s). Yes, this one
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? I used to be a member, and recently left because of my inactivity (which I plan to stop now)
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? A friendly member of the community and lots of wars.
    10. How did you find our guild? First time I joined, I was messaged by a member.
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional) Yes, recently I left because I was asked to, due to my inactivity and the need for slots in the guild. This was only a few days ago, but at the time I had no idea I would get bored of everything else I play just a few days later. So here I am reapplying!
    thepicferret likes this.
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