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Timeverse - Roleplay [7/999]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 31, 2020.

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  1. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll use the rain to shoot a jet of water at the fire ball and try to put ir out. Then I'll use some of my own fire and try to melt the ice before it gets to me. If all that works out i say "You guys want to give up yet?"
  2. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas says

    "What your saying is, I nuke that city and you are free?"
  3. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Time, totems, and knowledge. The time barriers are pretty relevant still, so that's probably that. Sure wish I had some knowledge, concerning me or otherwise, but totems? Haven't heard of them before, is this 'Eye Amulet' one of them? Maybe Aliruja knows something about it.

    "I don't suppose you know anything about some totems? For some reason, it's repeating itself with a couple other phrases after hearing about what's happening in Notingburg. Something about that 'Eye Amulet' they mentioned..."
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You shoot a jet of water at the fireball and while it doesn't completely put it out, it severely weakens the fireball. You absorb the fireball and once again, all it does is heat you up. The fireball is followed up by several ice shards but you create a wave of fire to stop them. The wave of fire is a little weaker than you wanted it to be but the ice shards still melt before they reach you. It seems that the water elementalist is still weakened by your earlier shenanigans.

    "You guys want to give up yet?" you say.

    The water elementalist taps the fire elementalist on the shoulder and shakes his head.

    The two teenagers don't respond. Instead, they back up a little and the water elementalist begins creating packs of ice around him to cool his body temperature. The fire elementalist stands in front of the water elementalist in a defensive stance. It seems that they realize you are the elemental counter to both of them. They stand about 8 meters away from you.

    You have the initiative now.

    No. I really doubt nukes would work on any of their cities. Advanced technology...

    You just need to make sure the two teenagers survive. March your army north... or just go with Beplep if you don't feel like marching an army. I don't think your army would survive in the cold anyway. Hell, you could even go on your own because you have my abilities now.


    Well you don't actually really know any of my abilities but whatever. Just march north and I'll give you 90% control over me as I've said.

    Aliruja says, "I don't know anything about totems. They're just like, old decoration pieces?... unless you're talking about specific totems..."


    "I do know about the Eye Amulet though. It's probably the most powerful artifact in the world. I say 'probably' because no one knows what caused the time barriers to appear. The Eye Amulet gives a couple more years to the owner's life span. It also amplifies the owner and makes them invincible to modern anti-magic technology if they are a magicae. The Eye Amulet also gives the wielder 'knowledge.'..." There's that word again. "...Previous wielders haven't really specified on what that meant but yeah. The Eye Amulet goes by three names. The Eye Amulet, the Amplifier Amulet, and the Amulet of Knowledge."

    Aliruja then looks at the TV. "I wonder who the new owner of the Eye Amulet is... I don't want to get you killed but if the Eye Amulet reminded you of some things, maybe it would be good to look around Notingburg and find the new wielder. I don't know, just a thought."

    The news continues stating the president of the Detinu Provinces is dead and an army from Panami and Detinu sent to recapture Notingburg failed due to the new wielder of the Eye Amulet being on Midas's side. Mikos suspects that the loss was not because of the Eye Amulet though. The news reporter then says the identity of the new wielder is unknown but surviving Panami and Detinu troops reported that the new wielder doesn't have much control over the amulet yet. The news then goes on to talk about how this sudden change of power devastates many plans that Panami and Detinu had regarding the other timezones.

    "On second thought, don't go to Notingburg with that lunatic running the place. But you still should probably find the new wielder. That might answer some of your questions."
  5. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    "Duly noted. I suppose the plan as of now is to first observe the area to the north from a distance for any trace of information possible, then attempt to make contact with the new wielder of the eye totem, while taking caution of Midas' forces... Is there an area with a moderately clear view of the north?"
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "No not really. Most of Panami's north border is heavy taiga and snowy taiga forest. There's no clear view. It was one of Journey's and Journey 2's main problems. People speculate that past the taiga forest is ice spikes but no one knows for sure. The new wielder of the Eye Amulet will be on Midas's side... I hope you know how to defend yourself."
  7. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I start to walk towards them and say "I'll give you a final chance to give up. Otherwise I'll have to take this more seriously"
  8. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas notes that there is still 10% remaining.
    Midas commands his army to defend the city, spys are in pine town to see if they will attack.
    Midas wants to stall till tomorrow.

    Beplep decides to chat with the amulet.

    "How did you get on Midas?" he said
  9. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    I think that message was meant for me, I’ll get to it when I get off mobile.
  10. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    my bad
  11. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Then find another way out?" he states matter of factlu.
    Continue tossing.
  12. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    "Interesting... But is there anything hidden from view? I'll be right back, just going to have a look through this."

    Mikos gestures towards the telescope case before walking outside. He'll look for a relatively clear view of the woods to the north with the telescope, switching through its filters after he decides there isn't any more information to be gained from the previous ones.
    As of right now, there should be one for each group of wavelengths, as well as one for magical ones. So there should be 8 filters, being:
    - Radio
    - Microwave
    - Infrared
    - Visible
    - Ultraviolet
    - X-ray
    - Gamma-ray
    - Magic
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    ok my academics are mostly done

    As you take more steps forward, the water elementalist begins creating shards of ice around him. When you get about 5 meters away from them, the fire elementalist strikes you with a fire plume which you easily dodge. It does force you to take a couple steps back though. The fire elementalist takes his stance again.

    You still have the initiative and it looks like they aren't backing down.

    What now?

    First off, Midas would have to tell Beplep the amulet is sentient and Beplep would have to trust Midas because the amulet communicates to Midas via thoughts.

    Nevertheless, Beplep receives no response from the amulet. It seems that Panami and Detinu have no plans to attack Midas's territory any time soon.

    It's getting late and there are about 4 hours till midnight, when the barriers fall.

    What now?

    Welcome back.


    "There is no other way out!" the Owl 'yells.' This has got to be the most useless animal ever. Tier continues throwing projectiles and the owl starts to get annoyed. He attempts to dodge a projectile but drops the amulet to the floor. Tier picks it up and changes the forest to green again. The Owl swoops down and lands on the ground. "Give the amulet back, little boy," the Owl attempts to say menacingly.

    Tier should probably run.

    What now?

    Mikos hikes for about 15 minutes into the woods north of Konyu. He runs into the time barrier and sees what Aliruja has been talking about. The time barrier is a massive trasnparent white wall that almost looks like glass and it goes from the ground all the way up into the sky. It would look like glass if not for the constant shimmering and liquid like movements of the barrier. The taiga forests continues past the barrier for a while from what Mikos can tell.

    Mikos begins with the radiowaves filter and sees faint streaks in the sky, but only on the Panami side. Makes sense, Konyu's infrastructure is terrible and so internet is very lacking. Thus, there's a massive lack of radiowaves.

    Mikos switches to the microwave filter and there's faint streaks of those as well. Only on the Panami side again.

    Mikos switches to the infrared filter and and there's an abundance of it. There's a lot of infrared heat going upwards into the atmosphere on both sides of the barrier. That makes sense, it's a natural occurrence. It's late in the afternoon and the ground is cooling from the sun's heat earlier.

    Mikos switches to the visible light filter and well... he sees what he already saw. He decides to zoom in farther into the terrain past the barrier but all he can see is more taiga forest. The trees, hills, and cliffs stop him from seeing any farther.

    Mikos switches to ultraviolet and there's an abundance of that as well. Same as infrared light.

    Mikos switches to x-rays and this seems to highlight many of the microorganisms and wildlife in the area. Mikos watches a few small animals roam around. Then Mikos notices some other organisms... humans. It seems that several people are standing stationary or hiding in the tree tops. They are probably scouts for whatever civilization marches into the north. Mikos can't make out anymore details.

    Mikos switches to the gamma-ray filter and notices that there are heavy signatures in the same locations to where the humans were located. These gamma-rays are taking the form of gun looking objects... perhaps they actually are guns. Mikos notices that one gamma-ray gun is pointed at him from the trees... it seems that a sniper is watching Mikos's actions.

    Lastly, Mikos switches to the magic filter and once again, there are heavy signatures coming from where the humans were located. The time barrier also has a massive magic signature... makes sense. There's not much else to see.

    It's getting late. Mikos should probably return to the house.

    What now?


    @Señor TopHat

    Just wondering if you're still interested in the roleplay.


    @Lost Skylaar

    I'm also wondering if you're still interested in the roleplay.

  14. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Ay, welcome back.
    Interesting... perhaps I should return to Konyu before I accidentiallty set one of them off. Due to having what appears to be a weapon capable of utilizing gamma radiation, I'd elect to record my findings there rather than here. I'll have to remember this when the barriers do fall.

    Mikos will stow away his equipment before walking back to Aliruja's place. Once he's there, immediately write down his findings in the tome.

    - More woods to the north, infrared and ultraviolet indicates that, at the very least, the woods on the other side are similar to the woods on the Panami side.
    - Can't detect radio/microwaves on the other side. Something to do with the time barrier, or perhaps something to do with the people observed?
    - X-rays indicate humanoid figures hiding among the trees. Possibly scouts of whatever lies to the north? No further details could be made out. (Include sketches of their general locations in the woods.)
    - Gamma filters indicate the figures are armed with objects resembling guns... (Include rough sketch of the gun-like object) While nuclear-powered weaponry is unlikely, as seen by the state of the surrounding towns, keep that in mind. Can't be too careful after all. Figures appear to be watching at all times, with one aiming an apparent weapon towards me as I watch on. Again, humanoids to the north appear to be armed and dangerous.
    - Magical filters show a massive signature from the barrier, which is to be expected. Due to the warning that those who touch the barrier will be disintegrated, along with the threat of the northern sniper, further testing is impossible. Furthermore, the humanoids to the north appear to have something giving off heavy magical signatures with them. Perhaps a power source of some kind? Might explain the weaponry used...

    Conclusion: The north is inhabited by a civilization advanced enough to utilize both gamma radiation and magic, and there are groups of currently neutral but armed people at the border. Take care not to provoke them, as there is a high probability of severe injury or death.

    "I believe I've found the reason as to why the Journey expeditions failed. Please have a look, if you will, and tell me your thoughts."

    Beckon Aliruja over and have him look over the written notes.
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
  15. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "You made your choice" i'll start raising the water elementalists body temperature until he passes out
  16. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I set up troops around the town to guard the Borders to keep people from entering while making a broadcast

    Its Midas sitting in a chair
    "I just want good relations with all nations so as a sign of good fate I will keep the name Notingburg! Unless someone wants us to change the name then ask away!
    Note the amulet is visable for the first 2.5 seconds than a cut happens that makes the amulet seem like it was never on midas.
  17. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    I am but I'm really busy these days
  18. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Aliruja reads the notes and as he does, the kid turns on the TV again.

    It seems to be a broadcast from the people who sieged Notingburg earlier. In fact, it seems to be from their leader, Midas.

    "I just want good relations with all nations so as a sign of good fate I will keep the name Notingburg! Unless someone wants us to change the name then ask away!"

    "That's the eye amulet," Aliruja says.

    Mikos looks at Midas's neck and sees an amulet with an eye symbol... then the amulet disappears.

    The broadcast ends.

    Aliruja comments, "Is that psychopath really the new owner of the amulet?"

    Then he turns to Mikos.

    "If your observations are correct, then there's probably some advanced civilization in the north. It would make sense... how could anyone live in the north unless they have the technology?"

    The channel is then switched to a children's TV show.

    What now?

    You begin to raise the water elementalist's body temperature and he realizes too late. The water elementalist passes out. As the water elementalist crumples to the floor, the fire elementalist increases his firepower going all out and sending a lot of fire fists, strikes, and plumes. You only dodge the first two fists before getting hit by a plume... and it burns. You quickly get rid of the fire by dousing yourself with water.

    The fire elementalist continues his barrage.

    What now?

    The broadcast ends. Midas's soldiers take their positions and guard Notingburg. There really isn't much to do left (4 more hours till barriers fall).

    Perhaps Midas and Beplep should go to sleep early... or they can traverse the barriers right as they fall at midnight.

    What now?
  19. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas simply waits
  20. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Oh... oh no. I have to talk with that? Alright, all people have their weaknesses, especially those too full of themselves to realize it... Perhaps I need to observe this individual for a while before initiating contact, a shame the eye amulet fell to him...

    "Yes, but there's something they're hiding up to the north. Why else would they maintain their forces here?"

    Pause for a moment.

    "How far is Notingburg from here? While it is unfortunate that the Eye Amulet falls to him now, I do believe that this... Midas is the new lead to my past, or at the very least, the least deadly when compared to the northerners."
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