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Dungeons And Dragons Campaign [full] [discontinued On The Forums]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by SPYROHAWK, Dec 9, 2016.

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  1. Hexorcism

    Hexorcism warrior class enjoyer CHAMPION

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    Heat remains silent, unphased by the topic of conversation. Then, he lays his bag down beside him in the booth and speaks. While he speaks, it seems like his way of talking changes very slightly (OOC: every new paragraph).

    "Is it a matter of who we are? Or what we hope to achieve in our mortal vessel?
    ... When the sea meets the stars at a being's final walk towards death they reflect not upon their character but the actions and consequences which led up to the state of their passing. Should they cower in death's presence or welcome it with open arms recognizing their finite time in the infinite scape of existence is now closing?"

    "As someone who bears the light so zealously I imagine you do not fear the darkness. But light will always cast a shadow, even if that shadow is too small to behold. It will always linger, and useless to ignore or deter when the line between light and dark is so very thin.
    ... So why not walk that line? Like fire, which may provide warmth and growth to civilizations or may scorch the lands leaving nothing in its wake. The decision is the wielder's to use such a beautifully destructive force for the greater cause."

    "When you welcome both evil and good forces into one domain they must struggle for dominance, of course. But there will always be the other to pull one down should it stray too far. There cannot be light without dark and, likewise, dark cannot thrive without light. It's simply how one decides to let those influences drive them that will determine their resolve, their willpower, their fighting strength.
    ... Erevan, there are evils in this world that wish to destroy the light. And darkness that wishes to abolish the light. In reality, the terms good and evil are dangerously subjective. However, there must remain a balance."

    Heat looks deeply in Erevan's eyes with beads of red light. (OOC: within the [brackets] is a small chorus of three different voices.)
    "For in my short time here, I've realized that there cannot exist one without the others [without the others, without the others, without the others]."
  2. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Alas sits nearly.

    If any of the 2 turns to look at him he will just say :
    "Don't mind me for now, I just have some talk to do with Heat(If Erevan look)/you (If Heat look) after you're finished."
  3. bluepenguin1002

    bluepenguin1002 Waddling penguin

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    Alth nods and flies out in that direction

    Investigation: 19+7= 26
  4. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    "You offer much to consider, but no answers... as usual."

    Erevan half-smiles and leans on one arm, drumming his fingers on the table. He pauses, and frowns.

    "You're wrong about me, though... that I don't fear the dark. I have seen the very depths of darkness, and was terrified. The sheer cruelty that the dark inflicts on a whim... I think it would be quite unnatural not to fear it. I am scared."

    "Not for myself, you must understand... but I know well what the dark I fight against could do, will do, if not stopped, to everyone I care for, to every living thing, and it scares me. Terrifies me to my core. That is why I fight the dark. Not zealous hatred, not righteous fury... perhaps vengeance, though even that feels distant. But at heart, it is that simple fear. And perhaps, if I were to be generous with myself, a feeling that could be called love."

    "You speak of balance. What is your purpose, then? If you even are a single being with a single purpose, for even that seems in doubt now... Do you see it as your role to keep that balance? Then I hope you will listen to what I say. Look around you! These blighted lands, this town, its people... the bones in that cave... these things are not subjective. I hope you do not mean to suggest that their suffering is a necessary part of some great cosmic balance of light and dark that must be upheld at all costs. And if there is such a balance, it is plain to see that the dark is far out of balance and must be repelled. I can only hope you will join me in doing so."

    Erevan realizes that he risen from his seat without intending to and sits back down with a heavy sigh.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
    Hexorcism and AlexisPlay like this.
  5. Hexorcism

    Hexorcism warrior class enjoyer CHAMPION

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    Heat takes in the scene of the inside of the inn just after sunset.
    "Have I not fought alongside you all since I joined your cause, and battled even more confidently as time proved you all incredible comrades, friend?
    ... I seek not to singlehandedly exterminate the undead plague and similar byproducts of evil, though I have vowed to myself that I would do whatever I may in my power to uphold the balance between good and evil, darkness and light. For that, I fight alongside you all. I recognize very well that the undead are an unnatural evil that seek to disrupt the scale that holds together the world and I will smite everything responsible for the spread."

    "The darkness is an element I have harnessed to combat against the evils which provoke more harm and agony than they must. I do not mean to suggest that the innocents that have been slain are a simple mechanism in the great cosmic balance. The people who have fallen have not done so in vain, because the evils of the world which have weaponized the darkness against those who do not understand it will suffer."

    Heat returns his gaze to Erevan.
    "As for the answers you seek about who I am, I am afraid that you will have to wait until that manifests further. I am just recently beginning to understand what I have become and I hold even less of an idea of who I was created to be
    ... What I can tell you is that there are forces of darkness much stronger and vicious than the ones we have witnessed here, and they reside in my homeland. These are forces that require the undead vermin and lesser evils to be vanquished for their ultimate goals to be accomplishable. I am born of that wickedness shrouding the land but driven by righteousness which blooms within the most courageous of individuals."

    Heat sighs in despair, his metal plates shifting emphasize his restlessness.
    "I am shackled still, by an influence I will never escape. But I am granted the power of the great darkness which slumbers in my homeland through that influence. And so, I am in an everlasting struggle between the bright stars and the depths of the treacherous seas. But I will gladly do so if it means the end of suffering for others."
    Paradoxical likes this.
  6. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    "My apologies... in my skepticism, I momentarily forgot the valor you have shown in fighting at our sides."

    "I admit, I take some issue with your notion of balance. Metaphors of light and shadow can only take us so far in the philosophical problems of evil. No matter. It can be discussed another time, as can the matter of your... apparently fragmented identity. For now, what matters to me is that you fight at my side for the preservation of innocent life. And I at yours, of course."

    "I hope that some day, in your too-brief journey between sea and starlight, you can come to terms with who you are. I hope, too, that this dark influence is not as inescapable as you claim. But until that day, I only hope I am worthy to be the light to your darkness."

    "... that sounds excessively dramatic, now that I hear it said aloud. Ah, I must stop undercutting myself like this..." Erevan runs a hand through his hair and leans back in the booth with a sigh.
    Hexorcism likes this.
  7. Hexorcism

    Hexorcism warrior class enjoyer CHAMPION

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    Heat nods, noticably content with what you've promised him. (at least as much as a warforged can express through his body language). He leans his elbow on the table before looking over at Alas. He turns back to Erevan.
    "Was the devil child always here?"
  8. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    "Yes. Waiting to talk to you, I believe."


    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    "I'm workin' on a new forgin' device that also works wicked handy in a fight. But it's takin' a while to get done all by me self."
    I'd call for perception more than investigation tbh.

    The main locations you know of so far in that side of town are the town hall, the jewler's shop, and the mill. But you don't have any real evidence as to where the boy has gone, just from your flyby.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Edit to my previous post.

    You land on rooftops and look around. You ask people around what they have seen, and look for abandoned buildings. Your efforts eventually lead to the Mill where Dando Smith lives, and you notice a broken window leading into the second floor.
  11. bluepenguin1002

    bluepenguin1002 Waddling penguin

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    For the second time this game alth Probbably breaks a window going through it

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    So it's dark and you don't see very much.

    And you just entered the only other dungeon in this town, which I have not started preparing for
    You do see two things tho:

    1) George is sleeping on an old mattress in the corner, covered in a blanket

    2) Dando Smith is nowhere to be seen
  13. bluepenguin1002

    bluepenguin1002 Waddling penguin

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    Alth loads a bullet into his cannon gets ready to fire out then window, then stops.
    He heads over to george and using the butt of his gun jostles the kid awake

    Alth:"hey, oi look buddy I know you probably sleep here most nights but we have a room back at the tavern..."

    Alth:"On a side note this place is bloody creepy... Isn'y this someone else's home?"
  14. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Well, I'm in town for a few more days and I offered to help you repair Heat earlier. So if you'd want my help, I would gladly help you."

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Roll a check of your choice to try to wake the kid up, he's fast asleep

    "I was planin' on workin' on it all night tonight, if ya care to join."
  16. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Yeah. I got nothing beter to do. Just means I'll be sleeping next afternoon."
    Ti'Lin smiles.
  17. bluepenguin1002

    bluepenguin1002 Waddling penguin

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    Sleight of hand 11+3=14
  18. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Alas : "First, great speech."
    "But I'm not at an age to start thinking about the balance of the world. Balacing myself is already hard enough."

    "So ... I'm not here to participate to your philosophical discussion ... I just wanted you to tell me everything that happened so far with the boy from earlier. Could you ?"

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    She smiles and nods

    You don't wake him up, but you think he's light enough to carry to a safer place
  20. Hexorcism

    Hexorcism warrior class enjoyer CHAMPION

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    Heat nods.
    "Of course.. First, our avian comrade found the jeweler in front of his shop distressed. Apparently his shop had been broken into and some valuables had been stolen. George was the primary suspect as he had committed crimes before and was seen in the area. Then, I arrived to deescalate the situation between a guard and George with the bird nearby. I persuaded the guard to allow me to take the child with us to learn lessons of valor and fighting strength so that he may one day leave the town and make a living for himself without the need to commit crimes."

    "Althiaos, the reckless being he is, decided to give the unstable child a lesson in firearms. After that situation was barely deescalated, I took him with us to the farm so that he wouldn't run off somewhere. And that is where we are now."
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