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Lore/Story King's Recruit - A Semi-interactive Wynncraft Project [last Updated 2/24/20]

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by WithTheFish, Dec 15, 2019.

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Dang, this is my 4000th post. I really do have no life on a minecraft forum.

    In honor of this not-so-momentous occasion, I have decided to show the beginnings of a project I'm working on. This is a wynncraft-themed story but with a twist: your choices affect the outcome of the story. It works similarly to a certain line of children's books. Disclaimer: this story is unofficial and made only by myself.

    Here's how this thread works: the story is split up into various "pages", with each page contained in their own spoiler.
    At the end of each page, you'll be asked to choose which page you want to go to next. You'll then find that spoiler/page on the thread and open it up.

    I'd also like to point out this project is far from completed. Still, I hope my current number of pages gives you a rough idea of what this story will be like. I plan on updating this every Saturday or Sunday.

    If you find any spelling and grammar mistakes, please let me know. I'd would also really appreciate feedback you have, as this is by far the biggest Wynncraft project I've ever done.

    Enjoy. (also please don't quote this post, it's like 3000+ words long total)

    You are a king’s recruit from the province of Fruma, sent to the neighboring province of Wynn to fight a force known as the Corruption. Armed with an old spear, you have somehow managed to make it halfway across Wynn to the great city of Detlas.


    Here you stand at the entrance to the heart of the province. What will you do now?

    [Go to Page 2] Enter the city of Detlas.
    [Go to Page 3] Explore the entrance to the city.
    [Go to Page 4] Exit Detlas.
    {From Pages 1 and 3}

    As you step out from the city’s foyer, you become overwhelmed by an assortment of sights. Detlas is a city filled with Merchants, some of whom have market stalls whereas others store their wares on the backs of mules and donkeys. The city seems weirdly overgrown with plants and mushrooms, yet it does not feel ruined in any way.

    “Hello, and welcome to Detlas, the central city of the province of Wynn!”

    A smiling human approaches. Maybe he knows more about this place?

    [Go to Page 5] Listen to the human and what he has to say.
    [Go to Page 6] Ignore the human and walk away.
    {From Page 1}

    Between the busy streets and the outside world lies a strange room comparable to the foyer of a house. It appears to be some sort of storage, judging by the bales of hay and the crates tucked away in corners. The area is also surprisingly empty. You would expect goods lying around like this to at least be guarded...

    [Go to Page 2] Enter the city of Detlas.
    [Go to Page 4] Exit Detlas.
    [Go to Page 7] Examine the crates more closely.
    {From Pages 1 and 3}

    On second thought, why are you even here? You’re a soldier, not a merchant. You have nothing to sell and not enough emeralds to buy anything. Although, it would be nice to spend the night at an inn.

    For the time being, however, you depart the safe walls of the city. What what will you do next?

    [Go to Page 10] Head towards a group of grazing sheep.
    [Go to Page 11] Hunt for undead to kill.
    [Go to Page 12] Travel down the road the road you originally came to Detlas from.
    {From Page 2}

    Uninterrupted, the human continues his speech about Wynn’s central city.

    “Here, you will find merchants from all around the province, so feel free to shop to your heart’s content! After all, Detlas is the hub of cooperation between villagers and humans! If you’re new here, I’d recommend heading to the center of town and visiting our bank.” Why would you have any need to visit a bank? Clearly this is a city full of rich folk.

    The friendly man had finally stops talking, and throughout his entire conversation he has provided you with no useful info. Surely his information about the city isn’t this limited?

    [Page 8] Thank him, and walk away.
    [Page 9] Ask him for more information about Detlas.
    {From Page 2}

    On second thought, you don’t have time to hear someone list every feature this city has, and you’ll probably forget everything he has to say. You ignore the human and continue on your way.

    Ragni may have been bustling, but there you sensed that the humans and villagers there were always bracing themselves for the next attack. There’s no sense of dread hanging over Detlas, which is an extremely lively place. Immediately, you spot a villager selling meat and exotic fruits skewered on a stick. Nearby, another merchant sits next to a melon the size of a small dog. A different villager advertises some type of gin, apparently from some far-off land called “Gavul”. In addition to the crowd of people in the street, a giant bee is flying around, and no one even seems to notice it.

    The center of Detlas is even more impressive. Ragni has a central market with a statue at its center, but Detlas instead has a giant purple crystal. Surrounding the city square is a vast assortment of vendors and stores, and you aren’t sure where to begin exploring.

    [Page 13] Find a merchant to trade with.
    [Page 14] Find a store to shop at.
    [Page 15] Continue past the city’s central market, and walk down the street ahead of you.
    [Page 16] Continue walking down the street to your left.
    [Page 17] Continue walking down the street to your right.
    {From Page 3}

    You decide to take a closer look at the crates. After all, you’re just glancing at them, and it’s not like you’ll be stealing anything. And even if you did hypothetically decide to steal something, who are you even taking things from? The military? You’re a part of the military!

    Curiosity gets the best of you. You attempt to open one of the boxes, and to your surprise the lid slides right off. At first, all you see inside the containers is straw, but upon looking more closely you notice a few bottles inside. They contain a mysterious green liquid. Are these potions? And how long have these even been here?

    “What are you doing?”

    A voice startles you, and you turn around to see a human peering over your shoulder. You glimpsed him inside the city earlier, and it seems he’s caught on to your suspicious activity.

    “Rummaging through other people’s stuff I see? What do you have to say for yourself. I may not be a member of the city’s guard, but I will not hesitate to uphold the law of my home!”

    [Page 19] Close the crate and apologize to him.
    [Page 20] Bribe him with one of the bottles to keep him quiet.
    [Page 21] Steal a bottle and run off.
    {From Pages 5 and 9}

    Ragni may have been bustling, but there you sensed that the humans and villagers there were always bracing themselves for the next attack. There’s no sense of dread hanging over Detlas, which is an extremely lively place. Immediately, you spot a villager selling meat and exotic fruits skewered on a stick. Nearby, another merchant sits next to a melon the size of a small dog. A different villager advertises some type of gin, apparently from some far-off land called “Gavul”. In addition to the crowd of people in the street, a giant bee is flying around, and no one even seems to notice it.

    The center of Detlas is extremely impressive. Ragni has a central market with a statue at its center, but Detlas instead has a giant purple crystal. Surrounding the city square is a vast assortment of vendors and stores, and you aren’t sure where to begin exploring.

    [Page 13] Find a merchant to trade with.
    [Page 14] Find a store to shop at.
    [Page 15] Continue past the city’s central market, and walk down the street ahead of you.
    [Page 16] Continue walking down the street to your left.
    [Page 17] Continue walking down the street to your right.
    {From Page 5}

    “Thank you, kind civilian,” you say, “but is it possible that you can tell me anything else about the city? A bank is of no use to me, while I would quite like to know the location of an inn.”

    “An inn?” he responds, “Yes, we do have one of those in Detlas.” For the first time since you’ve met this man, he doesn’t seem that enthusiastic about what he’s discussing.

    “And where might I find this inn?” you ask.

    “Head down all the way to the eastern gate. Right before you exit the city, turn right and head down a path. There are a couple of buildings at the end of that path, one of them being the city’s only inn. The building has a sign depicting a bed hanging above it, so you can’t miss what you’re looking for.”

    “Thank you for the informat--”

    “But wait!” the knowledgeable human interrupts, “I am a representative of the city of Detlas. And I implore you to not stay at the local lodgings! The inn is in shambles, has nowhere near enough rooms, and I’ve heard reports of all sorts of illegal activities taking place there!”

    Choose ONE Response:

    "That doesn’t seem like a good place to stay at. I will heed your advice and stay away.”

    “I knew I could convince you! I don’t have much more to say about Detlas, although there are a few shops I would recommend checking out. Farzris’ Potion Shop sells some of the best elixirs in the province, for instance…”

    The jovial human begins to list off various stores and market stalls, and you start to wonder if they’re sponsored to list these locations. Either way, it’s time for you to explore the city on your own.

    [Page 8] Continue onward.
    “Let me ask you this: have you ever stayed at this inn?”

    “Of course not! I mean, why would I?” exclaims the human.

    “Then I feel like you shouldn’t judge it!”

    “Are you calling my sources inaccurate? I may not have visited every nook and cranny of this city, but believe me, I know a lot about it! Your poor choices are yours to make, so don’t go blaming me!”

    Clearly nothing good will come out of this argument, so you decide to walk away. He’ll find some other person to ramble at. For now though, you have a city to explore.

    [Page 18] Continue onwards.
    “All those issues are minor, I just need somewhere to spend the night.”

    “Minor? Eh…” He pauses for a minute, thinking of a response. To him, a dingy old inn probably has major issues. To you, it can’t be any worse than a spider-infested forest.

    “Fine,” he finally says, “But don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

    You thank him for the directions, and continue into the city.

    [Page 8] Continue onwards.
    {From Page 4}

    A cluster of sheep stands in a small pasture, seemingly oblivious to the hostile world around them. The fence protecting them is makeshift at best, and there’s nothing stopping you from carrying one off and cooking it for a meal of mutton. Of course, you wouldn’t do anything like that.

    Then, you notice something strange among the flock: a sheep with bright pink wool. You’ve passed by many farms since arriving in Wynn, yet you’ve never seen a creature like this before. Surely its wool would net you a nice sum of emeralds…

    Slowly you creep up on the creature, with a small knife in your hand to use as shears. Yet right as you’re less than a meter away, the sheep turns around and bleats loudly. It then proceeds to run off, shoving away the rest of the flock and breaking out of the pen. It dawns on you that you’re now responsible for damaging property and helping someone’s livestock escape.

    [Page 31] Leave the scene of the crime.
    [Page 32] Chase after the sheep.
    {From Page 4}

    As a soldier of the Wynn province, it is your duty to hunt down and kill any undead you see. However, there doesn't seem to be many undead in the vicinity. In your search for a fight you turn left, and begin walking around the perimeter of the great city.

    It doesn’t take long before you encounter a shambling zombie. You’ve killed dozens of these corrupted at this point, and killing one more shouldn’t be very difficult. This time around, you simply sit back and stab it when it approached. As you collapses to the ground, you feel like the province is slightly safer. Slightly.

    In the distance, you notice yet another undead. And after killing that one, another still. As you pierce and slash your way through almost a dozen corrupted, you notice that the environment around you has changed a lot. The city of Detlas had vanished, and up ahead lies the ruins from some great battle. You’re lost.

    [Page 40] Investigate the battlefield.
    [Page 41] Head in the opposite direction.
    {From Page 4}

    You were in quite a rush to reach the city of Detlas, so you wonder if there’s something important by the road that you ended up missing. So you set out down the path you originally took, and it isn’t long before you find something interesting. A quaint little apple orchard sits beside the road. Several fallen apples are lying on the ground, and they look quite tasty. You bite into one, and your assumptions are proven correct: it is delicious!

    [Page 22] Eat some more apples.
    [Page 23] Go somewhere else.
    {From Pages 6 and 8}

    Directly to your right is a merchant’s stall. There, an older woman with long blonde hair is selling bowls of an unknown, yet presumably edible, substance. You’re hungry after a day of peril, so you decide to spend what few emeralds you have on a meal.

    “Hello,” you say as you approach the merchant, “What’s in that stew of yours, if I might ask?”

    “Beetroots!” they cheerfully respond, “I picked them myself out on the road to Nemract. I charge five emeralds for one bowl of stew, but I’ll lower the price to one if you drink the whole thing here and give me back my bowl. Those things are expensive.”

    “One emerald? Sounds like a deal to me.” You hand over one green stone and in return you receive a hearty meal. It won’t be as tasty as that slice of cake you had back at Ragni, but it still will be good. Without bothering to lower your hood of your cloak, you rapidly slurp the stew down.

    “Um…”the merchant says as you set the bowl down, “I’m glad to see you enjoyed it! Come back any time.”

    [Page 27] Go to the Potion shop next.
    [Page 28] Travel down the northern street.
    [Page 30] Eavesdrop on the city folk.
    {From Pages 6, 8, and 18}

    Not far from where you stand is a busy shop. The building lacks a door, and you peer inside to see a man brewing a potion in front of a line of people. Having a potion or two on hand will be very useful. Time to wait in line.

    The store is even bigger on the inside, and far more wonderful too. The shelves are lined with odd flora, several cauldrons are bubbling, and… is that a skull lying on a table?

    “Is where the line starts?” you ask a customer.

    “Yes,” they answer, “been waiting for a while too. The current buyer in front of me in convinced they have some rock in their bag, but I know it’s not there, and so does Farzris.”


    “That’s the man who runs this shop. I take it you’re new to Detlas?”

    You nod. “And when you mentioned that missing rock, are you referring to an emerald?”

    “No, I think it’s some kind of magical rock. Farzris trades in ingredients. You give him something with alchemical properties, and he brews it into a potion, free of charge.”

    Now that sounds convenient. For whatever reason, you’ve been carrying some mushrooms around, and you didn’t know what you would do with them. They didn’t seem edible, that’s for sure.

    Time passes, and eventually the man in front of you is able to show Farzris his ingredients. The proprietor's expression turns to that of disgust when the customer pulls a wad of gunk out of their bag.

    “Disgusting… is from a sewer slime? Hold on to that… I’ll need to brew it in a special cauldron. CORMAC!” Farzris shouts an unknown towards the ceiling, and soon a young boy comes down. An assistant, perhaps?

    “What do you need this time?” Cormac asks.

    “Bring me that old cauldron.” Without responding or showing any emotion, the boy runs back upstairs. At this point, you’re considering just leaving the store. Who knows how long this whole process will take, or if you’ll even get something good in return. Eventually Cormac comes down, and empty-handed too.

    “I couldn’t find it.”

    “What do you mean, boy,” Farzris asks in an irate tone, “You don’t just lose a cauldron.”

    “I think it’s the one you sold a while back.”

    “No, it clearly isn’t! Don’t question me like this again.”

    “I swear, you’re wrong.”

    “Why don’t you shut the hell up, and go back to searching!”

    You wince as the storeowner's remark. Frazris may apparently be skilled alchemist, but he doesn't seem like he's a great person.

    [Page 33] Call Farzris out for his rude behavior.
    [Page 34] Leave the store.
    {From Pages 6 and 8}

    A larger than normal crowd is gathered on the street leading east, and you decide to see what the fuss is all about. It turns out that they’re all listening to a group of warriors speak about… something. You’re clearly late to the discussion.

    “The rest of the guilds have grown weak!” you hear one of the warriors shout, “They would rather get involved with petty arguments, rather than fight true foes such as the undead. Let me ask you all, adventurers, how do you want to be remembered?”

    “Guilds?” you quietly ask to no one in particular.

    “What do you mean 'guilds?'” a nearby girl inquires.

    “I just don’t know what I guild is. I come from a land far away, and know very little about this strange province.”

    “They’re groups of fighters who come together for some cause. Don’t really know much else, but when you’ve lived in Detlas your whole life you see a lot of them. When I’m bored I hear them make long speeches in the streets, it’s way more entertaining than school.”

    “Remember!” continues the guild spokesman, “Are you a coward or a leader! If you’re a leader, you are a natural-born Lynx! If you’re a coward, then you’re best off going back to farming, you rat.”

    You have to admit, you’re a little bit interested in joining a guild. Not because of the speech, but because of the benefits it could provide. Having allies in the province could be useful.

    [Page 36] Ask about joining the guild.
    [Page 37] Continue walking down the street.
    {From Pages 6, 8, and 18}

    There’s an interesting assortment of stores down the street to your left. One building seems to house a blacksmith’s forge, while another is selling odd powders in every color of the rainbow. Before you can decide which one to enter, a villager runs up to you.

    “You look like a strong adventurer who can assist me!” he exclaims. It seems like this fellow has gotten the wrong impression of you. You’re not really an adventurer, and you aren’t that strong either. This doesn’t matter to him, since he continues his speech.

    “My name is Sayleros. I moved to Detlas a few weeks ago with my family, or at least I attempted to do so. We were attacked by bandits along the way, and my brother was killed! But get this, my brother had his will on him. He owns a large fortune, and it can be mine if I am able to possess the will.”

    Your first impression of Sayleros is that he’s very greedy. You then also realise you’re equally greedy, because you begin to wonder what’s in it for you if you help him out.

    “What do I get if I help you?” you inquire.

    “I happen to own a graveyard not far from Nemract. If you bring me the will, I will grant you acc…”

    “I’m not interested in any graveyards, sorry.”

    Sayleros sighs. “Fine, I’ll give you some emeralds for your trouble. Are you willing to help me out? You’re the third warrior I’ve asked today.”

    [Page 38] Agree to help Sayleros.
    [Page 39] Decline his offer.
    {From Pages 6, 8, and 18}

    The bank of Detlas is an impressive sight, solidifying the city’s position as a hub and wealth of trade. It’s a large, multi-level building, and a massive symbol of an emerald hangs above the entrance. Due to your pitiful wealth, you’ll probably never get to see the inside.

    “Spare an emerald or so, kind sir?”

    You notice a beggar dressed in rags sitting outside the bank. Whenever someone passes him by, he calls out to them, asking for an ounce of generosity. You can’t help but feel a bit bad for him, and despite being poor yourself, parting with one emerald wouldn’t hurt.

    “Here,” you say to the beggar, “I have an emerald to offer you. It isn’t much, but I hope it helps.”

    “Why, thank you very much!” he responds. You reach into your bag to pull out an emerald, but while doing so, you hear someone whisper in your ear.

    “I wouldn’t do this if I were you,” someone whispers

    Behind you stands a woman roughly around your age, with leather armor similar to your own and a bow slung over her back. Her hair is dyed a distinct violet, making her stand out among the crowds of people in Detlas.

    “What?” you say back, much louder than this stranger probably wants.

    “This man is lying!” she quietly answers, “they aren’t poor at all, they just want more money?”

    “How do you know this?” You too have taken to speaking in a hushed tone. Hopefully the beggar can’t hear your conversation. That would make things pretty uncomfortable.

    “I know they have a house at the very least. Saw them walk into it one day too.”

    “So you’re stalking them?”

    “No!” she says in a much louder voice, “Listen, you’re probably new here. And judging from your clothing and weapon, you’re probably some sort of traveling fighter too. So from one of your kind to another, trust me on this. Save your money.”

    [Page 50] Heed this stranger’s warning, and don’t give the beggar anything.
    [Page 51] Ignore this stranger’s warning, and give the beggar an emerald.
    {From Page 9 and 19}

    Is Detlas always this busy? Clusters of people move through the streets, sometimes mixed in with a donkey or a lumbering iron golem. So much is going on that you aren’t sure where to stop first, so you just keep walking until you reach a more open space.

    The center of Detlas is extremely impressive. Ragni has a central market with a statue at its center, but Detlas instead has a giant purple crystal. Surrounding the city square is a vast assortment of vendors and stores, and you aren’t sure where to begin exploring.

    [Page 14] Find a store to shop at.
    [Page 16] Continue walking down the street to your left.
    [Page 17] Continue walking down the street to your right.
    [Page 24] Find a merchant to trade with.
    {From Page 7}

    “My mistake!” you exclaim as you hastily close the crate, “I did not know that these belonged to anyone.”

    “Your mistake? You’re a soldier of the Wynn province, you should know better. Whatever’s in there is the property of the city!”

    Whoever this person is, they sure are grumpy. Haven’t they ever heard of the human trait of curiosity? Hopefully not everyone in the city is this irritating.

    [Page 18] Enter Detlas.
    {From Page 7}

    “Calm down! How about you and I make a deal. There were two bottles of… something here. I give you one and you take the other. Sounds good?”

    “Taking someone else’s possessions for myself? That is basically another term for stealing, and you know it!”

    “How do you know I’m stealing this! For all we know, those bottles could have been lying there for ages, and eventually someone would have found them!” The two of you are practically shouting at each other now, and you worry that some guard will hear the commotion and investigate it.

    “I can’t risk it. I have never committed a crime in my entire life, and I’m sure not committing one now!”

    “That’s ridiculous. You have to have done something bad at some point.”

    “Not at all. I clearly have the clearest record of anyone in the city, and I’m keeping it that way!”

    “Just take the bottle!” You throw it towards the human, and he actually screams as it sails towards him. He makes a botched attempt to catch it, but fails. The bottle crashes on the ground and shatters; causing green goo to spill everywhere. It makes a loud hissing noise, and to your horror you notice that it’s melting the cobblestone street.

    “By the bovine!” the human exclaims, “someone’s been storing dangerous materials in my city. I apologize for my rude behavior, adventurer. If it wasn’t for you, these illegal items would have stayed hidden.”

    “You’re welcome?”

    “Come with me. We must alert the guards now! I have a feeling that someone vile lurks inside Detlas.”

    [Page 44] Come with the human and warn the guards.
    [Page 45] Stay where you are.
    {From Page 7}

    One thing’s for sure: you don’t want to get involved with the law. You only just arrived at Wynn, and ending up in prison would be a terrible end to your journey. Without looking back, you pick up the two bottles and run.

    “Hey, get back here! I mean it! I will alert the guards!...”

    You run and run, until the cries of the annoyed human fade away. When you finally look back, the city of Detlas is far away. Fortunately, no one has bothered to chase you. You’re safe for now, but returning to Detlas will be pretty risky. At the very least, you’ll need to enter through another gate.

    In a moment of respite, you decide to inspect the bottles more closely. There’s no label, and the liquid is definitely unfamiliar. Upon closer inspection, you notice that the substance isn’t sealed with glass, but something else similar to it with a blue-ish tint. Magical glass perhaps? You guess that what you’ve acquired is some sort of potion. Maybe you can sell it to someone, or use to get out of a sticky situation.

    [Page 56] Find someone to trade the bottles to.
    [Page 57] Continue your job as a slayer of the undead.
    {From Page 12}

    Even though you probably don’t belong in this orchard, you don’t stop eating the apples that have fallen on the ground. You can’t help yourself, they’re all so delicious!

    Then, that feeling of happiness subsides as you bite into an unbelievably rotten apple. It tastes worse than anything you’ve ever had before, and upon looking at the fruit, you notice that it's moldy and discolored. Could this apple be corrupted? You don’t know the answer, but you aren’t going to take another bite. You hurl it on the ground and it splatters, despite landing on the soft ground.

    “Hey!” a raspy voice calls out, “What are you doing!”

    A farmer stumbles towards you with bloodshot eyes and an axe in his hand. Is this the owner of the orchard? And is he, like his apple, also corrupted? Your question is quickly answered as he hurls the axe towards you. The weapon fortunately lands far from you, but the attack cements the man as a threat.

    [Page 46] Fight the orchard owner.
    [Page 47] Run away.
    {From Page 12}

    You feel a bit guilty about stealing from someone’s orchard, so you decide to go somewhere else. Turns out there’s a merchant selling wares out of his wagon further down the road. Maybe he has something useful.

    “Greetings!” they say as you approach them, “The name’s Scott. Looking to buy or sell anything?”

    You don’t really have anything to sell, but maybe your five emeralds will fetch you something. “I don’t have much money,” you state, “but I’ll see what you’re offering.”

    “That’s what I like to hear. For four emeralds, I can sell you some thunder powder or a ring. I’ll be damned if I know what that trinket does. Had it on my stock for five years and no one’s bought it, so at this point I just want the thing gone.”

    [Page 67] Purchase the mysterious ring.
    [Page 68] Purchase the thunder powder.
    {From Page 18}
    “Rye grains! Rye grains! Get them really cheap, right here!”

    The enthusiasm of this one particular merchant is so immense that you just have to see what he’s selling. Turns out that it’s some sort of plant grains. How exciting.

    “Thinking of buying some?” the merchant asks. He frowns at you, and you almost feel bad about not buying anything.

    “Tell you what, I can offer something more important than crops. You seem like the adventurous type, so maybe you’ll want this more.”

    “What is it? And more importantly, is it cheap?”

    “Oh, it’s knowledge, and I believe knowledge should always be free! I’ve heard a lot of interesting rumors lately, and I think you may want to hear them too. Apparently, there’s a cult that does business beyond the gates of Detlas. Very interesting, don’t you agree?”

    [Page 25] Ask for more information.
    [Page 26] End the conversation.
    {From Page 24}

    “I’d like to know a bit more about this group,” you indicate.

    “Interested in joining them?”

    “And waste the rest of my life in worshipping some nameless deity? No way.”

    The merchant smiles. “Honestly, I don’t know what they worship, or even if they worship anything at all. But my friends have seen them before, not far from the western entrance.”

    “Are they good or bad?”

    “No one knows. Well, they obviously know.” The merchant chuckles at his own bad joke. Something isn’t right here. It seems like this man clearly knows more about these people than he’s letting on.
    {From Page 24}

    “Not really. I don’t plan on joining or fighting any cults. Do you have anything actually good to sell me?”

    “What do you mean when you ask if you want something good? I’ve given you exclusive info! Most of my relatives don’t know about this! Ungrateful stranger…”

    “Ungrateful? Well you just lost a potential customer!”

    Once again, that didn’t go so well. Maybe you’ll have more luck somewhere else in Detlas.
    {From Pages 13 and 26}

    Not far away from you is a busy shop. Upon closer inspection, the building lacks a door, and inside is a man brewing a potion in front of a line of people. Having a potion or two on hand will be very useful. Time to wait in line.

    The store is even bigger on the inside, and far more wonderful too. The shelves are lined with odd flora, several cauldrons are bubbling, and… is that a skull lying on a table?

    “Is where the line starts?” you ask a customer.

    “Yes,” they answer, “been waiting for a while too. The current buyer in front of me in convinced they have some rock in their bag, but I know it’s not there, and so does Farzris.”


    “That’s the man who runs this shop. I take it you’re new to Detlas?”

    You nod. “And when you mentioned that missing rock, are you referring to an emerald?”

    “No, I think it’s some kind of magical rock. Farzris trades in ingredients. You give him something with alchemical properties, and he brews it into a potion, free of charge.”

    Now that sounds convenient. For whatever reason, you’ve been carrying some mushrooms around, and you didn’t know what you would do with them. They didn’t seem edible, that’s for sure.

    Time passes, and eventually the man in front of you is able to show Farzris his ingredients. The proprietor's expression turns to that of disgust when the customer pulls a wad of gunk out of their bag.

    “Disgusting… is from a sewer slime? Hold on to that… I’ll need to brew it in a special cauldron. CORMAC!” Farzris shouts an unknown towards the ceiling, and soon a young boy comes down. An assistant, perhaps?

    “What do you need this time?” Cormac asks.

    “Bring me that old cauldron.” Without responding or showing any emotion, the boy runs back upstairs. At this point, you’re considering just leaving the store. Who knows how long this whole process will take, or if you’ll even get something good in return. Eventually Cormac comes down, and empty-handed too.

    “I couldn’t find it.”

    “What do you mean, boy,” Farzris asks in an irate tone, “You don’t just lose a cauldron.”

    “I think it’s the one you sold a while back.”

    “No, it clearly isn’t! Don’t question me like this again.”

    “I swear, you’re wrong.”

    “Why don’t you shut the hell up, and go back to searching!”

    [Page 33] Call Farzris out for his rude behavior.
    [Page 35] Leave the store.
    {From Pages 13 and 26}

    There’s an interesting assortment of stores down the northern street. One building seems to house a blacksmith’s forge, while another is selling odd powders in every color of the rainbow. Before you can decide which one to enter, a villager runs up to you.

    “You look like a strong adventurer who can assist me!” he exclaims. It seems like this fellow has gotten the wrong impression of you. You’re not really an adventurer, and you aren’t that strong either. This doesn’t matter to him, since he continues his speech.

    “My name is Sayleros. I moved to Detlas a few weeks ago with my family, or at least I attempted to do so. We were attacked by bandits along the way, and my brother was killed! But get this, my brother had his will on him. He owns a large fortune, and it can be mine if I am able to possess the will.”

    Your first impression of Sayleros is that he’s very greedy. You then also realise you’re equally greedy, because you begin to wonder what’s in it for you if you help him out.

    “What do I get if I help you?” you inquire.

    “I happen to own a graveyard not far from Nemract. If you bring me the will, I will grant you acc…”

    “I’m not interested in any graveyards, sorry.”

    Sayleros sighs. “Fine, I’ll give you some emeralds for your trouble. Are you willing to help me out? You’re the third warrior I’ve asked today.”
    {From Page 26}

    The nearby bank of Detlas is an impressive sight, solidifying the city’s position as a hub and wealth of trade. It’s a large, multi-level building, and a massive symbol of an emerald hangs above the entrance. Due to your pitiful wealth, you’ll probably never get to see the inside.

    “Spare an emerald or so, kind sir?”

    You notice a beggar dressed in rags sitting outside the bank. Whenever someone passes him by, he calls out to them, asking for an ounce of generosity. You can’t help but feel a bit bad for him, and despite being poor yourself, parting with one emerald wouldn’t hurt.

    “Here,” you say to the beggar, “I have an emerald to offer you. It isn’t much, but I hope it helps.”

    “Why, thank you very much!” he responds. You reach into your bag to pull out an emerald, but while doing so, you hear someone whisper in your ear.

    “I wouldn’t do this if I were you,” someone whispers

    Behind you stands a woman roughly around your age, with leather armor similar to your own and a bow slung over her back. Her hair is dyed a distinct violet, making her stand out among the crowds of people in Detlas.

    “What?” you say back, much louder than this stranger probably wants.

    “This man is lying!” she quietly answers, “they aren’t poor at all, they just want more money?”

    “How do you know this?” You too have taken to speaking in a hushed tone. Hopefully the beggar can’t hear your conversation. That would make things pretty uncomfortable.

    “I know they have a house at the very least. Saw them walk into it one day too.”

    “So you’re stalking them?”

    “No!” she says in a much louder voice, “Listen, you’re probably new here. And judging from your clothing and weapon, you’re probably some sort of traveling fighter too. So from one of your kind to another, trust me on this. Save your money.”

    [Page 52] Heed this stranger’s warning, and don’t give the beggar anything.
    [Page 53] Ignore this stranger’s warning, and give the beggar an emerald.
    {From Pages 13 and 26}

    Detlas is absolutely full of people talking about who knows what, so you decide to sit down and listen to the city’s chatter. For a while, most people simply talk about friends, relations, and money, but eventually you hear two very loud warriors discussing something.

    “Guess who became a Centenial the other day?” the first one boasts.

    “You!?... that’s preposterous. You’re jesting, aren’t you?” Even though the other warrior’s face is obscured by a helmet, you can tell that his expression must be one of astonishment.

    “No! Well, I wish I was. However, my cousin can now count herself among their ranks.”

    “Her? Between the three of us he’s by far the worst fighter! Have you seen his aim?”

    “Don’t worry old friend, I’m sure they’ll let us into their ranks one day! For now we should celebrate this occasion.”

    “Celebrate? Why should I celebrate? It’s obvious that your cousin bribed his way into the guild, like most of the other members.”

    “That’s simply not true. I think you’re overreact—“

    “Maybe I am, but I have the moral high ground here! I haven’t seen you in weeks, and the first thing you do is brag about your family. Good day!” The armored man storms off, concluding the spectacle. His former friend seems disheartened at the result, and begins to trod off. The crowd of onlookers certainly can’t be making things much better, and you almost feel bad for the warrior. The group he was talking about seemed intriguing…
    [Link to Pages 31 through 50]
    [Link to Pages 51 through 70]

    Thread Last Updated on February 24th
    (Returning Reader? Start reading the new content at pages 23, 31, and 65!)
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
    Take, TrapinchO, Bart (MC) and 9 others like this.
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
  3. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Very nice, a CYA story! (Choose your own adventure) been wanting to do one of these about Wynn for ages, but thought it might get too complicated and didn't have the time
    Should be "A bank [is] of no use to me" on page 9 correct?
    Edit: also on page 15 I think when she quoted you, the quote from you should be in single quotes, not sure
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
    WithTheFish likes this.
  4. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    Cool dude!
    WithTheFish likes this.
  5. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    This seems really interesting! I like the simplicity of it compared to the earlier ones.
    If you're doing any sort of taglist, could I be added to it?
    WithTheFish likes this.
  6. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Not sure if I'll do a full-on taglist quite yet, but I can certainly tag you whenever I make a new post here!
    A Human likes this.
  7. sn0w____

    sn0w____ A storm is coming...

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    This was actually a really well made post, also a really great idea. Would be nice to have a really good writer like Imax come and do the same thing but longer. Fantastic Job!
    Congratualtions on 4000 btw! :)
    WithTheFish likes this.
  8. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    {From Page 10}

    That escaped sheep is none of your business right now, although it probably will lead to consequences if you stick around for much longer. You continue down the path, looking for something that catches your eye. Eventually, you cross paths with a merchant’s wagon. Surely nothing can go wrong here, right?

    “Hello!” you call out to the vendor, “Are you selling anything for a cheap price? I am a wandering adventurer who needs all the help they can get.

    “Nice to meet you, customer! The name’s Scott. I think I have some trinkets and items I can give for a low price,” they rummage through their bag, and eventually pull out a small ring and a mysterious parcel, “ah, here we are! For four emeralds, I can sell you some thunder powder or a ring. I’ll be damned if I know what that trinket does. Had it on my stock for five years and no one’s bought it, so at this point I just want the thing gone.”

    [Page 67] Purchase the mysterious ring.
    [Page 68] Purchase the thunder powder.
    {From Page 10}

    Thankfully, the sheep with pink wool didn’t go very far. You grab some spare wheat out of a barrel and hold it out in an attempt to attract the creature. At first, the sheep seems interested in your offering, and it turns its head toward you. But right as you’re just a few meters away, the sheep turns around and bolts way.

    “Damn it, get back here!” you shout. You quickly take off after the escaped animal, but this time around the sheep never stops. It keeps darting through Wynn’s plains, and when you briefly look behind you, Detlas is long gone. You’re also getting very tired from all this running. After days of perilous travel, chasing after someone’s livestock wasn’t what you had planned.
    {From Page 14}

    “Now that’s rather rude, isn’t it?”

    As soon as you utter your remark, the store goes dead silent and all eyes turn to you.

    “What did you say?” inquires Frazris.

    “I mean, if you want people to work for you, you might as well show some respect?”

    “Respect? You have some nerve talking about respect like that! This is my store, and you can’t just come in here and criticize me like this!”

    “Oh,” you sarcastically say, “I’m very sorry for my rude behavior. I shouldn’t yell at innocent people like you.”

    Frazris glares at you, looking like a toddler about to throw a tantrum. “Out!” he finally yells, and you decide to comply.

    In the end, you didn’t get a potion, but I guess it doesn’t matter. You’ll find something else to trade your mushrooms for. Maybe someone in the market has something to trade them for…

    “Hey. Thank you, stranger.”

    While heading down the street, you turn around to see Cormac staring at you. “You’re welcome?”

    “Thanks for giving me the courage to quit my work. Always hated that job. Didn’t pay much and Frazris was never nice to me. When I got hired by the most prestigious alchemist in Detlas, I thought I have a good job. But I guess not.”

    “You’ll be able to find a new profession or apprenticeship, right?”

    “I hope so. You see, I need to money to fulfill my dreams of becoming a mage…”

    Oh no. Looks like this kid is about to begin telling a long story.

    [Page 72] Listen to Cormac’s story.
    [Page 73] Say goodbye to Cormac and leave.
    {From Page 14}

    You don’t like the Frazris person. Sure, he’s well-known or something, but he seems like a foul person. Given that you don’t really need some random potion; you decide to exit the store. You’d rather support a different business.

    There are plenty of other things to do in Detlas. Where will you go now?

    [Page 28] Travel down the northern street.
    [Page 29] Travel down the southern street.
    [Page 30] Eavesdrop on the city folk.
    {From Page 27}

    You don’t like the Frazris person. Sure, he’s well-known or something, but he seems like a foul person. Given that you don’t really need some random potion; you decide to exit the store. You’d rather support a different business.

    The sun is beginning to set, and soon you’ll (hopefully) check into Detlas’ inn. Until then, it might be a good idea to do something relaxing to pass the time.
    {From Page 15}

    With the speech concluded, you step up to the podium to speak with the guild’s spokesperson. The speaker is wearing ornate armor that must weigh a ton, and they wield a hammer that seems equally heavy. The only exposed part of their body is their face, which is that of a middle-aged man with a scar over his eye. But upon closer inspection, the scar seems… fake? It’s as if someone smeared tomato juice on their face.

    “Ah, a traveler!” they declare as they shake your hand, “the name’s Lee, and I am a veteran warrior of the Lynxes. I’m guessing you’ve heard of our guild before?”

    “Yes, about a minute ago.”

    “Hah! I’m guessing you’re from Fruma then?” You nod, and Lee smiles back at you. “I was a king’s recruit to, you see. Fighting the undead was a very daunting task at first. But as time passed, I became stronger… and that’s partially due to the help of the Lynxes! I promise you that if you join us, you could very well become one of the greatest fighters Wynn has ever seen.” Sounds like a tough promise to fulfill.

    “I’m not sure about this,” you reply.

    “Oh trust me, many people are unsure about joining a guild at first. So I have an offer for you: come down to the Rusty Recruit this evening. It’s the local tavern in Detlas. Many of my guildmates will be there, and maybe they’ll convince you to join.”

    “Sound’s good to me.”

    With that, you head back to the streets of Deltas. But shortly after you wade into the busy crowds of people, someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around to see a cloaked figure.

    “Everything that man just told you is a lie,” they utter, “Joining the Lynxes will lead to ruin. Come with me, I’ll explain more.”

    [Page 54] Listen to what the cloaked figure has to say.
    [Page 55] Tell them that you aren’t interested in talking to them.
    {From Page 15}

    Who cares about guilds? You’ve survived long enough on your own without the help of some elite group.

    You continue down the eastern street of Detlas until you get to a figurative fork in the road. Nearby, a sign advertises the city’s inn. And ahead is one of Detlas’ four gates, and this one seems to lead to another grassy plain. Who knows what adventures await you out there? As long as you don’t stray too far from the city, you should be fine. Hopefully.

    [Page 58] Investigate the inn.
    [Page 59] Leave the city through the eastern gate.
    {From Page 16}

    “Alright, I’ll help you out, Mr. Sayleros.”

    “Endless thanks, kind traveler!” the villager responds in a joyful tone, “Now, before you depart, there is some important information I must tell you. One of my older siblings also happened to survive the attack. He’s… not a trustworthy person, but he might be able to help us. His name is Drucksh. If you want to get him to talk, just get him drunk. He lives in Nemract, probably not far from where my brother should be buried.”

    The whole situation seems kind of strange. How would Drucksh know where the Brother was hidden, but not Sayleros? It feels like there are holes in this scenario, but as long as you get paid it shouldn’t matter much. You wave goodbye to Sayleros, and begin your grand journey.

    [Page 76] Continue your adventure.
    {Page 16}

    “Once again, I’m truly sorry. I’ve had a long week, and I don’t feel like going on another grand journey right now.”

    “Please,” pleads Sayleros, “would you at least consider helping me tomorrow? You can get some rest tonight.”

    “Fine, I’ll consider it.” Maybe you’ll have different thoughts about this matter when you wake up tomorrow. For now, though, you’ll use your time in the safe city to the fullest. What will you do next?

    [Page 42] Find something to purchase.
    [Page 43] Find somewhere to train.
    [Page 62] Search for an inn to rest at in advance.
    {From Page 11}

    The battlefield is littered with skeletons and the ruins of a great stone wall. How long ago did this battle take place? You remember hearing that the war against the corruption has been going on for centuries. The place where you stand could be the remnant of an ancient event.

    The area is quiet, too quiet. You don’t see any undead, but that’s partially due to a fog that has enveloped the land within the past few minutes. With your spear outstretched, you creep around, looking for… you don’t even know what. You’re lost, and possibly going insane.

    “Halt!” a voice cries out, startling you, “Are you a friend or foe?”

    Choose ONE Response:

    “Don’t attack me, I’m a friend!” You don’t know who else is out there, but you have a feeling they aren’t good. What normal person would dare explore this desolate land!

    “Friend? You look an awful lot like a bandit to me, with that cloak and all.” You look up to find the source of the voice: a man sits atop a crumbled wall, sword in hand.

    “It keeps my ears warm at night, alright?”

    “No need to sound rude! Life is already hard enough as a hermit, and hard as a hero! Combine both of these roles, and days aren’t easy for me.”

    “Hero? Seems like an awfully grand title.”

    “Yes, it is. I accomplished a great many things back in the day, but now my enemies have forced me into hiding. Come with me, I have a small home within these ruins nowadays. I can explain some more about my background there.”

    [Page 65] Run away.
    [Page 66] Follow the man to his house.
    “I could ask the same about you!”

    The stranger doesn’t respond. Maybe you hallucinated their voice? The source of the question eludes you… until you decide to look up. A man is perched on a wall, dagger in hand.

    “You dare trespass on my territory?” they ask.

    “Your territory? Didn’t know this place belonged to anyo-.” Before you can finish the sentence, the man jumps off the ruined structure in an attempt to stab you!” You jump out of the way, and clench your spear with two hands, ready to fight!
    {From Page 11}

    You do not remember passing through a battlefield since you left Detlas, and you don’t plan on visiting one! You need to get back to the city, so you begin backtracking. At least, you hope you’re backtracking.

    As time passes, you realize that you might be even more lost than before. Given the number of undead that you slaughtered since leaving Detlas, you would assume that you would spot their corpses on the ground. Instead, you only encounter corrupted who are very much alive, or should one say re-animated.

    Fortunately for you, you do end up going in the right direction. As you pass over a hill, you can just make out the triumphant city in the distance. It’s wonderful sight, and you spend a long time just taking it in.

    “You there… come here. I need help.”

    You were so absorbed in the sight of Detlas, that you didn’t even notice an armored figure resting against a nearby tree.

    “Are you okay?” you ask them.

    “No… my leg. Look at it.”

    Their leg has a gaping wound that, and their chestplate is stained with blood. “It’s a miracle you found me…” they continue, “thought I would die alone… and with a great secret. Listen here, traveler. I discovered a dire secret… there is a group… a vile group… and they’re searching for a hidden treasure. My family has possessed the map to this treasure, and they discovered that I had a map to where it was hidden.” They cough out blood, and you wince at the sight.

    “They broke into my home and took the map. I chased them… until they fought back and bested me. Traveler… I implore you, find this group and stop them before they get the treasure!”

    “But I don’t have the map,” you explain, “so how am I supposed to find the treasure?”

    “Hear my directions… to the north lies a vast lake, with an island in the middle. You need to…”

    “…swim across?” you say in an attempt to finish the sentence, “pass over a bridge?” The man only groans in response, and you feel as if he is on death’s door. Right as you don’t think he will respond, he tells you his dying words.

    “My final message to you… is that you must save the world. Farewell…” He then slumps down, dead.

    Will you carry out his task?
    {From Page 39}

    “Rye grains! Rye grains! Get them really cheap, right here!”

    The enthusiasm of this one particular merchant is so immense that you just have to see what he’s selling. Turns out that it’s some sort of plant grains. How exciting.

    “Thinking of buying some?” the merchant asks. He frowns at you, and you almost feel bad about not buying anything.

    “Tell you what, I can offer something more important than crops. You seem like the adventurous type, so maybe you’ll want this more.”

    “What is it? And more importantly, is it cheap?”

    “Oh, it’s knowledge, and I believe knowledge should always be free! I’ve heard a lot of interesting rumors lately, and I think you may want to hear them too. Apparently, there’s a cult that does business beyond the gates of Detlas. Very interesting, don’t you agree?”

    [Page 63] Ask for more information.
    [Page 64] End the conversation.
    {From Page 39 and 64}

    “Hello,” you say to a nearby guard, “Is there some sort of training ground in Detlas?”

    “Whatdoyamean?” the guard absentmindedly mumbles.

    “In Ragni, there was this one place with a bunch of target dummies, and targets to shoot arrows at. As a soldier of Wynn, I need somewhere to train.”

    “You don’t look much like a soldier to me,” claims the guard, “but there’s a room where we train in the barracks. Just go down the northern street and you’ll find it.”

    Just like the guard said, the barracks turn out to be easy to find. As a matter of fact, they aren’t too far from Sayleros. Actually getting inside isn’t as easy.

    “Halt!” a soldier standing outside the barracks shouts, “What business do you have here?”

    “I’m just a soldier of Wynn,” you respond, “looking to get some training in.”

    “You’re a soldier?” a second guard asks, “do you have some way to prove it?”

    “Well…” you contemplate what you could tell the guard, “you see, I don’t have much to show. I came from Fruma with nothing, and while traveling through the emerald trail I didn’t find anything either. Did kill a spider in the Nivla Woods though, I tried to pry its tooth out as a trophy. Might have poisoned myself doing so…”

    “Oh fine,” the first guard says, “you seem believable enough. Come on in.”

    You enter the barracks, and for the first time since you arrived at Wynn, you feel like a proper soldier of the province. Guards and knights are walking all around, and nearby a group of stern men and women are discussing something that’s probably important. To your left are a bunch of combat dummies, and you start practicing a variety of attacks on them with your spear. Fighting them is actually kind of fun, since you know they won’t try to kill you.

    After a few minutes of fighting, a soldier with a weary face approaches you. “Looking for someone to train with?” he asks.
    {From Page 20}

    Your first look at Detlas passes by in a whirl, as the human leads you through crowds of merchants and travelers until you arrive at the city’s barracks.

    “Guards!” he says, panting, “My name is Maurice. I come here with…” Maurice leans in towards me and asks me what my name is.

    “Don’t remember mine,” I state.

    “…and this human. He’s one of the Fruman recruits. Poor guy doesn’t remember much.”

    “Maurice,” the guard says, deep in the thought, “I’ve heard that name before. Aren’t you that man who welcomes people to the city?”

    “Yes! And today my work payed off. Fruma Man here was rummaging through some nearby crates, and he happened to discover this dangerous substance.” He shows the guard the vial.

    “That doesn’t look dangerous to me.”

    “That’s because you haven’t seen its properties! I can’t show them here, as it would lead to more damage dealt to the city, but this bottle is very dangerous. I think someone is smuggling this into town for some nefarious purpose!”

    “And I think that’s some cheap potion Frazris brewed.”

    “Are you calling me a liar? Because I’ve done…” You can’t hear what Maurice says next, because the guards begin to shout over him. The situation devolves into an argument, and you consider leaving until you hear one voice shout over all the others.

    “What’s going on here?”

    The voice belongs to an older man in armor, with a beard turning grey with age. His battle-scarred face and stern expression gives him the appearance of someone very tired. “Corporal Veck!” a guard replies, “This man here says that someone is trying to smuggle poisons into Detlas.”

    “It’s true!” explains Maurice, “This Fruman here found a strange, corrosive, substance in a supply crate!”

    “Intriguing… why don’t you to come with me to my office? You can give me the full story there, traveler.”
    {From Page 20}

    “Apologies,” you say, “But I’d rather stay here. I didn’t come to Detlas to get involved in huge affairs like this. You can go get help on your own.”

    “Really now! I believe that we’re on the verge of uncovering the darkest secret in Detlas, and you don’t want to help me out?” You nod. “So be it. I’ll speak to the guards myself. Hopefully it doesn’t turn out that you’re the one who’s guilty of smuggling illegal substances!” The human runs off, leaving you behind in the entrance to the city. While there are some other townspeople walking around near you, you can’t help but feel a bit more alone.

    You proceed into the city as you clutch your spear more tightly than usual. Where will you go now?
    {From Page 22}

    Time for an easy fight. You lunge towards the possibly-corrupted the threat, and stab them in the leg. Normally, this attack would stun an opponent, or render one of their limbs useless, but this orchard owner keeps on crawling towards you. He opens his mouth in an attempt to bite your own leg, and you cry out in horror!

    “Gah!” you shout as you jump back. The orchard owner continues shambling forward, and there’s no doubt that he’s the shell of the man he once was. Killing him will only put him out of his misery. As he approaches you, you plunge your spear into their chest. The apple-picker collapses to the ground, and you only now notice something around their neck. It’s a key. Could it unlock their house?

    [Page 48] Leave the orchard.
    [Page 49] Find out the purpose of the key.
    {From Page 22}

    You would prefer to avoid fighting this orchard owner, if it’s at all possible. He seems corrupted, but at the same time he doesn’t. If there’s a chance that he can be saved from this dark influence, you’d prefer having it granted to him.

    You turn around and start running back towards Detlas. Right as it seems like you’ll make it out of the orchard, something strikes you in the back, and you collapse to the ground.

    ~ Death ~
    You have been slain by the corrupted.
    The End.

    [Return to Page 1]
    {From Page 46}

    There’s nothing left for you here. Well, you suppose there are still some apples left. After shoving as many of the fruit as you can within your bag, you set off into the wilds of Wynn.

    You aren’t sure where your journey will take you next, but you do know that you don’t want to return to Detlas, at least for now. It’s too risky. While the man you killed was undead, he didn’t really look like it. You don’t want to be blamed for killing anyone innocent.

    After what must be an hour spent walking, you finally arrive at some sort of an interesting landmark: a wall that seems to stretch endlessly throughout the plains. The wall is immensely deteriorated, and it seems to have been deserted for who-knows how long.
    {From Page 46}

    Let’s face it, no one else was going to use that key. You might as well see what goods are inside their house. Hopefully no one else is inside, because that would ruin your entire plan.

    The key thankfully unlocks the front door, and inside you find… apples. Stacks of crates and barrels full of red fruit. Even before the corruption struck, the owner of this orchard was likely a little mad. However, you do spot something lying in a corner. It’s a javelin of far greater quality than the weapon you’ve been using. Perfect. Now you have a proper weapon for fighting the undead! Although, you will miss your spear. What will you do with it now?
    {From Page 17}

    With your current lack of wealth, giving anything away is too risky. You turn your back on the beggar and walk away, feeling bad about what you’ve just done. Maybe you’ll find something else to do in city, something that will amend your likely misdeeds.

    [Page 27] Go to the Potion shop next.
    [Page 28] Travel down the northern street.
    [Page 30] Eavesdrop on the city folk.
    [Link to Pages 1-30]
    [Link to Pages 51-70]
    [Link to Pages 71-??]
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    ParkourTNT and A Human like this.
  9. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    {From Page 17}

    While this mysterious archer does seem like a reliable source, she also could be a liar. Your desire to do good overcomes your sense of caution, and you reach into your bag for a few emeralds.

    “Here,” you say as you give two small green rocks to the beggar, “for you.”

    “Many thanks!” they say. You turn behind you, and the archer seems disappointed.

    “I hope you don’t regret that choice. Sometimes, doing the right thing doesn’t always pay off.”

    Choose ONE Response:
    “Nothing wrong with helping out, isn’t there?” you reply.

    “I suppose, but growing up, I learned that survival was more important.”

    “Did you have some sort of tough life?” The archer nods in response, and you can’t really argue with her. You won’t deny that you’re bit curious as to what made her this cynical, but before you can ask her anything else, she walks away into the crowd of people.

    You’ve lost some money in Detlas already, but not in the way you expected. Hopefully there’s something else you can do here.

    [Page 60] Travel down the northern street.
    [Page 61] Eavesdrop on the city folk.
    “You really don’t like this person, don’t you?”

    “It’s not just him, it’s this entire city. It reeks of greed, and I hate it.”

    “Then why are you even here?”

    “I’ve been searching for someone in Detlas.”

    “Who?” You’re getting curious now.

    “A… family member.” This person grew up in Detlas? It would be strange, considering their attitude towards this place, but maybe they know more about the city than most would. They could be one of the few people who know the city’s true nature.

    “If they’re family, shouldn’t they be easy to find?”

    “It’s a bit more complicated than that, alright? Now if you don’t mind, I have things to do and places to be.”
    {From Page 29}

    With your current lack of wealth, giving anything away is too risky. You turn your back on the beggar and walk away, feeling bad about what you’ve just done.

    The sun is beginning to set, and soon you’ll (hopefully) check into Detlas’ inn. Until then, it might be a good idea to do something laid-back to pass the time. You’re too tired to do anything else involving moral decisions.
    {From Page 29}

    While this mysterious archer does seem like a reliable source, she also could be a liar. Your desire to do good overcomes your sense of caution, and you reach into your bag for a few emeralds.

    “Here,” you say as you give two small green rocks to the beggar, “for you.”

    “Many thanks!” they say. You turn behind you, and the archer seems disappointed.

    “I hope you don’t regret that choice. Sometimes, doing the right thing doesn’t always pay off.”

    Choose ONE Response:
    “Nothing wrong with helping out, isn’t there?” you reply.

    “I suppose, but growing up, I learned that survival was more important.”

    “Did you have some sort of tough life?” The archer nods in response, and you can’t really argue with her. You won’t deny that you’re bit curious as to what made her this cynical, but before you can ask her anything else, she walks away into the crowd of people.

    You look up, and notice that the sun is beginning to set, and soon you’ll (hopefully) check into Detlas’ inn. Until then, it might be a good idea to do something laid-back to pass the time. You’re too tired to do anything involving moral decisions.
    “You really don’t like this person, don’t you?”

    “It’s not just him, it’s this entire city. It reeks of greed, and I hate it.”

    “Then why are you even here?”

    “I’ve been searching for someone in Detlas.”

    “Who?” You’re getting curious now.

    “A… family member.” This person grew up in Detlas? It would be strange, considering their attitude towards this place, but maybe they know more about the city than most would. They could be one of the few people who know the city’s true nature.

    “If they’re family, shouldn’t they be easy to find?”

    “It’s a bit more complicated than that, alright? Now if you don’t mind, I have things to do and places to be.”
    {From Page 36}

    “Alright, let me hear what you have to say.”

    “Follow me.” The figure begins to lead you through an overgrown alleyway filled with litter.

    “Where exactly are we going?” you inquire.

    “I cannot say that.”

    “You don’t say much about anything to do with your guild, now that I think about it.” At least the Lynxes were upfront about who exactly they were.

    The two of you finally arrive at a slightly dilapidated house, and the cloaked person knocks on the door.

    “It’s me!” they exclaim, “I have found us a new recruit!”

    A villager opens up the door, and surprisingly enough, he is not wearing any sort of garb that covers up his face. In fact, everyone inside the house is wearing normal clothes, with the exception of a burly armored figure standing near a door towards the back of the building.

    “Hello?” you cautiously say. None of them politely respond back.

    “You wish to join our group?” asks woman lounging on a worn-down chair.

    “I suppose so. It is the reason why I came here.”

    “Henry,” the cloaked figure orders, “Tell him that we have a new recruit.” The man who is presumably Henry nods, and he heads into a guarded room. You’re left wondering who Henry’s speaking to. The leader of the guild? Either way, it must be someone very important, considering they have some sort of bodyguard.

    It also takes a long time for Henry to return. Out of boredom, you glance around at the crowd of guild members. All of them wear the clothes of noblemen, but their posture and hairstyles are very similar to those of the common merchants and farmers you’ve seen throughout Wynn. There’s something strange about this guild, and you’re itching to know more.
    {From Page 36}

    “And I’m supposed to trust you because?”

    Your response seems to set this stranger into a state of shock, because they don’t respond to you. It’s almost comical.

    “A shame,” they finally say, “You seemed like you would be a good fit for our guild, but I guess you’d rather live an unfulfilling life. Sulking, the figure walks away.

    These lynxes seem a bit interesting, so you plan on heading towards the tavern this evening. Until then, you’ll need to find something else to pass the time. What will you do while you wait?
    {From Page 21}

    You’re in luck: a horse-drawn cart is coming down the road. Hopefully whoever’s inside is willing to do some trading.

    “Hello!” they exclaim as they stop beside you, “The name’s Scott. Looking to buy or sell anything?”

    “As a matter of fact, I do have something to sell.” You pull out the two bottles, and Scott glances at them, disinterested.

    “Two potions? Eh, I’ll take ‘em both for 10 emeralds.”

    Ten emeralds? You expected to make a lot more off of these. Maybe bartering will have a better result.

    “Is there something I can trade these for?”

    “Ehh… come to think of it, I have some old potions that I’m having trouble selling. Why don’t we swap? You seem like the sort of person who needs them more than I do.”

    “Sounds fair.”

    You and Scott make the trade, and you end up with three vials of a strange purple liquid. You’re a bit curious as to what their affects are. Scott strikes you as the sort of person who would know his potions.
    {From Page 21}

    You decide to continue traveling through the world, away from any annoying city folk. It’s a bit more peaceful out here too, even with the occasional undead you quickly dispose of. And Detlas still looms as a silhouette in the distance, so you’ll probably return there when it gets dark. Hopefully that bothersome man will have forgotten about you.

    Eventually, you find something strange: an armored figure, resting against a tree. At first you think they're dead, due to their lack of movement, but then you hear them call out for help.

    “Come here, traveler. I need help.”

    “What’s wrong?”

    “My leg… look at it.”

    Their leg has a gaping wound that, and you see that their chestplate is also stained with blood. “It’s a miracle you found me…” they continue, “thought I would die alone… and with a great secret. Listen here, traveler. I discovered a dire secret… there is a group… a vile group… and they’re searching for a hidden treasure. My family has possessed the map to this treasure, and they discovered that I had a map to where it was hidden.” They cough out blood, and you wince at the sight. “Please, you must find this group and stop them.”

    You aren’t sure about this task. You’ve been in Wynn for a week, and it feels too early to save the world. But maybe if you had help.

    “I can help you out in more ways than one!” you exclaim. “I have a potion that can hopefully heal your wound!” You pull out one of the bottles, and the warrior’s eyes widen.

    “Yes… give it to me…” You hand him the bottle, and he gulps down the liquid… and immediately everything goes horribly wrong. At first he gasps and sputter, and then his face starts to melt. You’ve seen countless terrifying things since you came to this province, but this event puts them all to shame. Somehow your potion has corroded them from the inside.

    It then dawns on you that you’re technically a murderer. This is very, very bad. Forget helping this person, they’re dead and can’t even tell you where these villains went. All you can do is leave the scene of the crime.
    {From Page 37}

    It may be daytime, but you might as well see what this inn has to offer. As you proceed down the path to your right, your surroundings start to get more dilapidated. Plants here are overgrown, and the street is littered with trash. Combined with the massive wall of Detlas looming over you, and this part of town seems a bit intimidating.

    The inn isn’t too impressive in terms of appearance, but a swarm of flies buzzing around litter near the entrance is off-putting. Do people actually stay here?

    “Looking to check in?”

    A sickly looking man sits on a horse-less wagon, kicking his feet in the air. “You know what this place once was, correct?” he asks.

    “Not exactly.”

    “It was a church once. The people there worshipped the great bovine. But in the end, they were failed, because their church burnt down!” the eerie man laughs for no good reason, which makes his tale seems more unsettling. “They all died, and their spirits still linger on this spot. Are you sure you want to spend the night here?”

    Oh, this whole story seems absurd. Why would you be afraid of some ghosts? You step inside the inn and are greeted by its proprietor.

    “Welcome,” she mumbles, “Looking to spend the night here? It’s a bit early, but you look tired.”

    “Yes. How much for a room here?”

    “Four emeralds per night.”

    That’s an awful lot of money. If you spend it, you’ll be all but broke. Between this and the ghost story you just heard, you aren’t sure if it’s best to sleep here.
    {From Page 37}

    You have time to kill, so you might as well see what lies beyond the gate in front of you. After passing through another of the city’s foyers, you find yourself standing at a field littered with trees and… giant mushrooms? Grazing in the distance is a group of red cows, which also seem to have mushrooms growing on their back. There sure is some strange fungi here in Wynn.

    A little way down the path is a quaint hut, and you decide to visit it. There’s nothing better to do right now except pick a fight with mushroom cows.

    A man in a gray cloak stands outside the hut. Upon seeing you, he grins, revealing a mouth that lacks most teeth.

    “Umm, hello?” you say.

    “Hello stranger…” they begin, “I may need your assistance…”

    “With what?” you ask. You’re a bit concerned as to what task he might offer.

    “My master… wishes to create a potion… a vial of invincibility. But I fear… he has gone too far… he has obtained essence of corruption for his concoction…” That doesn’t sound good. “Get me… red mushrooms… their effect will help me nullify this potion…”’

    You happen to have some red colored mushrooms in your bag, but do you want to give them to this stranger? He kind of seems untrustworthy…
    {From Page 51}

    There’s an interesting assortment of stores down the northern street. One building seems to house a blacksmith’s forge, while another is selling odd powders in every color of the rainbow. Before you can decide which one to enter, a villager runs up to you.

    “You look like a strong adventurer who can assist me!” he exclaims. It seems like this fellow has gotten the wrong impression of you. You’re not really an adventurer, and you aren’t that strong either. This doesn’t matter to him, since he continues his speech.

    “My name is Sayleros. I moved to Detlas a few weeks ago with my family, or at least I attempted to do so. We were attacked by bandits along the way, and my brother was killed! But get this, my brother had his will on him. He owns a large fortune, and it can be mine if I am able to possess the will.”

    Your first impression of Sayleros is that he’s very greedy. You then also realise you’re equally greedy, because you begin to wonder what’s in it for you if you help him out.

    “What do I get if I help you?” you inquire.

    “I happen to own a graveyard not far from Nemract. If you bring me the will, I will grant you acc…”

    “I’m not interested in any graveyards, sorry.”

    Sayleros sighs. “Fine, I’ll give you some emeralds for your trouble. Are you willing to help me out? You’re the third warrior I’ve asked today.”
    {From Page 51}

    Detlas is absolutely full of people talking about who knows what, so you decide to sit down and listen to the city’s chatter. For a while, most people simply talk about friends, relations, and money, but eventually you hear two very loud warriors discussing something.

    “Guess who became a Centenial the other day?” the first one boasts.

    “You!?... that’s preposterous. You’re jesting, aren’t you?” Even though the other warrior’s face is obscured by a helmet, you can tell that his expression must be one of astonishment.

    “No! Well, I wish I was. However, my cousin can now count herself among their ranks.”

    “Her? Between the three of us he’s by far the worst fighter! Have you seen his aim?”

    “Don’t worry old friend, I’m sure they’ll let us into their ranks one day! For now we should celebrate this occasion.”

    “Celebrate? Why should I celebrate? It’s obvious that your cousin bribed his way into the guild, like most of the other members.”

    “That’s simply not true. I think you’re overreact—“

    “Maybe I am, but I have the moral high ground here! I haven’t seen you in weeks, and the first thing you do is brag about your family. Good day!” The armored man storms off, concluding the spectacle. His former friend seems disheartened at the result, and begins to trod off. The crowd of onlookers certainly can’t be making things much better, and you almost feel bad for the warrior. The group he was talking about seems intriguing…
    {From Page 39 and 64}

    With nothing better to do, you decide to hunt down some place where you can rest. It doesn’t take long for you to find a sign that points in the direction of an inn near the eastern wall.

    It may be daytime, but you might as well see what this inn has to offer. As you proceed down the path to your right, your surroundings start to get more dilapidated. Plants here are overgrown, and the street is littered with trash. Combined with the massive wall of Detlas looming over you, and this part of town seems a bit intimidating.

    The inn isn’t too impressive in terms of appearance, but a swarm of flies buzzing around litter near the entrance is off-putting. Do people actually stay here?

    “Looking to check in?”

    A sickly looking man sits on a horse-less wagon, kicking his feet in the air. “You know what this place once was, correct?” he asks.

    “Not exactly.”

    “It was a church once. The people there worshipped the great bovine. But in the end, they were failed, because their church burnt down!” the eerie man laughs for no good reason, which makes his tale seems more unsettling. “They all died, and their spirits still linger on this spot. Are you sure you want to spend the night here?”

    Oh, this whole story seems absurd. Why would you be afraid of some ghosts? You step inside the inn and are greeted by its proprietor.

    “Welcome,” she mumbles, “Looking to spend the night here? It’s a bit early, but you look tired.”

    “Yes. How much for a room here?”

    “Four emeralds per night.”

    That’s an awful lot of money. If you spend it, you’ll be all but broke. Between this and the ghost story you just heard, you aren’t sure if it’s best to sleep here.
    {From Page 42}

    “I’d like to know a bit more about this group,” you indicate.

    “Interested in joining them?”

    “And waste the rest of my life in worshipping some nameless deity? No way.”

    The merchant smiles. “Honestly, I don’t know what they worship, or even if they worship anything at all. But my friends have seen them before, not far from the western entrance.”

    “Are they good or bad?”

    “No one knows. Well, they obviously know.” The merchant chuckles at his own bad joke. Something isn’t right here. It seems like this man clearly knows more about these people than he’s letting on.
    {From Page 42}

    “Not really. I don’t plan on joining or fighting any cults. Do you have anything actually good to sell me?”

    “What do you mean when you ask if you want something good? I’ve given you exclusive info! Most of my relatives don’t know about this! Ungrateful stranger…”

    “Ungrateful? Well you just lost a potential customer!”

    Once again, that didn’t go so well. Maybe you’ll have more luck somewhere else in Detlas.

    [Page 43] Find somewhere to train.
    [Page 62] Search for an inn to rest at in advance.
    {From Page 40}

    There is something very odd about this person. If they’re a hero, why won’t they elaborate on their title? Wouldn’t you want to brag about being a hero?

    “I’m sorry, but I do have other places to be right now,” you lie.

    “Really? You had places to be, yet you’re wandering these desolate ruins.”


    “Surely you can stop for a bit for some old-fashioned conversation, right?” You don’t answer him this time, because you’re too busy climbing up a nearby hill. This person, whoever they are, doesn’t need any more of your time.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

    You aren’t sure where you’re going at this point. Fatigue is setting in, and Detlas is far away. The terrain around you is looking increasingly foreign, with giant spikes jutting out of a land made of red rock. There’s something both familiar and very unsettling about this place.

    You notice something ahead: fire! At last, could this be a sign of someone who could help you out? Hopefully they aren’t a bandit.

    As you approach the flame, you realize that it is not some standard campfire. It is a multi-armed man that is seeming immolated – a corrupted abomination far more terrifying than anything you’ve encountered so far.

    [Page 70] Run!
    [Page 71] Fight the corrupted creature.
    {From Page 40}

    This hermit seems very suspicious, but he might be someone to talk to. A hero would know a lot about Wynn, and would have advice for a new recruit. You follow him until you reach a closed wooden door. This must be the entrance to his house.

    “The door’s locked, don’t want anyone bad gettin’ into my house,” the hermit explains as he lifts up a rock, “Key’s buried under here.” But you don’t see any key under the stone. There’s nothing but dirt, and it’s the last thing you ever see before a rock flies into your face.

    ~ Death ~
    You have been slain by the greedy.
    The End.
    {From Pages 23 and 31}

    “Oh, why not. I’ll buy your ring.” You hand four emeralds over to Scott, and he gives you the ring.

    “Thank you, kind sir!” he bellows, “I hope you enjoy your purchase!”

    “I hope so too.” what exactly does this ring do? You slide it on a finger… and nothing happens. Drat. You hoped it would make you turn invisible or give you some incredible power.

    “So?” Scott asks, “does the ring do anything?”

    “Not sure yet?” you answer. Is it possible that the ring is just a common, useless trinket? Either way, you still want to see if the item has any hidden effects. You say your farewells to Scott and set out into the wild, searching for undead to hunt. All of your strikes and slashes turn out the same as always, and you aren’t willing to test any immunities and resistances it might provide.

    After what must be an hour of wandering, you see a stone wall in the distance. At last, you have returned to Detlas! It did take a lot longer than you expected though, and… wait. This isn’t Detlas. It’s just an old, dilapidated wall. All that’s on the other side is charred earth and human remains.

    It’s also getting pretty dark outside, and you want to find some sort of shelter. An actual shelter at that – you refuse to spend the night in these old ruins. So you press on, and gradually the terrain around you changes from grassy plains to red rock. Giant spikes jut out of the ground in the distance. There’s something both familiar and very unsettling about this place.

    You notice something ahead: fire! At last, could this be a sign of someone who could help you out? Hopefully they aren’t a bandit.

    As you approach the flame, you realize that it is not some standard campfire. It is a multi-armed man that is seeming immolated – a corrupted abomination far more terrifying than anything you’ve encountered so far.

    [Page 69] Fight the corrupted creature.
    [Page 70] Run!
    {From Pages 23 and 31}

    “I’ll take some of the thunder powder, please!”

    “A good choice!” Scott says, “one of my more popular wares. Here you go.” He hands you a small sack filled with yellow dust. You’re just about to sprinkle it on your spear when Scott yells in objection.

    “Wait! Don’t do that! You need a powder master to infuse your weapon with this magic!”

    “A powder master?” you question.

    “I thought this was basic knowledge!”

    “So now I have to find a powder master too? Hopefully there’s one in Detlas…”

    “Pretty sure there is,” answers Scott, “say, why don’t I give you a ride there? I’m headed to Detlas anyway. Best place for business in the province!” You instantly accept his gracious offer, and climb into his wagon.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

    Detlas is an incredibly spectacular city, and you think it puts Ragni to shame. How are you even going to find that powder master here? As you ponder that, another thought crosses your mind: how are you going to pay for the powder master’s service? You’re practically broke.

    Luckily, Scott has an answer to your dilemma. “I’m headed to the rusty recruit for a meal and some beers. Mind watching the wagon for me? I’ll give you the money you need when I return. Just make sure not to sell anything while I’m gone, I don’t trust you to know proper prices.”

    Sounds like a good deal, you didn’t plan on selling anything anyway. At first, sitting in the wagon is pretty nice. You get to rest and watch the people go by. But gradually, an idea pops into your head. Why not take a closer look at Scott’s wares? You’re sure he wouldn’t mind…
    {From Page 67}

    Oh, you have nothing else to lose. You came to Wynn to fight the corruption, and it’s time to fulfill that promise. You charge forward, spear held out in front of you, and you jab the monster. Your attack has absolutely no effect, and your trusty weapon catches on fire.

    “Shit!” you call out to whomever else is in this forsaken land. You barely have time to react to the loss of your weapon when the being launches a fireball right at you. This is it. It’s the end. You hold your hands out in front of you in one last attempt to defend yourself.

    …You feel pain? It’s a scalding annoyance all over your body, and it’s not what you expected being hit with a blast to be like. Your tunic and leggings aren’t even burning. How could this have happened? Either way, you’re alive, and you decide to run off before you’re blasted in the face again.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

    It’s the ring. It has to be the ring. You realize it a few minutes after you’ve fled from the corrupted creature. The trinket now has a bright orange glow, indicating that it’s true potential has been achieved.

    This bargain piece of jewelry may have saved your life, but your troubles are far from being over. You have no weapon and are absolutely exhausted. It’s the middle of the night now, and you desperately want to go to sleep. And you wonder, what would happen if you went to bed right here, slouched beneath one of the giant obsidian spikes?

    No, that’s a terrible idea, you’d be right out in the open! But then you notice a small crevice. You could hide in there and rest for a while…
    {From Pages 65 and 67}

    No way. There’s no chance that you’ll beat this monster if you decide to fight it. You only just arrived in Wynn, and there’s no reason to throw your life here away. Before the creature even seems to notice you, you’re leaping over a rock and running off.

    You need to get out of here, and fast. But as you slouch through this wasteland, you realize how exhausted you are. It’s the middle of the night now, and you desperately want to go to sleep. And you wonder, what would happen if you went to bed right here, slouched beneath one of the giant obsidian spikes?

    No, that’s a terrible idea, you’d be right out in the open! But then you notice a small crevice. You could hide in there and rest for a while…
    [Link to Pages 71-??]
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
    A Human and Bart (MC) like this.
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I am on page 45. Where do i go now?
  11. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    There's nowhere to go now since the story is in a very early stage, so I guess all you can do is restart the story. Should I add some sort of notice about about "dead ends" like this where there's nowhere to continue?
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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  13. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    {From Page 65}

    Oh, you have nothing else to lose. You came to Wynn to fight the corruption, and it’s time to fulfill that promise. You charge forward, spear held out in front of you, and you jab the monster. Your attack has absolutely no effect, and your trusty weapon catches on fire.

    “Shit!” you call out to whomever else is in this forsaken land. You barely have time to react to the loss of your weapon when the being launches a fireball right at you. This is it. It’s the end. You hold your hands out in front of you in one last shameful attempt to defend yourself.

    ~ Death ~
    You have been immolated by the corrupted.
    The End.
    {From Page 33}

    You sit down on a crate, interested to hear what Cormac has to say about his life.

    “I come from a poor family,” the boy begins, “and life wasn’t easy. Luckily, I always had books to help me out. I’d always read this one tale about a mage over and over again. And slowly, I knew that my goal in life was to become a mage myself! Then I’d be famous and rich enough to help my family.”

    “How did you end up as an alchemist’s apprentice?” you inquire.

    “Well, there’s nowhere in Detlas where you can learn about magic. So I thought that being an alchemist would be the second best thing. And when Frazris chose me to work for him… my parents were actually happy for once. Turns out the job didn’t pay well, and Frazris wasn’t very nice and now whatamigoingtodo—“

    “Calm down!” you exclaim, “You’re breathing so fast, don’t want you to pass out or anything.”

    “I don’t have anywhere to return to! My parents are going to be so mad, I’ve disappointed them, I have to do it, I have to run away…”

    “Run away where?”

    “To Grookwarts, the school of magic! If I can just get there, and become a mage, then I can fix everything. Oh bovine, I’ll die though, I can’t do this…”

    You feel really bad for Cormac. So bad, that an idea pops into your head. It’s utterly insane, and you’re going to regret blurting it out.

    “I can take you to Grookwarts.”


    “I’m a soldier of the Wynn province. Just lead the way, and I’ll kill any undead in our way!”

    “Don’t you have a job to do, fighting the undead?” Cormac’s trying to sound reluctant, but he can’t hide the smile on his face.

    “This is my job, technically. I’ll still be fighting the undead.”

    “You’re serious then? You’ll actually help me?”

    “I have nothing better to do!”

    “YES!” Cormac’s shrill exclamation is so enthusiastic that several passersbys glance at him. “When do we leave?”

    “Tomorrow. It’s getting dark, and we’ll want to travel when it’s light out. Gather your things tonight, we’ll meet at the northernmost gate at sunrise.” You have trouble keeping track of time, so you can’t say precisely what hour you’ll be here. Besides, Cormac might just spend the whole night by the northern gate.

    “Thank, kind soldier, you truly are a hero of the province.” The former apprentice runs off, and you’re left to ponder his words. Hero… is that really so accurate? All you did was make some hasty decision to help someone. You might just wake up tomorrow and change your mind about joining Cormac on his absurd quest.

    For the time being, you’re going to need a bite to eat before you go to bed. There has to be a tavern somewhere in this city…
    {From Page 33}

    “Listen,” you say, “I’m kind of a busy person. Got a lot to do here in Detlas.” It’s a lie, but he doesn’t know that, and hopefully it’ll work.

    “Oh. Okay.” He stares at the ground, crestfallen. You can’t help but feel bad for him, given that he’s probably lost his job and all.

    “Guess what, though? You’re in for a treat today.” You hand him all of your emeralds, and his eyes widen. It’s the least you can do. The poor guy probably has some family he needs to feed.

    “How… how can I ever repay you for this?”

    “You don’t need to, kid. Enjoy the emeralds.” As he dashes off, you hope this will be the last you see of Cormac. He was nice and all, but you’re a slayer of the undead, not a caretaker of children.

    Now that you’ve taken care of the business with Frazris and Cormac, you should see if there’s something else to do in Detlas, preferably something that’s free.

    [Page 74] Travel down the northern street.
    [Page 75] Eavesdrop on the city folk.
    {From Page 73}

    There’s an interesting assortment of stores down the northern street. One building seems to house a blacksmith’s forge, while another is selling odd powders in every color of the rainbow. Before you can decide which one to enter, a villager runs up to you.

    “You look like a strong adventurer who can assist me!” he exclaims. It seems like this fellow has gotten the wrong impression of you. You’re not really an adventurer, and you aren’t that strong either. This doesn’t matter to him, since he continues his speech.

    “My name is Sayleros. I moved to Detlas a few weeks ago with my family, or at least I attempted to do so. We were attacked by bandits along the way, and my brother was killed! But get this, my brother had his will on him. He owns a large fortune, and it can be mine if I am able to possess the will.”

    Your first impression of Sayleros is that he’s very greedy. You then also realise you’re equally greedy, because you begin to wonder what’s in it for you if you help him out.

    “What do I get if I help you?” you inquire.

    “I happen to own a graveyard not far from Nemract. If you bring me the will, I will grant you acc…”

    “I’m not interested in any graveyards, sorry.”

    Sayleros sighs. “Fine, I’ll give you some emeralds for your trouble. Are you willing to help me out? You’re the third warrior I’ve asked today.”
    {From Page 73}

    Detlas is absolutely full of people talking about who knows what, so you decide to sit down and listen to the city’s chatter. For a while, most people simply talk about friends, relations, and money, but eventually you hear two very loud warriors discussing something.

    “Guess who became a Centenial the other day?” the first one boasts.

    “You!?... that’s preposterous. You’re jesting, aren’t you?” Even though the other warrior’s face is obscured by a helmet, you can tell that his expression must be one of astonishment.

    “No! Well, I wish I was. However, my cousin can now count herself among their ranks.”

    “Her? Between the three of us he’s by far the worst fighter! Have you seen his aim?”

    “Don’t worry old friend, I’m sure they’ll let us into their ranks one day! For now we should celebrate this occasion.”

    “Celebrate? Why should I celebrate? It’s obvious that your cousin bribed his way into the guild, like most of the other members.”

    “That’s simply not true. I think you’re overreact—“

    “Maybe I am, but I have the moral high ground here! I haven’t seen you in weeks, and the first thing you do is brag about your family. Good day!” The armored man storms off, concluding the spectacle. His former friend seems disheartened at the result, and begins to trod off. The crowd of onlookers certainly can’t be making things much better, and you almost feel bad for the warrior. The group he was talking about seemed intriguing…
    {From Page 38}

    It is almost nightfall, and your adventure has gone surprisingly well so far. The road to Nemract does have the occasional undead, but it isn’t that dangerous when you compare it to the dreaded Nivla Woods. You wonder why no one else is traveling down this path.

    And that’s when you encounter… him.

    A large, armored figure, is standing on a bridge over a river. With one hand, he effortlessly wields a massive spear with a flaming tip. They remain speechless even as you approach them, so you decide to break the silence.

    “Are you a human, or undead?” you ask.

    “Human. If I was undead, why else would I kill my own kind. He points towards the riverbed, and you glance at a large pile of discolored corpses.

    The warrior’s voice may be intimidating, but he hasn’t tried to kill your or anything yet. “Will you let me pass?”

    “If you best me in combat, then sure.” He seems so casual about this that it’s off-putting. Maybe there’s another way across that involves less fighting?
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
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  14. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    page 57, quick grammar mistake with their vs they're

    very cool project, this is epic
    WithTheFish likes this.
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