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What Spells Do You Think Fits Wynncraft That Could Be Added?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Skywalkinerate, Mar 29, 2020.

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  1. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    So as I'm writing 'For The Wynn' and read some suggestions in the forums. I came across posts regarding adding new spells to the game, or maybe make accessible for the player to use as well (eg. flamethrower spell).

    What spells do you think fits Wynncraft that the player could use? I try to create some that aren't already done by a minor/major ID or combining powders. Some spells are diverted from other classes because I like to think that spells could be modified to produce similar effects between the classes.

    Bless everyone in the world due to the virus outbreak.

    Current spells that mobs can use (not sure if it's the most updated)
    Powder abilities

    Some suggestion I read (with credits)
    itzdemonik (black spells/forbidden magic)
    Killerbro360 (spell cards)
    Icemperor (skill tree)
    ExoticWonder (spell swap)
    SirMisterSir (Pick Your Spells)

    Some personal ideas or ideas that stood out to me, feel free to comment on them: (maybe these spells can be learned by grookwarts)
    Laserbeam (gives weak but long duration of damage)

    Telekinesis (picks up a mob and throw it at another mob, dealing some damage and knockback, has short charge time, basically Push/Pull)
    Double Take (any spells cast within the mage/black wizard will automatically be cast twice, doubling the effects)
    Scattershot (projectiles are launched like a shotgun, rapid and good at close range, weak at mid and far range)
    Chaos Sphere (A ball of energy that travels at slow velocity and explodes on impact)

    Shaman (I think Shaman could be the class that allows the player to use the environment and spirits to attack instead of relying so much on totems)
    Spirit Summon (summon spirit ally with extreme low HP to combat the undead)
    Ghostly Possession (dominate one mob and make them your ally, longevity is based on their current health)
    Nature's Gift (buff self and surrounding players with weak elemental potion effects for some time)

    Weather Forecast (Changes the terrain within a radius, environment returns to normal after some time)
    Terraform (Changes the terrain within a radius, environment returns to normal after some time)

    Blitz Barrage (player bounces around the target for a number of times, dealing damage each time contact is made with the enemy)

    Breaking Point (reduces defense and elemental defense of mobs)
    Rebound Strike (weapon is thrown at short distanced enemies, and will return to inventory after a while. The weapon is gone from inventory and cannot be used before reappearing in inventory)
    Shifted Reality (switch places with a person, mob or object; extreme long cool down and drains more mana the further the enemy, to the point of out of range)
    Crescent Carnage (the player deals consecutive flurry attacks, slashes and quick jabs to the enemy within seconds. In this state, time seems to slow down for the player. The longer the player uses this spell, the more time dilates, the more mana is drained.)

    Impenetrable (immune to one attacks but unable to move from the spot)
    Sheild (Takes reduced/no damage for a few attacks in the direction the player is facing)

    Emprison (enemy's abilities cannot be used for a short duration of time, the more people affected, the more mana is drained)
    Javelin Throw (Weapon is thrown at the enemy from long distances, deals damage, and could be picked up from the spot. Weapon is gone from inventory and cannot be used by the player unless picked up.)
    Z-Strike (Moves in a Z formation quickly)

    Piercing Arrow (this attack requires a slight charge time, the arrow pierces from multiple mobs)
    Sniper Shot (this attack requires a slight charge time, deals a lot of damage and shoots straight)

    Desultory Reed (inflict damage and a random debuff, such as poison, slowness, weakness, paralysis, burn... Player can't control effect)
    Highlighting Neon (Gives the target a glowing outline)
    Sentry (summons a floating bow/crossbow that fires arrows for a short period of time but could only aim in one area)

    All classes
    Flare (a pure fire-based attack and increase fire defense for a short period of time)
    Aqua (a pure water-based attack and increase water defense for a short period of time)
    Terra (a pure earth-based attack and increase fire defense for a short period of time)
    Shock (a pure thunder-based attack and increase thunder defense for a short period of time)
    (a pure air-based attack and increase air defense for a short period of time)
    Chromatic Rainbow (an attack that consists of all five elements, does not deal any neutral damage)
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    starx280 likes this.
  2. JohanLTU

    JohanLTU Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I believe mages lack a thunder attack. Maybe a static field created a few blocks around them in a circle? It could stun enemies which get in the radius, but wouldn't deal great damage because of the large area of effect.
    A splitting arrow attack could work for archers. You fire an arrow and it splits the farther it goes. Perhaps even an "accelerating arrow" spell, where an arrow would gain damage the farther it flies.
    A Focus Attack spell may work for a warrior. You would jump up and slam an enemy to the ground at full force, possibly even immobilizing it for a few seconds. Would work better at singular foes, not for masses, but would cause great damage.
    Assassin could either have a backstab spell, which would greatly increase damage if hitting an enemies' back, or a dagger throw spell, which would increase the overall range of Assassin (that could be a problem, considering that assassin's range is supposed to be lower to match the overall class statistics).
  3. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    those sound more like combos or spell parodies
    Skywalkinerate likes this.
  4. JohanLTU

    JohanLTU Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    That isn't necessarily a bad thing, that could make these spells more usable as Major ID's instead of separate spells. For example, accelerating arrow could be a Major ID of bomb arrow, focus attack as a Major ID of bash, or dagger throw instead of smoke bomb?
    Also, could we call Hawkeye's "arrow storm" a fine spell if it was outside of its Major ID range? Some spells could be entirely tied to it, as hawkeye is.
    Skywalkinerate likes this.
  5. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    The possibility are quite endless. Though I wonder if summon spells, e.g. Shaman summon an ally spirit to help combat will be broken in game? Spirits to exist in Wynncraft as mobs, so will summoning one as your ally work?
    JohanLTU likes this.
  6. JohanLTU

    JohanLTU Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    It could work, however it would need to have lots and lots of balancing, since Shaman is quite overpowered already.
  7. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    charge shot for hunter/archer where the longer you charge it the stronger it gets
    blink assassination for assassins where they blink behind a target and deal Double damage on the next ability
    spear throw for warrior where its essentially just a ranged basic attack with a slight charge time
    For mage maybe a large aoe slow where you debuff the enemies defenses?

    FYI i only really play hunter and assassin so those ideas are more fleshed out. anyways i really liked the idea of making my archer a big charged buster shot that deals massive single target damage teh longer i charge and think itd be cool. like you get to upgrade 1 of your 4 abilities and this could be the upgraded arrow storm/ bomb arrow.
    Epicness937 and Skywalkinerate like this.
  8. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    Regarding your charge spear and @JohanLTU 's dagger throw (like vanilla's returning trident)
    I think a single long charge rate + mana cost melee attack for a ranged class is a fine addition because it has such drawbacks, it wouldn't be the main attack for rangers, thus I don't think it will change the gameplay much for rangers and melees, so I wouldn't call it broken. This might help newer/ lower level players whose melee class struggle a bit against range mobs.

    Mages/ archers/ shamans can do some melee damage, (like staff strikes of Captain Phasma in SWBF2) sounds weird, perhaps not melee damage but push/pull effects?
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
    JohanLTU likes this.
  9. JohanLTU

    JohanLTU Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Ahm, call me @JohanLTU .
  10. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    Tagged wrong?! Lol corrected.
    JohanLTU likes this.
  11. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    I personally think new spells shouldn't be added on such a whim. generally my opinion with new spells are that I won't mind if they're added, but I don't think they should be added without ample reason to. I very well agree wynncrafts combat right now is not in a great state and could be way better, but I disagree in that some random new spells would solve anything without design changes to either the combat itself, or to the current state of the classes themselves.

    while I don't see any spells here that I would be excited to have and don't have any to suggest myself, I recommend trying to make sure the spells first and foremost flow well with the existing design and ideas of their class, and think of changes you'd make to the class as well to perhaps have its spells work better too. if a spell is added as just another source of damage or is some kind of lone gimmick, I don't believe the class would be better off with the spell, and I believe it would quickly lose its freshness and not improve the combat loop of the class much at all.

    I would just like to end off with that new spells are not a must to improve on wynncrafts combat, if that's your ultimate goal. there's rpgs that make great use out of a limited set of actions instead using spells as more of a supplement rather than a base mechanic that they overload the game with. an example of this case would be soulslike games, and before a "this can't be done in minecraft" argument is made, minecrafts mechanics don't limit combat design in any way. I read through the suggestions and it seems their purpose is for new spells to exist just to have new spells, which is an idea I don't agree with. basically my point is - if you're making a suggestion from all this - please consider new spells might not be exactly what wynn needs and perhaps try to think of some improvements you'd make to the existing combat first that would have a reason for new spells to exist, then think of new spells from there. I'm not completely sure how I would improve wynns combat myself, but this is the best I could do to help you help wynncraft.
    Skywalkinerate and Druser like this.
  12. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    Your points are quite interesting, any suggestions on how Wynn combat could improve. I'm interested to know more.
    MegidoGamerGod likes this.
  13. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    I don't really have any in depth ideas on how to improve the combat, mainly because the content team are ultimately the ones who choose how they want wynn to function at a base level, but my general idea has been to make enemy AI more complex and overhaul the spellcast system to discourage spamming. with this, I would also change classes to be more similar to assassin or shaman in design, and perhaps this would be a case where new spells would work well as long as the class design calls for more. this, however, might not be the kind of system the wynn team ultimately wants, which is why I wouldn't directly suggest something like it personally.
    Skywalkinerate likes this.
  14. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Can you elaborate?
  15. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    the spells basically flow together in a way where you're best off using them all in unison, at least that's the idea behind it, some may argue shaman has become spammy as well. something like mage everything works fairly independent of each other and you can get by with just spamming a single thing or making a basic cycle. my ideal class would have you be clever with how when and why you use your spells depending on the situation, else you'd be punished with things like lower damage output or unnecessary damage taken; the classes spells would would essentially be a catalyst to make this work rather than something thrown in to satisfy a basic use.
    Skywalkinerate likes this.
  16. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    so you mean like the players will be challenged to think twice before using each spell, correct?
    MegidoGamerGod likes this.
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Hm... I'd say Shaman is the most prominent example of where the spells meld terribly. You're basically encouraged to Totem once, and then spam Aura while resetting cost by tossing Uproot at nothing.
    Iboju, Saya, Skywalkinerate and 2 others like this.
  18. sarscov2

    sarscov2 Noob

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    Adding spells to wynncraft (at least a few more) is really something lacking gameplay-wise.

    If we could learn some spells for each class by quests, dungeons, scroll (dropped ?) and whatsoever that would add such a
    customization to the game.
    The one and only point i've alway found redundant in wynn is the lack of customization. Having spells obtainable trough different ways, upgrading them by fighting bosses and so on would be so freaking nice. Changing how spell are cast may be a little to much of a change, but being able to chose 4 spells from the spell you learned would be so nice.

    Also making those spells hard (not like jobs where it's farming 1800 days straight to get) to add some kind of end game content.
    Prioritizing the end game content both pvp and pve wise would make players who cleared all the content actually stay on the server (way more than what it already is) and give a good source of income to the server.

    Dear Wynncraft, please add real end game content which is fun and enjoyable for those who already cleared everything.
    Skywalkinerate likes this.
  19. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    so like a skill tree or something? I wonder if that would actually make the nether much more attractive for players to play PVP with, though I think hunted mode sort of ruins it. Since now players can just fight whenever they met on the overworld. Wonder if the nether could have more of a purpose itself. The portal is like the center of everything in Wynn
    starx280 likes this.
  20. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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    Nether doesnt exist anymore
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