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Wynncraft Classic

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TVTspielt, Mar 9, 2020.

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  1. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    salted has said they may not have the assets for the old quests and map as quoted in your message, if that is the case then I don't think any amount of money could have pre-Gavel recreated exactly since I doubt there's anyone who can remember where each block was placed and is willing to place each one. having access to pre-gavel would be pretty neat, but I feel many look at it with nostalgia glasses, to me it just doesn't feel like something worth the effort if it's truly going to take that much.
  2. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    I will compile a giant playlist of videos from the 1.13 Wynncraft era, and my friend and I would do what we can to help reconstruct the map or whatever would need to be done. We could even attempt fundraising for it?
    I mean money talks it would just depend how much, also I've had much more fun playing the 1.13 era than every era after it. It's not even been 5 years so it's not like I'm incapable of proper remembrance. It's specifically that era as well as opposed to let's say pre-crafting; since, it felt like a completely different server.

    As easily as you could say "well there's more content now like quests, class builds, and even a new class" I could say "what about the simpler system that doesn't look like any typical RPG, texture pack freedom, riding on heads with rank, mana system, etc". Both are very different to each other hence why allowing for people to play both would be extremely awesome. Those who prefer the old can play the old, those who prefer the new can play the new, and those who like both can play both. I think saying "nostalgia goggles" in a situation like this is rather reductive to the reason people want to play pre-Gavel.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
  3. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    the reason I mention nostalgia goggles is because of the extremes this would take for a product that's just not that absolutely spectacular. while I'm not a super early player I did play quite a few months before the release of gavel. it was decently fun but not to the extent where I'd be asking the content team to do a block-for-block quest-for-quest recreation of the entire game even offering whatever monetary or work incentive that'd take, even if the task could very well be impossible due to lost information. if the files for the game are truly out there and wynn finally has enough dev power to make it happen in the future then I wouldn't be against the idea, but the current situation a pre-gavel world/server would have is just not something I would be so eager to have.
    euouae likes this.
  4. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    Well like I said prior I think it would be a good thing to do for like a 10th Annivesary of Wynncraft or something to that effect, which is still several years down the line. No, I don't think they should be spending all their time and effort reconstructing it, but as a side project to work on a small bit at a time and that would recapture a lot of players that don't play anymore would be a good idea.

    And yeah it's a reconstruction, so it's not like everything is coming from scratch. For instance here is a good bit of the Wynncraft map from 2017 (before the Wynn province was almost complexity overhauled).

    That is obviously not pre-Gavel, but it's similar for the most part in what it has. It's of course missing the sea, but it's a place to start.

    YouTube has all the old Quest dialogue and most the specifics, way back machine has item info and the old Wynncraft map to get a location of everything to coordinates, and even the wiki has info from the past on it.

    I rather being optimistic than pessimistic about this anyway, even keeping what Salted said in mind.
  5. BallsDeep69

    BallsDeep69 MAIN CHARACTER

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    classic bro damn
  6. TVTspielt

    TVTspielt Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I would also be willing to help reconstructing the map. I tried doing a little bit a little while ago and it was actually quite fun to try and recover the map from old videos and screenshots.
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Hey, yeah.
    Following recent events with a certain Wilbur soot, I looked around.
    You can download the old map from a website, which I'm not going to share here, as I don't want people to download the map.
    However, that potentially removes at least one massive hurdle.

    Note: I didn't download the world myself, just found the website the person from Wilbur Soots video got it, and how potentially, that does me we have a save of the old wynncraft map.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2020
  8. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    These downloads always miss out a lot of off-map stuff, some of them actually necessary for the plugin to run. It's better than nothing but not quite enough
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  9. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Figured, just figured it would save at least some work.
  10. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    As a Wynncraft player from like 2013 I can personally say that old Wynn was total dogshit in comparison to what it is now. There were only like ~7 different IDs, Archer was 100% op af because mana steal/life steal proc'd off of each arrow storm hit and the other classes sucked in comparison. Elements weren't a thing and there was no variety in builds: the endgame diamond armor was simply the best there was. It was absolutely primitive compared to what it is now, and while at the time it was fun and refreshing for an MC server the game feels like an actual MMO now, I don't see a reason to ever go back.

    The endgame pre-gavel was beating Bob, which is fun and all until you realize that there is literally nothing to do after you get endgame gear and do all the quests because the last dungeon is like Lv. 50. It's not like classic WoW or anything, guys.
    Druser likes this.
  11. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    Saying that pre-Gavel is “total dogshit” compared to current is comparing apples to oranges. Even after just Gavel the significant change is systems and mechanics is enough to completely disguish the server a matter of hours earlier. As compared to now it’s so vastly different and obviously has more content since it’s been worked on for almost another 5 years. Whether you prefer the more expanded system or not doesn’t change that fact the some people (like me) prefer the more simplistic style of old Wynncraft since it’s more befitting of the game it’s built in. If I wanted to play a “actual MMO” that’s what I’d be playing, not something built in Minecraft. To be honest with you I’m not someone who likes to spend endless hours doing the “content” that most MMOs or now Wynncraft provide, like the profession levels. Of course pre-Gavel could’ve been more expansive in terms of items and such, but instead the system was scraped and just turned into another MMORPG. This one just happened to be in a game I already like. Also features like armor skins, riding on heads for VIPs, being able to use my own texture packs, etc. made me feel like I was actually playing an MMO with the interesting outlets Minecraft provides.

    Just one example I think is armor skins vs weapon skins. Where armor skins were graphed over a player using a pre-established system and you could even turn certain pieces or the whole thing off in the actual settings of the game. Weapon skins remove Wynncraft from being something uniquely built in Minecraft even more since they’re forced upon you, you can’t see the sticks, shovels, sheers, etc that have the novelty of being simple Minecraft items made powerful weapons, and they feel out of place when there’s no armor skins to go with them. What I mean by that last point is having this giant 3D weapon while wearing fairly normal looking Minecraft armor is awkward for me personally. Armor skins felt like a cool way to use the systems of Minecraft while being relatively optional (you couldn’t see the armor itself anymore outside of looking at it in your inventory), while weapon skins are forced by the texture pack and make you feel like you’re playing some different MMO. The disadvantage being that Wynncraft has very few reasons for people to play over an entire game designed to be an MMO.

    When you say “go back” it’s not like I’m trying to snap current Wynncraft out of existence, it’s simply an add on for people like myself and many others that I know and have seen, who prefer the older version of Wynncraft. Obviously, there’s mechanical features like multiple pages of bank that I would’ve loved to have in old Wynncraft, but not like if it was revived that couldn’t be added (since it’s an objective quality of life update). Shared exp is cool but solo-grinding has still been more lucrative to me, all powders being useful (although I don’t like the item system itself but just that they’re all useful to it), and getting some exp and lore for places discovered. I think old-Wynncraft was lacking dungeons, but again it never inhibited my ability to get every class to 75 which was the main idea of the game.

    Pre-Gavel isn’t perfect but I still vastly prefer it over current Wynncraft, obviously I’d love a pre-Gavel+ but just being able to play pre-Gavel would make me extremely happy as a long time player. Btw assassin was way stronger than archer especially on stuff like Death so hmm. Had better movement, but... oh wait I forget to mention how I don’t like the sprint bar although I can see why it was added post-Gavel due to the changing of the item system. But screw that thing, uhh anyway though Wynncraft pre-Gavel especially compared to now are both vastly different and both have their own merits. Hence why being able to play both would be amazing.
    MightyHead likes this.
  12. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Why you hear the word dogshit and see a lack of constructive criticism, it usually indicates satire, but then again I don't see why 4 pargraphs can't be viewed as satire either.
  13. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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  14. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    That’s quite interesting. By “not quite enough” I’d hope that someday we could get something similar since the lifetime of pre-Gavel, where the development after 1.13 was mostly towards Gavel, wasn’t all that long comparatively to what’s been developed after.
  15. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Armor skins were removed due to mojang, not because Wynn wanted to remove them.

    There's alot of things outside of the map, needed for Wynn content, like teleports.
  16. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    Ah okay heard somewhere before it was due to Mojang not appreciating all the skin updates, so thanks for confirming that.

    And yeah teleports, dialogue, triggers for stuff to happen, etc is what I imagined what was built into the map. Him saying the plugin itself wouldn’t work was interesting to me though.
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