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So I Can't Be The Only One Who Thinks That Mage Is An Awful Class Right?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Sourpowerpete, Jan 14, 2020.

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  1. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Well, Ice Bear agrees that mage isn't quite the support class it is meant to be it isn't an awful class. Ice Bear says yes there are heal pots but with mage you can do things you can't do with heal pots. Ice Bear says mages can constantly hold on to their weapon and get their benefits. Take any walk speed weapons, switching removes the bonus so while switching from a Stratiformis to a healing potion you lose the speed. If you let go of a weapon while casting a spell it cancels Ice Bear says switching to heal lowers dps due to switch times. Ice Bear says also mages can use heal potions while using heal spells. Ice Bear says there is nothing stopping mages from holding healing potions and using both at the same time to get an absurd heal rate, but because mages already can handle their own with a heal spell so this rarely occurs.
    Melkor and Endercomet like this.
  2. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    why you gotta do this to me
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  3. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    What? Shaman is NOT a support class, sure, the totem heals, buffs, and damages, but it can definitely do its job solo. A Shaman is pretty far from being a support class, most of its abilities do rely on the Totem, but if you had a Shaman venturing with you, chances are you're gonna be the one supporting him, if he had to watch out for your butt and to make sure he doesn't get shattered because of his glassy defense, it's not gonna end well.
    SchoolMeatloaf and Druser like this.
  4. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    Shaman is absolutely not a better support class than Mage. Mages have a lot of control over their spells and don't have to always use 4 mana to cast their spells to (try to) damage mobs that aren't always in the totem's specific range. The spells I have unlocked in Shaman, all 3 of them rely on the usage and placement of the totem, which although I do kind of find unique it's ridiculous. Mages can stun enemies, damage them with Meteor while going to others to give a quick health reinforcement.
    (3.) Your third bullet point is better an addition to Shaman than Mage if I say so myself, because every area you're going to want to clear out (the front, the back and the sides) you might need to cast the totem again, and again, and again.
    (4.) Teleport has nothing to be fixed, it's better that it spams you the message because it doesn't want you to glitch out inside a block because of your teleport. I really hated the messages but I learned to stop trying to do teleport in half blocks (stairs, slabs, fences, walls...) and get spammed by the message.
    (3.) Ice Snake is one of the most useful spells to weaken enemies despite its nerf (from 2s to 1s) because it stuns the enemy so that it cannot keep charging at you. Especially for fast mobs like CoW and Hive Drones, it is essential to be able to use Ice Snake. The 1s stun gives you time to do not only one spell, but two or even three before the mobs reach you again, Ice Snake promotes the use of your Meteor and Heal while your new spell idea absolutely breaks the flow between the spells, since Meteor or Teleport will not take you away from the approaching mobs' danger.
    (1.) Meteors are slow to prevent the absolute spam of Mage spells (which would make the class very overpowered) and I believe Meteor is one of the most hard-hitting spells there is, so to balance it out, it's a slow spell. Making it faster or doubling the amount of meteors would break the intriguing aspect of the spell and make it an absolute damage craze. Just no.
    (5.) Meteor autotarget should actually be made more reliable and accurate in my opinion because whenever I see mobs, I try to meteor them but since it doesn't understand, the meteor either falls too close to me or too far away, not doing damage to the mob I'm trying to target. Meteor's power comes from its autotargeting so removing it would be a devastating nerf to the spell, consequently making it one of the worst spells in the game.
    (2.) Healing is really good, much better than heal pots. It's better to heal yourself or be healed than to use heal pots because the immediate effects and the occurence (what I mean is, people are used to casting spells, and heal is not a big deal to be cast, compared to heal pots which require you to change your hotbar slot via either scroll wheel or numbers which takes much more time and getting used to than heal.)
    Spenchilada likes this.
  5. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Um, considering you're a lvl 24 Shaman, your experience isn't exactly a good judgement of Shaman's overall power. I'm a lvl 75 Shaman, so I have all upgrades and spells, and from what I know, Shaman's handicap to Totem isn't much of a weakness, and from what you're trying to say of "try to damage" isn't exactly true. Simply placing a Totem empowers the user with a 35% damage boost, the 1st upgrade provides 4% HPR per second and the 2nd upgrade makes it so when the Totem lands it does 100% damage, so Totem is good in itself. Aura just makes it much better, 1st upgrade making it bounce back (if Aura is spammed constantly it won't bounce back) and 2nd upgrade makes it so mobs are trapped in a cage of sorts and makes mobs entirely powerless. You haven't unlocked Uproot yet but it solves the problem of recasting Totem, simply by dragging mobs and your Totem to you, 1st upgrade is kinda useless tbh, 2nd upgrade makes it when sneaking you push mobs and your Totem away AND recharges your Totem's timer, also avoiding recasting. If you throw your Totem and shift Uproot it in midair, you can use Haul to move nearly twice as much distance as any other class' movement spell. Shaman is not lacking in spells nor in damage, also you suggesting that the "Concentration" spell for Shaman would be BAD, staying still as a Shaman is not good, even though Shaman is mostly stationary, staying in place would make Shaman very vulnerable if the spell is done away from the Totem, even in the Totem and you have the mobs inside the Aura cage, ranged mobs or long-range spells would kill you, not a good idea, also this is more of a blame on OP and not you but a mana boost spell would render the Mana Regen stat and Intelligence pretty bad and that's not good.
    Saya likes this.
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    mage is a gamer class tf are you talking about
  7. Spenchilada

    Spenchilada Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Um I think you're confusing your posters lol
    bessons was talking about how shaman is not better at support than mage
    OP was the one talking about Concentration

    Also coming from someone who has a lvl 105 in every class I can say with absolute certainty that Mage and Shaman are both good for their own things, and they're not really comparable. Shaman is much more focused on damage and crowd control than mage is, in reality its passive healing is more of an afterthought.
    Saya and Melkor like this.
  8. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    While I do agree that shaman is a little stronger than it should be, and heal is currently a little underwhelming, shaman in no way rivals mage as a support class.

    Meteors falling faster at early levels would be nice since you don't have good ice snake early game so your meteors do miss a lot, but two meteors at once would be insane. A glass cannon build can rival raged up grandma (which is far more entertaining to think about if you pretend I don't mean the bow) in terms of damage, but without the constant health loss and with a heal spell.

    Heal does heal more for teammates right now, unless that was changed.

    Ice snake is incredibly useful, due to it being able to buy you time to heal, positioning mobs for meteors (thus compensating for the slowness) and for teammates, and lets you cheaply alternate spells to allow you to spam. Concentrate would be absurdly overpowered on tanks, where they can suddenly dish out ridiculous damage on demand while still being able to survive, but would ruin any kind of glass cannon build, as getting stuck in one place generally causes them to die horribly, and without ice snake to keep mobs at a distance and to position them, would be rather poor at dealing damage.

    Teleport is on par with, or even beats vanish as the best movement spell in the game.

    I have personally almost never had an issue with autotargeting, and any issues I've had don't even come close to outweighing the massive help it gives me when I'm trying to dish out damage on the run (thank you Cybel for teaching me new and exciting things about my class and game mechanics and myself) .
  9. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    1. I know that, I was talking about his idea of Shaman, also perhaps use Reply next time so i get notified, anyways I didn't confuse my posting
    2. Bessons says that Concentration should be a spell for Shaman, which in my opinion isn't a good idea at all
    3. If you scroll up I replied to OP saying that Shaman is not a support class, my reply to Bessons was to say that Shaman is NOT a weak class in terms of damage or spells >:{
  10. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    Yeah it's my judgement based on my level and also a look at the Shaman spells.
    I see, with that I can see how Shaman is more free-roaming (?) with its upgrades.
    If Uproot fixes the problem with the totem casting, then Concentration wouldn't be needed for Shaman anyway, so I understand.
    WeLL i'M OnLy LEveL 24!!! :(
  11. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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    So if you are only level 24 then level up bit more before you make arguments like this.
    Saya likes this.
  12. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    I personally love mage.
    I love the auto-aim-meteor.
    I love teleport.
    But I agree: mages heal should be better, and ice-snake isnt that cool. Now it freezes enemies for 1 second. ONE SINGlE SECOND! ..the idea with the mana regen + freezing spell is really good but it should at least cost 4 mana
  13. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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    Snake was so better when it was 2 sec...
    Zelli and Melkor like this.
  14. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    I am wrong, at least I live up to it and understand better how Shaman works. There are people who deny it all the time so please don't throw the flame to me.
  15. Sourpowerpete

    Sourpowerpete Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I can't respond to everyone's posts atm, but I just wanted to apologize for being a bit of an ass
    SchoolMeatloaf likes this.
  16. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    I don't see any flame, just a suggestion to improve your forums experience
    What is it with god-complex new players in the past week? It's not that hard to get accurate info, or, Salted forbid, use a little bit of the brain everyone is blessed with.
  17. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    He's not a new player...?
  18. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    From the quality of the post, I couldn't tell the difference

    My bad
  19. Sourpowerpete

    Sourpowerpete Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Yeah I was a bit of an ass. My b.
    Saya likes this.
  20. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    They made it more if a damage spell, which cut its usefulness quite a bit.
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