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Regarding Pure

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by AmbassadorDazz, Apr 19, 2020.

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  1. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    A(n) (un)common misconception people have when using Pure is that they underestimate Entropy, quite a lot.

    With the upcoming TFA rework, I decided to ramble about Pure a bit. Bear in mind that Pure is a Level 65 Mythic Wand with very low damages at a first glance... until you realize its Spell Damage ID goes up to 554%, highest of any Mythic weapon in the game (to be fair, Pure has very low base damages, so high spell damage is somewhat good for this weapon, though the range is 30% to 130% of the base value, which is ~450, so YMMV).

    Let's take a look at the base stats, compared to other Wand Mythics:

    DISCLAIMER: All Mythics tested at whatever base stats they need, disregarding SP limitations. These damages are not intended as the de facto benchmarks as the damage values shown here are largely unreal for what they are.

    All Mythics thrive with proper builds, I'm just doing base damage calculations.

    When completely disregarding mana cost and adding powders in, with base stats ONLY:

    Pure: 5989 avg. Meteor, +Entropy; 50 INT, 30 AGI
    Lament: 5198 avg. Meteor, 6422 avg. w/ Powders; 130 INT (110+20), -20 STR (0-20)
    Monster: 5644 avg. Meteor, 7085 avg. w/ Powders; 150 DEF (110+40)
    Fatal: 10728 avg. Meteor, 13726 avg. w/ Powders; 135 DEX (110+25)
    Gaia: 6158 avg. Meteor, 7099 avg. w/ Powders; 130 STR (105+25)
    Singularity: 10866 avg. Meteor, 13236 avg. w/ 15 Thunder VI Powders; 95 DEX (45+50), 45 Rainbow
    Warp: 7959 avg. Meteor, 10010 avg. w/ Powders; 150 AGI (130+20)

    With these stats in mind, let's take a closer look at Entropy:

    +Entropy: Meteor falls significantly faster

    From my own experience, a normal meteor falls around 1 second, with the Flames damage ticking after another second.

    With Entropy, that time is reduced by 50-70% (from experience), a dramatic reduction in Meteor drop interval. This also has the (intended?) side effect of affecting the Flames damage, ticking faster as well.

    What does it mean on a build, though?

    What this means is that, with a proper TWA build, Pure is going to deal upwards 32k DPS with Meteor damages alone. Highest (or second/third highest) of any wand in the game, period. The downside is that you're going to be burning through your mana bar fairly quickly, and with Meteors costing 3 mana, you're more likely to deplete your mana supply unless you cycle to Ice Snake.

    This downside is more or less mitigated by mana regen items such as Aquarius and Memento. It's possible that you could plug Slayer into a TWA build:

    With Slayer, Pure's meteors cost a mere 1 mana, which means you can sling more meteors as fast as possible before you run out of mana.

    Now this is what Pure is capable of.

    Keep in mind that this post is not just about Pure, but also about its Major ID, Entropy, in general. I'm not trying to bash Pure for being strong, I'm saying people shouldn't underestimate it.

    EDIT: Apparently, I'm getting a metric ton of flak for "not including correct damage values". Read the disclaimer, THEN complain. If you think these damage values are not reflecting the truth, it's always easy to plug new numbers in and change them.

    EDIT 2: Values updated with both unreal and "somewhat real" damage benchmark values. Also added Warp, because apparently I forgot Warp.

    Note that all values listed on the updated "benchmark list" is not considered de facto for all Mythics and are build independent.

    If people are still complaining "BUT MUH BUILDS ARE DISREGARDED, MYHTICS THRIVE ON BUILDS, HURR", I will completely ignore your argument. Read the disclaimer first, THEN complain.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  2. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    I would like to point out to things. Pure is one of those weapons that scales super well with the player as they level. Like at level 65 its really damn good but then at level 100 its still really damn good because of all the new gear you can use with it. Similarly are weapons like aftershock and wallbreaker.
    Another downside is lament in it's current state is just kinda bad...and then nepta and morrow are also really good for legendaries leaving pure as the only real water spell option in the line of mythics. Also while yes the dps is insane I would like to note that pure lacks a powder special (which even tho curse/courage doesn't make the dps of pure and other mythics even it helps.) which makes the dps not as insane as it seems at times.
    Also can we get entropy on lunar pls... and yes pure is amazing and I need one.
  3. StoopidDog

    StoopidDog A high probability of barking HERO

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    Has the system of elemental defense changed?
    As far as I remember, if the enemy has an elemental defense, it will receive less damage relative to the basic attack damage of the weapon. if the system hasn't changed, that build doesn't damage a high-level boss much. (like qira, li , eo)
    coolname2034 and ExertKarma like this.
  4. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    thats not how it works...

    Certain mythics require other equipment (stats) in order to work better to reach their full potential. You can't just slap 100 intel on every mythic wand and say 'ah yes thats the average damage'.
  5. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    These damages are build independent, mind you, and only exist for benchmarking purposes.

    I can, and will, add proper builds, but keep in mind the damages as they are only exist as benchmarks, nothing else.
    Iboju and ExertKarma like this.
  6. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    If you're trying to explain that Pure needs is unbalanced, I'd probably argue against. Like said above, every item in the game requires different stats to reach it's full potential, and a lot of weapons don't have their main focus around Meteor. I think Pure is an extremely well designed item. Mythic items should be strong, unique, and special. Pure scales extremely well, like said above, and I wish that all the low level mythic items were able to do that too. They are mythical after all.

    I don't think the upcoming elemental changes make Pure any stronger than it currently is though. With my current build, which takes advantage of Mana Regen with Resurgence and Dragon's Eye Bracelet, rather than using Slayer, I'm able to cast 7 meteors and 3 ice snakes every four seconds. Which is about as fast as you can go per four seconds, just due to speed + 20 mana cap. That's 12k per meteor, which adds to about 21k per second, not including ice snake damage. With Slayer, you might be able to go for a full four seconds with only two ice snakes, but I don't think you're able to do it with just one, not at the fastest cast speed possible.

    I don't think it's physically possible to get 40k DPS with Pure, simply because no armor has enough spell damage % or spell damage raw to support that. Unless you have bionic fingers, you can not move your fingers that fast, and trust me, I can move my fingers extremely fast (thank you osu!taiko). The only way Pure is able to reach 12k meteors is through spell damage raw and it's 5x multiplier to meteor.
    So in the end, Pure is strong. Entropy is strong. It should be strong, it's a Mythic. Overpowered? I don't really think so, to be honest.
    Here's my current build. https://wynndata.tk/s/gm6tv4

    Edit: I cycle Meteor, Meteor, Ice Snake. I can Cycle Meteor, Meteor, Meteor, Ice Snake to get 9 Meteors/4 seconds, and that still only amounts to about 27k Dps. Due to 2 mana meteors, I do basically just sit for the last half second before mana regen tick. So I can see you getting 30k dps with some sort of slayer build, but I can't see much more than that.
    Because I use basically all of my mana with perfect timing, when the tick hits, it puts me back at 16 instead of the full 20, so you'd need to have mana regen and raw spell to support this too-
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
  7. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Remember that at level 65 it is absurdly difficult to get high intel and mana regen without becoming a papier-mâché soldier. At higher levels, is it possible to get insane dps though? Sorta. You can definitely get pretty good damage, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a build that can do high dps and still is fairly survivable, as you need to get a LOT of mana regen/steal to keep up with the demand of meteors; remember, your mana regen at the same speed, so you'll need ~3x the mana regen to keep up. Also because of the +spell cost, you'd need more than usual or something to mitigate that like slayer (which costs a lot, had dig downsides and cuts into mana regen). Also, due to the way pure's damage is set up, it's much harder to boost the damage with the rest of the build, as even a 50% bonus only increases damage by a small amount. Honestly, pure has some of my favorite design of any weapon because it's viable both at-level and endgame.
  8. Latios

    Latios Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    pure is absolutely broken at level, idk how there's even an argument there
    does twice the damage of ethereal and that's not even counting entropy
    at level 75 you can just use morph stuff, whatever mana regen helm and dragon eye bracelet and have 2 mana meteors with like 6 mana regen + pures mana steal

    i wouldn't want it to be nerfed though, i find the concept of 7/1,000,000 items being useless in an endgame scenario to be quite awful
    Glazer, ExertKarma and Epicness937 like this.
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Ethereal is not nearly as strong as people like to claim it is, it's just somehow become the good lvl 70 weapon so now people use it as a benchmark for no reason.
    Saya and ExertKarma like this.
  10. Latios

    Latios Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    if there's a superior weapon within the 65-75~ wand range that's better used as comparison fodder than ethereal i'm down to hear, i skimmed the 65-75 wands on wynndata and nothing in particular jumped out at me

    regardless, this isn't contradictory to my point that pure is absolutely stupid at level
    ExertKarma likes this.
  11. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Minor edit to clarify something - I'm not trying to bash Pure. I'm just stating there are people who underestimate Pure, and this post is to correct this misconception.

    I agree that a large amount of the original post is theorycrafting, of course every Mythic has its own niche and build compatibility (thus, playstyle).
    ExertKarma likes this.
  12. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    people now notice how op pure is smh

    also stacking raw spell is better than % damage
    ExertKarma likes this.
  13. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Isn't this really late?

    I thought everyone knew the power of pure (Spoiler: it's very strong and obviously so)
    I forgot how disconnected the average player is from class building

    I should have realized after someone thought that anvil crawler heavy melee was cool and original even though it was/is widely regarded as optimal and meta...

    Anyway have what I think is objectively the best pure build https://www.wynndata.tk/s/n0lr92
    You should make a better build, pure really needs 1 mana meteor. 10k with 1 cost > your damage with 2 cost. (also not nearly enough crafted abuse, since you're abusing already why not go all the way)
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    Druser, Ichikaaa and ExertKarma like this.
  14. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    Honestly, I'd look into making a Slayer build, but I have a strong bias against Agility and a strong bias for Defense. Just a consistency thing, I suppose. I may still look into it for the future, of course, and would be fun to mess around with, regardless. I can do all the game's content alone with this though, so it's good enough for now. Can definitely do more min-maxing, for sure
    Saya likes this.
  15. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Hate that excuse, since you can do all the game's content alone with morph.

    I can respect the rest of your comment though (I also prefer def)
    Ichikaaa likes this.
  16. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Because it used to be insane. I used it until level 90ish because nothing could compete with it at the time.
  17. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    Your elemental defense factoring is wrong. %s have always been multiplied onto base damage before elemental defense subtracts. If it didn't, The Specialist would be absolutely busted as a weakness abuse secondary.
    Druser and StoopidDog like this.
  18. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    ah the good old days when warrior could take 0 elemental damage
    Melkor likes this.
  19. StoopidDog

    StoopidDog A high probability of barking HERO

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    Thank you for your detailed explanation. what I remember is that I couldn't beat qira with freedom.
  20. ccccccccccccccc

    ccccccccccccccc horse failure

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    There are a lot of things wrong with this thread; I'll start here.

    The meteor numbers are way off; it looks like you got some of them (i.e. fatal) by plugging the wand into an empty wynndata build, added your int, and looked at meteor but without using powders!
    This also fails to account for a normal build's skill point allocation: monster isn't going to be in a build with just defense (and int); usually it's going to have dex or str too. To simulate a normal build environment, it's a good idea to assign an equal amount of offensive and element matching skill points to compare damage (or just offensive if it's an offensive element weapon i.e. fatal just gets dex to look at dmg).

    I gave each weapon 100 skill points in dex if it didn't already have points in dex or str:

    Pure: 6.5k meteor
    Lament: 8.3k meteor
    Monster: 9.3k meteor
    Fatal: 13.7k meteor
    Gaia: 7.1k meteor
    Singu: 13.2k meteor (rainbow so it has some str and dex; this one's weird for sp)

    Of course, it's impractical to have 100 offensive sp + 100 def for monster, considering that the build will also need int, but not assigning the dex ignores the effects of the defensive sp entirely.
    Even if you ignore the sp allocation, just adding powders makes the meteor numbers much more accurate. It's pretty important, considering pure has 0 powder slots.

    There are 2 main issues with building pure. First, entropy means that you get more damage by getting more meteors, but it also means you have to spend a lot more mana per 4 seconds. Especially after the +1 3rd spell cost, pure is hungry. I find that it eats around 13-14 mana regen (+ natural) when I cycle meteor-meteor-ice relatively fast with 2 meteor cost (dragon's eye build for -3rd spell cost).

    The other main issue pure faces is that it starts out with very high spell% and very low base damage. That means that adding additional spell% or element% does almost nothing to improve damage. Comparing a couple weapons:

    Pure: 10% of additional spell% adds 88 meteor damage
    Monster: 10% of additional spell% adds 352 meteor damage
    Fatal: 10% of additional spell% adds 479 meteor damage

    This creates some problems when building pure. Not only does the build have to have lots of mana and some -3rd spell cost, but it also means that spell oriented items with spell% add almost no damage and the build has to focus on adding raw spell. Items like memento only add around half as much damage as they would to other builds. There isn't much room to add damage to pure.

    The result is the damage actual pure builds get. I usually see non-crafted builds with 10k-12k meteors and enough mana to spam meteors. Non-crafted fatal with decent tankiness builds around 24k in my experience, with the other mythic wands (lament...) trailing behind.

    Pure has other weaknesses, like its very fast attack speed and 3 damage types (air, water, neutral). It's very easy for enemies to entirely resist pure with elemental defense; the eye only takes raw and neutral spell damage when I fight it with pure. However, it's still my favorite wand in the game. Casting fast meteors with pure is the only way I enjoy mage. This thread exaggerates pure's effectiveness and I think pure is in a great spot right now.
    StoopidDog and Melkor like this.
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