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First-person Render Mod?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Azulide, Oct 4, 2019.

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  1. Azulide

    Azulide Skilled Adventurer

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    I've read on the allowed mods page that any mod that changes gameplay at all is NOT allowed.

    I just have a question about a specific mod that would seem to fit really well in the MMORPG type game that Wynncraft is. That is the First-Person Render Mod.

    Normally, in Minecraft, when you look straight down, you would not see the rest of your body or your feet. You would just see the blocks you're standing on. The mod fixes this by allowing you to look down and see your actual Minecraft body move as you do stuff. Kinda like a mix of F5 and normal, since you can see your body while remaining in the first-person view.

    I don't know if this is considered "affecting gameplay," and I would just like to make sure if I can use it or not, because I REALLY REALLY REALLY do NOT want to be banned on this server.
  2. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    It doesn't affect gameplay, hence, it doesn't affect gameplay.
    BqwaOLD likes this.
  3. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    This should be fine, as it doesn't give you an advantage or disadvantage. BTW, what is the mod? This sounds cool.
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