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Info Item Team Thread - Item/ingredient/major Id Changes, Updates & More

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Selvut283, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Then nerf to 1ms I guess, atlas is hella OP

    or maybe add sp reqs like tenuto so that u can't just slap it in every build
  2. ccccccccccccccc

    ccccccccccccccc horse failure

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    Diamond hydro bracelet already has a guaranteed 3/4ms roll, along with 12% water%, 8% spell%, 7 int, and 70 water defense. Unless people really needed the ls/superslow they wouldn't use a 1ms atlas at all, especially given that it has no skill points.

    What reqs should it have? I don't think atlas should be constrained to only a few tris, and it should definitely not be constrained away from int imo. There aren't enough mana steal items in alot of archetypes to make up for not having atlas imo.
  3. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    But you see there are a lot of times when people will want the super slow for a steal-based build given how wynncraft's ms ls works, and atlas is that one item which guarantees it + ls + 3ms

    and imo that is an awful lot for one single item to have

    And also because atlas exists, nobody uses Enmity, which is also a bracelet that gives 3ms and a little bit of spell dmg but actually has sp reqs
  4. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Also, a 100 int req... This completely turns off any non int spell, or non int assassins generally.
    J_Lo777 likes this.
  5. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    shaggy should have just lost the -tiers and i guess the 2nd spell works. but the thunder damage nerf is really annoying imo especially when you use it for the thunder damage in a hyrbid build.
  6. Pollyqwq

    Pollyqwq Well-Known Adventurer

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    sooo when is the spring buff item patch gonna release
  7. vikidi98

    vikidi98 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    can you do better buff on spring crafted still better please a better one i beg you
  8. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    I hate to say it but I kinda do agree just because of how goddamn powerful crafted spring is
  9. vikidi98

    vikidi98 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    when you see that spring take -4 stx value cause crafted is more powerfull that so disapointing they need to buff more or just delete crafted or nerf crafted
  10. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Obviously deleting crafted is never gonna happen, and I highly doubt crafted spring will get nerfed because of how complex the crafting ingredients' landscape is

    so buff spring more
  11. Cqspar

    Cqspar Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Just actually buff spring and actually nerf Freedom, nerf it like spring was nerfed and time to time give it little buffs.
    Freedom :
    0-2/4mr or no mr at all
    0 spell damage

    then it could be somewhat nerfed, but 50 agi is broken af, ik its part of the rainbow stuff so please actually nerf it and not just tickle the rainbow damages
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
    Iboju and Tekenen like this.
  12. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    please tell me you plan to nerf freedom more, this was not enough
  13. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    haha freedom nerf haha :tearsofjoy:

    this is constructive critism!
  14. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Screenshot_2020-06-23-12-03-57.png Hard prediction. Anyway, really nice chestplate in a spot that could really use it. It shouldn't interfere with anything Rekkr or Elysium do either (one is mainly defensive to make up for using Virgo, the other is just powerful enough to look down on a tier option), and I'm looking forward to using this in EWF tierstack.

    Glad to see that those items stuck in API only are finally getting added, especially Tisaun's Valor and Ohms Rage look like they're going to be worth grinding for (I better stock up on keys).

    The cancelstack/heavy melee changes are mostly fine, although I do feel like Writhing Growth has a little much. Very happy about Blind Thrust losing 3rd spell, it should be able to something really neat in ETW now. For anyone complaining about the elemental damages, Shaggy Boots had fourth highest thunder damage, Earth Breaker second highest fire damage, Blind Thrust second highest earth damage.. And that's is when comparing to the Sanctuaries and other items that have high single element damaage, like Discharge. There was no reason for the heavy melee items to just come in and be that good in that part, definitely a deserved nerf.

    Right. The controversial changes. Let's start off with the reasonable ones: Grandmother nerf, probably deserved after not being effectively locked to Gaea-Hewn for countering the hpr. Spring, not the exact buff I'd make, but a really nice one nonetheless and this should make Spring be good enough for a while. The Strati buff is actually really nice, considering it's just going to be easier to throw damage on this, especially following recent changes like Conduit and Courier's Cape. It's had this problem where it had to choose between damage and health, and I hope people realize this health and req buff should make Strati quite a bit better again. But now Freedom and Divzer. Why, oh why, did one of the most broken items get a small nerf (4.5% less base damage) and nothing else? I would expect higher reqs at the least. And then there's Divzer, which can still get the haha funny 20k bombs whilst only losing 3 mana steal. That on its own is already pretty insignificant considering Sine/Atlas/Sparkling Visor already give a ton of ms, but the fact that thunder spell hasn't even gotten to the changes (very likely buffs) makes me afraid of what Divzer is going to do with that. I don't like suggesting simple raw base damage nerfs, but Divzer needs one pretty badly and I don't think this nerf is going to cut it.
    Ignis and Warp nerfs are fine.

    hype bread

    other changes I'm absolutely hype bread about:
    grip of the land: xavier you madman
    harmony: hard money, can you believe we're getting elemental defenses that actually matter a lot and making air just a little bit more defensive like it's supposed to be
    fallbreakers: see above except 'fire'
    efteling: rev up those lunar spines it's gaming o'clock
    Ski Mask: imagine being able to buy a really solid 3 mana regen helmet. imagine being a new player and being able to but a really solid 3 mana regen helmet and it's actually really good do you see where i'm going with this
    soarfae: :) (but like four times bigger)
    wind mimic: it's a good and interesting change please don't make a fart joke please don't
    ensa's ideals: we live in a world where a rare item can have health as an identity. we will end baselines
    virtuoso: fuck i lost the bet on which exact nerf was going to happen
    conduit of spirit: hmmm would you look at that would you, i'll point out the capricorn parallel because no one else has yet
    ex nihilo: still power but it actually doesn't sabotage signal flare. i think i can take the 'god item' sticker off of it, for now.
    september: we'll never actually know why it had -int
    signal flare: just a change it needed to be able to do what it wants to do.
    dionaea: EF item with walk speed still needs to happen, although dionaea was obviously too strong for that.
    achilles: i actually love you
    nether's reach: it might not look very interesting, but it's actually a big change for TFA melee, possibly on the level Soarfae tier is
    calidade mail: forgot what i said above here, this is the shit for TFA melee
    i just remembered this is gonna include the nether's scar change to tier item as well, TFA melee is gonna be wild and so will my TWF melee builds oops
    cloudwalkers: clout makes you lose control
    bantisu's approach: i can't find the meme i made that fits perfectly give me some time
    dust skaters: 2 new ids for dust skaters feels about right, please keep this pace up

    i'm out of town for a couple of days i'll try to make actual feedback once i get back to my pc
    Iboju and Tekenen like this.
  15. Neptune

    Neptune Self-proclaimed Az Cult Leader CHAMPION

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    dang, gotta love rainbow air trait + massive damage + 3MR
    give it mediocre damage to fit air trait hec. I stg every other damn rainbow mythics follow their traits. Singularity (Thunder) is made glassy with negative walk speed, Collapse (Earth) utilizes melee and has good damage, Fantasia (Water) is a spellspam boi, Nullification (Fire) is exceptionally tanky with mediocre damage. now what? Air trait with massive damage? SURE, WHY NOT?. higher than fricking grandmother (obv earth trait) (now worse).
    dang, I "love" this "so-called" nerf.

    ah yes "vulnerable".
    its gone now. please change the lore accordingly.

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  16. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Freedom nerf was a mistake. No changes at all would have been better than this joke of a nerf.

    I'm not saying this to be toxic, look at the reaction.
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Aight this should be fun.

    Renda Langit - buff happened. Will be nice for my lootrunning class.
    Tisaun's Valor - EF tier moment. (I don't particularly like it but it didn't exist before at all so w/e)
    Gale's Sight - aight well new lootrunning item.
    Ensa's Faith - as neat as it is, it's kind of strange how it's easily the strongest hpr accessory but doesn't even have Def req.
    Cerid's Ingenuity - F, it's kind of meh now.
    Ohms' Rage - endgame usage for defensive ETA tierstack? :o ~~dark shroud~~
    Darkiron nerf makes sense, Cracklers nerf feels like a lot, Cinderchain nerf is super pointless.
    Darksteel Full Helm - neat buff, might see a bit of use.
    Shaggy Boots - ...why would you just completely kill it?
    Struggle - glad to see it buffed
    Writhing Growth - e
    Blind Thrust - thx
    Earth Breaker - ehh personally I dislike the design but w/e
    Freedom - 95% cut, seems fair, it probably could do with a slight bit more cut but I haven't built with it yet.
    Strati - I guess it's a buff... wouldn't expect much to change.
    Spring - o o f even more -Dex...
    Divzer - needed, it was only so high because of pre-Def patch memery.
    Ignis - agreed
    GMA - it's not even that good lol, might be the worst of the endgame mythics bows now if not for Strati.
    Werp - combat Werp doesn't matter anyway so
    The Evolved - LMAO it got nerfed!
    Infilak - if only it had an identity
    Skien's Paranoia - it sure is solid and probably sees some use, but the spell cost makes it really obnoxious (especially with the unneeded rollability).
    Grip of the Land - will go from next to no use to still probably next to no use.
    Exhaustion - there's more problems than that with it, but I think we already know that.
    Adder Stone - accessory baselines moment (and accessories moment in general, the best hpr necklaces are all Str req)
    Harmony - :eledefs:
    Fallbreakers - press F for item tiers
    Efteling - I still maintain that heavy spell in this form is not a meaningful concept.
    Ehoole Drakeskin - gamer time
    Wooly Long Johns - :eledefs:
    Albedo - e where is the base 77 reflection
    Skyfloat - merchant item moment
    Ski Mask - glad to see this getting something, it probably is about competitive with Third Eye actually.
    Soarfae - gamer time (but actually, probably won't see much use)
    Powder Snow - neato, might find a niche
    Starglass - tbh I actually think it's overpowered for WFA fire and pretty bad for other situations.
    Wind Mimic - wind mimic TFA moment
    Ensa's Ideals - ensa got better ideals
    Virtuoso - whew, back to reasonable
    Capri - e
    Conduit of Spirit - e
    Ex Nihilo - ecks nihilo moment
    September buff september buff!
    Signal Flare - is more gamer now
    Dizzy Spell - probably needed a nerf
    Dionaea - press F to pay respects, it's still just worse Dizzy Spell
    Rodoroc's Guard - e
    Achilles - epic, it's finally getting (a bit) more ele defs.
    Nether's Reach - got oofed
    Calidade Mail - looks interesting.
    Barbarian - solid amount of raw, might actually compete now (wish I hadn't blacksmithed my godly one lol).
    Azure Halo - someday, this will be relevant - we can pray
    Nuance - will continue to exist
    Heat Sink - looks nice and competitive now
    Wavedash - I guess it exists as a defensive option or something, idk... walkspeed is bit low for that though so e
    Cloudwalkers - on net, this is probably a slight buff, though I doubt consequential enough for it to see use.
    Turbine Greaves - neat
    Tailwind - looks gamer
    Bantisu's Approach - wild but kind of neat
    Dust Skaters - ehh
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  18. _Johku

    _Johku hi HERO

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    buff monster pls
  19. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Also is weathered Major ID going to be fixed plz tell me yes
    Valdu and Lego_DW like this.
  20. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    give strati major ID and sprint, running out of stamina makes me feel like an obese player that cant run 10m without taking a break

    new strati for those that needs it CI-933280305
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020