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If You Could Change One Thing In A Quest...

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pepo, Jan 16, 2020.

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  1. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    This is more than one thing but it is feedback so I hope it helps :D
    In my opinion the tutorial needs a rework. The most important part of it STOP SHOWING OFF CRAFTING TO NEW PLAYERS UNTIL ITS NOT A 200+ HOUR GRINDING HELLHOLE. The tutorial should show a bit more to the basics of combat and the spell system and explain more of what can be unlocked.
    But outside of that I could go and find alot of tiny nitpicks but nothing that really stands out to ruin the quest experience for me. But for crying out loud if we die stop us spawning in ternavas, olux, and whereever is is so damn far from the original quest location. Honestly it gets so damn annoying. The most annoying of these are spawning in teravans during dwarves and doguns, and spawning in eltom during the hive instead of just the hive lobby itself.
    Another thing that kinda bugs me is how certain quests like ToA and ToL feel very anticlimactic once finished. As a veteran player I stopped doing ToL after my second playthough and I only do ToA to test builds out at level 100 to get the Le. ToL I feel could just use something to spice up the reward when you finish it (not the annoying quest item helm that everyone swaps for spectre) but I personally am not sure what, maybe just something to really excite the player. As for ToA I'd just say after each floor the play get an item of that level range (45-55-65-ect) that has high xp bonus and is strong in combat to make the quest more rewarding as the quest is progressed through...also buff champ set?
    All around I like the quests we have, some more than others of course, but for the most part I enjoy them. I think there is alot of potential in the future and for the most part just bugs to work out with the current quests. on a random note can we get more zhight island quests ;)
  2. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    everyone seems to have King’s recruit covered for this, so how about we talk about ToL forcing you to do no less than SIX quests, including one that requires three players to complete, while also forcing you to keep six separate items from as low as level 8 all the way to 45 until you get to level 68?
    MajorMiner, Gogeta, Iboju and 3 others like this.
  3. Markque

    Markque Dragon Slayer HERO

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    I'd say mobility, like for example going from Wynn to Gavel in some quest or between quests is annoying, a lot...
  4. ActualDaywalker

    ActualDaywalker Ginger CHAMPION

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    remove gathering quests

    keep that raid: shadow legends gameplay out of anything that is needed for a 100% completion bar
    MajorMiner and Son_Omega_Dan like this.
  5. SchoolMeatloaf

    SchoolMeatloaf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Temple of Legends.

    There is so much unnecessary fetching, going across the world just to get certain items for first time players. That many quests should not be required for one quest that is pointless in this state of the game. CoW is no longer an exciting boss fight (never really was except for pre gavel).

    For me the biggest problem is the reward, I remember back in the day when it was so satisfying to complete this quest and be excited to enter the temple, the grinding spot was op and super chill to sit there and level quick, Bob's mythic items were actually decent, etc. As of now the grinding spot is super slow without mob totems, bobs weapons are not that great now. They added a boss altar, cool? I just want to have the feeling of completing ToL back in the day again. Now a days I just tell myself how I wasted so much time for a meh reward.

    The quest just doesn't make a lot of sense, either. I feel like there should be more story/lore telling about Corrupter of Worlds because he's a very interesting figure.
    MajorMiner and TNG like this.
  6. Imaxelius

    Imaxelius Content Team Manager CT Manager QA Modeler HERO GM Builder

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    Why would you want gathering quests gone?
    They are so useful for leveling
  7. wish

    wish I eat pizza upside down HERO

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    I think Ultimate Weapon could use some work. I'm totally aware it's a parody on old fetch quests and it's in a way, Wynncraft making fun of themselves. But I see a window of opportunity to make it better where you would kind of visit different magical creatures in the light forest and help them do a task (kind of like a minigame.) to get an ingredient for the dagger. This makes the quest itself better, and would also introduce a variety of magical creatures better.

    Maybe you help the Wood Sprites move a sofa into their weird wooden tree home, a task to help the Golliers get rid of their rust, you have to sneak past a pesky fairy to get the clay in the river and finally a puzzle to help the Royal Bugs sneak into a bakery of some sort in Cinfras for food.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
    MajorMiner, KiliE2001, H0Y and 5 others like this.
  8. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    I'd probably return the old reward for a thousand meters under, 5 le at lvl 95 (or is it 97?) is not too much, but 32EB is too little. 32 EB sounds like a lvl 60 quest at most.

    Otherwise idk. I will have to think a bit for another answer.
  9. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    hmmm just remove everything that isnt shattered minds or the bigger picture thanks
    MajorMiner, TrapinchO and Epicness937 like this.
  10. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    while the quest itself is fine, I definitely think I would give dwarves and doguns a proper final boss. the ending of dwarves and doguns part 4 for me was carried by the events themselves and not any grand boss fight with this godlike beast, which was hyped up over the past few parts. right now, the boss feels like essentially just a mini-dungeon with some gauntlet challenges, with no real epic fight. the music being just a repeating heartbeat sound for the 5 minutes you'd spend in there also doesn't really help. if Garaheth has to stick as a giant block structure, then perhaps a fight similar to the eye would work, though I personally am not a fan of block structure bosses.
  11. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    His message implied that it was because you have to be a certain gathering level to start any of them, which means that if you want to 100% complete your questbook, you have to do all of the gathering professions, taking hundreds of hours which, by the way, goes completely against the intended purpose of professions. If gathering (and professions in general) were fixed to be less obtuse, as demonstrated by Theef’s threads and others, this wouldn’t be an issue.
    MajorMiner and H0Y like this.
  12. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    Elemental Exercise is useless, barely teaches anything about elemental dmg and weps, not to mention powders exist too.
    so my idea is to

    - Remake it so that it actually teaches something for lvl 15 players and then turn it into a questline, each quest teaching u more about elements


    - Remake it into 1 long quest that teaches you almost everything about elements, and leaves the last half for the player to learn as they play. also for hell's sake teach players about powder masters or at least have them be less covered sometimes, players are as dumb as drunk 5 year olds sometimes.
  13. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    The wierd part is that Order of the Grook is a better element tutorial than Elemental Exercise
  14. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    100% completed questbook

    I've realized this so late but Slay quests, discoveries and Gather quests don't Really count as part of the questbook, since well its called a quest book and even when u check the "questbook" in it, it only tells you the quests. How many have you done, how many have you not done and the percentage of it, if you complete all game quests u officially have a 100% completed questbook, every other thing in the quest book gui doesn't count as a part of it but that's the place they'd fit in for u to see them.

    So basically you don't need to complete gather & slay quests and discoveries to complete ur quest book, they're not quests and they're not a part of it. To put it simply, with quests you go to people and do service for them usually, but for the mini quests they're always just random posts in the world and u do them, finally for discoveries well you discover them, accidentally or on purpose, either way they don't belong in the quest book but they fit there more than they fit in the compass so having them in there makes much more sense as if the questbook is the player's "log"
    Son_Omega_Dan likes this.
  15. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Besides the fetchiness and backtracking of Temple of Legends, I would say most Gavel quests besides Shattered Minds and the Dwarves vs. Doguns questline (I have only seen a playthrough of DvD, so I can't fully critisize it).

    Most Gavel quests suffer from 5 main problems: fetchiness, backtracking, bad dialogue, forgettable characters, and insignificant, unfinished, and disconnected story. Every "dungeon" quest in Gavel doesn't even have a dungeon, and at this point they'll probably never add them.

    The Realm of Light questline (Taproot, Finding the Light, The Realm of Light) is the most egregious because on top of all of the other issues I mentioned, it's meant to be the meat and potatoes of the Gavel storyline unlike smaller bad quests like From the Mountains or Death Whistle. And this isn't even mentioning other notorious quests such as Eye of the Storm.

    At least in Dwarves and Doguns you end a war and stop a demon from destroying the world. What comes of Aldorei's Secret Part I and II? You learn that greed is bad and light is good?

    It's especially disappointing since Gavel was supposed to be filled with magic and wonder and all sorts of unique creatures, but at the end of the day it feels kinda... lame.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
    MajorMiner, Stag2001, Zelli and 5 others like this.
  16. Spaetzluh

    Spaetzluh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Unskippable dialogue is objectively horrible.
    MajorMiner, dotGenco, Melkor and 4 others like this.
  17. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    People have already pointed out the same issue I have with the tutorial, so I'll talk about some other quests:
    • Belly of the Beast: Haven't played it since 1.19 came out, but last time I played it, there's a segment with timed parkour over lava. Feel unnecessarily harsh for people who aren't good at that part of the game IMO.
    • Bob's Tomb/Reincarnation: Shocked that no one in this thread has mentioned Bob's Tomb. 2 players would be good enough to open the tomb up, but 3 just feels annoying.
    • Elemental Exercise: Has earth mobs that are weak to fire, despite air being the "anti-earth" element. This has always bothered me for some reason.
    (I also feel like Realm of Light is really anticlimactic, but I don't know how you can easily change that)
    MajorMiner, KiliE2001, H0Y and 7 others like this.
  18. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Make cutscenes less loud. I don't know if it's just me, but sounds of explosions and spells and screaming (Poisoning the Pest) are extremely loud.
    MajorMiner and dotGenco like this.
  19. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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  20. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Remake ALL the Gavel quests(except Heart of Llevigar its fun)
    MajorMiner likes this.
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