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Alternate Games (vote In Poll)

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by btdmaster, Apr 10, 2020.


which is best to play

  1. Ori and the will of the wisps

  2. Hollow knight

  3. Subnautica

  4. Warframe

  5. Portal

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  1. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Aight so I'm bored asf right now because: Wynn is more of a hobby rn, mostly doing profs so b o r i n g. Also, I do play some hypixel Skyblock but that hasn't got a content update for months so I'm also doing like nothing there either. I need a new game to work on and sink my time into.
    Ori and the will of the wisps
    Hollow knight
    Portal/Portal 2
    Yeah lemme know which is best/better and why thanks, if there are other games you'd recommend feel free to suggest
    Also I may consider paladins but idk
  2. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    Honestly i like all of the games on the list but if i'll vote for one it'll be either Ori or Hollow knight
    I really like the both of them but i think i might choose ori over hollow knight. I generally prefer Ori's soundtrack and storyline as well as the incredible map in the game, although ori 1 and 2 were very repetitive but they still were very enjoyable to me.

    So in my opinion its gonna be Ori and The Will of The Wisps
    if you're reading this and you haven't checked it out then you should, and the soundtrack of both oris is absolutely great
  3. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I've played Hollow Knight, Subnautica and can confirm they're fantastic, also heard good things on Ori and Warframe. But the Portal games are god-tier. If you've never played them before you're seriously missing out, plus they go absurdly cheap on steam sales.
  4. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Yeah, my brother recommended it to me. He gets very into the soundtracks of games he plays (last one was hollow knight, before then PMD) so I definitely know the soundtrack and game are pretty great. I did actually play a bit of hollow knight but got busy doing other games, I got as far as the sewers in the city of tears.
    Yeah, I actually already have bought both portals on sale, never got around to them yet. I might do portal, then warframe on the side. If Ori goes on sale, I'll probably do that though instead, but as of now it's 30$ so I'll probably wait.
  5. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Portal's storyline is one of the best in a video game, plus its ridiculously fun and addicting, even once you've already completed it.
  6. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    1) haven't played ori and the will of the wisps,
    2) hollow knight is an extremely fun and potentially challenging game that can keep u busy and entangled for hours and hours on end
    3) i played like 20 minutes of subnautica and it seemed really interested, plus I've heard of good things of both the original and the sequel.
    4) warframe is incredibly HIGH QUALITY for a FREE GAME. it's actually insane how good it looks, plays, and feels for being free. i will warn that it is a HEAVY grind and crafting takes hours/days
    5) portal is extremely fun and is a couple hours of challenging gameplay mixed with a unique mechanics and a fun(ny) story

    personally, I'd recommend hollow knight. I "finished" the game and it was amazing. i'm going to go back to fully complete it one day but it provides a good challenge and promotes plenty of playstyles.
    if hollow knight isnt your thing, try out portal. then try out subnautica, then ori and the will of the wisps, and finally warframe(left the heaviest grind for last)
  7. Ely

    Ely The Agent CHAMPION

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    This doesn't quite relate but as a game to play with other people and online, Jackbox games party pack 6 and cards against humanity is so fun online, if yall ever want to play please friend me on discord, Elysiant#6578 and dm me that you'd like to play either. Both a blast and can be played anytime with everyone!
  8. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I've come up with some recommendations, based on if you like:

    Ori/Hollow Knight: Shovel Knight and GRIS. Shovel Knight is quite like Hollow Knight I believe, as it's tough (for me at least) and has a whole bunch of boss battles. GRIS is an indie game that's more artsy and relaxing, similar to Ori. It's also very short and pretty cheap, and just a wonderful little game overall.

    Subnautica: if you like exploring, collecting resources, weird fauna and going very deep underground, perhaps try Terraria. It's 2D, and you can put a lot of time into it without it getting boring. One important thing: it's often declared a 2D version of Minecraft, but it's really not. If survival MC isn't your thing, don't automatically exclude Terraria from the list.

    Warframe: don't really know much about Warframe, but if you're looking for a good FPS and you haven't played Half-Life 2 yet: play Half-Life 2.

    Portal/Portal 2: another really good puzzle game is The Talos Principle. It's slower paced than both the Portal games, has no portals, no antagonists, the puzzle elements aren't particularly eye-catching, but it's such a good game, in the sense that it's got such a good story. If you ever want to -- I don't know how to describe it -- just go to a beautiful place and think, you'll like this game. I do recommend looking up tutorials for the later puzzles though, as they kinda suck. Also the game can be pretty depressing.
  9. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Yeah, I've heard good things above shovel Knight. My friend got Gris a little while ago, and it's really good so it's definitely a possibility. I have actually played a lot of Terraria, great game, hoping for an update soon though. Half life 2 is a game I will consider, my best friend likes it a lot and it seems like a pretty good game (not to mention desync gltiching it makes it pretty funny). Never heard of the Talos principle, though, so I will check that one out.
    Violet Knight likes this.
  10. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Ori and the Will of the Wisps: I have never played it, so I can't say anything about it. I played the original and got bored pretty quickly, but games can obviously get better over time. Maybe I shut it down to quickly.

    Hollow Knight: It's one of the best games I've ever played, only losing to A Hat in Time and Dark Souls 2 SotFS. If you like an expanded and interconnected world, boss gates, background lore, an outstanding soundtrack and atmosphere, and challenging game play, Hollow Knight is for you. Most of the problems with the game are present in a single area AHEM the man who shall not be named, but you can choose to do whatever you want.

    Subnautica: I played it briefly at my friend's house, and for what that's worth, it's definitely a game that appeals to people who like to explore and grind. I obviously can't say how much grinding there is, but if you like that sort of thing, may as well.

    Warframe: This is the one I know the least about, so trust the other people.

    Portal/Portal 2: I played them when I was really young, but god damn if I didn't have a good time. It's got some of the best characters and puzzles in a video game.

    Paladins: Just because you mentioned it, I personally didn't enjoy Paladins that much. I couldn't tell you why I didn't enjoy it because it was so long ago, but it's probably just because I don't enjoy multiplayer nearly as much as I do single player games (or, more specifically, single player games with multiplayer aspects on the side). The only one I've ever sunk a lot of time into (aside from Smash Heroes and Super Smash Mobs because I'm a degenerate) is Smite, which, ironically enough, is from the same studio that created Paladins. If you like PvP games, you'll probably enjoy it more.

    tl;dr Hollow Knight is epic sauce and you should buy DS2 SotFS so I can invade you during the Looking Glass Knight with my halberd that doesn't roar.
    thepicferret, inigbamL and btdmaster like this.
  11. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Out of these I've only played Portal, but I'm thinking of playing Hollow Knight at some point, it's the type of game I might like a lot, and Subnautica is great too, I've watched full playthroughs of it, good game and all. It doesn't have that much grinding as other games of the same type, it's more about the exploring.
  12. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    warframe is in a really terrible spot rn so i wouldnt really recommend it until the devs get their shit together
  13. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Why DS2? Of all the games, why 2?
  14. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    DS2 SotFS is my favorite Dark Souls game thus far and my favorite game (I just bought 3, so we'll see if it tops that). I enjoy linear senses of progression much more than I do interconnected worlds despite loving Hollow Knight. Growing up with mario and sonic games, where there is a very linear sense of progression from level to level, probably explains why. People who complain about ganks in DS2 often are the ones trying to rush through the game like you could in DS1. It's much more methodical in the sense that the game forces you to adapt to overcome the enemies via different methods, usually involving kiting or swapping between weapons to stunlock certain enemies. I understand people don't like slower gameplay though, and that's perfectly fine. It's just something I enjoy doing after successfully executing a plan to kill every enemy that I can. The only times the game feels unfair is when it throws enemies at you and you have no way to separate them (ex. the swarm of 5 hollows in Forest of the Fallen Giants).

    Despite having a roster of 41 bosses as well, the majority of bosses actually are perfectly fine. I generally don't care what the boss looks like if the mechanics, and possibly lore, make up for it, and usually that applies to the "it's just a dude in armor" excuse. If the boss looks cool, all the better. Sure, there's some fights that I want to forget ever happened like Lud and Zallen, but that really only makes up around a fourth at most of the bosses in the game.

    Lastly, since I can't really go into much detail without spoiling the entire game, the PvP. If we're being honest, DS1's PvP was literally backstab: the game. Whoever could get the backstab window the size of a continent first won. In DS2, every single weapon is viable in both PvE and PvP. It never feels like I got killed by bs (except for lag, but that applies to literally any PvP ever), and you can constantly switch between weapons to mess with your opponent because the game actively encourages you to do that.

    So, tl;dr, I like DS2: SotFS for the reasons other people hate it. Essentially, we all have our preferences. I would be lying if I said the game was perfect, because it's not, but I would also be lying if I said it's not the game I've enjoyed the most of any other.
    Also, I have never played the original DS2. Apparently there's entirely different enemy placement in it, so maybe it's a lot worse in the original.
  15. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I likewise have never played the original. If you prefer the linear level design, 3 is for you. (Also the boss design is through the roof, there's like 4 bosses that are bad, and then a bunch that are amazing, especially in the DLC). My biggest complaint with 2 is honestly the hitboxes; I'm currently going through it with a friend who's never played it before, and there have been some pretty spectacular hitbox mishaps. That and the clunky combat, like heavy weapons hitting the direction you're facing is enough that I'm not a huge fan. I don't know how you could possibly think the PvP is better than DS1, it's *dies from lagstab from across the map*
  16. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Yeah, the main issue with hitboxes is how the stat agility works. The base of 5 iframes is awful because of how long the lingering hitboxes in any dark souls game are. If you get your agility up to at least 88 (9 iframes), there's not many hitboxes that are actually that bad (with exceptions like Sinner's thrust attack reaching across the galaxy). Getting it up to 99/105 ensures you can roll into certain attacks rather than away from them since it gives you the equivalent amount of iframes as fast rolling in DS1.
    Also, like I said, I've only felt that the PvP is bad if it lags, which, again, applies to any PvP regardless of how good it is. However, I've personally only been lag backstabbed on a few occasions.
  17. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    My biggest hitbox issue is actually Fume Knight. Some of his attacks in phase 2 have a hitbox that extends behind him, which is... lovely (also the straightsword thrust in phase 1 is kinda cancer). Stomp attacks are also awful, but that's the case in all of them except DS1 for some reason. DS1 PvP is lovely if no one goes for (or randomly gets) a cheeky lagstab, which I suppose is a bit like saying fire will only burn you if it's hot. I still think DS3's is better, but 2 definitely has its upsides, especially because you can actually prevent backstab fishers, which is so needed.
  18. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Oh yeah, Fume Knight's hitboxes in phase 2 are really wonky. Personally though, I never go behind him because of his counterattack when you do so. The hitbox problem for me comes from his swipe attacks lingering hitbox chip damage. Luckily it's only chip damage, but it's still annoying when I dodged through a swipe attack perfectly only to see that I get a sliver of my hp shaved off because of how long that chip damage hitbox just sits there. The majority of the time I dodge away from Fume Knight rather than towards him though because of how taxing it is on your stamina to try and dodge through his whole onslaught, so it's usually not much of an issue for me.
  19. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    You can avoid the chip damage by rolling into the attack or away from it, I forget which (I think you need 105 agility though). I stay to the side and roll behind him to punish when he attacks, but that only works with a decently fast weapon.
  20. NotMyMCName

    NotMyMCName Well-Known Adventurer

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    subnautica is scary :P (atleast the [not actually gonna say it if ur new to subnautica])
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