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Hello, It's Been A Long While.

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Coolboy11OO, Mar 29, 2020.

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  1. Coolboy11OO

    Coolboy11OO Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hello to All who read this.

    My Minecraft Name is Androxus_TGS, It seems i am banned for "Ban Evaision". It has been so long that i don't remember the account i was ban evading nor do i remember what happened to get me banned.

    Now you have context time we get to the reason I am posting.

    I was thinking to get back into Wynncraft but as previously mentioned I have been banned to do as such. Could a Moderator, Admin or Owner please look into the reasoning I was Banned? Also I tried to do a Ban Appeal (The official way to get an Unban) However, According to the Website "There is no ban attached to this account" That makes it a bit difficult to get an unban if the system doesnt even remember that i have a ban.
    I guess that shows how long its been hey. Anywhooo... Could anyone be able to give me a hand with my Queries? It would be much appreciated.

    Thank you For reading as i'm sure there are a lot of things to read on the forums and Im glad the server has stayed busy after all these years.

    Kind Regards


    (Edit: Long Ago i went by the name Coolboy1100, I am now Androxus_TGS)
  2. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    It could be an error that caused your account to be banned. I suggest starting a private conversation with a moderator (Basteyal or WithTheFish - they are online at the moment)
  3. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I have sent you a message on the forums, and I will close this thread as we are looking into it.
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