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Wars Of Wynn: Season 1

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by MagmaMelon, Aug 30, 2020.

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  1. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    THIS THREAD IS ON HOLD FOR A WEEK DUE TO ME HAVING A BUSY LIFE. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, hopefully we can start this up again soon.

    It’s time!

    Just to note that I have not sent the PMs I said I would. Sorry about this, but I felt like they added nothing to what you already knew. I have now only sent PMs to those with confidential info about their goals that must not be shared.

    Here is a link to a thread with everything you need to know about the game:

    Here are some basic rules which everyone, spectator, character, or otherwise, MUST follow. These will also be posted in the game thread so that everyone can see them.

    1) If you are not playing as a character in the game, you must put “SPEC: [message]” if you reply to the thread.

    2) Just be sensible. Follow the forum rules, and remember that a lot of work has been put into this, so don’t ruin it for everyone else.

    3) If playing as a character, stay in your character at all times. PM me if you have any questions about gameplay.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL CHARACTERS TO READ: The OP (this post) will be updated every time a new round comes out. Each round will contain new scenarios for you to respond to. All responses should be in the comments section. I highly recommend you watch this thread.

    Remember that not everyone will have choices to make this round.

    You are happy with the Traders of the Plains' profit this year. However, there is one last trip to make. You must go to Detlas to sell your hard-earned resources. However, Nivla Forest stands in your way. Will you take the road (where there are less Spiders but no trees to climb), or will you take "the Wild Route", (where there are more spiders but plenty of trees to climb up. Spiders cannot climb trees. Next Choice: 4 Sep

    @Sonoda Umi~

    You need to get the sceptre from the Almuj vaults - the outside world does not know why. However, you have just finished a raid in Rymek, and you must get back to the desert. A fierce pack of coyotes is chasing after you. Do you clamber up the canyon sides and hope they can't follow, or do you run and likely lose some members to their teeth? Next Choice: 2 Sep


    Reports have come into Nemract that the Bandits of the Dunes are running from Rymek after a failed raid, and seem to be making for the desert. You think they might be after the sceptre, and so decide to head up to the edge of the mesa to intercept them. You now have a difficult choice to make. Do you leave half of your force in Nemract to defend the town, or do you all go to attack the bandits? Next Choice: 2 Sep


    You want to get to Time Valley (check your PMs to find out why). You are passing through the lands, and Elkurn looms ahead. You need extra supplies, but you know no-one will sell to you and your fellow warlords. Do you burn the town and plunder it, or do you continue to Time Valley? Next Choice: 6 Sep


    You have heard rumours of a malice that is travelling towards Time Valley. You have the keys to the Temple of Time. Do you lock it so that they cannot get in, or do you keep the keys and prepare to fight them in the Temple? Next Choice: ???


    As well as being the statistics guy of the Traders of the Plains, you also know how to cure wounds and infections. However, there is only room for one more medicine besides all the required healing potions that you must bring. One heals spider bites, and one stops the disease that affects people after they are bitten from being contagious. However, the second salve can do nothing to save the person's life. Which do you bring? Next Choice: ???


    You have received reports that there are bandits in the area. As Captain of the Almuj Guard, do you double the watch on the walls, or do you send out your men to investigate? Next Choice: ??

    Note that I have removed the line saying when your next choice will be. It is difficult for me to co-ordinate with this. Instead, I'll just tag you each time you have a choice.

    You keep running from the coyotes, and lose some members. The end of the mesa is near and you can see the desert beyond it. You have to get into Almuj to steal the sceptre, but that will be impossible to do stealthily without killing the coyotes. Do you lure them into the river and drown them, or do you climb the few palm trees by the water and shoot them down?

    You continue east and reach the tribe of Bremminglar. You realise you did not take enough supplies to keep you sustained on the way through the savanna. Do you ask the tribesmen for extra food and pay them with your armour, or do you keep trekking to Almuj and hope to buy supplies there?

    You want to kill Dremlar Seaking, heir to the throne of Nemract. He is aware of this, so you need to strike his group quickly. Do you attack the town of Nemract and kill his second in command, or do you outrun his group in the savanna, where they will be slow and weak?

    @Je Hooft
    You need to strike the cult of the ToA before it can gather strength. Do you enlist the help of the Nesaak military (who will take a lot of food to feed), or do you take your 20 men and attack the tower head-on with no delay or extra cost?

    You have been left in Nemract by your commander to guard the town. You know that Charon may attack soon, but you cannot be sure if he will or not. Do you prepare for the worst and evacuate the town or do you keep your guard up on the walls and wait for further news?

    You know that the Twain Loremasters may attack, but you need to know more about them. Do you send out your servant Ankou (@TrapinchO), or do you destroy the Nesaak military openly so that they cannot aid the loremasters?

    You have been warned by Old Man Martyn to be careful around the valley, because there are strangers passing through nearby lands with a sinister feel. Do you move in with Old Man Martyn for protection, or do you stay where you are so that the strangers won't come near you if they want to harm Martyn? That's kind of complicated, but basically do you want Martyn to take you under his wing or do you not due to the danger it could bring to you?

    Not many choices this round, but next round will have A LOT.

    Having taken the safer route, you find a wounded guard on the trail, dying. You cannot spare medicine for him, having very little of it, so you have two options. You can leave him there to die and think no more about it, or you can take him to Nivla Village and to the healers there. Doing so will cost you time, and it will take you off the path where there is a danger of being lost.


    You have taken note of the area and are approcahing Time Valley. You need to send Rickeo Twain (@99loulou999), to take care of his task (see your PMs), but the entrance to the valley is sealed with powerful magic, probably put there to stop you getting in. Do you blast down the magic barrier and alert everyone to your presence, or do you try and find weak spots, which will cost you time?

    You will now be tagged in the replies when you are mentioned.

    You lure the wolves into the river. Some drown, but five or so manage to struggle through. You and your second, Morga, fell them. You now need to get to the Almuj vaults as secretly as you can. You know that the Almuj guards may be watching for an attempt to steal the sceptre. Do you send some of your forces to make a diversion, or all go to the vaults, in which case it will be easier to take down guards?

    You trek through the Savanna and you enter Almuj. Do you try and actively find the bandits, or do you watch on the city's walls to make them think you are not after them?

    You attack the town of Nemract. However, the town has been evacuated. Do you leave and preserve your army, or do you kill the men of Dremlar Seaking?

    You and your men march to the tower. At the bottom is Ankou. Wanting to preserve your men, you go to battle him alone. Do you question him, or do you straight-out kill him?

    You see Charon attacking, with far greater numbers than your own. Do you attack him or flee?

    Dwendle Twain, another powerful magic wielder, walks up to you. Do you raise the alarm and potentially save the tower, or do you battle him and take the glory for yourself if you kill him?

    Only one choice in this round - the rounds will now alternate between small and big.

    You have been sent ahead to make a diversion for Ristamath and the others to get the sceptre. You have with you some explosives. Do you use them on the Almuj walls and put the men on their guard and yet maybe kill some of them, or do you use them in the distance to draw attention there?

    If you do not understand your options, please PM me. Do not discuss them in the comments.

    Remember that if you are not playing as a character, then all of your comments must be formatted as (SPEC): {comment}.

    Thank you and let's get this party started!
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
  2. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    I choose to leave half of my forces to the town, because a suprise attack on Nemract could be deadly if there were no troops defending. I also don't think the bandits will be too hard to deal with, combined with the fact that they have failed a raid, and are most likely weakened. I should be able to deal with this group of robbers with ease.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
  3. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    Probably start to run, if anyone gets attacked and killed by the wolves then they shouldn't have joined the bandits in the first place.
  4. Shkol2

    Shkol2 Erevan Galanodel, 320-ish, Sorcerer/Warlock

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    I lock the Temple. Better to be safe than sorry.
  5. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    @H0Y look, all im saying is that b u r n i n g Elkurn would be very nice ;))
  6. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    [Spec]I would like to say metagaming would not be very nice and revealing that information isnt

    Edit: apparently you can look at others prompts, just checked
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
  7. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    Uh I'm fairly sure we won the raid considering Magma said "finished" not "failed"
  8. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    [SPEC]: What is metagaming
  9. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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  10. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    [Spectator]: O my bad, its just technically our charachter are right next to each other and mine is firey boi so uh ye
  11. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    [Spec] The information and choices given to me says "failed", not "finished"
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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  13. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    [SPEC]: Just here to say that I am fully aware of the metagaming issue, but there is no way I can send you all your promtps through PMs. It would be too much hassle and super hard to keep tabs on every one of you. If a next season ever happens, I assure you I'll think more about it.

    For now, it isn't a huge issue. The game also assumes that the characters have at least some knowledge of what is going on elsewhere (via messengers or other means), so we'll just continue to play.
    [SPEC]: Also, about the raid business. What happened was that even though the Bandits of the Dunes failed the raid "didn't get anything out of it), they didn't lose any members. However, @Emogla3 is still right that they are weakened because they are tired, and some have minor wounds which hamper progress, small problems like that.
    StormDragon4 likes this.
  14. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Although I may need some extra supplies, it will be important not to make disturbance in this location. Plus, I'm pretty sure my companion would love to also help lay waste when he reunites with me. I'll send one scout (invisible or disguised if possible, invis over disguised) to however, gather information here about the geography and key structures of Elkurn discretely, for the way back.
    99loulou999 likes this.
  15. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    I will take the road with less spiders! Some small spiders can't surely kill all of us, as long as everyone watches their ground. And there's too many of us to risk climbing some trees with our precious resources.
  16. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    I will choose the potion that stops the disease. If someone poses a threat to infect other members of the group, there should be other countermeasures to prevent infections, like letting the person travel in some distance to the group, which may also pose some dangers, but is better than letting the person outright die. In order to be able to better evaluate such situations, I will use the remaining time until departure to gather additional information about the spiders and their disease, if possible.
  17. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    Just informing everyone of my ussername change(I'm Sonoda Umi~, AKA Skylaar)
  18. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    (SPEC): weird, even though I'm following you I didn't get a notice that you made this thread
  19. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    [SPEC]: You have to check your news feed. It suprised me too
  20. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    I choose to send out men to investigate, but the ones currently on guard will stay

    [Spec]:Also I didn't get any notification from the mention. Next time I think you need to do the multipost thing because of the 3 mention limit, but since i'm watching the thread it should be fine
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