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SPOILER Ragni Peninsula - Wynn Info

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ParkourTNT, Jun 15, 2020.

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  1. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Section 1 – Information Gathered
    • Structures section is for buildings, bridges and ruins etc (Note that even caves might be counted if there are buildings inside).​
    • Secrets sections are for discoveries and easter eggs etc.​
    • [​IMG]
    Mansion (-850, 119, -2450):
    • The mansion is owned by an Old Man, there doesn't seem to be anyone else living in the mansion other than him.
    • When you first approach the mansion it will start an event. The old man will ask you to help him defend his mansion from the pirates and he'll give you a reward. The reward is farming the Millet in his farm.
    • The mansion is surrounded by walls and it's on top of the hill. The walls are in bad shape, there are lots of cobwebs and broken floors/walls.
    • There are lots of beds, books inside the mansion, there is a strange purple rock that might be a crystal in the center of the walls and there are farms inside the walls.
    • There is a road that leads up to the mansion, the road starts at -860, 48, -2350 where you can see to the right the ocean and there are multiple lights pillars on the road. On the way up there is also a camp with pirates and a dried up well.
    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
      Here for 6 more images
    Pirate Camps:
    • On the road to the mansion at -900, 65, -2250 there is a camp with Skirmisher Pirates, they are hostile to the players and they are the ones who attack you when you start the event of the Old Man Mansion. The camps have barrels and chests.
    • There is another Pirates camp at -960, 52, -2215, it's a much bigger camp, it has lots of books, beds, blocks of wheat, an anvil, a furnace, barrels, and chests. There is also a cave that has cells and valuable blocks at the end of the cave. There are also Seagull mobs (peaceful) that spawn down the left side of the camp.
    • There is a Werckedship at -1055, 36, -2190, where Decayed Pirates spawns deep inside at -1058, 24, -2187.
    • [​IMG][​IMG]
      Here for 4 more images
    Mines (-935, 79, -2160):
    • There is a mining site full of iron ores with multiple machines and a train track. There are also mobs called Dead Miners and Lost Tools.
    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Ruin (-775, 60, -2300):
    • A ruined house with a few barrels. Behind it is a place with a small pond and Seagull mobs (peaceful).
    • [​IMG][​IMG]
    Corrupted Fishermen Cave (-1090, 34, -1940):
    • There is a camp outside and inside the cave, Corrupt Fishermen and Cave Spiders spawn inside the cave. There are lots of barrels inside the cave, the camp has a few barrels, chests and books. There are also stone pillars inside the cave.
    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
      Here for 2 more images

    Old Man:
    • The old man is the one living in the mansion and its owner, the old man asks you to save his mansion from the pirates in a world event. After that, he rewards you by letting you farm Millet in his farm.
    • The old man also mentions that the pirates were harassing him multiple times, but it seems that the player scared them off for good.
    • [​IMG]

    Section 2 - Theories & Speculations
    The Mansion:
    • The mansion has lots of beds, it might have been a place where they house soldiers or citizens. But it seems it got abandoned by Ragni since there doesn't seem to be anyone there to protect it, this is because the mansion might have lost its value when the mining site got filled with undead mobs.
    • We can see that at the start of the road to the mansion there is a good place where ships can stop at and load stuff or drop people/soldiers to the mansion.
    Mining Site:
    • These mountains seem to hold lots of iron, there is a site that was likely used to mine them and carry it to somewhere. This "somewhere" is probably Ragni since it's the only place near the mountains and can do such a big mining site.
    • Ragni seems to have lost the place to the undead, as we can see that they can't even afford to help the farmer nearby and they are at constant attack from the undead already.
    Purple Crystal:
    • The only one who decided not to abandon the place is the old man and one of the reasons might be the purple crystal, he’s probably one of those NPCs that hold a lot of knowledge since we can see that he holds a lot of books inside his mansion.
    • The purple crystal is similar to the one at the top of ToA, and it's probably “not of earthly origins” as we can see from the lonely telescope discovery.
    • The Pirates have two camps, one on the road to the mansion (they are called Pirate Skirmisher) and the other one is behind it in a small hill very close to the ocean (they are called Pirate and it's probably the main camp). They probably have been there for a while since they have lots of storage and another campsite.
    • There is a cave in the main camp with a cell and a dead human body, it seems they have taken someone, forced them to mine, prisoned them and after they finished mining they killed them off.
    • There is a shipwreck near the main camp with dead pirates, it seems they might have lost one of their ships. But there doesn't seem to be another ship, so they might have actually lost their only ship.
    • The Skirmisher Pirates have been preparing an attack on the mansion for a while seeing the camp on the road. Since they seem to not have any ship anymore, they might have decided to attack the mansion to take its resources and build another ship.
    • But it might have been for a military purpose since Skirmisher is a soldier usually sent ahead of a main body of troops to harass the enemy. This means that those pirates have been sent to attack the mansion for military purposes. They wanted to take control of the mansion since it's has a very good position that overlooks all sea travel in the area and it's near the mountain's resources. Another reason is that they might have been after the purple crystal to sell it or their leader might know how important it is.
    • It's unknown as to where the Skirmisher Pirates are from, but it's likely that they are from Pirate Town.
    Other Stuff:
    • It seems that there were small civilizations of Fishermen living inside the cave as we can see from the stone pillars inside the cave, but the corruption got to them and they got corrupted. After a while spiders came and made the place their home.
    • The ruined house might have been decayed or destroyed by the pirates, it might have been one of the places in the past related to the mansion. It might have been a storage place since it's near the ocean where ships might have come from time to time.

    If you have any theories/speculations or found anything new/incorrect please comment below or share the link to the thread. Thanks!

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
    Uniimog, MajorMiner, Geag and 19 others like this.
  2. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    Very well presented! It was a pleasure to have you on the team!
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Good work!
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  4. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    This is probably one of my favorite areas in Wynn just because of how much isn't known about it.
  5. BellySurfer

    BellySurfer Skilled Adventurer

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    Wow, really cool!
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  6. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    I literally just explored this whole area yesterday (plus the coast west of corkus up until llevigar), and kept thinking to myself "I wonder why I have never seen any lore speculations about these things on the forums" - because there is lots of interesting stuff, likes these soldier mobs that spawn, these weird small creatures with a princess, "Strange rocks", green crystal that shoots out of the floor.
    And that is why I love threads like these - they get to show all the small details that the content team has put into wynn. There are dozens of different caves and mobs that spawn around that coast (up until llevigar) and I doubt many people have seen them.
    ParkourTNT likes this.
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