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Music A Fanmade Wynncraft Song

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Euxis, Feb 8, 2020.

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  1. Euxis

    Euxis Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I made a fanmade song after a nearly year of inactivity. Enjoy!
  2. HelloIAmG

    HelloIAmG Beginner Theorist.

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    Let me guess, Fruma?
    Ah. Also, when you being inactive, Road to Dern has been released. And welcome back!
    Cloud__ and Euxis like this.
  3. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    Woah..... this sounds super cool!

    You probably don’t know me if you have been inactive for a year but I am some random forums guy that feels obligated to give feedback on every single music piece in the my work section. I can already tell you that this is much much more interesting than a lot of the stuff I have heard here. I happen to be writing this on my phone while on a city bus, so I will write down all that feedback once I get to my computer.
  4. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    Okay... time to jump into the world of musical theory.
    First things first, I want to state the problems of most of the pieces I have heard here on the forums:
    • Boring percussion - no diversity
    • Chords repeat a million times without changing. Usually just four chords repeated for about 2 minutes.
    • Chord spamming - only some pieces do this, but it is definitely irritating, because chord spamming usually comes with the last problem I stated.
    • Not enough diversity in the entire structure - lack of build up, bridge, and so on.
    Now lets see... Your's doesn't have any of these issues. Let's take a look:
    • Percussion - sounds pretty cool, not to insane but nice with transitions and such.
    • Now the interesting part: Chords. Let's just take some of the chords you used from the bridge at 0:41, to the change at 1:20 :
      Dm Bbmaj7(add#11) Asus4,7 A7 Bbmaj7 Csus4 Dm E7,13 Bb Csus4 D Bb Csus4 Dm E7 Bb Csus4/G D D/#F
      1) 0:41. First 4 chords are pretty standard. We got I VI V there. E natural in Bb major (as #11) adds a little bit of tension.
      2) 0:45. Huh you are going from A7 to Bb, nice touch. Now we got a pretty standard ascending bass line, Bb, C, Dm. The Csus4 adds a very nice touch.
      3) 0:51. Now you continue with your bass ascent, to E. But that chord really shows a change in the harmony, because of it has 3 notes which conflict with your scale: B natural, G#, C# (as the 11).
      4) 0:54. Okay... what we have here is very... Unexpected. But in a good way! The jump from E to Bb is very "surprising", mostly because now we have Bb instead of B natural, and G# and C# are both irrelevant now. I would consider this yet another change in harmony.
      5) 0:54. And now a pretty standard ascending bass line, but wait... That's D major (0:58). Not the most seamless scale transition, but still really fits this "unusual" bass line you have.
      And that is just a small part of the chords.
    • Chord spamming - This really isn't a problem here. The way the chords are incorporated with the melody (like part of the melody) is really nice, making it so that there is no need to just spam notes.
    • In terms of diversity, you got it all. It starts out quiet with just Dm and Bb chords repeated, then gets a little bit more interesting with some changes (Dm and C) then a bridge, and a sort of climax with the weird chords I explained earlier. Then after that we have a sort type of resolution, which seems to be designed with the soul purpose of making this loop nicely.
    Now for my only "problem" with this cool piece:
    It sounds to me like you pretty much just copy pasted this thing, so that it repeats twice to get over the 2 minute mark. What I would want to hear, is a little bit of a longer structure. Right now it consists of around 5 parts, like I mentioned earlier, and if you want it to be longer (it is okay if you don't though), then you should add a little bit more to it. Now if you look at one of my favorites in the OST, forlorn halls (twain mansion theme, by abiswas, link down below), you can hear a very very nice build up and climax at around the one minute mark. Now I have many different problems with this piece (note spamming, repetitiveness), but if you want to take something from it, then it should be the awesome build up and climax that it has.

    There is one more problem that sometimes comes up with other fan made pieces, which is having an uninteresting or too random melody, but that is totally irrelevant here. Melody sounds really cool.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
    Elysium_, Euxis and PurifyX like this.
  5. Euxis

    Euxis Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Thanks for your feedback! Never thought that someone would actually do a whole musical analysis on my own song lol.

    After the huge "climax" part at 0:45, I started to run out of ideas, so I decided to make a loop by trying to transition back to the starting chords. I started to get kind of lazy, so I think that's why it sounds so weird.

    It was also kind of difficult to create this song because I originally created it using regular instruments with a larger range. Only having two octaves restricted a lot of things, but it was fun!

    Even though this song isn't perfect, I think it's a big improvement from the last Wynncraft song I made. I didn't really know how to do chord progression or key changes back then. Also, can you put timestamps on the the numbered list thing so I know where to look?

    Again, I really appreciate your feedback, thanks!
    __Excel likes this.
  6. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    Yeah. I edited the message with timestamps.
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