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[discussion] How Do You Guys Think The #1 Proffer Should Be Determined?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Crokee, Sep 25, 2020.

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  1. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    tl;dr: Although there are currently only 2 players who hold Lv 1690 (max level) currently, there will soon be cases where there will be multiple players with 1690. As such, I am curious as to what you guys think on how should the #1 prof player be determined as. This will not be presented officially on Wynncraft's website, but rather unofficially on the Prof Tryhard Group discord server.

    Currently, within the Prof Tryhard Group, we calculate the #1 proffer based on cumulative overflow XP across all professions. Combat XP is not included. Overflow XP is the amount of XP gained above level 132 in each prof. This can be determined by Wynncraft's leaderboards like this:

    Figure 1. Overflow XP in Fishing.

    However, based on a preliminary poll among Insane Tryhard+ (the reqs boil down to about Lv 1400+), players are evenly split between using the current method (cumulative overflow XP across all professions) and new methods, which are basically variations of some type of formula to calculate true XP.

    First of all, lets define "true XP". True XP is XP determined by giving more XP weights to various professions over other professions. For example, it is widely agreed that gathering professions are much harder to get XP from than crafting professions as of right now. As such, there have been proposed formulas on how each should be calculated. NOTE: Combat XP is not included in any of these formulas.
    1. 2 x (cumulative overflow gathering xp) + (cumulative overflow crafting xp)
    2. 2 x (cumulative overflow gathering xp) + 1.5 x (overflow scribing xp) + (the rest of crafting overflow xp)
    3. 2 x (cumulative overflow gathering xp) + 1.5 x (overflow scribing xp) + 0.67 (overflow jeweling xp) + (the rest of crafting overflow xp)
    4. (class multiplier between 0.9-1.1 to be determined per class) x [2 x (cumulative overflow gathering xp) + 1.5 x (overflow scribing xp) + 0.67 (overflow jeweling xp) + (the rest of crafting overflow xp)]
    5. ???

    @catking00 made another suggestion: percentiles.

    Using data from the top 100 players from each profession, we can then calculate the standard deviation for each prof for each player with Lv 1690, and then take the average of standard deviations. Whoever has the highest standard deviation is then the #1 prof player. It will look something like this:

    Figure 2: A visualization of a bell curve for calculating percentiles.

    This solves the issue of having to balance each prof together with one of those formulas, as it will always adjust itself based on "popularity". For example, jeweling will be weighted less through this method as jeweling is more popular over other profs, while woodcutting will be weighted more. However, calculating percentiles will be tedious as the API doesn't support leaderboard requests.


    Another topic that came up is determining whether or not secondary classes should count as well. As an example, Pododang has a class at Lv 1690 but he also has another class at lv 1464. Should secondary classes be included in either methods, and if so, how? Should their secondary classes meet a certain requisite (such as Insane Tryhard (Lv 1400)) or just cumulatively add all xp from Lv 1?

    For the third method, I didn't get a clear answer on how to factor this into the primary class, but one way to do it is to take the standard deviation in the same way like the previous method, except only use the profs that give a standard deviation over 0. Then I'm not sure what should go next but this can then be averaged and then added onto the primary class to then determine who is the #1 proffer.


    What do you guys think? Should we keep it simple and use the cumulative overflow XP across all professions (Method 1)? Or should there be some type of formula to calculate "true XP" like the ones above (Method 2)? If some type of formula, what formula do you propose? Or should it be based on percentiles (Method 3)? Should secondary classes be included in the calculations for either methods?


    I'll make official poll on this in a new thread later, but I want to hear your opinions. Please take into account future endeavors, such as lv 120/130 mats/ings, gathering xp/speed ids, and future places (higher node density) to gather.

    I made a channel, #number_1_proffer_debate, in the Prof Tryhard Group discord if you wish to discuss this on discord. DM me @ Crokee#0197 for an invite (make sure you verify yourself in #verification when joining).
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2020
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    If this is a suggestion for how this should officially be presented on the website, keep it to plain old overflow XP to keep it simple, no complex formulas.

    If this is just for the prof discord server than yeah, going with the fourth formula you listed would be fine.
  3. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    This is mainly for the discord server as I don't think a complex formula would be good on the website. Let me add that clarification.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2020
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  4. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    If you're applying modifiers to post-132 xp, why not apply it to pre-132 xp as well?
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I don’t think there’s really a right way to do it. I’m a bit surprised that crafting levels are easier than gathering since Hunted Mode only affects the latter and you don’t need ingredients. Especially since they removed that God awful weight limit and refineries.

    Which that also begs the question; what about players that leveled up before these changes and most importantly, what about players who didn’t use bombs or not as much as other players?
  6. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    There's no point for pre-132 as it is assumed that the #1 proffer is already lv 1690.

    The reason that craftings are much easier than gatherings is because you can literally buy your way to level up. One could get any craftings in less than 20 hours while a gathering would take a minimum 100+ hours.

    At least on the discord server, we recognize those types of people by giving them special role(s), Prof Madlad and its harder variant, Prof Madlad+. This thread only looks solely for the best proffer out of every single proffer in an objective way. How to approach the objective way is still yet to be determined, which is the point of this thread.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  7. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    for reference, you can get 100mil xp an hour (~66.66mil without dxp weekend) in a crafting if you're willing to burn the money. For my grind to 1 bil fishing overflow, I could get 9mil an hour hypothetically during dxp weekend, but in reality i would get anywhere from 4.5mil an hour to 7.5 mil, depending on my own speed and hunters.
    Dr Zed and Dream like this.
  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    How much money is that then? Because I’ve read in a guide that even with bombs it takes 16.7 stacks of Tier 0 ingredients to level up from 90-100 for some professions.
  9. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    too much...
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  10. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    they used voidstone sample, a t1. so it cost a lot lmao. They also bought all the mats, so even more.
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    This is the guide I’m talking about:
    I’m not quite sure who you’re referring to then since they didn’t use voidstone sample at all in their guide. Most of their ingredients are Tier 0 except for Ivory Tusk.
  12. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    urbymine did a final push for 1 bil alchemy overflow during the last double xp weekend, which is where the 100mil an hour number comes from. sorry I didn't make it clear I was talking about a specific person, my bad.
  13. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    @catking00 made another suggestion: percentiles.

    Using data from the top 100 players from each profession, we can then calculate the standard deviation for each prof for each player with Lv 1690, and then take the average of standard deviations. Whoever has the highest standard deviation is then the #1 prof player. It will look something like this:


    This solves the issue of having to balance each prof together with one of those formulas, as it will always adjust itself based on "popularity". For example, jeweling will be weighted less through this method as jeweling is more popular over other profs, while woodcutting will be weighted more. However, calculating percentiles will be tedious as the API doesn't support leaderboard requests.


    In relation to secondary classes for this suggestion, I didn't get a clear answer on how to factor this into the primary class, but one way to do it is to take the standard deviation in the same way like the previous method, except only use the profs that give a standard deviation over 0. Then I'm not sure what should go next but this can then be averaged and then added onto the primary class to then determine who is the #1 proffer.
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