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Let's Talk About Classes.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by JaydonTheWarrior, Mar 10, 2020.

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  1. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff warrior. HERO

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    Hey guys, this is another one of those random community talks, where I bring up an issue and you guys talk it out. This time, just talk about any issues you have with any class, like is Shaman to op? Are mages bs? so on, just give me your thoughts.
    Note a few things.
    - Assume we are talking about my warrior as if we don't this whole talk will be "Warrior sucks ass" (https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...ets-fix-that-95-3-approval-82-support.257599/) I realized I put the wrong link here.
    - We are also talking about whether or not something is to op, not just too weak.
    - This talk is also to help us at Wynncon better balance the classes in the upcoming event.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    wow let's talk about [Redacted on Wynncon's request]!!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
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  3. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff warrior. HERO

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    Don't worry about that.
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  4. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    Stun-locking is so overpowered with shaman. You can kill anything that isn’t ranged SO easily just by doing aura-aura-aura-uproot and repeating that. “BuT wHaT aBoUt MiNiOnS?????????”
    No. Just no. They get killed half a second after spawning and even if they actually survived for enough time to shoot something, you can just yeet yourself to the other side of the room with haul and dodge everything. Same goes for the boss actually. If it’s also ranged, you can still just haul and aura spam to wreck it. Only real threat to shamans are stationary mobs but they can also easily be killed by yeeting a totem at them, hiding behind some pillar and then just aura-spamming. I guess the trash defence of shaman kinda makes up for it but it’s still an absolute BEAST! Just throw some defence on a shaman and your absolutely immortal.

    Time Rift and Sorcery
    Ok so now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about Time Rift and it’s major id, Sorcery.
    As if aura spamming wasn’t enough, here’s 5 totems for 5k health per second because why not? Sorcery is so overpowered in combination with totem. You can just throw down a single totem, wait a few seconds and then you suddenly have 3-5 totems out. This means amazing heals = you can never die lol
    A bit of damage because why not? Oh, did i say a bit? I meant 5k per second with massive AoE for LITERALLY JUST STANDING THERE!
    And this can just go on for as long as you want it to because of the spell called Uproot which has the handy ability of resetting your totems timer.
    A single one of these shamans with a good Time Rift build can war as good as 5 pre-1.19 players.
    That was all for shaman, if I come up with anything else I guess I’ll just edit this and add more.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  5. Kiocifer

    Kiocifer Creator of salteďpog3 and other monstrosities Modeler ✎ Artist HERO

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    Time to argue why Warscream okr stealing infinite tank warrior master race!!!!

    Okay, okay. As someone who's had a decent-ish amount of time with each class, here's my opinions on all of them: (Alphabetical because that also ranks them in the order of how good they are in my opinion)

    1. Archer

    What can I say about archer that hasn't already been said? Despite the nerf in 1.19 it still arguably remains the strongest class in the game (emphasis on arguably, they're all about equal except warrior lmao) Extremely high damage, forgiving mobility, a shield, general ease of use, and with the only downside of weakish defense, Archer is the gold standard of a good class

    2. Assassin

    Assassin jumped from my least favorite class (Literally only used as storage) to either my favorite or second favorite with just one patch. I'm a sucker for mobility, gotta say, and the changes to assassin only made it feel more fun to play imo. Not to mention, the way that vanish works with all outgoing damage, it actually encourages using spells regardless of your playstyle. Similar high damage to archer, with an even more forgiving get-out-of-jail-free card than escape (Given you have mana and don't get oneshot), the ability to succeed at just about any playstyle, the ability to go fast, with the only downside of needing to be up close and personal, Assassin is also pretty gold.

    3. Mage

    Okay, I get that I might have some bias here as a mage main, but mage is seriously underappreciated. It’s hands down the easiest class to play from beginning to endgame (infinite sustain unlocked at level 1 yes please), is arguably tankier than warrior, has the potential to still deal massive damage (less than archer/assassin but, like, it’s still absolutely functional), and does all this while being the defacto best support class in the game. It’s not flashy, I get that, but there’s something to be said for being the sole reason you (and a group of similar chaotic dumbasses) lives through a horrible execution of a horrible plan


    4. Shaman

    I don’t like shaman. Is it okay to say I don’t like shaman? I mean, I don’t think it’s a fear of the new, it just… never appealed to me. Spells are nice, melee is nice, but it’s just.. Clunky? I dunno, maybe I'm just bad. Nonetheless, Shaman remains extremely strong, given you can use it; the totem’s heals are quite strong, the AoE damage is superb, probably best out of all the classes, although it does suffer a little on single targets. Shaman’s kind of the weird kid out of the bunch, yet somehow still manages to pull its own weight.

    5. Warrior

    You know, since warrior is supposed to be a tank and all, it shouldn’t even do damage, smh my head!

    There’s a reason this meme exists:

    Warrior is the perfect storm of poor design choices that sound passable on paper but combine to make easily the weakest class. Defensive theming, lack of good endgame spears (mythics don’t count, shut up), knockback on every god damn spell, high spell costs, and long delays between spells being cast and dealing damage. The only thing warrior actually does accomplish well is having a good defensive base, and even that suffers from the fact that there’s no innate sustain. I’d argue that in certain scenarios, Mage is even tankier than Warrior due to spam healing, and it's got 40% less base defense as warrior!

    That being said, I suppose melee works on it, but that’s because melee is just a universal playstyle.
    Melee warrior is only exponentially better than spell warrior because spell warrior is so shit. Compared to other melee variants of classes (especially assassin), melee warrior doesn’t even provide much. Warrior absolutely needs a buff to spell.

    Actually, talking a bit more in #class_builds, i've come to realize warrior can't even perform well at the sole job of tanking.

    Why are there still people saying it shouldn't be buffed?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
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  6. TotalTelemetry

    TotalTelemetry Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'm a Assassin, and well the update has made the kit a lot worse...
    For one it has made the skill damage a good bit worse, I can see the use in making it so you can do more with what mana you have,
    but I can say without a doubt, the update has been the one getting me killed.
    Believe it or not I am actually thinking about going over to a mage...
  7. TS_potato

    TS_potato Average kj main VIP+

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    I quit mage because heal sucks now
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  8. TotalTelemetry

    TotalTelemetry Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well that's something to know...
    Son_Omega_Dan, Dream and TS_potato like this.
  9. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    I like mage, I just can't play it and can't be bothered to grind a second class to 100
  10. TS_potato

    TS_potato Average kj main VIP+

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    Would just recommend archer
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  11. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    So I have level 100s of every class and have tried alot of builds with them and this is what I personally can say of it.

    Warrior despite being my favorite class is the weakest because it has alot of fundamental problems with it's spells and it's tanky playstyle isn't rewarding.

    Mage is quite good as is but to me is just really boring. I would love to see some changes to ice snake and something to make the class less boring to play because I honestly only find joy in using the class (out of what i've tried) with pure or lunar spine

    Assassin and archer are in good spots right now but give back assassin vanish jump boost pls

    shaman is weird. I sometimes feel it is under powered at times when I really struggle to beat li because my single target dps is so horrible and im so glassy. But at the same times I destroy minions and hordes of mobs as quickly as they spawn and heal passively within my totem while getting a damage boost...so yeah...I just dunno on shaman.
    Dr Zed, Mistrise Mystic, H0Y and 4 others like this.
  12. TotalTelemetry

    TotalTelemetry Well-Known Adventurer

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    Something to think about.

    Yeah, I really wish they would...
    Epicness937 and TS_potato like this.
  13. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    As others have said, Shaman's prison is a bit of an issue, and generally needs a replacement
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  14. Hei

    Hei The Black Reaper CHAMPION

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    See, the update actually made assassin the best for single target in my experience because of vanish, the people who think assassin sucks now are the people who don't use vanish before casting spells, that's the entire basis of the recent (not so recent now) assassin rework, plus a speed 5 and 10 block jump vanish is sooo nice. My easiest EO/LI runs have been with my assassin and when 1.19 first came out assassin was genuinely bad, but they fixed it and did a very nice job, I'm currently leveling my 5th assassin to level 100 because of how much I love and enjoy the class that got fixed big time. My only comment would be give spin its range back, at this point that's just more of a convenience thing lmao. Would probably only make a massive difference in wars anyways.
    Yeah, I think Shaman is way too over powered and I think it needs maybe a range nerf and the inability to stun lock? People went nuts about Spin being able to deal incredible damage and stun things, and while assassin is bulkier in my experience a shaman has more survivability than like a spell assassin because of the nutty totem healing. Also totems being able to block projectiles because they're entities make the problem worse.
  15. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    I only have one class that I really main, so my opinion has .1% validity, but I think that maybe we could not have a Speed III nerf for Archer this time
  16. Hei

    Hei The Black Reaper CHAMPION

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    Vanish jump boost is absolutely not needed with the massive 10 jump leap if you look straight up and cast vanish
    I'll just give my view on all classes

    Archer and Assassin, very strong, assassin's drawback is range, archer's is defense, balanced and good classes.

    Warrior, terrible spells, but I do honestly think we need a dedicated melee class in the game as having all of the class playstyles have a spell meta is boring to me and warrior is a nice fix as melee warrior is exponentially better than spell warrior, I don't think warrior needs a change.

    Mage, It's got moderately decentish dps now since the meteor buff, but the heals seem more op to me now than before the change a few weeks or months or however long ago, ehh I think the old heals should be restored as any spell mage can just heal spam and bypass it and melee mages don't really use heal at least in my experience, I just use stealing or life steal, I don't think it's efficient to rely on a spell for healing when you're using a build with no mana.

    Shaman, in my opinion too OP, not needed and shouldn't have been added to the game, it's way too glassy to justify big nerfs, but without big nerfs it will just still be OP, I see no way to balance it although I haven't thought about it much because I'm not a fan of the class at all, but it's whatever.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
    TotalTelemetry likes this.
  17. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Assassin is amazing. Numbah wan. Top tier.

    Being able to easily use greedsteal, lifesteal, and Mana steal would be great on its own, but assassin also gets access to VANISH BOOSTING HOLY

    Archer just needs a nerf to escape and we good (no more stalling)

    Warrior is... I don't need to say anything. Definitely needs a change to bash knockback (downwards or directional)

    Mage feels left behind a little, not bad like warrior but still a relic of a forgotten era. Maybe look into making meteor more spammable? Not entropy like but simultaneously

    Shaman feels weak in a wynncon context but is completely fine, if not slightly strong.

    TL;DR: assassin is in the best place it's ever been,
  18. TotalTelemetry

    TotalTelemetry Well-Known Adventurer

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    I didn't know about the look up to jump on shadow leap thing.
  19. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    I think that skilled play-styles should be rewarded more, for example, for assassin has a combo concept (vanish followed by an attack). So maybe if all classes could have a couple of combos like that it'd be cool. Perhaps, when you do leap as an archer and then slam into the ground, you could gain strength for 2 seconds.
    Just an idea.
    Mistrise Mystic and starx280 like this.
  20. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Sadly, assassin outclasses warrior in every way as a melee class except for maybe tankiness, and even then assassin has the edge due to sustain.

    Shaman suffers against single targets and hard content much more than the A classes. It's insane for everything else though. Broken cc. But it's not overpowered by a long shot, the power is just in a weird area.
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