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Top 5 Hardest Boss In Wynncraft?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by nakkisaurus, May 17, 2020.

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  1. nakkisaurus

    nakkisaurus Community Owner of FKL Guild HERO

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    Ok, ive fought every bosses exept for Aledar/Tasim and Death(ToA)
    But Ive thought of this....
    What is the hardest boss Top5?!
    Ive searched for it but it was kinda old answer (be4 the silent expanse)
    so i decided to ask here.
    Last edited: May 31, 2020
  2. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    It kinda depends on your build/playstyle, but I'd personally say
    The Eye- high damage, high health, wretches, lots of different attacks, multiple phases. This guy's got the works.
    Qira- again, high health and maybe even more damage, plus absolutely cruel spell combos and minions.
    Cybel- probably the highest damage on the list, fast, aggressive with lots of minions that can swarm you in a second if you mess up, and has the disintegrator cores.
    Wybel- same as Cybel but a little less so.
    Dr. Legendary- ranged attack spam and constant teleports that make him borderline impossible to hit if he feels like it, along with respectable damage.
    EDIT: I forgot about Tasim. I've only fought him once and died to the airstrike, so he might be harder than some of the bosses on this list. Aledar got shredded faster than a Detlas citizen when you're trying out a new build, so he's certainly off the list.
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
  3. _TheRealJesus

    _TheRealJesus ._. HERO

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  4. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    1. The Eye
    The Eye is imo, the best boss in the game. It's hard but predictable enough so you can get good at it by practicing. The wretches are a pretty unique way to make sure the player is actually paying attention to the battle. It does have its flaws tho, magma lasers aren't a threat, but at this point they're so iconic with the eye it wouldn't make sense to remove them. I also dislike the 4th phase, it just breaks the entire formula of a good boss fight and basically just adds a pseudo psychomancer at the end. It would of been so much better if it was deleted or replaced with a bullet hell minigame, or anything else really. But all in all, pretty good fight
    2. Dr.Legendary
    Dr.Legendary is hard, but in every wrong way. The first phase is pretty challenging, but it's fine imo. The second phase is just a simple hard hitting melee phase, pretty generic but easy enough. The third phase, is just hell. Firstly, if you're using a tank build, or ETW it's going to be pain. For tank, he will just push you back so you can't deal damage, then heal spam himself back up. I would be fine with this if it was a dps test or something, but even if it was, he's the most annoying dps boss ever made because of secondly, heavy teleport. Heavy teleport is one of the worst spells in the game, it's range for some reason is so huge to the point that anything less than a full quarantine of the arena will make you get hit. It's almost impossible to see where he's going to heavy teleport, or even if he will heavy teleport. It would be nice to be able to just see the boss because the arena is so big because ???, but you can't. There's also push spells that are just cancer to try to actually deal damage through, if you're using the nothing, you're going to need to cheese the boss just to kill it in under 5 mins. One easy fix is to just make the arena smaller, or just nerf 3rd phase and buff 2nd.
    3. Qira
    Qira is a pretty well designed boss, wave spell makes it so you can't just camp and spam spells, and multihit makes qira a ticking timebomb. It's a boss you really want to be careful around, if you make one mistake she will fuck you up. You also want to take care of the minions, if you don't then you're going to die. It's one of the first actual threats to you at lvl 80-95, so it's a pretty welcome difficulty spike. Qira does have the classic web+flamethrower combo, but if you just watch your steps and don't just circle strafe you're going to be fine.
    4. CoW
    CoW is probably my second favorite boss in the game, and is also pretty hard at level. It's more of an endurance test than a damage test, and that's pretty nice for a lvl 70~ quest. The boss is like multihit but without the kb, and he also has multihit. If you get stuck in CoW you're going to die if you aren't fast enough. CoW is just one of the most fun bosses to do at level, not much to say because his combos are pretty basic for a mob. It's a boss that you don't want to be close to, and you want to stay on your guard for it.
    5. Cybel
    Cybel would be second if this was 1.18, but it isn't, and in 1.19 cybel just got bodied. It's still a fun fight, but now if you do it a few times you can predict most of what cybel is going to do. The fight is a really chaotic fight, you need to deal with the rowdey wybels, the cybel itself, pressure plates, cores, you name it. It isn't so hectic as it would kill every time, if you're a good enough player and can focus on multiple things at once, this fight wouldn't really pose too much of a threat. The pressure plates can screw up a playthrough if you use mr, but me using ms they're pretty nice. Cybel overall is a pretty good fight to be honest. Wybel is also a good fight but it just isn't as hard.
    nakkisaurus and Melkor like this.
  5. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    My list:
    1: The eye: I still can't even solo this boss
    2: Cybel/Wybel: This fight has RNG whether or not you get 1 hit. without that this fight would be lower on the list
    3: Dr. legendary: 2 phase is easy and I can handle 1st but screw phase 3.
    4: Tasim: I only fought him once because every other time I just killed him first, but from that one fight I can already say I hate the airstrikes. however those are most of the difficulty
    5: CoW: at level this boss is hard but at least he is fair.

    Honorable mentions:
    Qira: I beat her solo first try with Sawtooth morph without much difficulty.
    every boss altar at level: Boss altar bosses are hard, especially if you do them at the minimum suggested level. try to Beat Durum protector at level 20
  6. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    My Top 5 list (without skill pots) would be:
    1. The Cybel
    2. Qira
    3. The Eye
    4. Doctor Legendary
    5. The Orange Wybel
  7. nakkisaurus

    nakkisaurus Community Owner of FKL Guild HERO

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    thanks guys!
  8. nakkisaurus

    nakkisaurus Community Owner of FKL Guild HERO

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    Kk I've fought every boss in wynncraft. Here’s what I thought.... ( im mage)

    1. The Eye
    The Eye, the Overseer of Wynn is the hardest boss, the wretches still gets me sometimes although running 200000times...

    2.Orange Cybel
    Im too lazy to write comments but this one is nuts

    3. Qira, Mistress of Hive

    Ofc, this one.... I remember dying to Qira for two hours...

    4. Aledar/Tasim
    I managed to kill them in 2nd try, but their still strong as hell...

    5. Corrupted Theorick (not gonna lie its hard)
    200 times stronger than SKYLAAR

    Honorable mention
    Orange Wybel
    Dr. Legendary
  9. TS_potato

    TS_potato Average kj main VIP+

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    please make it dark theme friendly
    nakkisaurus, StormDragon4 and Saya like this.
  10. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    If everyone's going to make a list...

    No. 5 - Orange Cybel

    The reason why this is No. 5 instead of No. 3 or 2 is because of the inherent weakness of Cybel - getting kited and anticipated. He doesn't have teleport (thank Bovine), but charge is still difficult to negotiate with, not to mention he can cycle charge multiple times in a row. Can an ETW player solo Cybel? Probably.

    Life/Mana steal is also a thing, so players running TFA, EWA or pretty much any other life/mana steal oriented build will simply laugh in the face of this mechanized fuzzball.

    No. 4 - Qira, Mistress of the Hive

    Everyone should've seen this coming. Qira is still one of the hardest bosses in the game, as well as being the final boss of Gavel. She has higher health than Orange Wybel (and Cybel), and after the 1.19 changes, does a lot more damage than you can tank if your elemental defenses are not good enough, as she has rainbow damages and defenses. Paging Druser yelling "ELE DEFS DON'T MATTER"

    Her arena is massive, however, which gives plenty of room to dodge her attacks (and deal with the swarms).

    No. 3 - Dr. Legendary

    Without a proper build (TWF Abso died to this), Dr. Legendary is annoying. He has way too much damage to deal with, numerous explosive devices that can ruin your life if you wander too close to them, and flamethrower/charge/teleport spells that make close combat an absolute nightmare.

    On Archer, Mage and Assassin, this fight is marginally easier, but it doesn't make this fight any less difficult.

    No. 2 - Tasim, the Protector

    Tasim has certainly taken a few levels in destroying your soul points (and your HIC/HICH status) in A Hunter's Calling, as this fight is much harder than fighting Aledar on his own - Tasim is assisted by numerous mobs that will make the fight harder, in addition to "air strikes" that can shut you down fast.

    Aledar is not included as you're fighting more or less solo against him.

    No. 1 - The Eye AND Adamastor & Urdar

    Well... it's a tie. Corkus has a pretty insane Boss Altar, with the dichotomy between Adamastor and Urdar providing one of the most difficult fights in the game, even though you only need to defeat Adamastor. The problem? Build choices actually matter here, and you can't bring something that deals Earth damage exclusively - you will be destroyed by Urdar.

    The Eye, on the other hand, is intended to be fought with multiple people (or a really busted build, looking at you Morph). While soloing it is possible, unless you're dishing out millions of damage every minute, it is a patience game, and you need to pay attention to everything happening around you. Woe betide any party that manages to overload the server, lag out and get devoured by The Eye (@by2011 where you at?).
  11. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Here's mine:

    5. Cybel
    Everyone else already said the stuff, one hit attacks etc.

    4. Dr. Legendary

    Everything that everyone else said above.

    3. Bob's Reincarnation

    Didn't expect good old Bob to be this high, huh? Well, let me tell you. The new version is hard af. It took me around 8-10 tries to beat him as Mage at 75. Archer phase deals heavy damage, Mage phase spams heal and Teleport is dangerous, and the WARRIOR PHASE can pull and one-shot you easily, while charging like crazy. Why doesn't ANYONE else have Bob on their list?

    2. Qira

    All around really difficult boss, can't say much. Basically an endgame version of Bob with a lot more minions and different mechanics.

    Honourable Mentions
    Matrojan Idol (Please don't exist)
    Durum Protector
    Doctor Legendary
    Aledar and Tasim (They really aren't that hard, I beat Tasim with a fire build AND a ton of lag, I think I used 1 or 2 healing charges, not a full pot)

    1. The Eye

    Of course I have to put The Eye at first place. The Wretches, the laser, the circles, the eating attack, everything is so powerful on this boss. Everyone else already listed the stuff about this boss.

    Technically the hardest: Yahya, the Final Form
    The point of this "boss" is to walk straight past it, and it does deal only one damage, but killing it is basically impossible. He is super tanky, and after about a minute, ends the battle with a Suicide Strike.
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  12. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    5. Yahyabot (having to wait like 10 min in LI sitting through this boss since I don't know if I can skip it or not is by far the hardest part of LI)
    4. cybel, I guess, just use mana steal and life steal
    3. colossal rat at level (compare its hp to the old boss baseline and you'll see why)
    2. tasim
    1. the eye

    Dr. Legendary doesn't come close to the top 5, much more annoying (and badly designed) than actually difficult. Any defensive build like abso or heavy melee should make this a cakewalk, archers can abuse range, and everything he throws out is run away-able from.

    Qira needs another buff pls thx, even though you can't build to take 0 ele damage anymore on warrior, and even though player elemental defenses really don't matter other than a few special cases, she still isn't scary enough

    Wynncraft boss design in general kinda blows, since most bosses are extremely dated and simple, while even newer ones (other than possibly the eye) are just "jump up with movement spell when boss casts a spell"
  13. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    My current top 5 are as follows:

    #5: The Eye

    Ok, I don't think The Eye is the hardest boss. Is he one the hardest bosses to learn? Absolutely! But is he the hardest boss to master...? That's why I don't think he is the hardest boss. He is one of if not the fairest boss in Wynncraft. As such, once the player learns everything there is to him, they can pull off fighting him in "style" with little to no RNG, save for lag spikes deciding to fuck with you. Every other boss on this list has at least some RNG element that will cuck you over on occasion.

    #4: Aledar and Tasim

    Probably the best 2v1 in the game (maybe with the exception of Prison of Souls). Both of them hit harder than nearly any boss in the game and have the effective hp to match, with Tasim being resistant to fire/air/water and Aledar being resistant to thunder/air/earth. Plus, the transformation into a second phase depending on who you killed first is brilliant. I will say that I still think Aledar in his second phase is far easier than both the 2v1 and then the "1v1" (it's a 1v1 for you and Aledar, but not for Tasim), and I have only died once to him because I walked straight into his multi-hit, but Tasim is harder than most of the other game's bosses on his own.

    #3: Geyser Pit

    Sadly, Geyser Pit is one of the hardest bosses because of it's current bug. This bug is where the minions can pop out of the ground, which they aren't supposed to do. Since they do though, it makes the fight exceptionally harder since now you have little to no control over the suicide "there goes your hp" wonderbots while still trying to fight the actual boss. This bug probably isn't going to be a simple fix though, since it's present in many other areas of the game since 1.19 (most notably in the second grinding portion of Decrepit Sewers, where mobs on the top floor at glitching through walls and falling to the bottom floor). It would still be a hard boss regardless of this bug, but it probably wouldn't be in the top 5.

    #2: Qira, Mistress of the Hive

    Thanks to Qira's buffs, she has now earned her rightful spot as not only one of the hardest bosses, but also the second hardest. She has a base hp of ~1 million, which makes pretty much every other boss in the game besides The Eye and Aledar/Tasim shit themselves, and that's not even including her resistance to every element increasing her effective hp. She has a variety of spell combos to completely yeet the player if they aren't ready for it and her minions also serve the purpose of being a continuous threat, especially the flamethrowers and speedy bois.

    #1 Salted

    Bovine Barn is by far the hardest boss if you fight him at level or lower (level 20). Let me list what this boss has:

    - 3 FUCKING THOUSAND 700 HP FOR A LEVEL 20 BOSS (for reference, Arakadicus, the only true boss you most recently fought, has only 2k).
    - Heavy charge that will oneshot literally anyone that isn't an Assassin/Warrior (sometimes it will oneshot Assassin to).
    - His melees deal deal almost half your hp.
    - Support enemies (Scarecrows) that all have projectiles that deal decent damage, a truck load of HP (300-400 ish) for a minion at that point in the game, and are spaced out in such a way that no class can deal with all of them effectively except for Archer.
    - Push spell to send you cascading into said Scarecrow Gang Bang.
    - Enough HPR to the point where you have to play at least somewhat aggressively against a boss that can delete you off the face of the planet within a second of being near him.

    Now, let''s see what you have at that level...
    - Low health/defense unless you have legendaries out the wazoo.
    - Relatively low damage unless it's a legendary thunder weapon.
    - Nonexistant mana sustain.
    - Earth weapons are pretty much not allowed since the boss has high resistance to it.


    You want to know the most hilarious part about this entire boss? One, single, fucking, level, makes this boss easier on every single class with the exception of Assassin. Why? Because you have your third spell! It's funny how a single level turns this from what I view as the hardest boss in the game into one that is still hard, but nowhere near as hard as the other bosses on this list (the reason it doesn't really matter with Assassin is because multi-hit is too heavy of a mana cost at that point in the game and spin+melee is more cost effective). The only two classes that will even remotely make this boss easy is Archer thanks to arrow storm melting the Scarecrows and Warrior because they can face tank everything, but even then the Durum Protector will delete Archer with just one spell and Warrior needs pots out the wazoo to accomplish this.

    Do I think this boss is bad? No, with the exception of the fact that the Scarecrows inconsistent spawnrate can be the make or break of a fight (sometimes they spawn after 5 minutes, other times it's instant). In fact, I think this boss is one of the best bosses in the game. But by god, unless you over prepare, then fighting this boss is BRUTAL. In fact, this boss is designed for you to do it on another playthrough because it is just that hard if you went into it without over-preparation.

    After reading some comments on my boss altar ranking video, I was at first surprised to see the number of people who thought Bovine Barn should've been higher on the list. Then I realized that those comments were about Bovine Barn AFTER he got buffed and AFTER I fought him more on literally any other class besides Archer. Now I see why they believe this and I 100% agree with them. This is the hardest boss overall across any class, build, playstyle, etc. etc. in the game imo currently.

    I say currently because the amount of times I change my arguments or opinions seems like I have multiple personalities or something because I'm constantly proving myself wrong or right via debates in my head. If you ask me tomorrow I'll probably tell you the Santa boss in Craftmas Chaos is the hardest boss for some reason.

    Honorable Mentions:

    Bob: Good luck using Mage/Assassin against him. Archer still melts him but it's quite scary for Shaman in the 4th phase. Warrior I'd assume still remains largely the same before his buff, a.k.a you can face tank him.
    Psychomancer: Easily Warrior's hardest fight in the game if done at level. It is also quite difficult with Assassin. Even Archer/Shaman do struggle to an extent because of his burst fire and teleporting. Hilariously enough, Mage is actually the hardest counter to Pscyhomancer unless you're using a Shaman jojo reference build.
    Literally any boss altar: Self explanatory. Some of them are easily trivialized with certain builds (ex. atlas inc. vs. Wybel), but the majority of them are the hardest content in the game.
    Death: One of Assassin's hardest bosses to deal with. Any other class doesn't really struggle that much unless it's Mage with relatively low heal sustain (it just takes a long ass time on Mage is all).
    Hashr/Theorick: I wouldn't be surprised if you told me that these two bosses were walls for you on your first playthrough, as they were for me (although this was prior to their nerfs. Yes, I know Hashr technically was buffed because he got an entire new phase, but his previous version was effectively his new final phase except for the entire second portion of the fight with more health, making him far more deadly imo because of how aggressive he was at that point in the game). They become far easier on future playthroughs though.
  14. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Not really, I beat him at 75 with a more defense-based Mage build no pot pretty quickly.

    The weapon was Ethereal though so idk
    On my first time I used a shitty build so the battle took me around

    Later, I used a fire/thunder build and beat both fairly easily. I also had a ton of lag with Tasim, but he was not really that challenging.
    Shots likes this.
  15. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Ya, it's more so just because I try to take out the other minions because they piss me off. Focusing on Death alone with Mage, especially with Ethereal, won't take that long. It's more relative since any other class except for Warrior will be shorter (although much harder to pull off on Assassin). Warrior just laughs at the fact that pretty much anything in Death's fight tickles, with the exception of the occasional Guardian charge existing.
  16. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    I tried to take Death out as quickly as possible, because if Alkevö/Chained beast were to spawn, it would be really bad. I managed to get him to around 100k before Chained spawned, and after that the battle actually got fairly difficult, but just by dodging the beast with teleport and freezing it now and then while focusing on Death worked nicely.
    Shots likes this.
  17. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Tbh, I actually want Alkevo to spawn the most (aside from Snowbear on every class besides Assassin). He just kind of exists and is pretty easy to deal with. Generally, I don't want Chained Beast/Guardian to spawn the most, just because they have the most damage and health.
    Emogla3 likes this.
  18. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Alkevö acts kind of like CoW (not nearly as powerful though), being fast, tanky, and having a high DPS, and it's mainly the speed why I think he is a threat in the battle. Guardian is just pretty meh. He isn't slow and powerful like Chained Beast, and he's not a fast melee attacker like Alkevö. He just kind of exists there. If Alkevö is dashing around towards you, it will be at least very distracting, if not dangerous.
    Shots likes this.
  19. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    I still don't see how people struggle with qira. I fought her post buff with a sawtooth-morph assassin and beat her first try. what is it that makes her difficult besides high HP?
  20. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    It's mainly her spell combos. She can kill you pretty quickly if you get caught in any one of them. Plus, the minions also exist and will be a substantial problem throughout the entire fight, mainly the flamethrowers and speedy bois as I said (the only real one that doesn't matter is the thunder one, unless that's the one that uses heavy charge and not the earth one).
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