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SPOILER Wynncraft Theory: The Realms Of Light And Dark

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by jaxxios, Feb 6, 2020.

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  1. jaxxios

    jaxxios i dont have much time here - make this quick

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    today, i found something very very interesting that i'd like to talk about with you guys.

    i just did the se quests and discoveries again and i noticed something quite familiar, actually. this was a new class that i played on, so i did other quests and discoveries, etc etc.

    as in familiar i mean REALLY familiar.

    i even think that this might blow your mind a bit.

    so, as we all know, the realm of light is self explanatory. its a realm of light. untainted creatures free of sin live here. but it its infected with darkness. something breached into it and is causing the inhabitants to become... something. but we know its something bad.

    the realm of darkness, or how you guys like to call it, Dern, is self explanatory too. its a- yeah ok i dont think we have to say that again but this time, we actually know very little of it.

    ...or do we?

    ok, ill just stop talking. here's the actual theory.

    so lets start off with this:


    i know, its quite hard to swallow that pill, but here, have some water so it's easier to swallow, and when i mean water heres the proof.

    so, we have our light realm inhabitants. they're literally white ghosts that live in the realm of light. nothing too special, i guess they live off a miniature sun or something idk. but look. in a hunters calling, the "npc" you talk too, black sans, isnt actually infact a black sans. he's a heliolux but its from the darkness itself. not from light and tainted by darkness, but actually FROM dern. the heliolux's emit light on their bottoms and so does our fellow black sans.

    that means the inhabitants of dern are just black heliolux's, similar to black sans in ahc.

    not convinced? well, that was expected. now take a look at this.

    you know those purple swirly thingys in the silent expanse? yeah. they're not just they're for show. they're for show - to show us that it really is the realm of darkness that took over this part of wynn. what does this have to do with the realm of light though? well, in the realm of light green/blue magic (in the form of glass blocks) are found in the realm of light. there are even some "pillars" that spiral in a way similar to the spikes in the silent expanse that have magic on it. here are some comparisons.

    (top left of the image, thats what i call a "light realm spike")

    (swirly spikes, purple stuff is what i call "dark realm magic stuff")

    so you're still not convinced yet?!

    well, how about this - bak'al is the "tiek" of dern. literally both realms have their own messengers. aluxander, an npc in the realm of light, acknowledges the existence of the witch tiek. im also fairly sure that tiek sent the player to a version of the world where time and space doesnt exist maybe that could be similar to how ahc works? but anyway, bak'al could be in the position of a messenger of the realms just like tiek. i mean, bak'al is doing his best to spread the beast's will across the province, just like tiek is trying to find a way to combat the corruption. while we're talking about corruption, i'd like to point out something else. i think corruption is actually a power that the dark beast has. in the eye fight, the arena becomes more red, and probably hinting at corruption. the purple magic stuff is probably the ambience of the realm of darkness, but corruption was the weapon used to attack provinces so the realm of darkness can claim them.

    ok, so i think you're not convinced yet, aren't you. although, i do have one more thing that might shock you a bit.

    so the rulers of the realms are orphion and the dernic beast. what i noticed is that one of the heliolux's refer orphion as the LIGHT BEAST. BEAST. that must mean that orphion would be considered the "dark beast" of the light realm. The dernic beast in the other hand, we can actually infer what orphion could look like, and we can do so because of the striking similarities of both the heliolux AND black sans. I think orphion could have pretty long nails like the dernic beast and fancy eyelashes like the dernic beast as well.

    you're still not convinced, huh? well, i dont really have anything more to say, i guess.

    either way this is just a theory, and i hope you dont really take this seriously.

    Lex!, starx280, CEOofDiluc and 3 others like this.
  2. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    Bak’al is from corruption, where light and dark is mixed and it’s different thing
    So he isn’t the messenger
    Also the theory of influencing realm is exactly that
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020
    coolname2034 likes this.
  3. Zelli

    Zelli Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Everybody already knew that xD
  4. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Noone assumed that the gatekeeper was a heliolux of some sort
    This theory is new, but the Heliolux connection to "Black Sans" is a bit of jump as there isn't much lore supporting it, the swirling magic is... mostly cosmetic if we're being honest, the Silent Expanse looks much better than the Realm Of Light, also those "light spikes" are meant to be roots, Taproots in particular. Bak'al actually may be cooperating with the "Dernic Beast", having both the forces of Corruption and Dern combined. Now the Eye's arena becoming more red actually may not be raw Corruption, at the Portal To Dern we see red spikes, these spikes don't seem to be of either Corruption or Darkness, but might actually be what happens when they collide, Dern will most likely be full of this "Dernic Corruption"
    Jirayut and coolname2034 like this.
  5. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Actually the rooms in EO show the change between Light and Dark. You start in a room with a Heliolux, representing the light, then move into an area with a Corrupted Heliolux. That is not a ‘black sans’ (please don’t undertale), but is instead just corrupted. The ones after are full corruption, which becomes what Benjin called Corrupted Darkness above, and finally true Darkness represented by an eye.

    You should also know that the mountains in the Silent Expanse are not the same as the Taproots which start in the Realm of Light. Taproots go from the Realm of Light into Gavel, connecting the two lands. The mountains in the expanse can’t be the starts of Taproots, because they would have to be connected between realms, and we know that many (not all of them such as the new one described in A Journey Further), have been around since the time of the Olm (see the discovery Final Moments). Also you should know that the influential powers all spread effects that are like their own world. The Realm of Light is full of mushrooms of various colors and sizes, and similarly, Light Forest contains mushrooms that are just like the ones in the Realm of Light. You can say the Corruption does the same thing (although it is not the same sort of force), as it spreads a complex root system which grows up from the ground forming what are generally called ‘corruption spikes’.

    The corruption is not a power of Dern’s beast of influence, which I wrote about here:

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