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Guide [not Updated] Choose Your Build: Build Vending Machine & Tips On Building & Explanations

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Saya, Apr 11, 2020.

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  1. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Mods please don't move this to the class build section, this is aimed at a more general audience. Thanks ily <3

    Updated as of 2020.4.13, Constantly under construction (New stuff being added)
    <Work In Progress>
    thank you @Kiocifer (ily kio <3), @Muchwag (hard carried by muchwag and kio tbh), @by2011, @:wynnic_e:, @Endercomet, @Chrysitis, @Highmore, @enecks, @BeddarCheddar#4960, and other Atlas Inc people for hard carrying me and a bit of soul signalling and reminders when I wasn't having such a good time and my big arm was hurting while my brain was bygone(s). Also a huge shoutout to @dukioooo for making wynndata a thing!
    keeping track of nested spoilers is so hard even though I indented a lot aaaaaaaa

    Can't see item or header names? Use a Dark Theme (Click here and go to Style). Or just don't worry about it, the vending machine is somewhat readable.

    [[ If you're here for the vending machine, scroll down! ]]

    Why this thread might be helpful, I guess? Maybe?

    So you've hit level 100 for the first time, after what seems like an eternity.

    You head to upload_2020-4-11_1-30-3.png , but all you find are people spouting nonsense about the letter "e", random alphabet combos like TWF (wtf?), and weird words such as "Larz Lapis" and "Yamer". Instead of receiving help, you find @Basteyal trying to calm down a crowd of weirdos. Huh. That's not class building, is it?
    upload_2020-4-11_1-36-59.png upload_2020-4-11_1-37-7.png

    This thread aims to be a quick way (without any social interaction or even a forums account!!!) to be able to get accessible builds you can use or modify that also fit your playstyle. For more in-depth help, the Atlas Inc Discord (DM me @Saya#8503) or the Atlas Build Aid thread are good places to go.

    All builds will come with suggestions to replace items that may be harder to get, unless the item is crucial to the build's functionality.

    Disclaimer: Vending Machine may contain suboptimal builds.
    And to that I say: Optimal builds aren't an accomplishment, this is 2020, Wynncraft class building is basically solved. The point of the vending machine is to make better builds quickly accessible to those who wouldn't otherwise want to spend time on builds.

    The reason there are only a few builds is because this format is really annoying to make and I'll get to it asap so don't worry about it.

    Build Tips
    Advice for building and other things

    If you're leveling up, put skillpoints as you need them for equipment, then in intelligence.

    ETWFA: Get used to the elements. Tri-element combos are common, like ETW, EFA, TWF, WFA, etc. Make sure to order them in ETWFA order (the way it is in the compass menu). No need to remember the often convoluted revamp names (void, gaia, blah blah blah).

    Blue Mask and other rainbow slap aren't optimal. I'm so done with seeing builds that are just Blue Mask + ridiculous items + hp slap. They lack hp, damage, mr, and have terrible spellcosts. You're better off using morph if that's how you're building, because it doesn't work.

    Elemental Defenses are a lie. They don't matter for all intents and purposes. Well, they do matter, but way less than you think. The way they work basically is a flat reduction/addition to damage, not being much compared to actual defensive SP like defense and agility.

    Spell costs are important. You can have all the mana regen/mana steal in the world, but max cost spells will drain that in seconds.
    Likewise, Mana sustain is important. Make sure to have enough mana regen/mana steal.
    Feel free to ignore mana completely in melee builds, though. Other than on Assassin, since vanish is so strong.

    Attack speeds affect steals. A super slow attack will have a higher chance to proc then a super fast one. That's one of the reasons why Heavy Melee (and definitely also Atlas) is so good, high chance to life/mana steal.

    One of the most important rules of class building: Don't slap HP on low/no/negative hp items like the Sanctuaries. Dune Storm + Air Sanctuary + Statue is NOT a good build. You'll have better results using multiple items that are less extreme.

    Elemental damage% isn't as effective as spell%/melee% damage to their respective categories. It only applies to that element, so spell conversion and neutral damage will not be affected.

    Powders on armor don't matter as much as weapons. Sure, the passives can be exceptionally strong, but that's a lot of LE spent.
    Oh yeah also please don't powder armors on wynndata. Please.

    Don't gatekeep class building. Please. Yes, TWA is basic, but flaming people who use it won't make them use anything more creative. Class building being accessible is a good thing. More often then not, the gatekeepers only act elitist while knowing little about actual building. So just don't. Thanks.

    Oh yeah, ignore crafteds if you're building. You build around the ridiculous strength of the recipes you're using, and they're a whole other world entirely.

    How to Class Build
    A general guideline to begin with

    So first, you probably want to choose between a spell, melee, or hybrid build.
    Then, think about what items you want to use. What elements do they fit in?
    Pick a tri-elemental combo based off that. If your items are rainbow, then that's another story entirely.

    Master hive armor usually fits tri-elements, but there are exceptions.
    On Archer, Nighthawk is usually a better choice than BPC (Boreal-Patterened Crown) due to the major ID and BPC not being so strong now.
    It's hard to list every exception, and better to just get a feel for endgame armor by scrolling through wynndata.

    <will finish once i sleep>

    How/When to Powder
    Spoiler: Powdering armor isn't worth it


    Build Vending Machine
    Pick choices, get a build! (What you're here for)
    Meant to be used alongside Wynndata's Builder Tool so you can get stats and SP requirements immediately!
    The vending machine will stock more builds (+ options) constantly
    Latest update (4/13): Added (E)TFA 0 int spell and EWA spell

    1. What class are you playing?

    2. Do you like spells or melee attacks?

    Spell EWA build (Earth Water Air)
    Aquamarine or Pisces or Aphotic or Pride of the Aerie or Nighthawk (if you really need the Major ID)
    Azurite or Vacuum or Stillwater Blue or Time Rift
    You really should use Abyss-Imbued Leggings, but these work too: Elder Oak Roots, Turquoise, Efteling, The Ephemeral
    Ex Nihilo or Capricorn or Memento or Sapphire or even Condensation
    Pick 1: Draoi Fair, Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc.
    Pick 1: Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc. (Double Draoi is getting patched)
    Pick 1: Atlas, Enmity, Synapse, Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    Pick 1: Durum's Serenity, Diamond Hydro Necklace
    Weapon Choices:
    Alka Cometflinger, Gale's Force, Earth Powdered Return to Ether (lol), other E/W/A weapons

    TWA's cooler counterpart. Does damage. Is epic. You should use it.

    Basic TWA build (Thunder Water Air)
    Nighthawk if you need the Major ID, Boreal-Patterned Crown if you don't, or Cumulonimbus
    Gale's Freedom or Ornate Shadow Garb (Only if not using Ornate Shadow Leggings and if there's enough skillpoints)
    Ornate Shadow Cover or Sagittarius or Dark Channeler
    Memento if you don't care about the negative lifesteal, Capricorn if you do, or Steamjet Walkers
    Pick 1: Moon Pool Circlet, Summa, Diamond Hydro Ring, Concentration, other Mana Regen rings
    Pick 1: Finesse, Yang, Intensity (only if you picked Nighthawk/Cumulonimbus), literally anything (this slot is flexible)
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Bracelet, Rime, Atlas, Megabyte, Tear of Pirate Cove, Vanguard, Foam Bracer, etc.
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Necklace, Royal Stormy Amulet, Errant, Runic Coin, Generator Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Really any high level Thunder/Water/Air bow like Cluster, Gale's Force, etc. or properly powdered Infused Hive Bow (If you're not using Boreal-Patterned Crown or Intensity).

    This build allows you to spam spells and do good spell damage. It's considered "basic" in the community because it's easy to make and use, while better spell options are definitely available.

    TFA/ETFA build (Earth / Thunder Fire Air)
    Brainwash (best) or Nighthawk or Spectre or Ornate Shadow Cowl
    Tesla or Conduit of Spirit or Gale's Freedom or Ronin or Calidade Mail or Pulse Mail
    Resolve (best) or Leictreach Makani or Ornate Shadow Cover
    Hephaestus-Forged Sabatons (pretty necessary)
    You really need: Summa
    You really need (again): Summa
    One of the two: Dragon's Eye Bracelet or Atlas
    Really should be using: Tenuto but if not, maybe Staccato or Pulse Stopper
    Weapon Choices:
    Hellstrand, Cluster, Plague, and Gale's Force all work. Other T/F/A weapons will too.

    This build uses -spellcost items to make a spell build without any int. It's not really spellspammy, but it does good damage and retains decent bulk thanks to having both defensive elements.

    3. 20 million arrows per second or hitting hard slowly? (Note: the latter is usually more bulky)
    This is known as tierstack, and is achieved by using many +tier items with a Super Slow (high base damage) weapon.

    Basic ETA tierstack build (Earth Thunder Air)
    Pick so that you reach +6, remember that you can only pick at most one Ornate piece, remember no Hive duplicates from each division! Check using WynnData!
    Centipede (+2) or Nephilim (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cowl (+0)
    Twilight-Gilded Cloak (+2) or Toy Maker (+1) or Chestplate of Inepitude (+1) or Ornate Shadow Garb (+0)
    Physalis (+1) or Horizon (+1) or Turbine Greaves (+0) or Ornate Shadow Cover (+0)
    Virgo (+3) or Battleground Dancer (+1) or Humbark Moccasins (+1) or Accelerator (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cloud (+0)
    Pick 1: Breezehands (+1), Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Subur Clip (+0), Vortex Bracer (+0), Enmity (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Charm of the Tempest (+0), Achromatic Gloom (+0), Reborn (+0), etc.
    Weapon Choices:
    Island Sniper, Gert Shootstick Tossflinger (-1), Voidstone Lensing (+1 because it's very slow), other Super Slow high damage weapons

    Alternatively, you could do what is called cancelstack and use an armor piece with a lot of raw melee damage, then "cancel" the negative attack tier with many +tier items.

    Heavy Melee involves armor with lots of raw melee damage. Since Wynncraft's attack speed can only go down to Super Slow, -attack speed does nothing to an already Super Slow item.

    Literally sort wynndata by "Main Attack Neutral Damage" and you have a heavy melee build.

    Basic ETF heavy melee build (Earth Thunder Fire)
    Obsidian-Framed Helmet or Darksteel Full Helm or Ogre Faceplate
    Taurus or Darkiron Aegis
    Writhing Growth or Earth Breaker or Struggle
    Blind Thrust or Shaggy Boots or Cracklers
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Must have: Atlas
    Pick 1: Drain, Pulse Stopper, Staccato, Abyssal Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Stinger, Doubt, Plague, literally anything that fits requirements
    Make sure to use at least two Earth Powders on your weapon! Heavy melee hinges on using the Quake powder special.
    2. Do you like spells or melee attacks?

    Spell EWA build (Earth Water Air)
    Aquamarine or Pisces or Aphotic or Pride of the Aerie
    Azurite or Vacuum or Stillwater Blue or Time Rift
    You really should use Abyss-Imbued Leggings, but these work too: Elder Oak Roots, Turquoise, Efteling, The Ephemeral
    Ex Nihilo or Capricorn or Memento or Sapphire or even Condensation
    Pick 1: Draoi Fair, Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc.
    Pick 1: Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc. (Double Draoi is getting patched)
    Pick 1: Atlas, Enmity, Synapse, Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    Pick 1: Durum's Serenity, Diamond Hydro Necklace
    Weapon Choices:
    The Forsaken, Shield Buster, Bylvis' Pitchfork, Tidebinder (getting a bit desperate), other E/W/A weapons, not much really :(

    TWA's cooler counterpart. Does damage. Is epic. You should use it.

    Basic TWA build (Thunder Water Air)
    Boreal-Patterned Crown or Cumulonimbus
    Gale's Freedom or Ornate Shadow Garb (Only if not using Ornate Shadow Leggings and if there's enough skillpoints)
    Ornate Shadow Cover or Sagittarius or Dark Channeler
    Memento if you don't care about the negative lifesteal, Capricorn if you do, or Steamjet Walkers
    Pick 1: Moon Pool Circlet, Summa, Diamond Hydro Ring, Concentration, other Mana Regen rings
    Pick 1: Finesse, Yang, Intensity (only if you picked Cumulonimbus), literally anything (this slot is flexible)
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Bracelet, Rime, Atlas, Megabyte, Tear of Pirate Cove, Vanguard, Foam Bracer, etc.
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Necklace, Royal Stormy Amulet, Errant, Runic Coin, Generator Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Really any high level Thunder/Water/Air spear like Infidel, The Forsaken, Zephra Shredder, Wick, Brace of the Ninth, Tidebinder, etc. or properly powdered Infused Hive Spear (If you're not using Boreal-Patterned Crown or Intensity).

    This build allows you to spam spells and do good spell damage. It's considered "basic" in the community because it's easy to make and use, while better spell options are definitely available.

    3. Spamclicking, hitting hard slowly or being a real tank?
    This is known as tierstack, and is achieved by using many +tier items with a Super Slow (high base damage) weapon.

    Basic ETA tierstack build (Earth Thunder Air)
    Pick so that you reach +6, remember that you can only pick at most one Ornate piece, remember no Hive duplicates from each division! Check using WynnData!
    Centipede (+2) or Nephilim (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cowl (+0)
    Twilight-Gilded Cloak (+2) or Toy Maker (+1) or Chestplate of Inepitude (+1) or Ornate Shadow Garb (+0)
    Physalis (+1) or Horizon (+1) or Turbine Greaves (+0) or Ornate Shadow Cover (+0)
    Virgo (+3) or Battleground Dancer (+1) or Humbark Moccasins (+1) or Accelerator (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cloud (+0)
    Pick 1: Breezehands (+1), Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Subur Clip (+0), Vortex Bracer (+0), Enmity (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Charm of the Tempest (+0), Achromatic Gloom (+0), Reborn (+0), etc.
    Weapon Choices:
    Rikter, Behemoth, Helm Splitter (-1), other Super Slow high damage weapons

    Alternatively, you could do what is called cancelstack and use an armor piece with a lot of raw melee damage, then "cancel" the negative attack tier with many +tier items.

    Heavy Melee involves armor with lots of raw melee damage. Since Wynncraft's attack speed can only go down to Super Slow, -attack speed does nothing to an already Super Slow item.

    Literally sort wynndata by "Main Attack Neutral Damage" and you have a heavy melee build.

    Basic ETF heavy melee build (Earth Thunder Fire)
    Obsidian-Framed Helmet or Darksteel Full Helm or Ogre Faceplate
    Taurus or Darkiron Aegis
    Writhing Growth or Earth Breaker or Struggle
    Blind Thrust or Shaggy Boots or Cracklers
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Must have: Atlas
    Pick 1: Drain, Pulse Stopper, Staccato, Abyssal Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Praesidium, Behemoth, Rikter, Hammer of the Forge, literally anything that fits requirements
    Make sure to use at least two Earth Powders on your weapon! Heavy melee hinges on using the Quake powder special.
    Currently, Wynncraft's elemental defense system doesn't allow for tanking well, so high def/agi or regen-stacking tanks are better. This build is one of the few that I will include mythics for, since it somewhat depends on them.

    HP Regen meme tank
    Cancer or Phoenix Prince's Crown or Sano's Care
    Hetusol or Leo
    Eden-Blessed Guards or Earth Breaker
    Boreal or Sempiternal or Nether's Scar or Cracklers
    Pick 1: Diamond Solar Ring, Mercy, Iron Will
    Pick 1: Diamond Solar Ring, Mercy, Iron Will
    Pick 1: Clockwork, Call to Concord, Ra
    Pick 1: Trainer's Pendant, Ambiguity, Amulet of Rejuvenation (meme choice, really good as a swapout)
    Weapon Choices:
    Guardian, Undying, Dragon's Tongue, other HP regen weapons

    The meme tank. Heal back to full in less than 10 seconds. The only way to make HPR viable.
    2. Do you like spells or melee attacks?

    Spell EWA build (Earth Water Air)
    Aquamarine or Pisces or Aphotic or Pride of the Aerie
    Azurite or Vacuum or Stillwater Blue or Time Rift
    You really should use Abyss-Imbued Leggings, but these work too: Elder Oak Roots, Turquoise, Efteling, The Ephemeral
    Ex Nihilo or Capricorn or Memento or Sapphire or even Condensation
    Pick 1: Draoi Fair, Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc.
    Pick 1: Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc. (Double Draoi is getting patched)
    Pick 1: Atlas, Enmity, Synapse, Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    Pick 1: Durum's Serenity, Diamond Hydro Necklace
    Weapon Choices:
    Nepta Floodbringer, Morrowind, other E/W/A weapons

    TWA's cooler counterpart. Does damage. Is epic. You should use it.

    Basic TWA build (Thunder Water Air)
    Boreal-Patterned Crown or Cumulonimbus
    Gale's Freedom or Ornate Shadow Garb (Only if not using Ornate Shadow Leggings and if there's enough skillpoints)
    Ornate Shadow Cover or Sagittarius or Dark Channeler
    Memento if you don't care about the negative lifesteal, Capricorn if you do, or Steamjet Walkers
    Pick 1: Moon Pool Circlet, Summa, Diamond Hydro Ring, Concentration, other Mana Regen rings
    Pick 1: Finesse, Yang, Intensity (only if you picked Cumulonimbus), literally anything (this slot is flexible)
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Bracelet, Rime, Atlas, Megabyte, Tear of Pirate Cove, Vanguard, Foam Bracer, etc.
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Necklace, Royal Stormy Amulet, Errant, Runic Coin, Generator Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Really any high level Thunder/Water/Air wand like Nepta Floodbringer, Morrowind, Judas, Manablast, Predposledni, Storm Surge, etc. or properly powdered Infused Hive Wand (If you're not using Boreal-Patterned Crown or Intensity).

    This build allows you to spam spells and do good spell damage. It's considered "basic" in the community because it's easy to make and use, while better spell options are definitely available.

    TFA/ETFA build (Earth / Thunder Fire Air)
    Brainwash (best) or Nighthawk or Spectre or Ornate Shadow Cowl
    Tesla or Conduit of Spirit or Gale's Freedom or Ronin or Calidade Mail or Pulse Mail
    Resolve (best) or Leictreach Makani or Ornate Shadow Cover
    Hephaestus-Forged Sabatons (pretty necessary)
    You really need: Summa
    You really need (again): Summa
    One of the two: Dragon's Eye Bracelet or Atlas
    Really should be using: Tenuto but if not, maybe Staccato or Pulse Stopper
    Weapon Choices:
    The Nothing is a great choice. More accessible options include Morrowind, Judas, Yellow Rose, etc.
    The Nothing is special in that it doesn't benefit from spell% (Don't use Conduit of Spirit with it). Use raw spell items with it for best effect.

    This build uses -spellcost items to make a spell build without any int. It's not spellspam, but it does good damage and retains decent bulk thanks to having both defensive elements.

    3. Spamclicking or hitting hard slowly? (Note: the latter is usually more bulky)
    This is known as tierstack, and is achieved by using many +tier items with a Super Slow (high base damage) weapon.

    Basic ETA tierstack build (Earth Thunder Air)
    Pick so that you reach +6, remember that you can only pick at most one Ornate piece, remember no Hive duplicates from each division! Check using WynnData!
    Centipede (+2) or Nephilim (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cowl (+0)
    Twilight-Gilded Cloak (+2) or Toy Maker (+1) or Chestplate of Inepitude (+1) or Ornate Shadow Garb (+0)
    Physalis (+1) or Horizon (+1) or Turbine Greaves (+0) or Ornate Shadow Cover (+0)
    Virgo (+3) or Battleground Dancer (+1) or Humbark Moccasins (+1) or Accelerator (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cloud (+0)
    Pick 1: Breezehands (+1), Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Subur Clip (+0), Vortex Bracer (+0), Enmity (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Charm of the Tempest (+0), Achromatic Gloom (+0), Reborn (+0), etc.
    Weapon Choices:
    Compiler, Lonesome, Eidolon, other Super Slow high damage weapons

    Alternatively, you could do what is called cancelstack and use an armor piece with a lot of raw melee damage, then "cancel" the negative attack tier with many +tier items.

    Heavy Melee involves armor with lots of raw melee damage. Since Wynncraft's attack speed can only go down to Super Slow, -attack speed does nothing to an already Super Slow item.

    Literally sort wynndata by "Main Attack Neutral Damage" and you have a heavy melee build.

    Basic ETF heavy melee build (Earth Thunder Fire)
    Obsidian-Framed Helmet or Darksteel Full Helm or Ogre Faceplate
    Taurus or Darkiron Aegis
    Writhing Growth or Earth Breaker or Struggle
    Blind Thrust or Shaggy Boots or Cracklers
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Must have: Atlas
    Pick 1: Drain, Pulse Stopper, Staccato, Abyssal Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Compiler, Final Compulsion, Heatwave, literally anything that fits requirements
    Make sure to use at least two Earth Powders on your weapon! Heavy melee hinges on using the Quake powder special.
    2. Do you like spells or melee attacks?

    Spell EWA build (Earth Water Air)
    Aquamarine or Pisces or Aphotic or Pride of the Aerie
    Azurite or Vacuum or Stillwater Blue or Time Rift
    You really should use Abyss-Imbued Leggings, but these work too: Elder Oak Roots, Turquoise, Efteling, The Ephemeral
    Ex Nihilo or Capricorn or Memento or Sapphire or even Condensation
    Pick 1: Draoi Fair, Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc.
    Pick 1: Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc. (Double Draoi is getting patched)
    Pick 1: Atlas, Enmity, Synapse, Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    Pick 1: Durum's Serenity, Diamond Hydro Necklace
    Weapon Choices:
    Manna, Fate's Shear, other E/W/A weapons

    TWA's cooler counterpart. Does damage. Is epic. You should use it.

    Basic TWA build (Thunder Water Air)
    Boreal-Patterned Crown or Cumulonimbus
    Gale's Freedom or Ornate Shadow Garb (Only if not using Ornate Shadow Leggings and if there's enough skillpoints)
    Ornate Shadow Cover or Sagittarius or Dark Channeler
    Memento if you don't care about the negative lifesteal, Capricorn if you do, or Steamjet Walkers
    Pick 1: Moon Pool Circlet, Summa, Diamond Hydro Ring, Concentration, other Mana Regen rings
    Pick 1: Finesse, Yang, Intensity (only if you picked Cumulonimbus), literally anything (this slot is flexible)
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Bracelet, Rime, Atlas, Megabyte, Tear of Pirate Cove, Vanguard, Foam Bracer, etc.
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Necklace, Royal Stormy Amulet, Errant, Runic Coin, Generator Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Really any high level Thunder/Water/Air dagger like Sitis, Rewind, Thrunda Ripsaw, Slider (properly powdered), etc. or properly powdered Infused Hive Dagger (If you're not using Boreal-Patterned Crown or Intensity).

    This build allows you to spam spells and do good spell damage. It's considered "basic" in the community because it's easy to make and use, while better spell options are definitely available.

    TFA/ETFA build (Earth / Thunder Fire Air)
    Brainwash (best) or Nighthawk or Spectre or Ornate Shadow Cowl
    Tesla or Conduit of Spirit or Gale's Freedom or Ronin or Calidade Mail or Pulse Mail
    Resolve (best) or Leictreach Makani or Ornate Shadow Cover
    Hephaestus-Forged Sabatons (pretty necessary)
    You really need: Summa
    You really need (again): Summa
    One of the two: Dragon's Eye Bracelet or Atlas
    Really should be using: Tenuto but if not, maybe Staccato or Pulse Stopper
    Weapon Choices:
    In no particular order: The Exploited, Thrunda Ripsaw, Black, Sitis, Slider (powdered appropriately), Bygones, Rewind, etc.

    This build uses -spellcost items to make a spell build without any int. It's not really spellspammy, but it does good damage and retains decent bulk thanks to having both defensive elements.

    3. Spamclicking or hitting hard slowly? (Note: the latter is usually more bulky)
    This is known as tierstack, and is achieved by using many +tier items with a Super Slow (high base damage) weapon.

    Basic ETA tierstack build (Earth Thunder Air)
    Pick so that you reach +6, remember that you can only pick at most one Ornate piece, remember no Hive duplicates from each division! Check using WynnData!
    Centipede (+2) or Nephilim (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cowl (+0)
    Twilight-Gilded Cloak (+2) or Toy Maker (+1) or Chestplate of Inepitude (+1) or Ornate Shadow Garb (+0)
    Physalis (+1) or Horizon (+1) or Turbine Greaves (+0) or Ornate Shadow Cover (+0)
    Virgo (+3) or Battleground Dancer (+1) or Humbark Moccasins (+1) or Accelerator (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cloud (+0)
    Pick 1: Breezehands (+1), Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Subur Clip (+0), Vortex Bracer (+0), Enmity (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Charm of the Tempest (+0), Achromatic Gloom (+0), Reborn (+0), etc.
    Weapon Choices:
    Limbo, Wall Breaker, Salticidae, other Super Slow high damage weapons

    Alternatively, you could do what is called cancelstack and use an armor piece with a lot of raw melee damage, then "cancel" the negative attack tier with many +tier items.

    Heavy Melee involves armor with lots of raw melee damage. Since Wynncraft's attack speed can only go down to Super Slow, -attack speed does nothing to an already Super Slow item.

    Literally sort wynndata by "Main Attack Neutral Damage" and you have a heavy melee build.

    Basic ETF heavy melee build (Earth Thunder Fire)
    Obsidian-Framed Helmet or Darksteel Full Helm or Ogre Faceplate
    Taurus or Darkiron Aegis
    Writhing Growth or Earth Breaker or Struggle
    Blind Thrust or Shaggy Boots or Cracklers
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Must have: Atlas
    Pick 1: Drain, Pulse Stopper, Staccato, Abyssal Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Anvil Crawler, Slider, Pencuri, Limbo, Pyroclast, Wall Breaker, literally anything that fits skillpoints (including Dodegar's Ultimate Weapon)
    Make sure to use at least two Earth Powders on your weapon! Heavy melee hinges on using the Quake powder special.

    Assassin is where Heavy Melee shines. Use Vanish right before your Quake and use it frequently when attacking for a huge buff.
    2. Do you like spells or melee attacks?

    Spell EWA build (Earth Water Air)
    Aquamarine or Pisces or Aphotic or Pride of the Aerie
    Azurite or Vacuum or Stillwater Blue or Time Rift
    You really should use Abyss-Imbued Leggings, but these work too: Elder Oak Roots, Turquoise, Efteling, The Ephemeral
    Ex Nihilo or Capricorn or Memento or Sapphire or even Condensation
    Pick 1: Draoi Fair, Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc.
    Pick 1: Olive, Stratus, Diamond Hydro Ring, Moon Pool Circlet, etc. (Double Draoi is getting patched)
    Pick 1: Atlas, Enmity, Synapse, Diamond Hydro Bracelet
    Pick 1: Durum's Serenity, Diamond Hydro Necklace
    Weapon Choices:
    Cryoseism, The End, Silent Ballet (meme pick, don't actually), other E/W/A weapons

    TWA's cooler counterpart. Does damage. Is epic. You should use it.

    Basic TWA build (Thunder Water Air)
    Boreal-Patterned Crown or Cumulonimbus
    Gale's Freedom or Ornate Shadow Garb (Only if not using Ornate Shadow Leggings and if there's enough skillpoints)
    Ornate Shadow Cover or Sagittarius or Dark Channeler
    Memento if you don't care about the negative lifesteal, Capricorn if you do, or Steamjet Walkers
    Pick 1: Moon Pool Circlet, Summa, Diamond Hydro Ring, Concentration, other Mana Regen rings
    Pick 1: Finesse, Yang, Intensity (only if you picked Cumulonimbus), literally anything (this slot is flexible)
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Bracelet, Rime, Atlas, Megabyte, Tear of Pirate Cove, Vanguard, Foam Bracer, etc.
    Pick 1: Diamond Hydro Necklace, Royal Stormy Amulet, Errant, Runic Coin, Generator Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Really any high level Thunder/Water/Air relik like Cryoseism, Photon Projector, Salpinx (if using this, use Atlas), Overdrive (needs a lot of raw spell), One Thousand Voices, etc. or properly powdered Infused Hive Relik (If you're not using Boreal-Patterned Crown or Intensity).

    This build allows you to spam spells and do good spell damage. It's considered "basic" in the community because it's easy to make and use, while better spell options are definitely available.

    TFA/ETFA build (Earth / Thunder Fire Air)
    Brainwash (best) or Nighthawk or Spectre or Ornate Shadow Cowl
    Tesla or Conduit of Spirit or Gale's Freedom or Ronin or Calidade Mail or Pulse Mail
    Resolve (best) or Leictreach Makani or Ornate Shadow Cover
    Hephaestus-Forged Sabatons (pretty necessary)
    You really need: Summa
    You really need (again): Summa
    One of the two: Dragon's Eye Bracelet or Atlas
    Really should be using: Tenuto but if not, maybe Staccato or Pulse Stopper
    Weapon Choices:
    Silver Sound, Arkhalis, One Thousand Voices, Conference Call, Inferna Flamewreath, Loaded Question, Salpinx, Procrastination, Yol (weak), etc.

    This build uses -spellcost items to make a spell build without any int. It's not really spellspammy, but it does good damage and retains decent bulk thanks to having both defensive elements.

    3. Spamclicking or hitting hard slowly? (Note: the latter is usually more bulky)
    This is known as tierstack, and is achieved by using many +tier items with a Super Slow (high base damage) weapon.

    Basic ETA tierstack build (Earth Thunder Air)
    Pick so that you reach +6, remember that you can only pick at most one Ornate piece, remember no Hive duplicates from each division! Check using WynnData!
    Centipede (+2) or Nephilim (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cowl (+0)
    Twilight-Gilded Cloak (+2) or Toy Maker (+1) or Chestplate of Inepitude (+1) or Ornate Shadow Garb (+0)
    Physalis (+1) or Horizon (+1) or Turbine Greaves (+0) or Ornate Shadow Cover (+0)
    Virgo (+3) or Battleground Dancer (+1) or Humbark Moccasins (+1) or Accelerator (+1) or Ornate Shadow Cloud (+0)
    Pick 1: Breezehands (+1), Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Summa (+0), Yin (+0), Impudent (+0), Rune of Safe Passage (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Subur Clip (+0), Vortex Bracer (+0), Enmity (+0), etc.
    Pick 1: Charm of the Tempest (+0), Achromatic Gloom (+0), Reborn (+0), etc.
    Weapon Choices:
    Silent Night, Lumina, Eternity's Edge, other Super Slow high damage weapons (this is awkward because Mountain's Song is earth/fire)

    Alternatively, you could do what is called cancelstack and use an armor piece with a lot of raw melee damage, then "cancel" the negative attack tier with many +tier items.

    Heavy Melee involves armor with lots of raw melee damage. Since Wynncraft's attack speed can only go down to Super Slow, -attack speed does nothing to an already Super Slow item.

    Literally sort wynndata by "Main Attack Neutral Damage" and you have a heavy melee build.

    Basic ETF heavy melee build (Earth Thunder Fire)
    Obsidian-Framed Helmet or Darksteel Full Helm or Ogre Faceplate
    Taurus or Darkiron Aegis
    Writhing Growth or Earth Breaker or Struggle
    Blind Thrust or Shaggy Boots or Cracklers
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Pick 1: Fractured, The Gambler, Downfall, Hellion, Diamond Fiber Ring, Summa
    Must have: Atlas
    Pick 1: Drain, Pulse Stopper, Staccato, Abyssal Amulet
    Weapon Choices:
    Mountain's Song, Eternity's Edge, Silent Night, literally anything that fits requirements
    Make sure to use at least two Earth Powders on your weapon! Heavy melee hinges on using the Quake powder special.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
  2. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Reserved for future use (feel free to suggest or criticize the thread!)
    TS_potato and Endercomet like this.
  3. Endercomet

    Endercomet HongKonger

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    TWA/ETA/ETF only yee
    Add cancelstack as it’s often quite simple and it’s just slap
    starx280, TS_potato and Saya like this.
  4. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    will do asap, i wanted to get the thread down before i spent another hour copypasting
    TS_potato likes this.
  5. Verle

    Verle Atlas Devotee HERO

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    Cool concept, good luck!

    Also what does this mean
  6. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    go to #class_builds and you'll see e
    Verle likes this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    wtf no hybrid builds yet but e
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  8. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    Yeah ive had a lot of... weird experiences in #class_builds.
    Just one question: How much does powdering your weapon even matter?
    In one of Shot's old videos (the hive one) he says "I know what you're probably thinking; 'shots why havent you powdered your hellstrand?'" And i got really confused, do most people powder all their items? I only powder my items if i happen to have a weapon with a lot of neutral damage and im going into Rodoroc or other areas were most mobs have the same weakness. Or if im using a Mythic, in which case i fully powder it with T6s.
  9. Endercomet

    Endercomet HongKonger

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    Lightning powder special is good with life steal/ mana steal
    Quake is good for heavy melee
    Courage is good for fast melee
    Other than that it’s only used for damage
    If damage isn’t that important I guess it’s ok but a powder can make a rather large difference in damage in certain situations
    starx280 and Iboju like this.
  10. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    Good thread, love the concept!
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
    Stag2001, Endercomet and Saya like this.
  11. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    I might suggest a diamond static necklace for tierstack necklaces :sunglasses:
    *also tierstack isn't always eta, sometimes etf or smth e (flashfire accessories might want to be listed)
    *sad blur noises*

    good thread, might want to add a section under basic tips about when to use different powder specials
    J_Lo777 and Saya like this.
  12. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    duh I only made one tierstack build (boring eta) just like i only made a general twa (ew) guide... more stuff soon:tm:

    will add powder usage yes i agree thanks
    one_ood likes this.
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Wow very nice idea for a thread.

    Always powder weapons, only powder armors if you need an armor special or are ultra-rich. Unpowdered weapons generally do quite a bit less damage (depends on the exact weapon, this can vary by 20x within a similar level).

    starx280, Saya, btdmaster and 2 others like this.
  14. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    I would agree but I'm going to have to use a code editor for this, so many nested spoilers ;-;
    Druser likes this.
  15. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Petition to add Inferna Flamewreath to the list of spell spam shaman weapons, it deals pretty good dmg in the right build and negative hp regen doesnt really matter when ur a shaman
  16. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    thread only covers twa spell spam
  17. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    I am blind :\
  18. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    That's fine, I'll remember to when I add more archetypes and element combos!
    J_Lo777 likes this.
  19. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    disgusting lack of OP item spectre :triumph:
    :relaxed: :hugging:
    slayer too but e
    aliez moment
    Black would like to have a word with you

    tfa is finally here tysm :sunglasses:
    Saya likes this.
  20. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    I added black while I was adding EWA dwai
    uh im not putting mythics on purpose other than hpr meme

    and ok but aliez isn't as gamer as summa free sp land so no >:(
    one_ood likes this.
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