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Weekly Community Discussion (10/01/2020) - Mythic Boots

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Major_Lue, Jan 10, 2020.

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  1. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    My opinion is that hpr should be halved or divided but gives out in more frequent pulse.
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  2. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    would be a nice major id, actually, but p sure some one ct (likely selvut) said that they didn't add more major ids for now because they were developing other shit, but later there would be more iirc
    rainbow_elite_7 and Jirayut like this.
  3. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    I said on the other thread this but Slayer still feels like it isn't a mythic and now that resurgence is really good can we expect to see a non mythic counterpart that provides mana for that slow...that isn't riverflow, as having that much mana behind the ingame mythic paywall is really damn frustrating.
  4. SoulSoil

    SoulSoil Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Warchief major id:
    Every hit in the last 10 seconds increases your defense and strenght my 0.5%. Can stack up to 20 times to 10%
  5. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    That’s... kind of underpowered to be honest.
    Iboju likes this.
  6. SnapDoomy

    SnapDoomy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    [​IMG] huh.... ok then

    reve - solid, pretty deserved too

    stardew - i think this was the only way you guys could've buffed the usage for this outside mage without adding new IDs so this is good

    dawnbreak - im not really sure about this buff, but then again it's a TF item so you'd expect more survivability..

    moontower - not gonna do anything but maybe now people won't sell them for 12 stacks on the forums : )

    galleon - yes, good req changes

    sabs - i think this is a really big buff, sabs is greatly slappable now in (rainbow?) builds but then again you don't really have usage other than building up huge health and sp. i can still see the only usage would probably be homruh's singu build with blue mask rainbow sanc libra crusabs and +2tier acessories (pretty sure it doesnt work now because of the ingredient nerf but oh well) sabs is still overshadowed by gaea (in terms of use) but it is not a useless item anymore

    boreal - i think for now the whole hpr vs lifesteal situation should be adressed better with the way HPR works but not killing off warp. it either means nerfing all lifesteal or buffing all hpr, the latter would be better but it's so much work. its obv a topic for another day tho

    resurgence - ok no lol what ar u thinking major wtf is that, 9 mr +25 int with big health and some health regen is way too much of a reward even with the damage and walkspeed penalties

    there's no actual way of buffing this without either
    1) wow, base 4 and some mana steal? well why would i ever use riverflow (ok its a rare vs mythic but still)
    2) wow base 5? no one is gonna get max mana regen and this item will be overpowered

    best solution would be to keep current ms and change mr to base 4 and maybe if you guys wanna buff it a little more to be "offensive" the base spell can go down just a few numbers (currently -30% so not below, say, -24%?)

    haah u kno i saved the best for last :sunglasses:

    Warchief & Slayer:

    i'm gonna adress them together because u know.. lol

    i think the slayer buff is very good. less req, way more dmg and greater 3rd spell reduction, this was definetly a good change and i think slayer might actually see use now in tierstack.

    you solved the major problem with warchief (dstatic necklace) but still, there are some other slight problems :

    after the reve nerf, warchief will be the #2 health boots again(crusabs), and slayer is #1 for least health mythic boots but i dont expect it to have great health since it's TA. but then again, you dont really expect warchief to have such a massive health bonus for an ET item.. right?

    the raw melee buff on warchief is really random but it's literally gonna do nothing so that's fine

    the earth dmg and melee damage seem ok, since it still has to be an offensive item for an ET.

    overall, the slayer buff is perfect, sp changes and offensive buffs is great, it might finally be good for both ETA and TWA.

    the only thing that should be changed on warchief is the base health, that should be slightly nerfed.

    good changes , nice job item team:D
  7. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Revenant: https://wynndata.tk/ci/335231099 While all the problems we had with it are still valid (mostly too many important ids), at least the health got toned down to make it a little bit less insane. Still comboes well with Dune Storm, but not to the point of absurdity anymore (I hope).
    Warchief: https://wynndata.tk/ci/487777956 Damages are increasing.. but the dex change was very, very much needed and very much appreciated. Warchief is still incredibly powerful, but at least it doesn't have a free tier along with it.
    Stardew: https://wynndata.tk/ci/200943417 Not the change I was hoping to see, I guess it did lose some health but it's still way too powerful for mage.
    Dawnbreak: https://wynndata.tk/ci/152427133 Dawnbreak? Really cool, and now even cooler. Mana roll now less tight and in general just a cool buff.
    Moontower: https://wynndata.tk/ci/761579762 Lmao it lost some walk speed
    Slayer: https://wynndata.tk/ci/484346534 The spell cost actually made Slayer very good, but sadly TFA has something better for boots slot. Until now. Slayer is lowkey going to be incredible.
    Galleon: https://wynndata.tk/ci/928478120 Just a nice Galleon buff, what can I say.
    Resurgence: https://wynndata.tk/ci/333608263 So I know Resurgence hasn't been used a lot due to its 90 defense req and being an awkward inbetween of Boreal and Moontower but EVEN IF you have that def req NINE max mana with TWENTY FIVE intelligence PLUS its really good health stats.. The negative damages exist, yes, but now you can basically use your entire build for pure damages. I guess Conflagrate did get -int but still, wtf y'all
    Crusade Sabatons: https://wynndata.tk/ci/728993627 Cool, good, and absolutely deserved. It's probably still the weakest mythic right now, but at least it should now be able to do what it was supposed to be: high health and high skill points. Nice.

    anyway impromptu tier list without having used any of these in builds
    s tier - resurgence warchief moontower
    a tier - slayer dawnbreak
    b tier - revenant galleon stardew
    c tier - boreal crusade sabatons
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
    LarzLapiz and Iboju like this.
  8. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Aww shit, here we go again.

    Warchief helped a lot in building with the +20 dex +20 str, you could pretty much equalize spell builds with attack tier stack + alkatraz + earth damage %

    Gonna need to replace some stuff again before it pop off (aka a lot of shit because I'm one SP away of not being able to wear the build)
  9. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    I threw this together in a few seconds.

    might not survive that much but the damage is... Well really good if you ask me.

    15k melee dps is what some tierstack builds struggle to even achieve and then having the addition of 2 mana uppercuts that deal 32k average dmg which is the highest in the game currently iirc... Well I have no idea.

    I think the 3rd spell cost should be what it was before. 2 mana cost uppercuts with brainwash is really good.
  10. SnapDoomy

    SnapDoomy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Keep in mind this is heavy spell and all your sustain (which isn’t even that amazing) comes from 1 item. The damage is not really relevant since that’s just tcracks base damage with damage boosts.
  11. JujuDeLaVallée

    JujuDeLaVallée To what end ? VIP

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    I'm going to basically comment each boot one by one because. . . why not ?

    Well, I don't understand the reasons that have lead to the nerf of Revenant
    Air-Earth is an archetype never-used. Revenant fits a niche that players will not use because of the overall weakness of this archetype.

    Moontower :
    I think the nerf of ws was not necessary, since moontower is not used for pure ws builds.
    The buff of water and air defense is a little strange, because air and water defenses raw are already hight.

    Slayer :
    The buff will help to make it usable in some builds, but I'm still thinking that something is missing to make the difference with others boots (like storm brewer, for example). The thunder-air archetype do not generally need more attack speed tier or raw melee, since it's focused on spells. The stats that these boots provide are interesting, but not for the builds that it was make for.

    Stardew :
    Less hp for more damages is not illogical, but I don't really understand the goal.
    But more important for me , why people think that stardew are boots for mages ? Some others class with good water/thunder weapon (or both) can use these boots wery well, like shaman with overdrive.
    But if it's the case , I think a little nerf is necessary, because of the recent buff of meteor's damages, that make mage a really strong class, not so glassy with the heal spell.

    Boreal : It's a bit sad that these boots were not buffed. Air-fire is an archetype almost never-used, because it's way to defensive. damages are so low, it's more valuable to choose a powerful but glassy build. Probably because of the mob's health regen and the options that we have to increase our survivability (potions of defense/agility/health, etc)
    I think a little buff will help to make it great again.
    Plus , new resurgences are better than boreal in the most of the situations, since these boots provide a good survivability, (Even if it's less than boreal, most of builds do not need more), but far more capacity of spells spamming, and so damages that currents boreals are lacking in my opinion.

    Finally I don't comment each boot, I ok with the changes of Warchief,Galleon,Crusade and dawnbreak (I like these one with changes)

    Not more to say, except that I particulary like Moontower and Revenant, and I obviously don't want to see these boots nerf. (I know , my opinion does not count with such arguments)

    I apologize again for my english, It's not my native language.
  12. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I love the buff on Slayer. I think it's well deserved. However, I feel like something is missing to make it feel like a mythic. Major ID? Don't know.

    Stardew is also a very nice pair of boots, however, my only complaint with it from day 1 is that it doesn't give some form of SP, which is why I stick with Sine and it's 15 SP. This is probably a personal problem however.
    Iboju likes this.
  13. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    The damage comes from Brainwash which is only usable because of the -3rd spell cost of Slayer.
    That was the whole point of it.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
  14. HV_Metal

    HV_Metal Convergence VIP

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    > 550 raw spell damage -> 2750 bonus damage to Meteor
    > 4k HP (after changes) and tons of water% -> good boost to heals
    > High thunder%/water% damage -> Very good with thunder/water wands
  15. SnapDoomy

    SnapDoomy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Stardew's "issue" is that it heavily leans towards mage and not as useful on other classes. also sine has 30 sp
    You seem to be forgetting that Brainwash Slayer gives you the only benefit for your third spell. You're not gonna enjoy the spell repeat cost on say, charge, when you need to use a pot because you literally have 0 defense.
    Also, it's ETA. It does a lot of damage. Especially when you're using heavy spell.
  16. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    Oh. True. I kinda forgot about that.
    SnapDoomy likes this.
  17. JujuDeLaVallée

    JujuDeLaVallée To what end ? VIP

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    Tell me if I'm wrong, but water damage % boost only shaman's heal, and not mage's heal (that is based on your maximum total hp)

    Like I said, good thunder/water weapons are not only wands
  18. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Psst. You're wrong.
    Iboju likes this.
  19. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    water% affect both healing spells (mage heal and shaman totem)

    sure... good thunder/water weapons aren't limited to mage only, but a big chunk of damage of stardew is in raw spell. since raw spell is most effective when the weapon have low base dps, therefore many players think that it leans heavily towards mage, the class that have the lowest base dps weapons out of all 5 classes.
    JujuDeLaVallée likes this.
  20. SnapDoomy

    SnapDoomy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Your warchief custom has 20 dex
    Bart (MC) and Asthae like this.
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