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Weekly Community Discussion (27/12/2019) - Shaman Mythics

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by XavierEXE, Dec 27, 2019.


Which Shaman Mythic is your favourite?

Poll closed Jan 3, 2020.
  1. Toxoplasmosis

  2. Sunstar

  3. Hadal

  4. Absolution

  5. Olympic

  6. Fantasia

  7. Aftershock

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  1. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Hello everyone! Today we’re moving on to our fourth weekly discussion about particular topics relating to items, ingredients and gameplay. We want to emphasize this won’t be a one-sided conversation but rather a constructive discussion between the community and the item team. We’ll be sure to keep up with your guys’ posts and respond regularly. As mentioned on our thread here, we’ll be doing this weekly but if there is enough interest and conversation ongoing as the week draws to a close, we’ll roll it over to the next week. If not, this thread will be locked and we’ll move onto a new discussion.

    For reference, the previous thread’s discussion was on Attack Tier and Mana, and can be found here.

    This Week’s Topic: Shaman Mythics

    Last time, we discussed the accessibility and power of Attack Tier and Mana in Wynncraft, and from this discussion came many balance changes in the 1.19 update to close the gap between melee and spell builds, and bring in new viable build archetypes like heavy melee. After that discussion, the item team's focus moved more heavily towards the update, and the weekly discussions were put on hiatus.

    But now, we're back! First, I would like to quickly give an official welcome to returning item makers @jptheflip and @xSuper_Jx. We're working on lots of improvements that should hopefully come sooner rather than later with these two bolstering our efforts.

    Now for this week's topic, the new shaman mythic weapons! This is the first time a full set of mythics were made solely by the item team, and we simply want to hear from you all how we did. Which weapons were great, which ones were disappointing, what would you change and which one is your favourite! Images of all 7 mythics are provided below.

    The size of my brain is immense


    The Item Team​


    After taking into account community feedback and seeing the mythics in the wild, we have a changelog! Here's what's different: https://pastebin.com/1VtsPpBe
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
    Endistic, Take, KiliE2001 and 25 others like this.
  2. Major_Lue

    Major_Lue Famous Adventurer HERO

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    And we're back, folks!
    SmileyAlec, NITEHAWKX, Dr Zed and 4 others like this.
  3. xSuper_Jx

    xSuper_Jx IM | 119 Mythics Found Item Team CHAMPION

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    Thank you Xav, very cool!
    Also nice Olympic picture ;)
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  4. Totum

    Totum watching mythics lose value HERO

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    *disclaimer have 0 shaman mythics

    Fantasia is an amazing weapon, focus on int or use time rift, and it’s one of the best weapons in the game.

    Olympus needs a buff. IMO it should have been the lower lv mythic. Well rounded with a gimmick that makes it interesting.
  5. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    Personally I really like sunstar and hadal, they feel pretty balanced and fit in well with the rest of the mythics, Aftershock is neat aswell.

    Absolutions kinda eh, since it's a support weap and fire dosent get the most attention from players in general imo, Olympic seems decent, jumpings fun as hell

    Least faves would probs be toxoplasmosis since it's very gimmicky, and kinda makes it so most earth shamans who want mythics have to settle for level 70 one,
    I kinda don't like Fantasia aswell... But I've never really liked rainbow
    btdmaster likes this.
  6. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    disclaimer: i've never used a shaman mythic (no mythic gang), so this is just my opinions based on stats and stuff

    toxoplasmosis doesn't really seem like earth, i feel like if I was going earth shaman i'd want some melee thing, not a poison gimmick. aftershock is eh as earth because low level

    olympic seems... honestly kind of useless? what are you gonna use it for? competitive parkour?

    fantasia is nice

    hadal and sunstar seem good and viable

    absolution fits a nice niche
    Hexorcism likes this.
  7. Tyralion

    Tyralion Knights in the Tiger Skin VIP

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    Hadal strong boi

    But in all seriousness, Mythics have always been an interesting weapon class to me. Always with a gimmick, but not really worth the price given to them most of the time, in my broke opinion. Never used a Mythic, so here goes my expert analysis.
    Toxoplasmosis would've been broken back when poison was bugged (maybe it still is, dunno), but as of now, it still looks very interesting with how it focuses on poison instead of normal damage, which is like Grimtap on steroids, and I like it.
    Hadal also seems like an interesting gimmick, incredibly high damage in return for increased spell costs.
    Fantasia seems a bit counter-intuitive in its design, having so much mana drain while having increased Intel. It might work in melee, but I'm not an expert on rainbow stuff in general.
    Sunstar looks like a great weapon in general, and I'd say one of the strongest in here.
    Absolution coming in strong with soul point regen, which is, as we all know, the best stat in the game (but seriously, mana regen on a fire weapon is a nice breath of fresh air). Seems like a nice choice for a group-playing Shammy with reduced Totem cost and (the best part about it) no downsides.
    Olympic is... interesting. Didn't know jump height existed as an ID. Gimmicky, but fun as a Mythic.
    Aftershock's kinda average, but what else can you expect from a mid-level Mythic.

    All in all, look gud. Me like.
    NITEHAWKX likes this.
  8. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Never had/tested with any of these, but toxoplasmosis seems meh because it's poison centered. Earth shamans might want a better option (not after shock tho cause that's way low level). Would be better if they were switched imo, so the gimmicky one is low level and the high level one is pretty solid. (This doesn't stop it from being my favorite tho!)
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I really need to get to building with these more deeply.

    All I'll say now is that I really like Toxoplasmosis. I think the complaints about no spell earth mythic relik are misplaced, since we've had that situation in mage for a long time, and people never seem to complain that, e.g. Shaman players have no good rainbow mythic for melee...

    Toxo and Aftershock do already have nice melee uses. Although, it would be neat if Toxo was a faster speed so it could see EFA raw melee usage too - it's not going to impact any of its other uses much anyway.
    Asthae likes this.
  10. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    If the picture of Toxoplasmosis was a cat it would be my favorite hands down
  11. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    After using Sunstar, I find it really fun and balanced. Probably one of the best mythics I've used, while still not feeling completely broken. Overall 9/10.
    NITEHAWKX likes this.
  12. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Like most, I've never used any of these and I'm also not the best builder so I probs don't know these weps best potential, so let me shove my shitty analysis down your throat.

    Toxoplasmosis - Why a poison Mythic? like seriously though, why? I mean, it's not trash or anything but who tf would wanna build Mythic Poison? It's a nice gimmick but it seems more fitting for a Rare rather than a Mythic.

    Sunstar - Easily on of the best Mythic Reliks, it follows the average "deal a buch maybe more of a bunch of dmg and give a small maybe less small survivability debuff" thunder Mythic pattern but oh wait +800 LS. Also Sunsun/Starstar.

    Hadal - Easily the best Mythic Relik, maybe a bit too good. It hits you with a unique trait of 150 int req off the bat, also has insane MR and is "ballanced" with +3rd and 4th spell costs. (also plz fix the colors of + and - spell costs its quite confusing)

    Absolution - This is just olden days Ignis. Nobody is gonna run tank Shaman, especially when its mythic is this underwhelming. Ontop of having no powder slots the damage is trash, and the survivability is meh, "but tig, it has +195% Water damage, thats really good for heals" Um, ok? Why can't you get a solid amount of water damage with Hadal while also being able to do something other than stand still and and tank hits for 5 seconds before Shamans -50% defense catches up to you? Yeah, it's alright at best for its gimmick but it's gimmick is fucking trash. 0/10 Don't use this garbage.

    Olympic - Um, it's ok? I guess? It has meh damage with good walkspeed and -1st and 2nd spell costs, but you can jump really high which seems pretty fun. It's nothing special and probs needs a buff but atleast its not Absolution?

    Fantasia - A fairly cool wep, high INT and -all spell costs with a side effect of RIP Mana. It's a pretty unique idea although you could just through as much MR on it as possible. Not something I would ever use, but it's ballanced with a nice gimmick, so I don't really have complaints here.

    Aftershock - The low level Shaman Mythic is... wait... better than most of the other Mythic Reliks? Erm, ok? This is like an Alkatraz for Shaman, but better, and with quake included. The damage is insane, it makes you tankier rather than glassier and the -Spell damage is small enough to keep it Spell steal viable. Should have been the high level instead of Toxmo but thats fine I guess. Better than every Mythic Relik except Hadal and maybe Sunstar IMO.
    inigbamL, Epicness937 and one_ood like this.
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    People just look at Aftershock and think "oh it has the damage Alka used to have but with slots so it's super good" completely ignoring the difference in baselines. I agree that Aftershock is good, and better than Absolution and Olympic (easily the worst of the mythic reliks imo) but I don't think it's definitively better than any of the others.

    (not directed at you specifically Tig, but you reminded me of this phenomenon)
    inigbamL, Epicness937 and tig like this.
  14. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Mostly was just my personal opinion, and yeah the baselines are different, but I personally think it's better than the other Mythics because of its viability in pretty much everything.
    Druser likes this.
  15. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    Hmmmm.... so, my thoughts.

    I's say Toxoplasmosis is clearly my favorite. The only negative thing I have to say about it is "Holy Shit thats alot of Stregnth".

    The rest look good enough(but I've never used a mythic before so take my advice with a grian of salt).
  16. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Restating my comments on Fantasia:

    Why. It's literally Freedom. The IDs are different, yeah, but nothing really changes in the rainbow "playstyle".
    You build mana and spell, then spell spam.
    It even gives you int to reduce spell costs even more.

    It was so close to being heavy spell. More damage + opposite, increased spell cost ids + more negative mr would have made it something interesting.
    But I guess the problem is mana pots, then. Maybe mana pots are the one thing stopping heavy spell from existing.

    Toxoplasmosis fills a niche that was occupied by a wide variety of underwhelming items, from sequoia to plague staff to the new spleen splitter and the evolved.
    It's a good item in a sea of mediocrity, which makes it seem borderline OP in comparison. But it isn't.
    Buffing poison across the board is a problem as well because true damage wowee

    I'm just gonna stop trying to understand poison

    The rest I guess?
    - sunstar looks "fun" to build (as in very easy)
    - Hadal gives me (heavy spell)-lite vibes, but really restricts builds :/
    - olympic: I'm never qualified to talk about air, ever
    - absolution is defensive without being actually defensive, so I don't see it having very good builds. But the concept is cool-ish... meh, not really.
    - aftershock makes me want to virgo tierstack it but I want to virgo tierstack everything so nothing new

    I think the legendaries are much more interesting, with overdrive and the end, among others...
  17. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    Do have many opinions here but I think ima wait until wynndata is updated so I can test out some things
    cool thread!! thanks
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  18. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Toxo gets ~45k dps with Courage when building heavy (plus 95 Def). Alongside about 1500 lifesteal and Mana steal. Pre-totem. If you go defensive EFA, you can still get 20k dps with Courage. Note, of course, that Shaman spreads poison over a pretty wide range and basically keeps it on continuously. You can focus entirely on defense and charging special and still get full damage.
    TheGiantSpider and SmileyAlec like this.
  19. Asthae

    Asthae ... HERO

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    I think it was a good idea to lower the damage on the air mythic to make other elements more viable playstyles. (but highrise deals like 1k less auras than Olympic which is either way too low or way too high)

    Toxoplasmosis is a good idea but I doubt many people are gonna use it because of 'ew poison' and people like having lots of spells because its generally more fun. (It is probably really strong though, I have yet to mess around with it.)

    oh yea btw... Absolution is trash. The concept is good and all but no one should try to tank hits on a shanan. You should atleast give it like higher dmg to make it more viable. Doubt anyone is planning to use this.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
    Iboju and Druser like this.
  20. Asther

    Asther idol gaming HERO

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    Hadal is a pretty interesting weapon, its mearely impossible to use without moontower, thus making your build expensive as shit, but a hard hitting water weapon? that can be tier stackable and still does damage with spells? unbelievable
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