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My Smash Ultimate Review

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Aya, Apr 11, 2019.


Online sucks

  1. Every night I cry about how bad it is

    1 vote(s)
  2. I can't combo because of how bad it is

    0 vote(s)
  3. Tetris 99 runs incredibly well why does this run like shit

    4 vote(s)
  4. I'm traumatized by PK Fire please help

    6 vote(s)
  5. How am I supposed to tech with this lag

    1 vote(s)
  6. Good thing Tetris 99 is a thing, if not these 20€ would have been a waste

    0 vote(s)
  7. Not even Battle arenas save it

    0 vote(s)
  8. Bowser mains can go commit Self Side-B

    0 vote(s)
  9. Did they buff ganon recently? I can't down-B all his moves anymore as Pichu

    0 vote(s)
  10. Why does nobody play Ice Climbers or Piranha Plant? weren't y'all mains of them now?

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    General Gameplay
    Fantastic, it controls very well, the pace is perfect, not too fast like Melee, not too slow like Brawl or Smash 4
    All characters feel balanced enough, though some attacks could use changes/nerfs (Pichu's F-tilt is brutal (I main Pichu so don't @ me), PK Fire can go PK Commit die (Ness' only, Lucas' is fine), Bowser is still an absolute salt factory due to his side-B, etc)
    I also like a lot the addition of Battlefield Mode even though I've never been a fan of Battlefield due to the reduced size and the amount of platforms, not my taste but a great addition indeed

    The new modes are pretty cool and all, though they are better when played with friends which I don't have
    I'll talk about Classic mode later

    World of Light and Spirits
    Subspace Emissary was better
    Ok but for real, this mode was disappointing, it felt insanely repetitive and dragged on for incredibly long,
    And some spirits were absolutely brutal and unbalanced
    Fucking Pauline fuck you and your children stupid ass Spirit
    If not for the bosses, this mode would have been a big no for me
    Also spirits don't come with descriptions, and are vastly inferior to trophies because of it
    In general, Spirts fail because they try to be many things and simultaneously fail at all of them:
    -They are vastly inferior to event fights in terms of variety
    -They don't come with descriptions so they aren't trophies neither a replacement
    -Let's be honest, who uses these to fight?
    -This mode is indeed inferior to Subspace Emissary, at least Subspace had a pretty cool story for a mode where words are not spoken and you have an electric rat next to a plumber and a space fox, you know

    Classic Mode
    "Wow, incredible!"
    -The announcer when you get <9.0 difficulty score
    The same classic mode of the previous games (minus Smash 4) except it is refined to absolute glory, every character has its own specific route and the final boss this time isn't always Master Hand and Crazy Hand, instead it might change depending on the character (Kirby & Inkling have Marx, the Zelda guys have Ganon, the Mario guys may have Giga Bowser or Master Hand & Crazy Hand in another map like Donkey Kong...)
    Some other characters might have Master Hand & Crazy Hand and still feel perfect like Ice Climbers, at first you might think "Oh of course, no other boss has any relation for this" but then you realize the idea behind their route is duo fights and hey, the hand duo, great

    This mode is sublime this time and deserves all the praise it is getting

    Mob Smash
    Formerly known as Multi-man Smash... this is a downgrade, many of the modes are gone, All-Star mode got sent here and is pretty meh, Century Smash is eh, and WHY IS CRUEL SMASH STILL A THING, WHAT KIND OF MASOCHISTIC FUCK THINKS THIS MODE IS GOO- I mean yeah why is Cruel Smash back and All-Star mode got downgraded? really underwhelming


    I rest my case
    EDIT: So all these videos got snapped so... quick list:
    -Gangplank Galleon (DK Country)
    -Final Destination
    -Zinnia's theme remix (Pokemon ORAS)

    -Mob Smash
    -Crazy Hand's theme
    -E3's version of Lifelight

    Online Mode
    Ok this is where things TRULY get messy... Let's start with the good part:
    Battle Arenas
    Great concept, I really don't have much to say here just going to say I do like them a lot

    EDIT: Actually they also suck, I and quite a lot of people seem to have this NAT problem that just keeps not only us but OTHER people from entering rooms, which means that the player who has this problem (which is unfixable unless you get wired connection if I recall correctly) will block the arena for other players unless the person with the problem leaves the room so others can join, being forced pretty much to join last, which sounds not too bad but boy it sure must hurt a streamer
    They would be good but this problem has become too frequent and Nintendo ain't doing shit to fix it so, good job Nintendo, you murdered the only good part about Smash Online

    Now, let's get to the bad part:

    An absolute mess, sure, you can select rulesets and stuff now and sure it is a bit less laggy than before, but... God, why is GSP such a massive mess... I have a total of 200,000 GSP, and for some fucking reason I get paired with people that have 3.5M GSP, JUST WHY?! THERE IS ABOUT 10M PLAYERS OR MORE AT THIS POINT, WHY CAN'T THIS GAME SET ME WITH PEOPLE THAT ALSO HAVE 200,000 GSP?
    It also doesn't help that winning a game grants me about 60.000 GSP and then when I lose, They halve it pretty much, You can lose a single match with a 2M GSP character and the number will be reduced by about 600k, it is absolutely ridiculous, I've beaten people with 3M smash power and my GSP only raised by about a 10%, and if I lose against some of these, I lose what I gained in 4 victories
    Global Smash Power (GSP) needs serious fixes, specially when it comes to how it works, it punishes you excessively and rewards you almost nothing, it is the most inconsistent of ranking systems I've seen soo far

    I would like to talk about Elite Smash but I can't even pass 1M GSP because I need to win at least thrice in order to counter a single defeat
    EDIT: So I somehow got to Elite Smash once with Piranha Plant, don't ask how... And got bodied the first round in, which made me drop out of Elite Smash
    Very fun feature indeed

    It also doesn't help that Nintendo still cannot fix its shitty online, for fuck's sake Nintendo, it is 2019 buy some fucking servers for Smash Bros. at least, Peer-to-Peer makes matches laggy as hell most of the time plus controls react about 0.1-0.2 seconds late, sure it might not be much if you aren't playing a character that relies on doing combos and instead relies on pulling a Bowser on the enemy, for real playing Pichu with this input lag is atrocious, I can't get a single combo right because by the time the commands reacted, the enemy had enough time to go to the bathroom, make themselves a sandwich, eat said sandwich, watch the entirety of Naruto and Pokemon together and study their final exams
    Ok it might not be that bad but you get the point
    Why do I have Online in the first place you may ask? Tetris 99, this game is just fantastic and is worth the 20€ alone
    However, I appreciate that Miis are now playable online too

    EDIT: Ok so after actually getting good I managed to rise up to 4.000.000GSP, that doesn't change I still find trolls, like a recent encounter with an Isabelle player who had no stage hazards maps on, and just kept running around till the timer ran out, very fun
    Online keeps getting worse and next year I'm definitely not paying whatever the fuck this useless service is next year unless a second Tetris 99 comes out or something

    Also it doesn't help that you cannot deactivate GSP, suddenly the whole "For fun & For glory" thing from Smash 4 became a far better system than the GSP system, which just screams how little Nintendo cares about Online
    Also the fact the game doesn't care about your ruleset doesn't help, the game shouldn't put you with people who want items on if you don't want items
    I can understand that if you have a competitive ruleset (let's say 7:00, 3 stock, FD, no items) you get put with people that instead want 2 stocks or Battlefield, but from there to literally setting you against someone who wants:
    -Timed Battles
    -Items on, ALL of them
    -2 stocks
    -Free for all
    -Stage Hazards on
    Yeah there is no excuse for that, that's just the game failing at being functional

    DLC Characters

    Piranha Plant
    Super Mario Bros. series

    Ok I gotta be honest, for a joke character, this guy is super fun to play, too bad he is actually pretty weak, he has pretty bad aerials and not the best ground mobility, but his special attacks are super good over all (Ptooie is considered one of the best projectiles in the game, the poison cloud can be really useful if used correctly, and his down-B is good at damaging shields and it has super armor so it makes it a good option to tank and punish weak hits)
    He feels like a bullet hell to fight in my opinion and for some reason I like that
    So huh yeah
    Plant is really good for a joke character

    Persona series

    Ok so, This guy is pretty damn fun to play if you like characters like Sheik or Pichu, fast and combo-oriented
    However, I won't deny his moveset is a bit underwhelming as half of the attacks king of come from other characters, like the recovery with Arsene, it is just Pit's with a few invincibility frames, or the up-air without arsene which is just Sheik's up-air
    However, I do enjoy playing as him and Persona 5 has a few cool bangers
    Also Mementos is cool too

    The Luminary (because The Hero is a lame name)
    DragonQuest series

    Ok so this is a casual player's dream and a competitive player's nightmare
    It is an amazing character to have fun with and do dittos with, but his RNG aspect messes up a lot his competitive viability
    Great character to mess around with, not a good option if you want to get good at the game

    Banjo & Kazooie
    Banjo-Kazooie series

    Ok so I'm sorry but this is the weakest DLC for me, I find him boring to play and stressful to fight, the best thing he has is his stupid Wonderwing (which grants invincibility AGAINST LITERALLY EVERYTHING THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN COUNTER THIS MOVE) and even that is limited to 5 uses, his double and triple jump height are beyond lamentable which messes up the possibility for combos a lot and probably the coolest thing he has is that grenade which allows for quite a few cool tricks but honestly he was really underwhelming

    Undertale/Deltarune series

    This costume removed my long-life hatred for Mii Gunner, also I died of laughter during the reveal of Sans, I know it is just a costume but he was soo impactful he deserves his spot in this list, this guy literally overshadowed Terry's reveal and almost overshadowed Banjo's released too
    Also this is the first official 3D model of Sans so that's something big
    And to think this happened probably because Toby went to Sakurai's house and won against him at Smash... Good job Toby
    Deltarune chapter 2 when
    So yeah Sans is great also he comes with a cool remix of Megalovania so that's a thing

    Stage Builder
    Everybody gangsta till Nintendo bans the dick stages

    Ok but for real now THIS is a stage builder, people are making soo much good stuff with these
    In case you don't believe me, here have a video of some fine stages

    Everything but the Online is fantastic, though WoL could have been a lot better, if you enjoy fighting against CPUs or having parties with your friends, this game is a must have
    However, if your focus is the online, avoid it at all costs

    8/10 Everything in the game is perfect, except for WoL which is just disappointing and Online that is an absolute disaster, which is very sad because online IS a massive part of the game
    Also Sans is now in which raises the old score by 1 point
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2019
    starx280 and Spinel like this.
  2. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    let me inform you about Elite

    - Everybody is either ROB, DK or Ness/Lucas
    - Not as good as it’s made out to be
    - Basically just like normal Quickplay except nobody has shit rules and usually have wired connection, but most people still play their characters in broken ways like they do in quickplay so either way you’ll have DKs and their fucking dash attacks in both quickplay and elite smash
    - If you lose enough GSP you drop out, like seriously I’ve proven I’m better than the bowsers in the 1M GSP range I’m pretty sure I can fight higher level players
  3. Hoshi no Kaabii

    Hoshi no Kaabii poyo HERO

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    I play with Lvl. 8 (And Lvl. 9 sometimes) CPUs. I like playing Offline as I play with my Switch outside, bringing my Gamecube Controller setup outside or at my school and play all day, until brunch comes up and my friends starts hanging out and playing Smash with me too (Normally it's 2v2s or free-for-alls). I even have an image of my portable switch setup I want to share!


    The controller is the 2018/2019 SSBU Gamecube Controller from Nintendo. I bought it for $30, before the inflating price of these controllers. The sticker is a J-Lab Sticker I got with my earbuds (J-Lab Pro Signature. They sound pretty good for $10).
  4. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    If only I could relate (Not only I have no friends, any electronic devices are forbidden in school, including mobile phones!)
    Well actually I relate to the CPU part, though I tend to fight Lv. 9 CPUs and win most of the time (except for Wolf, that beast's AI is inhuman)
  5. Hoshi no Kaabii

    Hoshi no Kaabii poyo HERO

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    Lemme tell you something about fighting Lvl. 9 CPUs. They're insane. Really insane that they can do a lot of strategies, even including reading your buttons easily, punish-and-bait, full knowledge of hit-boxes, and easy parrying. Lvl. 8 CPUs on the other hand, IMO, are more human-like CPUs. That's why I mostly play against Lvl. 8 CPUs. I even manage to pull a combo string against a Lvl. 8 Young Link CPU I pulled off a month ago.
  6. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Then fighting Lv. 9 CPUs would make you even more of a god?
  7. Ituxx

    Ituxx Travelled Adventurer

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    You never see it coming!!!
    starx280 likes this.
  8. J mun

    J mun Snoisty VIP+

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    At my school, there is this program for advanced nerds that takes place at college campus ( not at my school). I take math and English subjects there and it only occurs one day a week. This means that I don't have to take math and English subjects at my main school. Bc I only go there once a week, the other 4 days I spend in my school library with other school try hards. This means that we also have next to no supervision other than the librarian. So what do we do in that time? We play on our DS or I bring smash Bros. Even if we should be studying and other things, no one really does (most people procrastinate lol). Kinda off topic but it's how I get away with playing video games at school.
    Edit: I only have 4 subjects a day so I spend half the day in the library.
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Late bump because I updated the thread a lot with the new stuff
  10. BusyEXE

    BusyEXE Still stuck with the Hallowynn PFP since 2019 HERO

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    Necropost, but... sans. Made. IT. INTO SMASH
  11. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Oh yeah I gotta update this
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