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My 3 Favorite And Least Favorite Quests

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Torpid, Apr 14, 2020.


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  1. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    Wow... All i really seem to post about is my opinion over and over again (gEe iTs sWelL)
    Alright so i dont mind doing quests, they arent annoying or amazing except for a handful in my opinion.

    This is just my opinion and im not hating on the creators of the quests yadayadayada i dont think i even need to say this

    cracks knuckles
    Alright let's get started.


    3 - The Ultimate Weapon
    I know that this quest is purposely over-fetchy as a "joke" i guess... But its still a really annoying and fetchy quest. It would have been pretty cool if the quest actually involved items from all over the entire map, and there would be puzzles and bosses to get them. And then when you crafted the weapon it would actually be really powerful. And you had to choose between the 7 LE or the powerful weapon. Instead it just feels like a waste of time.

    2 - Temple Of Legends
    This is a pretty popular opinion: ToL is a garbage quest. Its basically like the Ultimate Weapon except even longer and fetchy. Except this time it doesnt give you a load of money, it gives you access to a shop that you can access for all classes once you do it for one class. So its basically the same quest but even worse with a worse reward. I really wish this quest was more creative than: "Go get this stuff"

    1 - ???
    I hate this quest with every fiber of my being. I have done it one single time and i am literally never doing it again. The Cosmic Armor is alright, but its not remotely worth the time it takes to do this quest. Not to mention you need 3 other players to help. The one time i did this quest it took 4 hours. As a wise man once said "Every time you do ??? there is that one guy that makes it take 4 hours" and im pretty sure that everybody i was doing that quest with was "that one guy"


    3 - Murder Mystery
    This quest is actually pretty fun, especially on your first time doing it. You actually feel like youre a detective investigating a murder. Its also super cool to find out there is an entire casino or whatever underneath Cinfras. And every area you visit during the quest is also very nicely built, the murder home, the casino, its all great and i always look forward to doing this quest.

    2 - Flight In Distress
    The fact this quest takes place entirely in the sky is surprisingly cool to me. Nothing is frustrating or annoying about the quest and the reward is also very useful. Instant transport is extremely useful in any game, and this is instant transport is basically from one side of the map to the other. The Pirate invasion makes the quest feel far more exciting and doesnt feel like it exists purely to make the quest longer.

    1 - 1000 Meters Under
    This is my single favorite Quest in the game. The title of the quest is similar to the book "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea", but i dont know how much the quest is based on the book. Anyway, the quest is very creative and it really does feel like an adventure to an explored place. My first time doing the quest, i always knew the ropes would eventually break, but when it happened i was still surprised. The void is both scary and beautiful, and the idea of a void village is super cool. Not to mention the reward of the quest is both a decent amount of emeralds and a fast-travel to the void. I love this quest, which is why its unfortunate that ive only done it twice.

    I would like to know what yall think of these quests and what your favorites are, thanks for reading.

    - T
    seresdia, xSkiing, aws404 and 6 others like this.
  2. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    I can give a top 3 least favorites of my head but I am not sure if that's really the 3 that I hate the most
    1: jungle fever
    2: temple of legends
    3: Bob's lost soul

    I think you all know know how fetchy those quests are but don't get me wrong I loved doing all of them at my first playthrough and I really enjoy the lore and story that they have but after the first time you just want to finish the quests and get the rewards but they are just too long and annoying
    I can't really find my favorite quests quests right now but i did enjoy all of them at the first playthrough
  3. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    that's a trap that a lot of quests fall into, they're nice to play first time thanks to the story and lore but they arent replayable at all.
  4. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    It's just that I find myself frustrated mostly when I see that they are the next in the quest book
  5. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I’d remove murder mystery from the list of favorites and put in PONR at the top, but otherwise yeah. Also, I feel for non assassins in the jungle fever quest cuz that shit is cancer
  6. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I love ToL for the nostalgia, but I have to agree, it's hell to do and gives no worthwhile reward. The grind spot is almost entirely useless, you can get the weapons on another class if you even decide to use them, and everything else is in a real city nearby. I'm indifferent towards the ultimate weapon, but it would be nice if there was more to it. Being an ironic fetchquest is still being a fetchquest. I will disagree about ??? however. It is terribly annoying to do with other people, but if they streamlined that part and made it so that the one idiot who swears they know what they're doing doesn't waste a bunch of time ignoring you and doing it the way he thinks it- okay, cooling down. Anyway, if they fixed the multi-player so one idiot didn't ruin it for everyone, it would be easily one of my favorites.
    My favorites would have to be
    3. Frost Bite. I HATED the original, it was deathly boring and so forgettable that every playthrough I'd have to search it up to remember the steps. When they remade it, I tried it out and was utterly blown away.

    2. Out of my Mind. In the same vein, I was never to impressed with the original (though it wasn't too forgettable or bad) but the remake was honestly one of my favorite quest experiences.

    1. The entire Wynnexc questline. Partly nostalgia, partly the fun quests, these have always been some of my favorites. I like that they are all different enough that they feel like they deserve their own quests, despite being similar at heart, I like the lore and I actually even like the Amadel plot twist. Legitimately my favorite thing a character has done in any quest. I also love that they build on each other, and it really gives the feeling of you slowly learning about and stealing from some massive shadowy entity. They're some of the only quests that really build a good atmosphere, with each one feeling very unique as you slowly learn about this mysterious shadowy corporation/ cult/ ??? and sabotage their plans.


    My least favorites are
    3. All of the dungeon quests on repeat runs. They get so incredibly boring on repeat runs that I hate having to do them over again (and also one broke on my main character, locking me out of the dungeon forever unless it gets fixed).

    2. Zight Island. "Run around the ocean talking to people, grab some stuff and then want to pull your fingers off cuz' guess what, you're going to" lose a bunch of health and make your build fall off because you have to wear that stupid climbing helmet peaks"! As you may have guessed, I hate Maro Peaks because of the climbing helmet requirement, and because forgetting it means a wonderful trip to Selchar and back. Such fun. And the rest of the quest is just as bad, you just run around the ocean randomly like a dolphin on meth. It's annoying.

    1. King's Recruit, because it's horrendously boring, it has no exploration, fighting or puzzle aspect, and it frankly sucks as a tutorial. There is nothing I like about this quest except that you can skip it, and that's not exactly a sign of quality. If it didn't lock you to one specific area after another with basic tasks and dumb requirements (thank goodness it makes you craft a weapon instead of wearing a helmet now at least) and if it actually was a good tutorial for what the game is like, I'd be more inclined to like it, but for now /skiptutorial remains my first step on any character.

    Some honorable contenders for my favorites are:

    Shattered Minds. I love this quest, both from the interesting story and the game play, and it definitely deserves a mention.

    Beyond The Grave. Interesting story, interesting place, interesting character. It's honestly quite fun, and has a near boss fight at the end.

    Reincarnation. A terrible fetch quest, yes. But the nostalgia and what I would argue is the best boss in the game makes up for that. Nostalgia isn't a great reason to call something amazing, but I'm not about to ignore that this was my first big goal in

    Point of No Return. This has amazing puzzles, good story and really expand son the lore of the Silent Expanse. The ending is a little tedious, but it fits with the idea of the quest, and honestly makes it more powerful, so I'll give it a pass (it'd be nice if it was a little less annoying though).

    Star Thief. The No Man's Sky of quests, this started as one of the worst, and managed to do a full 180 into being a fun, creative and interesting quest.

    Dishonorable contenders for my least favorite:

    Clearing the Camps. "Run here, kill a guy, run there, kill a guy, and finally, run there and kill a guy." I had to look up the name, this was so forgettable.

    Green Skinned Trouble, or, as I prefer to call it, "Clearing the Camps 2: Electric Boogaloo." It's the same quest, except this time you have to kill more enemies, and then when you're done, you "get" to fight a miniboss after solving a puzzle. This is of course assuming the puzzle doesn't break for you.

    The Light Realm quests. They're mostly boring fetch quests. The only one that's really offensive though is Finding the Light. "Find a thing with no real hints as to where in the middle of a giant forest to start this. Then compete the longest and most painful fetchquest in all of Wynncraft in order to progress."

    The Olmic Rune. Why? Why is this a quest?

    Ice Nations, Lost Royalty, Reclaiming the House, Grand Youth, The Headless Hunt, Lazarus Pit, etc. They're all boring fetch quests.

    Eye of the Storm. It doesn't relate to any of the lore, it's a fetch quest, and it has a bad boss fight at the end.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
  7. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I did ??? for the first time the other day. 5 people were in the meteors, but only three actually got teleported out, so someone had to go back and redo the red meteor puzzles for us to even start the quest. then throwing the three items into the hopper in yahyas house didn't work, so we had to go get those again. also, the red meteor shard did not spawn both times we did it, so we were only unable to finish the quest because I had hoarded some shards in my bank.
  8. Latios

    Latios Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    3. royal trials

    2. wynnex

    1. shattered minds (somewhat of a joke answer but the effort put into this quest blows me away. i once explored the drug realm for a solid 30 minutes and uncovered everything from a real t3 to a fake t3, blunt smoking appas with signs inside them and a dude inside a whale).


    3. literally any quest with unskippable dialogue

    2. literally every dungeon quest on replay

    1. a journey further (a journey beyond is a lot worse but this one put my ninja out of commission for 2 weeks and counting, and i know of other people that have had classes stuck in lutho thanks to it for months on end)
    Melkor and NITEHAWKX like this.
  9. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    Awesomesauce!!! (best to least best)
    1. Misadventures - fun
    2. DnD - also fun but not as fun, the plot is fine and I like many of the sequences. garaheth could use some work though.
    3. Envoy II - I don't care much for the plot, but the gameplay is great. I also like my quests as long and important as possible and this fits both of those.
    Runner Up. ??? - obscure puzzles are epic

    Not Awsomesauce Lol... (worst to least worst)
    1. The Ultimate Weapon - I am the pure embodiment of anti-grinding and this quest is like my kryptonite. it hurts even more that I'm a completionist so I wouldn't feel fulfilled if I skipped it on any of my runs.
    2. Royal Trials - doesn't stand out much from the usual gavel quest, but it has portions that make me actively dislike it. those would be the airship section, which drags on very long and is janky to control, and the pirate wig fetch, which will catch you off guard on your first playthrough having you to ahmsord and back. it's not my absolute worst since it's not too long to complete and the rest of it goes by quick.
    3. Wynn Excavation - it has nowhere near the worst gameplay and is actually quite refreshing on repeat runs, my main issue is with the story. a lot of the not so good quests don't really have stories that stand out as good or bad, but wynnexcavations stands out to me as a fever dream. a lot of the happenings just feel out of place and sudden, and some of the quests feel like you're just thrown in to a pre gavel cave while plot exposition plays in the backround. Wynn Ex D also noticeably drags on for me, especially in the temple which just has too many walks through long empty corridors. 1.19 Amadel is actually a great boss, although his main boss theme is a bit underwhelming for such a major fight.
    Jbip likes this.
  10. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    Why is no one mentioning that ??? is not a quest. It's a community event.

    The reason why it's in the questbook is because it made it easier to make everything work
    ''Using the quest system for ??? allowed us to do stuff like giving you an xp-reward. You shouldn’t think of it as a quest. It’s a fun community game.''
  11. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    my most hated quest at all times:
    3rd: Eye of the storm. Like seriously just fucking rework this already guys, this quest is fetchy asf and illogical. Some guy had his arm (or leg idfk) broken but still he stayed in the cave with the monsters while he could use teleport magic? Also wtf naragath boss fight is boring and a fucking waste of time. so basically this quest is a piece of trash but there are some quests trashier than this one.
    2nd: Jungle fever.
    Worid: Hey, gimme a stack so that I can heal myself. Well you dont have that much money? then just go to detlas bank and rob some.
    *went to detlas bank*
    Worid: Oh shit no, there is a golem standing near the LE, so we go to almuj bank which has even more golems.
    u drink LE to heal yourself using the intensely high temperature to kill the germs? there are surely infinite possibilities with science.
    1st: Temple of legends. this quest is pure trash. I get the whole fucking idea, it is to make you go everywhere in wynn province and ocean, but this is just poorly executed. It even gets you a useless quest helmet which seems like it could help you with the pit of despair thing but no.

    My most liked quest:
    3rd: Fate of the fallen. This quest briefly describes what makes Theorick a hero. However, for a lvl 43 quest, it is completely fine. Also some of the discoveries/frost bite explained more. The best thing of the quest is the use of time valley, making you could actually go into the past and witness everything.
    2nd: 1km under. While containing some fetch parts, I think that they are actually okay and logical. Also I like the bad-but-not-so-bad ending (at least in my point of view) in the quest. Gameplay 10/10 because it contains puzzles, parkour, survive, fetch sessions and they are well-balanced (unlike some lvl 97 quest but it is still okay)
    1st: A Hunter's calling. This time you are operating for the dark. Bak'al, Amadel, the mad scientist near Olux, the King of Rodoroc, Antikythera, then back to Bak'al (I didn't mention some other Bak'al sessions cuz im too lazy). To what end? You have to find "the end" for yourself, since the thing didn't tell you what is that even after quest ended.

    Tasim: ok I didn't appear in any quests despite the tutorial and being a harmless tanky asshole in the hunter's calling
    Imaxelius likes this.
  12. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    I'm sorry, I know that some people like this quest, but besides the obvious choices (???, Realm of Light), A Journey Beyond has to be my least favorite quest in the game. I'm fine with unskippable dialogue, in fact, I think that the people who complain about it shouldn't be playing an RPG. I'm willing to cut King's Recruit some slack because it's the tutorial and I'm willing to cut others like DnD some slack because at least they let you get to the damn place you need to go to without holding your hand, but with AJB, Aledar and the two others never leave you the fuck alone. The only part where they do is in the Ruined Olmic City. Wynn is far from an open world game, but one of the most enticing aspects of the game is exploring. How are you supposed to explore when the game is actively preventing you from doing so? A Journey Further wasn't much better, but at least it's shorter, the void holes section was more interesting than the olmic city, and the ending is pretty great. Oh yeah, and I didn't even mention the gimmicky bullshit in the previous quest; How many people bet that we'll never see anything like the flying section again in another quest? Oh yeah, guess what else I didn't mention? THE MULTIPLE PLOTHOLES IN THE ALREADY WEAK PLOT.

    As for favorite, well, again, I could choose an obvious choice (1k meters under, memory paranoia) but I have to give the edge to Corrupted Betrayal. It was truly revolutionary for its time because it was the first quest to use custom models for enemies, the gameplay, while unique enough to stand on its own, isn't too gimmicky unlike AJB, and Slykaar is a good character. The quest is also paced well with no unnecessary cutscenes and unskippable dialogue.
    Because it's in the questbook, and you need to do it to 100% complete it. Therefore, there's no reason why it shouldn't be judged as a quest
    Both 2 and 1 for "bad" aren't very fair assessments. You specify "replay" for 2, which just seems cheap. If you're going to do that, then at least specify "on replay" for all of them
    As for 1, if I understand your message correctly, this is caused by a glitch rather than the content of the quest itself
  13. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    You can tell that yourself, but I literally quoted the maker of ??? himself.
    Lotem likes this.
  14. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    Good quests:
    #1: Shattered Minds
    This quest was one of the most fun quests by far, and the puzzles are integrated into the quest seamlessly. Also I rolled a godly Psychomend vest which is now part of my build
    #2: Order of the Grook
    The classes in this quest are fun, except for when half of them bug out(fortunately I chose non-bugged classes). The reward, one of three fabled accessories, seals the deal for me.
    #3: Eye of The Storm
    This quest was honestly really fun to complete, the story and lore was extremely good.
    #3: King's Recruit
    I have the same gripes with this quest as most others do, that it doesn't cover everything it should. It treats crafting like a requirement, and misses out on game necessities.
    #2: Jungle Fever
    Do I really need to explain this one?
    #1: Temple of the Legends
    This is by far the longest quest I have ever done, running around gathering items with no other purpose, then fighting an incredibly strong boss to unlock… a grind spot. And a helmet. This quest was a waste of my time.
    Miles_, starx280 and Dream like this.
  15. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Eh, might as well state my favorites (and least favorites)

    Least Favorite:
    1. King's Recruit: Still bitter about having to walk through the tutorial 10 times when 1.18 released, not to mention it doesn't really cover any parts of the game aside from professions.
    2. Realm of Light: Kinda boring, you just walk around, go through some caves, and the ending's such a letdown. But by far the worst offender is the fact that you're given a quest helmet for no reason. It's 2020 why are quest helmets still a thing.
    3. Any other quest that gives you a quest item helmet, idk. There aren't really any quests that I flat-out hate, maybe I'm not as pessimistic as y'all?

    3. The Qira Hive: Don't know why this quest doesn't get more love. It has by far the best lore out of any quest, gives the best rewards out of any quest, and it's filled with entertaining combat. Severely underrated.
    2. A Hunter's Calling: Feels like one of those insane endgame quest suggestions you'd see in 2014, you know what I'm talking about. Really entertaining and a fitting end to your journey.
    1. Misadventure at the Sea: Don't know how no one in this thread has mentioned this yet. IMO, it's the best quest in the game and it isn't even close. It's funny, full of secrets, extremely replay-able, and honestly, kind of immersive. It's just so well done and I'd go into more detail if I wasn't lazy.
    Jbip, Lotem and MegidoGamerGod like this.
  16. Iboju

    Iboju absolute swag male CHAMPION

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    All right, i think I could give my opinion on quests.


    3. A Scandy Scandal

    I hate that it blocks me from using the bank, which also blocks me from doing jungle fever. I also highly dislike the amount of unskippable dialogue.

    2. Bob's Lost Soul

    A long fetch quest that requires 4 people to do. Enough said.

    1. King's Recruit

    Oh god. This quest. It's, in my opinion, the worst quest because it misleads new people about the goals of Wynncraft. It prioritizes professions way too much and doesn't teach about the combat system enough and doesn't teach about identifying items.

    In my opinion professions should be explained in a later quest.


    3. The Ultimate Weapon

    lol the quest sucks but 7le is 7le

    even tho 7le isn't much to me anymore its still nice to get that free 7le.

    2. Wynn Excavation Site D

    In my opinion, it's a good quest that still holds up well after yeas. I'm always hyped when I reach level 70 and get to do this quest. I also find the Amadel bossfight pretty fun.

    3. A Hunter's Calling

    All of this quest is just epic. The bossfights are awesome and the quest overall is well written. I especially like the Theorick fight and its gimmicks. It's also nice to go visit old places you've adventured in during your playthrough.
    starx280, Bart (MC) and Pifg like this.
  17. Pifg

    Pifg aaaaaaaaaaaa CHAMPION

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    3. 1k Meters Under because the void villagers are the best
    2. A Hunter's Calling because
    its super fun to play through the whole game again, but as the bad guy.
    1. Dwarves and Doguns questline because the writing and story is amazing, and the garaheth boss fight is the most unique boss fight in the game and I love it

    Least favorite:
    3. Reincarnation, because you need to get the tomb open only to be told you need to gather items and open the tomb AGAIN
    2. Tower of Ascension because its a pain in the ass.
    1. ??? (If you don't consider it a quest, Underwater)
    Underwater because if you don't know what youre doing, you get to the midget, and he tells you to go all the way back to ragni to get him some damn GROCERIES and you have to walk the whole way back just to get the stupid breathing helmet that will forever clog your bank.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
  18. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Top 3:

    1. ???
    2. 1k meters under
    3. Beyond the grave
  19. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    You actually have Flight In Distress and 1000 Meters Under as your favorite? Sure they are well made, but they be soo long
  20. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Bottom 3. These are basically the quests I refrain from doing legitimately because I just couldn't be bothered (apart from most low level quests because you level up so fast you can't keep up).
    3. The Qira Hive - Pretty much Tower of Ascension all over again except the fact that it's fewer and tankier mobs makes it much more of a pain. I just always use my archer to grind out all the divisions and put the catalysts into my bank, because it's just not fun in any way, shape or form to grind mobs and it's very likely I won't have a viable combat set on the class I'm leveling anyway. Qira's dialogue is vaguely interesting, but she just feels like the generic sorceress lady otherwise.
    2. King's Recruit - The "tutorial" only teaches you how to gather and craft. Probably the most optional content in the game. If anything its's misleading with just how much it emphasises the professions. I'm not saying that it should teach all the combat and the items system and whatnot, but right now it's a tutorial that teaches the wrong things. Other than that, it doesn't have much in terms of gameplay and the characters only make you hate them, which doesn't exactly help in AJB and AJF. I'll stick to /skiptutorial thank you very much.
    1. Temple of Legends - First of all, the quest requirements make me skip the quest entirely every time, because I really don't have the patience to gather the players for Bob's Lost Soul. This wouldn't be to bad if the actual quest was good, but it really isn't. It's just a fetch quest and there's nothing to do in the places you're sent to. On top of that, it has a quest helmet and a boss that just sucks all around.

    Top 3.
    3. Memory Paranoia - We've all played the quest, not much more can be said. The dialogue is a little over the top sometimes and the whole door in the back of the mansion and the boss don't make a whole lot of sense, but other than that, it's great. I think this quest would just benefit greatly from a rebuild and a teleport and command block revamp. That would turn a solid concept and story into something even better and a smoother overall experience.
    2. One Thousand Meters Under - The quest gives meaning to the sky islands and introduces a whole new can of (pretty cool) worms with the proper introduction of the Void. It still has a few technical bumps along the road, like the block puzzle not being very smooth and the part where monsters attack the submarine. I also never really got why the ship is on ropes, because it kinda makes you ask why they couldn't just take one of those platforms. Apart from that, the quest is just immersive and enjoyable in a plethora of ways.
    1. Point of No Return - Ever since I heard about The Eye and Dern and all those things I've always wanted Wynncraft to try a more weird, abstract quest without much dialogue and it's kinda scary how much PONR coincides with my thoughts about such a concept. The quest pretty much nails most things. The only puzzle I don't really get is when you're walking on the barriers and you see the fire particles and you have to follow your soul or something. I just follow the fire particles, but if that's what you have to do then I don't really get what the soul switching is for. It's usually not a great sign when someone can solve a puzzle faster by just screwing around then by actually trying to think. Either way, the quest is still awesome.
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