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Guild Level 104 ✫✫✫ ↿↾ Avicia ↿↾ Recruiting All Players

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by birdiefly209, Sep 6, 2018.

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  1. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    Hello Nerfed!

    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret and Nerfet like this.
  2. Cosmokey1

    Cosmokey1 Cosmokey VIP+

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    What is your username: Cosmokey1
    What is your Discord username:Cosmokey#6297
    What level is your highest level class: 100
    What is your time zone: EST
    How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft: 2-3 hours a day depends on how i am feeling
    Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s): ANO, Friend's Guilds cant remember the names
    Why do you want to join Avicia: I enjoy Community's, Talking to people Wynncraft's a pretty lonely place
    What could you contribute to Avicia: Being Helpful Spread Positivity'n such
    How did you find our guild: A guild member asked me if i would like to join since i was solo sent me this link
    thepicferret likes this.
  3. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    Hello Cosmokey1!
    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret likes this.
  4. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    Hello Quenlan!
    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret likes this.
  5. Malacodae

    Malacodae Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    1. Malacodae
    2. Malacodae
    4. Ar 98
    5. +1
    6. usually 5-10 hours a week
    7. No
    8. Yes
    9. I don't know
    10. ThEpicFerret
    thepicferret likes this.
  6. AllyMe

    AllyMe Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. What is your username? AllyMee
    2. What is your Discord username? AllyMe#6875
    3. How old are you? 21
    4. What level is your highest level class? level 96 mage but im playing on a level 85 archer acc now which i wanna get maxed professions on.
    5. What is your time zone? UTC +2 Eu-west Amsterdam
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? about 2 - 8h a day
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s). I have not
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? I wanna experience what it's like to be in a guild. i've been playing wynn for about 5 years but never been in one.
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? I'm not sure what guilds do so no idea >.<
    10. How did you find our guild? A shout ingame
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? I'm new to the guild thing so if i could get a roledown of what it has to offer i'd be happy to hear.
    thepicferret likes this.
  7. HugTed

    HugTed Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. What is your username?
    2. What is your Discord username? (Ex. birdiefly209#0987)
    3. How old are you? (Optional)
    4. What level is your highest level class?
    100 Warrior
    5. What is your time zone?
    EST (New York)
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?
    Couple hours a day, getting back into it.
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s).
    Yes, Paladins United
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia?
    Looking for some people to hang out with, trying to get back into Wynn.
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia?
    I don't mind the trivial grinding things, as long as it helps.
    10. How did you find our guild?
    Shout Advert
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional)
    You'll have to bear with me as I learn all the mechanics that were changed from when I last played.
    thepicferret likes this.
  8. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    Hello HugTed!
    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret likes this.
  9. OneIndianGuy

    OneIndianGuy Newbie Adventurer

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    is it possible to be accepted if i'm only level 45?
    thepicferret likes this.
  10. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    Hello AllyMe!
    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret likes this.
  11. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    Chances would be very slim. And while it has happend before, it is very rare, getting bit higher level should give you a better chance.
    thepicferret likes this.
  12. OneIndianGuy

    OneIndianGuy Newbie Adventurer

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    1. What is your username?
    2. What is your Discord username? (Ex. birdiefly209#0987)
    3. How old are you? (Optional)
    4. What level is your highest level class?
    50 Assassin
    5. What is your time zone?
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?
    About 3 hours a day
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s).
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia?
    I've heard a lot of positive things about this guild and I want a community of people to play Wynn with.
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia?
    I can do anything that is asked of me, war, grinding etc.
    10. How did you find our guild?
    There were many mentions of it through shouts in game and forums
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional)
    Due to my block scheduling at my high school, and me only taking 4 classes I get every other weekday off, which is when I'll be on for the most part
    thepicferret likes this.
  13. Ocelot

    Ocelot VoxTu

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    1. What is your username? ThisGuyEmerald
    2. What is your Discord username? ThisGuyEmerald|Chris#8815
    3. How old are you? (Optional) 16
    4. What level is your highest level class? 76 archer
    5. What is your time zone? MEZ
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? 4-5h a day 4-5 days a week
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s). Sins of Seedia (which i sadly couldnt contribute futher due to a broken pc and the guilds dissapearing 2019)
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? Ive been looking for an active guild for awhile, after SDU was no more and my curent guild aint active (im a chief but mainly do the leaders work at these times) im looking forward in supporting a guild i could grow with
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? 1le a month , quest help, Dungeon help.
    10. How did you find our guild? The guild´s been around for a while now, and ive seen a few claiming activies via wynntills. when SDU still existed i tended to move over but the guild over was nice and helped me on many quests, so i stayed
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional) I got a small animation YT channel
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
    thepicferret likes this.
  14. Penguin7922

    Penguin7922 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. What is your username? penguin7922
    2. What is your Discord username? penguin7299#8352
    3. How old are you? (Optional) 16
    4. What level is your highest level class? archer, mage, warrior and assassin at level 100 - 102
    5. What is your time zone? GMT+10
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? returning player
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s). Avos air
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? Warring is fun
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? Warring
    10. How did you find our guild? Doggy_w00f
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional) nope
    thepicferret likes this.
  15. Doggy_W00F

    Doggy_W00F Chief of Avicia CHAMPION

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    Hello penguin7922!
    I am pleased to inform you that your application to Avicia has been accepted! A message has been sent to you with further information on how to join, please check your inbox as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in the guild!
    thepicferret likes this.
  16. Newracket

    Newracket Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Hello OneIndianGuy!

    I regret to inform you that your application to Avicia has been denied. While we are unable to bring you in at this time, we encourage you to apply again after one week. We hope to see you around!
    thepicferret likes this.
  17. Crazycake3458

    Crazycake3458 Travelled Adventurer

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    1. What is your username? Crazycake3458
    2. What is your Discord username? Crazycake#1482
    3. How old are you? (Optional) 14
    4. What level is your highest level class? Level 85 Mage
    5. What is your time zone? Mountain standard time
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? Almost everyday 2-5 hours
    7. Have you been in a guild before? If so, please specify the name(s). I've never been in a guild.
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? I want an active community to play Wynncraft with as well as experience in a guild, and warring sounds fun!
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? I'm hoping I can help out in warring, as well as working together in quests and dungeons.
    10. How did you find our guild? I saw the guild on the leaderboard, and there was shouts to join while I was playing.
    11. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (Optional) I suck at parkor, but ok-ish at killing stuff :p
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
    thepicferret likes this.
  18. Galiagante_Jr

    Galiagante_Jr Well-Known Adventurer

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    What is your username? Galiagante_Jr
    What is your Discord username? Galiagante_Jr
    How old are you? I prefer not to say.
    What is your highest level class? lvl. 83
    What is your time zone? Eastern Daylight Time
    How often and for how long do you usually play Wynncraft? I usually play 6 hours when i decide to. My Wynncraft schedule is all over the place, meaning i'll spend a couple weeks playing Wynn, and a couple weeks completely forgetting it exists.
    Have you been in a Guild before? no
    Why do you want to join Avicia? I want to see what guilds are, do, and what they are like.
    What could you contribute to Avicia? Comedy
    How did you find our guild? One of your High Council member, Archon Urbymine recommended it to me.
    Is there anything else you would like us to know? i have always wanted be be in a guild in Wynn, and after my experiences here, i look to become my very own Guildmaster.
    thepicferret likes this.
  19. Newracket

    Newracket Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Hello ThisGuyEmerald!

    I regret to inform you that your application to Avicia has been denied. While we are unable to bring you in at this time, we encourage you to apply again after one week. We hope to see you around!
    thepicferret likes this.
  20. Rinke1945

    Rinke1945 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. What is your username? Rinke1945
    2. What is your Discord username? Rinke#8740
    4. What level is your highest level class? 76
    5. What is your time zone? CEST /CET (UTC+2/+1
    6. How often and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft? a few houers a day
    7. Have you been in a guild before?I am currently in ASH (Achte Shadow)
    8. Why do you want to join Avicia? I am lookingnow for quite some time for a guild that is more acctiv, at the time im on, and i hope to finde this here
    9. What could you contribute to Avicia? im a activ player.
    10. How did you find our guild? i saw an add in the ingamme chat
    thepicferret likes this.
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