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Just Can't Anymore

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by Ed Milham, Jun 13, 2020.

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  1. Ed Milham

    Ed Milham Travelled Adventurer

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    This is rare for me, but this is a genuine rage quit. I've been playing daily for weeks, and I have to stop. I was hoping the frustrations would get less as my levels went up, but I'm just finding more and more parts of the game I just can't do and don't seem to be getting appreciably better at. Taproot, the Passage, Galleon's Graveyard and especially Undergrowth Ruins were the last straws for me.

    Taproot is a long succession of vague instructions to go...somewhere...and look for...a thing...that, once found, won't be useful. If you stray from the poorly defined paths, at best you'll never complete the quest, and at worst you'll have to /kill out of a persistent bug.

    The Passage is an intro to boss altars that totally turned me off of doing boss altars. I had been wondering about them since I first found Saint's Row around level 20, but this intro didn't come along until 37 levels later. Now, I'm more than 10 levels higher than that, and still can't beat it.

    In Galleon's Graveyard and Undergrowth Ruins, I quite literally spent hours trying to get through the parkour (I really hate parkour), only to get killed in the boss battle, even though I'm several levels above the required level for them. One thing that's on my mind is that if I wait long enough to level up to where I can actually do these dungeons, the XP reward will be so low as to be useless. Dungeons, and in particular the parkour in every one of them, just seem like a long slog of doing the the same moves over and over, hoping it will work this time. I just can't conceive of that being fun. It's like telling someone, "Hey, keep beating your head against this brick wall, and sooner or later you'll get to like it!"

    There have been things I've enjoyed about this game, but the frustrations are piling up. It feels as though the longer I play, the more features I find I can't do, and the fewer things there are that I can. At this point, it's pretty much down to quests and grind, and the instructions in the quests seem to be getting more and more vague (and hitting quest guides feels like a fail). I anticipate there will be a moment at which I feel like I can't do quests, anymore, either, and then there won't be much left to me at all.

    I wish things had worked out differently, but I play games to have fun, not to be frustrated.
    Kahsol likes this.
  2. Ettrigar

    Ettrigar Wynn historian HERO

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    I'm sorry to hear you had so much trouble. Hopefully you'll have better luck with the next game or server you try.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    There is official wiki that will help you with nearly everything (https://wynncraft.gamepedia.com/Wynncraft_Wiki)
    If you need help with something, you can ask other players. Most of them usually help
    If you are frustrated because of quests etc., slow down and explore the world. You will find many amazing things

    Btw the fact that you are higher level doesn't mean you will beat it.
  4. Jun Jihyun

    Jun Jihyun Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Wynncraft is a hard game, even as a level 104 I still die in "low" levels but that is apart of the game, doesn't mean I enjoy dying but I do agree some quests are super difficut to do by yourslef, but youtube viedos and wynncraft wiki has gotten me through every single quest. Chat, Explore, Party
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    What is your build?
  6. Jun Jihyun

    Jun Jihyun Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Orange lily, time rift, etc that build for the straight line of arrows, it is just that I am bad at this game
  7. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    It is likely that your items are outdated or your build is bad. What is your build?
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