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{rp} Tysra's Aftermath [6/6]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by andydreww, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    How close is my grandfather to me? And how close is the black armored person?
    Also, any indication as to how they got in?
  2. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (I forgot to mention this earlier woops. Since you slept and new day yada yada yada, you restore half of your MP. So [+5 MP])
    The armored figure let out a huff of laughter and dropped Beci to the ground, the girl coughing and holding her neck as she gasped for air. He turned towards Kollin, his sword hanging idly at his side,

    "Indeed. Listen close, thief. There's something we're after here in Tysra and we know some people here are trying to stop us. To put it bluntly, stay out of our way, or we'll be forced to turn our attention towards you. Use this as your warning."

    Stabbing his sword into the floorboards, an explosion of witchcraft magic flew out from the ground around the armored figure. Beci shrieked as the magic flew around the room,
    materializing into the shape of a skeleton with a simple sword. The armored figure slowly began to dissolve into the ash that swirled around his horse,

    "Farewell. Hopefully, there won't need to be a for now."

    Finally disintegrating into the ash, the skeleton spun its sword and began approaching Kollin. Beci quickly rushed to her feet and backed away from both Kollin and the skeleton.

    [Lv. 2] Kollin ~ [12/12 HP] [7/11 MP]
    [Lv. 1] Beci ~ [6/6 HP]

    [Lv. 2] Dark Skeleton ~ [15/15 HP] [4/4 MP]

    The fire magic student scoffed and flipped her hair, turning her attention to Tae. She was a couple of inches taller than her, towering over Tae as she drew closer,

    "Bold words coming from a new student. I see these barbarians are quick to make you problematic. Aren't you so powerful?"

    The mousy brown haired girl softly spoke up,

    "Lila, maybe you shouldn't pick a fight. This always ends badly..."

    Quickly scanning the room, Ky was about a dozen or so feet to his grandfather's right. The armored figure was at the opposite side of the room, about sixty feet. The window that was usually in his grandfather's office was shattered, glass pieces scattered in front of it. This woman probably smashed her way inside.
  3. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll throw one dagger at the skeletons ribcage to see if it's hurt by that at all, if it's hurt i throw again. If it's not i go in close with the second dagger and go for an elbow joint
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Move forward to stand infront of my grandfather. Hold my sword infront of me and keep my eyes on the intruder.
  5. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Turning to the brown-haired girl, Tae gives her a smile. "Thank you." Then turning to said 'Lila', she spoke. "You should listen more to the people who have some sense."
    "You clearly lack a bit of it."
  6. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Kollin threw one of his daggers at the skeleton's ribcage,
    Dagger Toss: 1-59 = Fail / 60-94 = Success / 95-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 32

    The skeleton side-stepped to its left, the dagger slashing one of the green curtains. Kollin decided to rush in with his second dagger, aiming for the elbow joint
    Melee Hit: 1-39 = Fail / 40-89 = Success / 90-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 68

    Making contact with the joint, a rush of chills ran down Kollin's spine. Whatever magic was within the skeleton, it wasn't natural. [Dark Skeleton: -3 HP]
    Beci grabbed a nearby vase and chucked it at the skeleton!!
    Vase Toss: 1-59 = Fail / 60-99 = Success / 100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 96

    The vase smashed against the skeleton's skull, sending blue ceramic shards everywhere. Kollin managed to avoid any of the falling shards. [Dark Skeleton: -2 HP]
    Spinning its sword in its boney grip, the skeleton slashed at Kollin.
    Skeleton Attack: 1-44 = Fail / 45-90 = Success / 91-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 21

    Kollin jumped back as the skeleton slashed at him, the sword missing him by several feet. It stood there for a moment before stomping its foot on the ground, as if taunting Kollin.

    [Lv. 2] Kollin ~ [12/12 HP] [7/11 MP]
    [Lv. 1] Beci ~ [6/6 HP]

    [Lv. 2] Dark Skeleton ~ [10/15 HP] [4/4 MP]

    As Ky stepped between his grandfather and the armored woman, a blast of wind rushed through the room once more. Ky barely managed to stand his ground as the woman slowly approached them,

    "Brave of you to defend those that take care of you. However, perhaps this guardian of yours...isn't what you truly understand? No matter."

    The woman drew out a sword strapped on her belt, its metal and hilt completely black with the same swirling ash tornado. She had her sword lowered,

    "This is your last chance. Drop your sword and listen to what I have to say, or prepare to fight."

    Lila snapped her head back to look at the brown-haired girl,

    "Did I ask for your input, Fernet? Huh? No. So don't interrupt your elders."

    Fernet's expression lowered as she tucked a strand of hair back behind her ear,

    "I'm just saying Lila. The blonde girl did a number on you back when-"

    "Uhmm, no one needs to remember that?! Could you not embarrass me?!"

    From the corner of her vision, Tae saw a smug look plastered on Lysanna's face. Lila sighed and turned back to Tae,

    "Look. I just wanna let you guys know that this isn't the first impression you wanna make here at the institution. You don't want enemies here, especially enemies like us. Do you understand?"

  7. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll throw one of the daggers by it's feet and run around it to tie up it's legs and hopefully make it fall over, if it fall over i'll attack the bones in the neck if it doesn't fall i'll just try to stab it
  8. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Crossing her arms, Tae took a deep breath and let it out. "Maybe you shouldn't go around messing with people for dumb reasons, then."
  9. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Check grandfathee's condition. Does he look like he could be alive?
    Don't drop my sword.
    Spit out, "Get on with it then."
    Does she have any visible weakness? Limping, chipped armor, etc? Not looking for a way to fight, looking for a way to stall and be able to run away.
  10. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "I trust that your magic will be enough then." Silva says, preparing to toss Hilda over the fence. "Let me know when you are ready."
  11. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Head up to see what food there is
  12. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (lol we're alive nbd, here's your updates kings and queen.)
    Kollin threw one of his daggers on the ground, running around the skeleton to knock him over with his wire,
    Prone Attack: 1-59 = Fail / 60-94 = Success / 95-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 97

    The skeleton, completely unaware of Kollin's plan, stumbles harshly onto the ground. [-4 HP]
    Kollin seizes this moment to slash at the skeleton's neck.
    Dagger Slash: 1-34 = Fail / 35-89 = Success / 90-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 78

    Kollin slashed at the collar bone of the skeleton, a sharp and demonic sound rising from the skeleton. [-3 HP]
    After Kollin slashed the skeleton, a puff of purple smoke began expelling from the skeleton's mouth. Its bones grew even more white and drained itself of its life, now a purple wisp. [-4 MP]
    In an instant, it began flying towards the window. Beci gasped and moved past Kollin, trying to reach the window before the wisp does.

    [Lv. 2] Kollin ~ [12/12 HP] [7/11 MP]
    [Lv. 1] Beci ~ [6/6 HP]

    [Lv. 2] Dark Skeleton (Wisp) ~ [3/15 HP] [0/4 MP]

    Lila glared at Tae and a couple of students behind her before stepping back, making her way through the Fire Circle students,

    "We're done here, Runies. This year's tourney will actually have a real class win. Prepare to walk away as losers."

    The cluster of Fire Circle students followed Lila back to the table, a couple of students offering wry and apologetic smiles, including Fernet. Lys sighed and sat back down, tossing her hair back as she stabbed her fork into her meal,

    "Well, that was better handled than expected. Way to keep it cool, Tae."

    Benet and Kindra nodded their heads while Nyxio snapped his head back between the Fire Circle group and Tae,

    "D-Did that really happen?! We didn't get into a fight?! Huh! It's been a while. Lys usually swings first, so I mean..."

    Lysanna scoffed and the table laughed collectively. Tae could hear a pair of footsteps approach her and turning around, noticed it was Fernet. The mousey girl stumbled a bit and chuckled lightly, her body expressions showing incredibly visible awkwardness,

    "Umm..I wanted to say sorry on Lila's behalf. We're not all like that.."

    Taking a quick look over his grandfather, Ky confirmed there doesn't seem to be any physical wound on him. More likely than not, he possibly might have some bruises tumbling from the armored woman's air magic. The armored woman twirled the swords in her hand, still taking steps towards Ky,

    "My fellow companions and I are in search of something interesting here in Seston. We know that a few rare individuals here some powers that are...more potent than we usually expect. Simply put, stay out of our way, or we'll be forced to cut you down. Don't hesitate this warning for mercy. I won't hesitate to spill your blood down the streets of this kingdom if it means you're out of our way. Am I clear, child?"

    Scanning the woman, Ky couldn't clearly make out any physical weaknesses from her pitch black armor and swirling ash magic. However, guessing from the magic gusts and commotion Ky heard before, this person must've used quite a fair amount of her power already.

    "Okay...give me a running start!"

    A moment of confusion later, Silva began running forward, Hilda suddenly whispered,


    With a grunt, Silva tossed the child up in the air. From where he stood, Silva could see Hilda mouthing something and her fall slowly turned into a gradual glide over the fence. Landing on her feet, Hilda turned to the door and pushed the wooden bar up. [Hilda: -3 MP] Slowly opening the door, Hilda motioned Silva to follow her,

    "Tehe, hurry! We're almost there!"

    Heading up to the surface, Lux saw several tables full of food prepared for the volunteers. Platters of meats, vegetables, grain, and other forms of nutrition sat before him. Already, workers began forming groups to eat with, whether it be nearby, trailing down the street, or even spotted alongside the docks themselves. Lux noted that Oliver seemed to be already with a group of workers sitting beside several nearby crates and barrels.
  13. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I run after thr wisp to slash it in an x formation with both my daggers
  14. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Take a meat platter and head to Oliver
  15. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Ah, what am I even doing?!
    "What do you want with my grandfather?!"
    She already fought a bit before, so I might have a chance?
    But she doesn't look stressed at all.
    Stalling is the worst tactic here. I'll give it my all!

    If she says anything along the lines of taking him away or killing him, take a step forward (or run forward enough steps to get in range) and place as much power as I can in a two handed overhead swing, since I can place more of my weight behind it.
  16. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Extending her hand to the girl and sighing, the woman nodded her head. "I believe you in that. Thank you for being the voice of reason." Turning around to her fellow rune students, Tae gave the group a peace sign. "You're welcome by the way. Thank her as well though." She pointed her hand to Fernet.
  17. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    One more period... I ponder, then head back to Nevic.
  18. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Silva follows after Hilda, looking around his surroundings.
  19. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (ahahahahahahha im so late i hate exam week please enjoy my efforts)

    Running after the wisp, Kollin just prepared to slash at the wisp when it suddenly exploded in a flurry of purple fire. Kollin leapt back as the flames died in the air, the sounds of rapid breathing and pounding rain filling the eerily still air. Beci leaned against a glass cabinet as she felt lightheaded,

    "W-What was that...Kollin, what was that?!"

    As Lux grabbed a meat platter and walked towards Oliver's group, he heard some pieces of a conversation between several of the volunteers,

    "....That bloke doesn't know what he's doing. What was he thinking?!"

    "Well, maybe he knows what he's doing? I personally think Diplomat Cyra will be the best repre-"

    "Her?! I mean, I think there's better fish in the sea..."

    Several men chuckled while one of them punched the volunteer in the arm, Oliver shaking his head as he bit into a piece of meat. He glanced up at Lux and scooted a bit to his right,

    "Take a seat. I hope you're in the mood for politics..."

    The armored woman chuckled and stood about two dozen feet away from Ky. She slowly sheathed her sword and simply stood before Ky and his grandfather,

    "I simply wanted to relay to him that message. Him and his little group of scavengers seem to already be looking for what I'm after. I think I got my message across, correct?"

    Ky's grandfather grunted and the woman merely scoffed, a dark purple mist slowly beginning to form around her,

    "Well then, I should be off. I have a treasure hunt to continue. Since this may not be the last time we'll see each other, allow me to leave you both with a parting gift."

    As the mist fully formed, a shrill, pig-like scream resonated from the mist and a dark black shadow soared out of the mist. Landing on its feet, a shadow of a boar with several horns sticking out of its head stomped its feet. The woman cackled as the mist slowly died off, the boar now slowly approaching the duo.

    Fernet smiled wryly and shook Tae's hand lightly, a couple of runic students muttering thanks. Lys sighed and shook her head, turning to Fernet,

    "Thanks. That was kinda brave of you to do. Rarely anyone would step up like that. Keep her in check, though."

    Simply nodding, Fernet turned on her heel and headed back to the group of fire students. As Tae turned back to the table, Benet and Nyxio slowly stood up from the table, Nyxio slinging his bag over his shoulder as he spoke,

    "Well, that was enough entertainment for today. Benet and I are off to practice sketching at our usual plaza. See you guys next lecture."

    As Frozlar entered Mr. Nevic's room, he noticed that the room was orientated differently. The rows of desks were now shifted to clusters spanning across the room. A couple of students were already sitting at a couple of the clusters, some still empty. Scanning the room, Frozlar noted that most of the people from his first class period were here. A couple of them that identified him as the automation glanced up at him before turning back to whatever they were doing.

    Silva looked around him as he slowly tip-toed after Hilda. The backyard looked rather disorganized. Underneath the outstretched patio roofing sat a large glass table filled with rune designs, stones, colored chalk, and dust that Silva assumed was elemental. A fairly small part of the backyard showed a simple green rectangle of grass with a single great tree standing in the middle of the plane. Silva reckoned it was a maple tree, but was a bit surprised when he spotted clusters of pine cones beside it.

    As the duo approached the glass table, Hilda took out a pouch from her skirts and poured the yellow powder from the table into her pouch. She glanced back at Silva with a sheepish smile as she whispered,

    "I mean, I'm not fully capable of saying spells, so I use elemental powder from my dad's workshop. That's not cheating or anything, riiiight?"
  20. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "I have no idea, but i think we should get out of here"
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