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The Great Quest Clash - Results

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Sockmower, Sep 21, 2020.

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  1. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    I feel like the quest has some amazingly unique and engaging mechanics (pickaxe parkour, flying over lava, sound maze etc) but just struggled to balance that out with game design and pacing, both of which kinda make the quest feel like a drag.
    Unrelated but the fuck y'all, Wynn Excavation A over Kingdom of Sand mmm suree
  2. _Eth3real

    _Eth3real Titans Valor [ANO] CHAMPION

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    I'm really shocked Poisoning the Pest isn't lower, maybe its just me that really dislikes that quest but I just really despise that quest. Also, sure a journey beyond is a pretty damn good quest but I would've personally placed it lower due to being a gateway to better quests like A point of No return and A hunters calling.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  3. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    Could someone please explain the appeal of A Hunter's Calling? I have no idea why people like it.
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  4. _Eth3real

    _Eth3real Titans Valor [ANO] CHAMPION

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    For me, its a very riddly puzzle with really interesting cutscenes and puzzles and thats the appeal of it to me. I am also a big fan of ???
  5. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Because 1.18+ quests has better QoL and immersive cutscenes. For the Olmic rune though, I guess it is a fetch quest with 3 minutes survival (which is still better than warframe) so not many people likes it. A Journey beyond is a very good quest (at least, potentially) but the only flaw of it is Aledar cart bugs (and defense).

    7 of 15 are low leveled wynn quests (Elemental Exercise, Underwater, Pit of the Dead, Lost Tower, Infested Plants, Cook Assistant, Potion Making). Among them there are 5 pure fetch quests (excluding Elemental Exercise and Pit of the Dead, which is wayyyy worse than a fetch quest tbh)
    Zhight Island is just a quest where you only talk to NPCs 5 times, while Green Gloop and Ice Nations are fetch quests with shitty mobs.

    I guess that people still hates gavel a lot but infamous quests like Eye of the Storm and The Realm of Light are still better than Potion Making and Cook Assistants gameplay-wise.
    (at least the mobs aren't shitty)

    I am okay with the quest though, I just hate the dungeon a lot

    =============================random line=============================

    Here is my personal comments though:
    - Wynn quests have lower rating in general because of a lot of low-leveled quests. For example, Enzan's brother and Cook Assistant are considered very bad because they are either fetch quests or "just run over there" quests. I understand that they are old and have to be new-player-friendly, but having a fetch quest in 2 major quests in low level just suck.

    - Zhight Island is one of the worst quests AT ALL TIME. Mainly because the quest is level 55, but the things it asked you to do is just like what you do in Enzan's brother, but it is in the ocean instead. Similar quests are Finding The Light and Jungle Fever, in which the former gives you some information about the lore and the latter gives an LE upon completion.
    So giving LE is (maybe) the best way to make Ragni Soldiers stfu

    - Orc quests are badly executed gameplay-wise and lore-wise, as all of them got low rating (less than 47.5).

    - Gavel quests are just slightly higher than wynn quests, meaning that they are not as good either. Maybe it is because they gives more money upon completion, as well as longer quest length = more stuff explained. (but still, 90% of the gavel quests gameplay is shit)

    - Quests in later versions generally have a higher rating because more QoL, cutscenes and whatever good stuff you can think of.

    - I was really expecting Fate of the Fallen to be the top 10...
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2020
  6. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Okay but Potion Making hasn't been bad ever since it got a cutscene
  7. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    It kind of explained what will happen when you do things for the wrong side, and it has a meaning that you have to be a psychopath in order to stay alive in Dern. Gameplay-wise it has parkour, puzzle, killing mobs, cutscenes and bosses and it gives you ornate shadow armor which is quite good.
  8. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Unique quest, overrall well made, a nice throwback to many major villains, and I personally liked battling characters like Maxie and Aledar
  9. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Considering that no one has mentioned The Ultimate Weapon, it would seem that the average player on here accepts bribes.
    creeper1562, SoulBurned, hmtn and 5 others like this.
  10. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    [1/1] Dodegar: ayy get this weapon and sell it for 7 le but shhhhh don't complain to them that I gave you a fetch quest yea
  11. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    To be fair, if you make me choose between slapping 3 orcs to level up and grinding 100 mooshrooms for the same exact purpose, I would choose the first option
    I'm also surprised about the lack of bad Gavel quests in the bottom 15 though, I can't believe Eye of the Storm isn't there
    I'm also impressed that An Iron Heart scored soo high when, you know, quest helmets you can't get rid of
    And let's not forget, where the fuck is the Dwarves and Doguns questline in the top 15, those quests are the best of Gavel, by far, the fact An Iron Heart is above Dwarves and Doguns is outrageous
    Easy money is easy money, I'm not saying no to that
    7Red_Dragon7 likes this.
  12. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    I cant agree with this
    only 50% of questline is actually good, part 3 is just fetch quest and part 4 have some nice fight scenes, but Axelus death is stupid, same with Garaheth character (the whole point of this questline is that doguns are good but they actually had connections with demons...)
    An Iron Heart isnt the best quest, but Im happy that it made it to top 15 because of the ending
    other great Gavel quests:
    1k meters under
    The Ultimate Weapon
    The Headless Hunt
    Qira's Hive
    Rise of the Quarton
    Memory Paranoia
    Shattered Minds
    Forbidden Prison
    Murder Mystery
    Flight in Distress
    The Bigger Picture
    The Hunger of Gerts (both parts)
    Beyond the Grave
    The Hidden City
    Fantastic Voyage
    Royal Trials
  13. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    ooh money
    That_Chudley and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  14. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    To be fair, part 3 has to be the least annoying fetch quest I have ever played
    Garaheth could use more lore though I agree on that
    I don't get what you mean with Axelus' death, you have to realize, they were in the middle of a battle and one of the sides was literally on the verge of extinction, the doguns were beyond desperate at that point, so they kind of acted on emotions there killing Axelus, to be fair Axelus was a dwarf, and at that point the doguns just saw every dwarf as an enemy, reminder, they were on the verge of extinction
    I mean, storywise I agree it is great, but the fact that it has a quest helmet you can't get rid of already brings it down hard, and on top of that it can get pretty glitchy at times (I have clipped through the floor when entering the factory more than once and I still don't know how that happened)
    Also the reward is okay, it is average and look, I don't care about loot bonus leggings or xp bonus leggings when you can get better gear of that kind through other methods
    Yeah but that one is in the level range in which gavel is actually good
    Let's be real, this quest is only good because of the money
    Taproot is okay at best for me to be honest
    Isn't this the one that starts with having to look for some prison to get someone's soul? There is like, no hint on where to look at in that first stage, actually I don't even remember how I have beaten this quest a single time without looking at the wiki, there is literally no hint on where to go in the first stage
    It is all fun and games yes
    Until the flamethrowers come in
    Yeah Qira's hive is good
    Once again, inside the level range in which Gavel quests are actually good
    Fuck no, this quest gave me hell more than quite a few times, and it is not even because of the boss, but rather the way the stages in this quest work
    Ok yeah this one is great, definitely the biggest highlight of level 40-70 Gavel
    Color teleport puzzle brings down this quest for me, I have done this quest like 4 times already and I still don't know how the hell does that puzzle work, I just choose random teleporters and wish for luck, whenever I follow anything like color patterns it just ends nowhere, this puzzle alone ruins the quest for me
    It is not bad but it is beyond forgettable, also why is that prison there to begin with? Lorewise, it is an unnecessary quest in every possible regard
    Yeah ok this one is cool
    Yeah ok this one is cool
    It would be cool if not for the fact the quest is a joke with assassin and hell with warrior (vertical charge when)
    But overall, a nice quest yeah
    It is alright, it would be a Yeah ok this one is cool if not for the fact that HAHA, QUEST HELMET YOU CANNOT GET RID OFF
    Aside from the fact this one kind of suffers the same issue as The Headless Hunt in the stage after talking to death (do X, no hints about what to do or where to go), yeah this one is really good, Death is great, but once again, outside the level range I always complain about so it doesn't count
    Yeah this one is cool, but it is outside the level range I always complain about so it doesn't count
    Yeah this one is cool, but it is outside the level range I always complain about so it doesn't count
    Also isn't this one more of an ocean quest than a Gavel one?
    Yeah this one is cool, but it is outside the level range I always complain about so it doesn't count

    Yeah just realize nearly every quest you mentioned is above level 70 with just a few exceptions, and level 40-70 is the level range everyone complains about, levels 70-100 in Gavel are either fine or fantastic
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  15. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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    I really love elemental exercise and cannyon guides...
    The villager from cannyon guides always listens to me which is funny since everyone complains about him dieing(I did the quest like 5 times without any worries)
    And the concept of the quest is good too imo
    It's nice to have an escort mission
  16. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    right now you have probably triggered around 99% of players
    JohanLTU likes this.
  17. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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    Like seriously, I love those 2 quests and now am quite certain they will get either removed or reworked cause they're in the lowest 15
    So that's a big F
  18. ReneCZ

    ReneCZ Rene Media CHAMPION

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    IDK, There are no good and bad quests, it's all about how the person playing them likes them and that is subjective
    actually... you tell me
  19. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    It's an awful quest that basically lies to players about elements and elemental defenses, when the game already misleads them to ensure they won't know anything. It's also the reason why we have to start from scratch when talking to people about any game mechanic whatsoever in #questions.

    People who tell new players lies (whether intentional or unintentional) are awful.
    Elemental Exercise is literally that, but as a quest that's in the game itself. It needs to be either completely changed or replaced.

    It's basically the one thing you can't say this about :handpointdown:
    Every other case is arguably subjective, but Elemental Exercise is a mess of misinformation. There is no excuse for it.

    It is, by objective measures, the worst quest in the game.
    Liking it doesn't mean you're cool for being contrarian.
    Dr Zed and TrapinchO like this.
  20. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Anyway with the objective stuff out of the way, let's get to my personal opinions:
    - Realm of light should have been in the bottom 15. It not being in the bottom 15 is a crime, or maybe the people voting just didn't do the quest. Given how doomed the questline is, I wouldn't be surprised.
    - ToA is too flawed to be nearly as high as it is.
    - So glad that Fate of the Fallen is up there. It should be higher, but I'll take it.
    - Iron Heart II and Flight in Distress feel really overrated. Iron Heart II is nice, but I don't think it's top 15 material.
    - SE questline,,,, they're overrated but deserve top 15 (I guess)
    - Grookwarts is pretty low on my personal list because there's so much wasted potential and extremely questionable design. It's a good quest though.
    - Misadventure on the sea is underrated!! At least top 3.
    Zyrbaiakor and Dr Zed like this.
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