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Media Ranking The Reasons Why Mythic Prices Are Dropping

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Spyhy, Sep 1, 2020.


Do you belive these are the real problems of the economy?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    42 vote(s)
  3. with some

    17 vote(s)
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  1. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    (This thread is about explaining why mythic prices are dropping btw, also I didnt say thats its a bad thing or a good thing since its both
    Good for the poorer people so they can also finslly buy mythics at reasonable prices
    Bad for the people putting in hundrets of hours of work getting those mythics and seeig their hard work's vaulue deflate
    I might've been bad at expressing that within the thread)

    As everyone who knows a little about mythics should know that their price is falling like a rollercoaster going downwards that was built on a meteor which was falling on earth at 45.000 mph

    For example, Fatal (a sexy mythic) like a year ago was worth like 10-15 stx, but now its at 5 stx (sometimes lower)
    What happaned?
    Well the main problem is that there are too many mythics added, the supply is far higher than demand (btw this is an edit). Im not going to list that because the points Im going to make will mostly revolve around this issue.

    These are all the problems that I believe are destroying the prices of our items (not just mythics) and in order of how problematic they are.
    Also this is all just my opinion

    1st Trade market
    2nd Loot quality
    3rd Unidentified boxes
    4th No new mythics added
    5th No buffs to bad mythics
    6th People ignoring emeralds so new le wont get added into the economy

    1st Trade Market: I believe the thing that is ruining the economy the most is the trade market. It doesnt matter how u look at it, its far too easy to find the legendary/mythic items u want to buy. Many people try and "quicksell" their mythics for a lot less than the normal price becuse they dont want to wait and people who are selling it at normal price will lower their price because there are too many quicksellers. If it were harder to find mythics/legendaries than the price would also increase. (thats also how T6 powders went from 6 le to 1 le in price imo) (I know they TM cant be removed but its still a problem)

    2nd Loot quality: if you ask any lootrunner with many chests what is ruining the economy, 90% of the time they will say loot quality. Before loot quality, the average amount of chests opened per mythic find was around 5000 but now, 1800-2500 is the average. Which is just simply making too many mythics and all u really need is 40 loot qaulity which is basically nothing.

    3rd Unidentified boxes: Hear me out, Im including myself with this statement. If I were to miss a mythic, ye that would be sad, thing is though, I wouldnt know if I missed a mythic. People wouldnt even think of this as a bad thing, but I do. I know for a fact before it was easy to tell if u got a mythic from a chest/drop that many people missed mythics. Of course it would decrease the quality of life if ti was changed back to where you had to look at the item to see if it was a mythic or a legendary, but it would improve the economy since more people would miss mythics and thus decrease the amount of mythics added into the economy.

    4th No new mythics: When a new mythic comes, it usually has a very high price. Take for instance the shaman mythics, of course their price went down but they are still the best mythic type you can find. If more mythics were to be added, not only would there be more builds but also new expensive mythics that u could trade with

    5th No buffs to bad mythic: If there were, the prices of mythic would go up. Lets take "Pure" as the perfect example. Pure used to be one of the worst mythic with a price of 32 le before the economy started falling. But than it got a Major Id buff, making it's price skyrocket to 6-7 stx. I think thats all I really have to say about this point.

    6th People ignoring emerlds: As i said, more mythics are added into the economy than le, Many people ( back in the day myself included) ignore emeralds from chests and only go for mythics, making no new le flow in the economy. I believe this could be fixed by an item that would convert emeralds into eb without having to go to the bank. I know this has been suggested and been dinied multiple times, but that is what we need right now. And a lot of people I asked agree with this completely saying that getting emeralds is too hard without mythics. Also for the people still reading this for some reason, turn your emeralds into eb please.

    These are the problems currently with the economy in my humble opninion, feel free to disagree
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2020
    Caulan and MythicDagger like this.
  2. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    that would break the economy even more
  3. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I dont think so, as I said, people are ignoring the emeralds because they want to find mythics. And too many mythics are added than le to support their price. There should be more le
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Yes but then lootrunners would start focusing solely on emeralds so that they could buy mythics and too many emeralds would be introduced. The best solution is to tell lootrunners to collect emeralds.
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I don’t really agree with anything here. Before the Economy update, the biggest complaints about the economy were rampant inflation and how unaffordable most mythics were. So I don’t see why falling mythic prices and deflation are a problem then.

    Getting rid of the trade market is just not an option. It’s been highly requested by the community for years and it makes everyone’s life easier and more convenient.

    To me 1800-2500 is still a lot of loot chests to open in order to even have a decent chance at finding a mythic. And given how it’s only available through crafted items, I’d say they deserve it for all that extra effort of going through professions.

    Again, not an option. It just makes the game less convenient for a problem that isn’t really a problem to begin with.

    And nope; you can easily walk or teleport to the nearest town with a bank. It’s not needed and I doubt if it should even be mentioned at all for how insignificant it is.
  6. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Many people I know ignore emeralds, I know tm cant be removed but it is a big problem why the prices are sinking. Also lq can just be bought from tm or u buy the stuff and ask a guy to craft it for you
  7. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    ^ This. A lot of the complaints about the economy I don't really understand. Prices fluctuate, but that happens in most economies which aren't centrally regulated. Much like cryptocurrency, the wynn economy isn't regulated by some central body so prices can naturally respond more to trends than they would in most real life economies. A lot of Wynn's "problems" within the economy are just the result of there not being a regulatory body or system, and I personally don't think there should be or that it would be possible.
  8. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I doubt that, and even if they do it will put more le into the economy, some even say we need dupers distributing le. Also, make the item have -1000 lq. so they wont get mythics from chests and only le. Which would also be nice
  9. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Though that’s one of points of being a crafter or gatherer; you can sell your stuff to others to make money. So Id still say they deserve to be able to sell their items.
    That_Chudley and Samsam101 like this.
  10. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    u dont have to be a proffer to sell lq armour/jewellry tho
    Dr Zed likes this.
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    True but that still doesn’t outweigh the harm of crafters not being able to sell their items otherwise.
    Samsam101 likes this.
  12. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Trade market is made to make lives easier, don't view everything with mythics please, trade market is really helpful if you are buying ingredients or those not-so-popular items.

    More supply = lower in price, back them a grimtrap worth 8 stacks and nirvana worth 9 stacks, i don't know others but these amount seems unaffordable for a lot of players (like me)

    Wynntils exists... also you do you want people to miss mythics... that looks like what a scum would do

    more builds yes, but mythic price NO. You know how quick did collapse dropped in prices right, it is like 3 stacks and you can get a decent one

    then pure price dropped, the reason why pure can go for that high price is high spell damage, if you are selling a 143% one then at most you will get a stack.

    So it is lootrunner's problem and their act ruin the economy, not the loot chests themselves
    J_Lo777 and Samsam101 like this.
  13. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    This wouldn't happen as much if there weren't limited trade market slots, but that is not something Wynncraft can fix unless they get a lot more servers to store TM data on, and that costs money so...
    I would definitely be a lot more patient with my items if not for the fact I can only have 10 at once in market
    I think this is over all a good thing honestly, mythic rarity is too much, I get they are really powerful items but this RNG is borderline abusive, I've seen cases years ago with people complaining about how after a full year of lootrunning they wouldn't find almost any mythics while some people would be lucky enough to get 20 in a single year, hell, some people called the system rigged, I remember threads entirely about it
    I consider this a good thing in every possible way if anything
    Yeah sure but considering how abusive mythic RNG can be, this is nothing but a good thing, removing it would be a stupid decision in every way in my opinion
    Also they look cooler than a stick with a purple name and makes items feel more climatic to obtain in a way, it is no longer a purple stick, it is now a cage containing what could be either something you don't need or your dream weapon
    I'm not sure how this is a cost issue related to current mythics but I'm always up for new items anyways so sure
    Fair, in fact that would be cool yes
    Yet 2 years ago the economy's issue was that "there were too many emeralds and very few mythics"
    Reminder of how economies work: if the currency is not hard to obtain, the value drops
    If the price of a mythic goes up because there are too many emeralds, the situation is just the same except prices are now twice as big except not really because emeralds are also twice as easy to obtain and therefor the price is the same but with a different number, but the experience is the same
    New LE flow won't help making mythics more valuable, it will just make it easier to accurately set a price, but definitely not more valuable
    Also chests don't give that many emeralds anyways, they tend to cancel out lost emeralds from IDing and blacksmith selling but they don't tend to give me lots of emeralds at all, they keep me stabilized but I definitely don't gain much
    Also doesn't help that you get nearly as many emeralds from Emerald Trail chests as you do from Silent Expanse chests, I think end-game emerald amounts in chests could be buffed perhaps, because every other source of income in the game does scale properly (quests give way more at the end of the game and so do mobs, instead of dropping 1 emerald they drop like 7, and emerald imps are level 15 mobs and drop about 16 emeralds or so, while suspicious crates in Gavel at around level 70-95 drop about 4EBs on average)
    I see why this is an issue but this won't fix mythic prices at all
  14. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Tm still decreases the price of legendaries, yes it makes life easier and its not an option to remove, but as I said, it decreases prices.

    This thread is about the prices decreasing rapidly, also people still bought mythics back in the day. Also when they bought it, they still ahd the option to sell it for the same price so their money never decreased, but now their net is constantly decreasing afdter buying a mythic. So the old system is still better imo

    its not scummy at all, Im including myself with that statement since it could happen with me too, also the people missing the mythic woldnt be sad since they didnt know they missed a mythic. And mythic finding rates would decrease helping the economy, so everyone's happy

    Yes they drop very quickly if people find out that the items isnt all that good. but its still a new mythic that can be traded with.

    Pure prices still rose a hell lot, of course they decreased because of all the statements I made. But if they buffed mythics like memechief or dawnbroke, it would inflate the prices again which is good
  15. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    As stated a khbjillion times, Trade Market acts as a hub to obtain whatever you want from other people, really quickly (or after some time). Think of it like Runescape's Grand Exchange. It gives people the opportunity to purchase items needed to power level their professions, and for many people to sell their items for Emeralds in hand.
    Initial Loot Quality was abhorrently busted. It introduced a ton of Mythics into the game, and it caused the Mythic bubble to burst. Which is a good thing for some, because now the Mythics are now more affordable to many entry-level players.

    I'd like to introduce you to a brain-dead simple concept in Economy 101: Supply and Demand curves. I can't be bothered to tell the full thing, so here's a link. (tl;dr: As Mythic quantities increase, the supply will increase, and the demand will shift to make the new supply more affordable, which is when the supply and demand (quantity and price) will reach a stable equilibrium.)

    Prior to 1.19, this equilibrium was at a higher point, as Mythics were really rare and their price were more or less justifiable. Now, the Mythics are less rare and their price has dropped due to increased demand.
    You are now the anti-christ incarnate among all lootrunners. You do not deserve the #1 Discoverer with that statement.

    The problem is the amount of emeralds currently in circulation, not the amount of Mythics. The problem comes from the demand part of the Mythic market, which resulted in prices plummeting and demand increasing. Increased demand is a good thing, because it allows market fluidity.

    Allowing players to miss Mythics will make it worse.
    This is entirely left to IM.
    Again, this is entirely left to IM.
    This has been suggested enough times to be placed on my "permanent no-go suggestions list" where I will vehemently deny any suggestion with a mention of it.

    As I said earlier, it's down to a simple supply & demand problem. The Mythic quantity and prices will eventually reach a point where both demand and supply will be satisfied. But automated (item-bound) emerald compression is not the way to go.
    NITEHAWKX, Qzphs, J_Lo777 and 4 others like this.
  16. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    I thought that just a few months ago people were complaining about inflation and how unaffordable mythics were.

    Also I'm guessing you're not going to like the forgery changes.
  17. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    Have you seen the % chance that forgery gives of finding a mythic? Is it super high or pretty low? If it's low then it won't be a problem at all (especially considering how common mythics are in the current economy).
    MythicDagger likes this.
  18. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    iirc it's low enough to not be worth it over lootrunning by a longshot
  19. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    They said it won't be as good as loot running, but would still be viable . The biggest thing would be that lootrunning is limited by the number of chests that exist. Only one person can really lootrun on a server, but stack the chances of a dungeon party and it may become significant.

    The chances are actually probably higher than loot running, but since you need to do 7 unique dungeons without dying it probably will take much more time. They said it would probably surprise us
  20. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    Here's something that I haven't seen mentioned.

    I feel like the general LE nerf from quests was a pretty bad idea, and definitely damaged both new and old players.

    1. The LE nerf made it so that new players don't get nearly enough LE to afford a decent mythic without making several level 100 classes. Each class only gives 48le - 1 stack (if they don't buy ANY items and do all the quests with max emerald gain). That means that even with max potential profit AND mythic deflation, you would still need to level several classes to 103 to be able to afford a decent mythic (most strong mythics on meta classes such as fatal and divzer sell for around 3-6 stacks now. I realise that there's mythics like Gaia and Apoc which sell for hardly anything but they're easily outclassed by other mythics).
    2. It completely destroyed the resale market. With mythic deflation and less LE in the economy, the resale market is now essentially nonexistent (you can still do it but it's significantly more difficult). I know a ton of people who prefered resale as their form of income, and I myself have made a significant amount of money off the resale market. It really sucks that you can't sell a mythic now unless it's meta or is significantly underpriced, and it makes old players feel like their hard-earned mythics are completely valueless.
    Rypreorow likes this.
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