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Best Class 1.19

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Mapleric, Dec 7, 2019.

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  1. Mapleric

    Mapleric Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hi guys, so I've been wondering about the best class in wynncraft 1.19, so i decided to put up a vote here.
    Visit this google forms here to make your decision.
    Have a good day!​
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    Results will be published every week
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  2. Asthae

    Asthae ... HERO

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    TS_potato, Jirayut, starx280 and 4 others like this.
  3. Zelli

    Zelli Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Maybe you should wait that 1.19 is out before making a forms to know what the best class in 1.19, no ???
  4. DutchSpruceRun

    DutchSpruceRun Adventurer VIP+

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    Mage most likely, all other classes got shat on.
    Fair point but there's already a HERO beta so people have shared their experiences on the forums.
    starx280 likes this.
  5. Mapleric

    Mapleric Well-Known Adventurer

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    and the hero beta is world wide open for a while today
  6. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Why is this labeled as a guide?

    Anyways, I highly doubt that with Wynn's current combat system there will ever be a time where Archer isn't the best class. Yes, it's stunlock potential did get nerfed, but the one thing that Archer still has is extremely high burst damage at long, and thus safe, range. You can effectively just outcamp your opponent with the only other class rivaling your dps being possibly Assassin. I mean, there's a reason we stopped using swords and started using guns. Plus, you don't even really need the blind as long as you can circle strafe around the mob if you plan on using arrow storm as the boss shredder still. Archer can struggle in close quarter fights, but generally you can just use your ridiculous dps to get through it relatively fine. Other than that, the only time Archer actually switches roles from being the best to the worst is from 1-20 in leveling, and that's legit just because you don't have bomb arrow.

    Also, please make up your mind,
    because these are two entirely different things.
    Iboju, Stag2001, brokenmotor and 16 others like this.
  7. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Mage is on top again (where it should be).
  8. sulphursmite

    sulphursmite Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i would probably say, damage wise, assassin

    mage is best in all the other criteria
  9. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I think the best class (between Archer and Mage) is really going to depend on the situation and how you like to play.

    For warring, I can probably agree that archer is the best class. Arrow shield is one of the most insane spells in the game for AOE damage, plus not being all that tanky doesn't really matter when the mobs you're fighting aren't all that strong to begin with.

    For gathering and general grinding, I think mage is by far the best class because the fact that you can gather in mob infested areas and tank hits without needing potions to heal up is just really convenient.

    As for the most important criteria, fun, I guess that's up to the player. I personally enjoy mage the most, although archer was really fun to level up past whatever level gives you speed 3 (36 maybe?). If you want a glass cannon, archer is perfect for you, if you want a reasonably high DPS tank, mage is probably for you.

    Basically, my point is this; warrior sucks (without mythics), assassin is fun but as good as it used to be (without mythics), shaman is gang and mage and archer are the best classes by far depending on what you want to do.
  10. Paks

    Paks Spy Main CHAMPION

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    Good thing I got an Alkatraz then
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  11. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    I disagree that Mage is the best class aside from Archer. The "I don't have to use heal pots" excuse really just doesn't work, because, unfortunately, Wynn's combat system right now basically forces you to get hit no matter what you do in quite a few situations, most notably with that of push/pull spell. In fact, the game often rewards you for just shoving your face into a mob and then just healing it all back with pots aside from Shaman (most notably with that of Warrior, who has arguably the lowest chance to actually avoid taking damage).

    You also basically just glossed over the fact that Mage's dps is generally the worst of any class in the game besides one, the other one being Warrior (obviously). Meteor takes eons to fall even with fast falling to the point where it's unreliable as a source of dps unless you have a matchup extremely favored towards ice snake (like that of Mecho CoW). Even in those situations, if you aim meteor perfectly onto a mob, it will sometimes just decide to yeet over to a random other mob 10 blocks away from the one you were aiming at. Sure, you can run up to the mob and then just aim directly down, but guess what that means? You are now right next to the mob you were trying to keep at a distance. This basically makes it where melee Mage, which is generally considered a meme by most players because it's supposed to be a "spell based class", is basically better than spell Mage as long as you have some intel put in so your heals don't cost an absurd amount, because it's dps is actually consistent.

    Speaking of unreliable, teleport. Lovely spell that decides to spam your chat with the "you can't teleport here" message 1/3 of the time you try to use it.

    Mage's theoretical role, which is support, isn't even that good. The only time you ever see it's support potential utilized is against something like The Eye or some random wallhugger in CIB who got hit once and had a panic attack as a result. The game really only favors two types of roles right now, and it's dps and CC. None of the classes really mesh well together outside of a bunch of Archers thrown together or basically any class with Shaman, who, ironically enough, is more of a support than Mage because of it's CC. Archer has the highest dps and, to an extent, good CC through it's kb (and, again, it's range, which effectively makes it a hell of a lot safer than it's implied "glass cannon"), Shaman has the godsend that is its entire toolkit, and Assassin has spin attack stunlocking+high dps. What does Mage have? Congratulations, you locked a mob in place that is 1. not a ranged mob 2. can't oneshot or spam burst you so heal is useful and 3. does not have a form of teleport or charge with ice snake! Make sure every enemy you fight is like this!

    Also, Mage is not the best for general grinding unless there is a spot to camp in, as, with the points mentioned above, three of the other classes are simply better because of the combat mentality in Wynn of "you can't kill me if I kill you and/or perma lock you". Even with a camping spot, Archer and Shaman can use them effectively, if not better, than that of Mage, so it is third at best. Lootrunning is really the only time I'd argue Mage is the best, and even then Archer will sometimes be better thanks to its vertical mobility depending on where you are. Other than that, mobility really only matters that much out of combat in the 1-33 range because of the lack of a horse, in which case Mage wins over every class except, again, Archer.

    I could very much so care less about what class you use, because at the end of the day the point of pretty much every game is for it to be enjoyable. If you love using Mage, Warrior, or whatever class it may be, then by all means keep using it. However, the reality is that when we talk about what is the "best class", it is referring to what is in technicality and performance the best, not what is the most popular. This is why I am irritated by the title being "best class", whereas in the poll it asks for which one you like using the most. "Best" could also be referring to best designed, which opens up an entire other debate. The op never specifies which though, but since this has been a subject touched upon many times before, I'm assuming that they mean how well it performs.

    tl;dr Basically Warrior sucks because it's theoretical role of tank is even worse than Mage's theoretical role of support.
    Zelli, Latios, Iboju and 9 others like this.
  12. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    On meta spell builds, Mage dps is now comparable to Assassin and mid-range Archer, ahead of Shaman and Warrior, and behind closeup Archer. Of course, as you increase your Mana sustain Mage still falls behind drastically, and eventually even Warrior can catch up.
    Iboju likes this.
  13. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Define meta spell builds, because from when I tested in the beta, I was getting higher dps with every class except for Warrior. Also, if it's your theoretical calculations, those do not matter in practicality. It assumes that the Mage is getting consistent dps all the time, which, as I described before, is the least reliable of any class aside from, yet again, Warrior. Archer, Shaman, and Assassin respectfully all have higher consistency than a spell Mage because of CC and/or range.
  14. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I specifically don't account for consistent hits with Mage. I run calcs on the equivalent of a meteor about every two seconds (did some playing against DCave to see how often I miss my intended target, etc. and that seemed about right).

    By meta spell, I basically mean not pushing above 10-12 mr
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  15. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    That would be less dps than a spell cycle of the other three classes.
  16. Mapleric

    Mapleric Well-Known Adventurer

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    Current Results (77 people has voted)
    Assassin/Ninja: 17 (22.1%)

    Archer/Hunter: 18 (23.4%)

    Warrior/Knight: 6 (7.8%)

    Mage/Dark Wizard: 26 (33.8%)

    Shaman/Skyseer: 10 (13%)
  17. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Emphasis added to help you focus on what I was trying to say because clearly you missed the point.

    Also, not needing potions means you can carry a whole lot more stuff and meteors DPS doesn't actually matter when doing general grinding since one cast kills everything anyways.

    Plus, I don't really care what mages DPS is relative to other classes since I can still solo everything anyways.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  18. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    I did not miss the point at all. The points you emphasize I directly addressed in my response.

    This explains why I do not believe fun should be an important factor in determining the "best" class. Also, Mage isn't that tanky despite heal spell being a thing, since it has 80% base defense and not as much CC or damage to compensate for that. I did not touch upon the base defense itself, but I did explain both CC, damage, and to an extent heal spell not saving you from oneshots or burst fires.
    This is not entirely true. Since it is general grinding, thus referring to both loot and xp respectfully, it depends on factors like level, build, and where you are grinding. For example, I highly doubt you can oneshot the grind mobs in the Herb Cave, which are the best source of xp at that level, but I could see you being able to possibly oneshot the ordinary mobs in the Herb Cave. Plus, you skipped over the part that I also stated was the reason at least two of the other classes are still better at grinding.
    If you follow what I stated with Archer and Shaman, each will effectively not need, or need very little there of, pots for grinding (especially Shaman, because they to have an innate heal). Assassin is the only one I could see you making a case for one being better than the other.

    By that logic, why is Warrior bad then? Every class can solo everything in the game currently aside from the things that require other players or accounts (these being ???, Bob's Tomb at least once, and that one secret discovery in the Silent Expanse). You've just contradicted your own argument about DPS, as you have now stated that it is apparently irrelevant.
  19. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I don't see how I contradicted myself. I gave two reasons for why DPS doesn't really matter to me; I can oneshot basically everything and I can kill anything else that I can't oneshot because even though the DPS is low, it's still high enough to counter every mobs regen.

    And of course fun is important in determining the best class. Maybe not for you, but for me it's the most important factor. You might think archers are the best class because they have the highest numbers, which is a nice opinion, but there isn't an objectively best class. You've made it clear that your metric for determining the best class is DPS, but that's not how I judge the best class, and based on the results of the poll,

    "Current Results (77 people has voted)
    Assassin/Ninja: 17 (22.1%)
    Archer/Hunter: 18 (23.4%)
    Warrior/Knight: 6 (7.8%)
    Mage/Dark Wizard: 26 (33.8%)
    Shaman/Skyseer: 10 (13%)"

    The vast majority disagree with the fact that highest DPS makes for the best class.

    I'm not here to tell you that your opinion is wrong, but not everyone thinks the best class should be solely judged on it's ability to output damage. The whole point of having multiple classes is to have pros and cons for each, and while you clearly think archers have the best utility, I value the utility of mages more. Again, there is no class that is objectively the best.

    I think you misunderstood that everything I was saying was just an opinion from the start. The only reason why I started my original post with the argument between archer and mage is because most of the replies are talking about those two, and I think warriors are the worst class because I don't like their utility for spell builds and I don't like speed spam builds which makes warrior unfun for me. As for the general grinding point, of course it isn't necessarily true, because to quote myself "It depends on the situation and how you play". I think not needing potions is a big advantage and I highly value the ability to not need potions and to be able to restore status effects, but not everybody feels the same way.

    Look man, everything you're saying comes down to opinion and we just don't agree. We have different reasons for liking different things.. You can keep bringing up numbers to reinforce your opinion and I can keep saying that numbers don't matter but neither of us are going to change each others opinions.
  20. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    You say that, yet this entire time we've been arguing over this.
    Mainly Mage of course, because I agree with the rest of the ranking. Specifically, your word "by far" implies not opinion, but that it is fact. So, while you state this now
    you made it out to be the opposite before, and not once did you state that this was an argument of objectivity till now.

    Also, since you apparently believe this to be true,
    you can clearly see that I, on multiple occasions (and probably even more than the points I quoted), pointed out other aspects aside from DPS. So, stop making it out to be like that's the only thing I care about, because I've made it evident that I don't.

    Anyways, you've made it pretty clear you don't want to continue this, so you can either respond to this or ignore it, and in the case of the former I will most likely not respond myself unless there is something that genuinely pisses me off.
    brokenmotor and 789poiu3 like this.
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