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Community Event Writing Contest - Wynncraft In 2025

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Feb 29, 2020.

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  1. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    Wynncraft in 2025

    Major Updates:

    · The Rebuild Update

    This update focuses on rebuilding Gavel and redoing Gavel Quests. This update adds the real Gavel dungeons (not corrupted ones) to the game. Those dungeons could be: The Grootslang caves in the swamp, the Dullahan castle near Gelibord, Orphions Prison (Realm of Light), the Bandits Hideout (Canyon of the Lost), the Balrok’s Domicile (needs new Quest; molten hights) and the Giants Valley (or something like that; The giant statue near Kandon-Beda)

    · Fruma – Province of Origin

    The Fruma province will be as big as the “silent expanse” combined with Wynns desert (maybe a bit bigger). The province will contain several small (poor) villages and a royal capital. The massive castle in the center of the capital is the home of the frumian Queen. How to get to Fruma? There will be a Questline, opening the way to the province. You are going to be at Relos-city when suddenly some Frumian ships/Airships will appear. You must run to Corkus-city to inform the Corkian government. It turns out that the Frumian army wants to conquer Corkus to get the mech-building technology because they need new weapons in the civil war against the frumian people. A group of rebels wants to overthrow royalty and kill the cruel Queen of Fruma. You and the army of Corkus must destroy the ships/airships with cannons and the Corkian government declares war to protect Corkus. Now a little team of spies and soldiers (the player is one of them) gets the command to assassinate the Queen to ensure peace. Now the team enters Fruma trough a secret tunnel and sees destroyed villages, cruelty everywhere. The player needs to find a way to the main territories of Fruma (The region past the gate is a mountain-region like the tutorial area). After the player sees the cruelty of the Queen and the suffering of the Frumian people they reach the castle. The Quest/Questline finishes in front of the castle. The castle itself will be a dungeon, the Queen is the final boss. After beating the dungeon, the player needs to help the Frumian people to rebuild the province, stop the remaining royalty (they want their things and power back and get violent) and create a stable democracy.

    · Dern – Realm of Darkness

    After the Frumian Queen got disempowered ancient writings got discovered in the library inside the Fruma-Castle. Those writings contain the information on how to open the portal to Dern and access the Realm of Despair. Dern is a land filled with dark magic, it exists trough the greed and cruelty from people all over the world. The land is filled with dangers, black monsters everywhere. The Realm of Dern devours dreams and uses them for its own advantage. Inside the Realm the player discovers all the lost and abandoned dreams and goals people had in their lives flying around in an endless spiral of darkness and black magic (You see parts of Ahmsord but like a normal region not with flying islands; the dream of the people living in the Ahms region – you see a bowl filled with magic mushrooms; Yahya – you see the lost dreams of the souls captured in the Dullahan castle…). The Realm tries to darken the players heart and to bring him off his path to defeat Darkness, but to become a part of it. If the player makes the right decisions, he gets to the fortress of the Dark itself, a dungeon filled with dangers. If the player makes the wrong decisions, he becomes part of the Darkness and Despair.

    IGN: ZockerCam
    Thanks to the CT for sacrificing their time for the community <3
    Bro you could easily be a real writer. Thats brilliant.
    I'm a new participant :P
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    WithTheFish likes this.
  2. issuebubble

    issuebubble Well-Known Adventurer

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    my username is IssueBubble, like my forum name.

    the year is 2025, the lvl cap is 200 and the true final boss is Salted himself playing as God. In the lore he is described as corrupted by the pillars shooting out of the ground and we must, all 10k players of us at lvl 200 must join together to defeat him saxton hale style or "make love not Warcraft" style like in the one episode of southpark.

    The God Salted can cast any spell from any class, minus healing ones, use any weapon from any class, again not life steal related or health regen. His stats are maxed out at 900 each and health points of 1 trillion, thankfully he can't recover any of it in any way.

    He doesn't one-shot tanks such as those who use the armor with set bonus of cuts all dmg taken in half at the price of losing the other half in emeralds, those who are glassy need the tanks around to take it or be dodgy enough to distract Salted from the weakened tanks. Fortunately for many of us, new spell lvls were added featuring more power and cost-efficiency, unfortunately for us also is that Salted also got the high lvl spells as well.

    Fin. expect for the new game mode featuring a severally weakened version of him that other players can play as against in a team of 10~ and the times after wards he does it again for players who want to re-live and those who weren't on first time.

    ok so i know Salted might not do this, but what a way to get all players online at a specific time.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2020
  3. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    That would be really epic tho
    issuebubble likes this.
  4. LeviLips96

    LeviLips96 The guy who draws Wynn places in Paint.net.

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    Someone pls make a comic of this. Ty <3
    Rynadine likes this.
  5. Rynadine

    Rynadine Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    If Wynncraft ever has a position like "Loremaster" or something where I can sit around writing cool shit for the game and/or side stories, I'll be the first in line lol. Not much for game/quest design.

    I felt like introducing the story with a "Fruma will be like this and light magic will actually turn out as maybe used for evil as well as good " would've diminished the impact; either way, I hope my submission still counts.

    Thanks for all the love, ya'll.
    one_ood and Saya like this.
  6. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    haha gl fixing wynn and especially gavel lore
    Rynadine and Saya like this.
  7. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    WithTheFish adding new response here, deleted my old one.
    IGN: Void_Sky_Laar
    Timeline of 2020-2025

    :The Era of Silence(March 2020- January 2021)
    The content team, even Salted, stay extremely quiet during this time, and sometimes don't come onto the forums for weeks at a time. The community expects that they are working on a huge update, but as the months go by, they slowly lose hope. A few major events happen during this time, including:
    April 1, 2020: Salted releases a prank changelog stating that "Gavel is being removed" as well as "Robots have taken over Corkus" and "Wynn has been replaced by Fruma". A few new players are fooled, but the majority of the playerbase just laugh a bit and move on.

    June 7, 2020: About two months later, a small patch is released, balancing many items. Players adapt to the changes quickly, but don't realize that the changes are headway for something bigger. Much bigger…

    September 24, 2020: Wynncraft players are starting to leave. Youtubers like YYGAMER and TurboStratus are running out of content for their videos, but most of them don't leave entirely. Wynn's player count begins to decline.

    November 11, 2020: Wynncraft's player count is at an all-time low, and even the YouTubers begin to leave. In a desperate bid to keep players online until the new update releases, Salted brings back Wizard Fortress for a short period of time. This slightly helps, keeping Wynncraft from completely falling into obscurity, but eventually it becomes boring as well. The creators of Wynncon are forced to cancel Wynncon 2021 due to no one wanting to participate.

    :The Revival Era(February 2021 - August 2022)
    Update 1.20 is finally released to the public, and players rejoice. The dedicated players contact those who left, bringing tem back to the server. YouTubers flock to the server, popularizing Wynncraft once again, and boosting the player count by thousands. Many major events happen, including:
    February 5, 2021: The 1.20 HERO Beta is released. Strangely, very few participate in it, but it turns out that the reason this is happening is because all the HEROs are busy contacting other players about the Beta. Still, the devs gather enough info from the Beta to fix most bugs.

    March 9, 2021: 1.20 is finally out. The update is the largest in Wynncraft history, featuring not only a new province, Dern, but a complete revamp of the Realm of Light, now renamed to Haven. The update features:
    -A raised level cap, from 105 - 121, with bonus level 122, which, as intended to be the hardest level to reach, requires all the xp from previous levels, and any xp gained while at Lv.121 is divided by 10.
    -Two new dungeons: The Demonic Fortress(Lv. 117)
    and The Celestial Eclipse(Lv. 81).
    -New crafting recipies have to be added to make up for the new level cap. So, the current Lv.101-103 materials are now used from levels 101-110, and the Dernic materials were given cooler names and changed to be Lv. 111-120.
    -TWENTY-ONE new quests are added, most of them being in Dern, and for the first time, a split quest. The entire plot of the final, Lv.120 quest "The FinalChoral Choice", changes depending on which side you pick. The victory of Light over the Dern Beast, or the victory of Dark over Orphion.
    -Two new gamemodes are added, a Light gamemode and a Dark gamemode. Each gamemode only allows the player to use weapons classified as "Light" or "Dark" respectively. Only one can be active per class, and they are unlocked by the completion of the Lv. 119 quest "The Great War".
    -The "Realm of Light" quest series is completely revamped, granting the player more insight into the war between light and dark.
    -A harder version of Legendary Island is released for level 120 players, located in Dern and named "Mythical Island". It features the hardest bosses in the entire game, making the Orange Wybel seem like a moise in comparison to them.

    April 4, 2021: A dupe glitch is discovered with the new gamemodes, where attempting to wear a light/dark peice of armor while already wearing armor in that slot and being of the opposite gamemode would cause a copy of the item being already worn being placed in the player's inventory. This is abused to hell, with players duping godly legendaries, fabled, and mythics, causing their prices to drop significantly as an overflux of items is released into the Trade Market. The devs scramble to fix the issue and do so, but the damage is already done. The devs spend the next few weeks carefully removing the items that were duped, causing anger with the players who bought those items. Fortunately, once this is done, the economy restabilizes.

    June 17, 2021: Wynncraft reaches a player count higher than ever before. The server become rapidly joined by new players, who, unlike after 1.18, stay for long periods of time. Popular Minecraft YouTubers advertise Wynn on their channels, bringing even more players in. At one point, the game crashes due to the servers being unable to handle the load of 5,000+ players all at once. Eventually, the player count levels out at around 1,500 players online at any given time.

    August 29, 2021: With an influx of new players comes an influx of new devs. Many eager players apply for Wynncraft's build and command block teams, allowing the teams to increase the speed they work at. With some(a lot) of help from Salted, Grian, and Jumla, the apprentices assist with the new updates, allowing the quick release of 1.20.4, a patch so large it could almoat bw considered an update of its own. Item lores are updated and changed so that they don't contradict each other, and so that the lore made sense with other, official sources. Level 105-120 mythics are also added, featuring unique playstyles to use, and the first ever pair of rainbow mythic boots. Two of them, actually, to the community's delight. Lore enthusiasts spend hours studying the new lore, while class builders fawn over the new mythics. All in all, the entire community loved it, something that had not been achieved by Wynn in a very long time.

    September 23, 2021: After many months, the entirety of Mythical Island is conpleted. With a godly build and a lot of skill, YYGAMER completes the challenge, earning himself the first Mythical Token in the game. A few days later, he completes the Island with his HICHL(Hardcore-Ironman-Craftsman-Hunted-Light), also the first time it had ever been completed. In the eyes of most of the playerbase, YY is like a god(not like he isn't already).

    November 4, 2021: The HERO Beta for Wynncraft 1.21 is released. Players crowd the limited number of test servers, eager to play the new update. Which, as revealed in the HERO Beta changelog, is a guild update. Sadly, during the duration of the Beta, guilds have to be taken down to prevent any issue from occuring, between the actual servers and the beta. Some non-Hero guild members are upset, but when they are told what the update brings, they are overjoyed.

    December 13, 2021: 1.21 is released to the public. Guilds in this update have been massively renovated, becoming an integrated part of the game rather than a side bonus. Some changes to the game include:
    -Guild "Politics", which essentially is a system of alliances between guilds, or rivalries. Most of the benefits are cosmetic, for example: hovering over a guild tag in chat will reveal the guild aligned(or rivaled) with that guild. Only a guild leader can manage this setting.
    -Live guild battles: You know, when you're in a guild, and you get a chat message saying "guild so-and-so attacked Emerald Trial!", but you can't actually do anything about that fact? Well not anymore! By travelling to the territory being attacked before the war starts, you will be teleported as well. When you join the battle, you become a spectator, able to join the battle at any time. You do not harm the defending mobs, only the enemy players.
    -Guild bosses are bosses intended to be fought by an entire guild. A guild member of chief rank or higher must initiate the battle with the command /g bossbattle, and select a boss to fight. Any other guild members can then join by the command /g bossbattle join. After a set amount of time, the players are tped to a boss battle of extreme difficulty, coded to be impossible to solo, only killable by a group. Each guild member recieves rewards unique to guild boss battles, such as ingredients, as well as emeralds and unided items, and a boss token, which can be used to purchase items from a /g bossbattle shop. The guild itself recieves emeralds and xp according to the boss's difficulty.
    -Both housing for guilds and individual players is added. No need to explain in depth.
    -A quest in Cinfras and the Guild Hall that introduces guilds to new players. The reward is access to the Guild Hall.
    -A few other QoL guild additions are added.

    January 7, 2022: Wynncon 2021 occurs, a bit late, but still a huge event. Hundreds of players join, and the event lasts an entire week.

    February 22, 2022: Guilds are rapidly approaching the guild level max of 101, and so Salted reveals his grand plan for guild endgame: Prestige Guilds. Upon reaching level 101, a guild will have the option to advance to prestige rank level 1. Doing so unlocks a wider range of guild options, including more detailed guild banners, stronger mobs to defend territories, and harder guild bosses. This reveal pushes guild tryhards to level their guilds even faster, aiming to be the first prestige.

    March 30, 2022: Over a month after the grand guild prestige reveal, the first level 101 guild is achieved. The guild? Hackforums. After continuous grinding, the guild hit max level, and its members unanimously decided to prestige. The leader demands that the info about the prestiges be kept hidden, but, of course, the news spreads like a wildfire anyway.

    May 17, 2022: At this point, many other guild have prestiged, making the prestige info common to hear about. Prestiged guilds are nearing double-digit levels, as guild xp at prestige is hard to get, and the levels require enourmous amount of xp.

    July 14, 2022: Mojang releases an update to Minecraft:Dungeons, which at this point has been out for 2 years, allowing users to create custom dungeons for the community to play. Needless to say, players from Wynncraft create the best copies that they could of the Wynncraft dungeons. The dungeons become extremely popular, mainly Fallen Factory and Demonic Fortess.

    August 21, 2022: Salted comes down with an extemely deadly disease and passes away. The entire community mourns, and many memorials are placed throughout the world, including Troms, Ragni, Detlas, the Twain Graveyard, Llevigar, Cinfras, Ahmaord, Lutho, and Corkus. Even the forums gains a memorial within Salted's prfile, and there is an in-game message memorial as well. His best friend takes on the new role, and adopts the nickname of Salted Jr.

    :The Revamp Era II(Sep 2022 - Dec 2023)
    After the loss of Salted, the communtiy pushes forward, determined to continue his dream for Wynncraft. The moderators work harder and better to bring about the changes to the server.
    September 27, 2022: The Hero Beta for 1.22 releases, and the update is revealed to be the Gavel revamp the community has been awaiting for years.

    October 25, 2022: The full update is released to Wynncraft. The Gavel revamp brings many things to the game, including:
    -4 dungeons. A dungeon for the Dark Forest, Twisted Mansion(Lv.72), a COTL dungeon, Mortal Mountain(Lv.86), a Molten Heights dungeon, Obsidian Ravine(Lv. 94), and a Sky Islands/Void dungeon, Shattered Sky(Lv. 99). Corrupted Dungeons are removed, but promised to be returned and revamped, and the dungeon rewards moved to the new dungeons(ex. Flashfire Set --> Obsidian Ravine).
    -Every city(except Llevgiar and Cinfras) is rebuilt from the ground up, and nearly half the quests are revamped or replaced.
    -Secret Discoveries are added to Gavel, as well as the Troms Jungle.

    February 12, 2023: A Wynncraft server is introduced on Hytale. It isn't nearly as popular as the original, but it ends up being a nice decision nonetheless.

    March 18,2023: A patch is releases, re-adding the corrupted dungeons, but in a unique way. Every main Wynn dungeon recieves an at-level corrupted equivalent of the dungeon, with better rewards, although the corrupted versions are harder.

    April 30, 2023: Wynncraft celebrates its 10th anniversary. I huge event, not unlike Wynnter Fair, is created in Detlas during the next weeks, featuring exclusive items, cosmetics, and more. A few custom titles are given away to players, for example YYGAMER recieves "Legendary Master", and many members of the community have planned giveaways.

    July 2, 2023: The 1.23 update releases, bringing the province of Fruma to the game. For player levels 60-80, the main questline of Fruma revolves around stopping the evil government and assassinating the queen to bring peace to Fruma. Other notable addition are:
    -A colusseum, in which players fight in battles against each-other. The battles are shcedules every half-hour, and special items can be won or bought through the event.
    -More good/evil quests are added, allowing the player to pick their own path in the game instead of a forced-upon "good" role.

    November 17, 2023: The community is very satisfieed with the game, so no major updates occur during this time. Players are enjoying the content they play, with no demand for more gameplay. YYGAYMER obtains the first Mythical Medallion in existance, the only accessory with the Mythic rarity.

    December 30, 2023: Near the end of the year, the mods add a long-awaited change to the Nether. The entire area is changed to become a build test area, with a few "minigames" that are essential really fancy duels with other players. Progress in the Nether is different that in the main game, so that players cannot bring mythics from the nether.

    The Glory Era(January 2024-"now")
    Nothing rather huge occurs in this era, because there is no need for any large updates. Patches are released now and then, balancing items and fixing bugs, and Wynncraft maintains a 2,500 player count during this time.

    Bonus Info on a thing
    Quest: "The Final Choice" Lv.120
    Requires completion of "The Great War"
    In this quest, you are immidiately faced with a choice: do you choose light or dark? Good or evil? Order or chaos? Speaking to Orphion will select the light path, and speaking to the unnamed Dern King will select the dark path. The quest revolves around killing the other side, and all allies. You will be forced into a boss fight, but with a twist: You have to fight it alone. This is your choice to make, your battle to fight. At the end of the quest, the side you chose ends up victorious, and begins the restoration of their alignment to power over the world.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
  8. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    I'm getting FitMC vibes
  9. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    32 bit integer overflow would like to say something to you :(
    one_ood likes this.
  10. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I have listened to 32 bit integer overflow
  11. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    32 bit integer limit is like over 4 trillion. I don’t think that those numbers get anywhere near there but I haven’t done the math.
  12. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    2,147,483,647 is the integer (about 2 billion)

    25,649,000 is the current xp amount to get to level 105

    And 249,232,940 is the xp for 105 to 106

    If you multiply that by 10, for level 121, it passes the 32 integer

    Now imagine 25 more levels of xp requirements ranging between 27.5 million to like about 100 million, but the total wouldnt break the integer, but level 121 would
    Saya and Skylaar like this.
  13. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I already fixed it
  14. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    That is the positive 32 bit integer limit.
    I don’t remember these things from the top of my head (and I don’t think you do either) but I think 4 trillion is enough?
  15. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    it is still only 4 billion including the negative, and not close to 4 trillion

    Also I just searched it up
  16. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Guys I dealt with it in my post
    H0Y and Saya like this.
  17. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    It's roughly a week until the competition ends, so get your entries in! I'd like to add that I'll be copying everyone's submissions onto another document as soon as the competition closes, so any edits made after the 15th won't be valid.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2020
    Nukewarmachine, Saya, Castti and 2 others like this.
  18. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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  19. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    thanks for the reminder I'll go write some more satire about wizard fortress
  20. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    damn bro shoulda said fanfic
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