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{rp} Tysra's Aftermath [6/6]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by andydreww, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Glance over for a moment vefore returning my gaze to the carriage. I can't have distractions now, especially since the thing I was working on belonged to someone else.
    Take a deep breath.
    I think I know how this all works. Just need to straighten everything out and reinforce a few places.
    I realize I necer italiziced my thoughts, so Imma start doing that now, lmao
    andydreww and Tisaun like this.
  2. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    "Yeah, I'm new." I respond as I take out my materials as well.
  3. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    "...I'll think about it. I'd rather you do it yourself, but maybe I'll find you tomorrow beforehand. Is that all? I'd like to get some decent sleep tonight."

    Kindra began picking out clothes from her dresser, looking over some pants and skirts as Lysanna slammed her head back into her pillow,

    "It's only seven-thirty, nothing to fuss about! Breakfast starts in an hour, so we don't have to rush all at once. You can shower first if you want, Tae. I can wait and clearly, Lysanna doesn't wanna get up. I'll check out dorm mailbox in the lobby, have fun!"

    Lux yawned and went to bed, nothing disturbing him throughout the night. The next day, Lux naturally woke up and checked the clock hanging above him. It read 9:23 AM. He yawned and scratched his head, slowly getting up from his bed to get ready for the day.

    Ky pushed the servants out of his head and began working on the carriage. He took out some tools from his belt and began inspecting a few areas. As time went on, he felt like he was making progress with the carriage. With some repairs and general cleaning, Ky felt like he was almost done repairing the carriage. A moment later, his grandfather walked into the garage and Ky's ears quirked up at the sound of his stomping boots. He turned to look at him,

    "You almost finished? I'm just about ready to leave this old prune's cave."

    Elizabeth turned back to respond, but the sound of Mr. Nevic clearing his throat silenced the class in an instance. She offered a sympathetic smile and turned to face the front as Nevic spoke,

    "Welcome, students. As some of you know, I'm Mr. Nevic and I'll be your homeroom teacher. I'm repeating this because we have a new student in our class today. Would he like to come up to the front and introduce himself?"
  4. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I rise from my seat reluctantly and trudge to the front of the class. Then look at the wall in the back, rather than eye contact with the students, and say, "Uh, hi. I'm Frozlar." If Mr. Nevic doesn't say anything, return to my desk.
  5. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Check the closet for clothes
  6. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Uuuh, sure? Thanks I guess." Tae says, scratching the back of her neck and going towards her desk. Picking out a different outfit from the one she has on, she heads onto the bathroom to take a bath.
    Once she's done, she walks out and looks to see if Lys is still in bed. "All fresh now."
  7. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Alright thanks." I head back to my house
  8. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Give a single nod, before returning my attention to my work.
    After I finish, I ask, "Do you mind checking it over?"
  9. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Good evening gentlemen. I am but a mere escort for this young lady behind me. I come bearing no ill tidings." Silva says, motioning to Hilda behind him.
  10. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    "Let's give Frozlar a warm welcome, students."

    Some students clapped a bit as Frozlar went back to his seat. Mr. Nevic cleared his throat and turned to the chalkboard,

    "Thankfully, we're starting a new topic this lecture, so no one will start disadvantaged. To begin, let's start with..."

    Throughout the lecture, Mr. Nevic spoke directly towards the board, sometimes calling out to a student for questions. From the corner of his eye, Frozlar noticed Elizabeth scribbling something on a piece of paper, crumpled it up, and flicked it towards him. Unfortunately, the paper missed Frozlar's desk and instead tumbled underneath his desk.

    Rummaging through his closet, Lux looked over his trenchcoats and simple garbs. He glanced out his window and noted the sunny, clear day, reckoning he could wear something light today.

    Lysanna grumbled and rolled out of head, going through her dressers,

    "I swear, this is one of the few things I don't like about Kindra. Her early bird attitude irritates me to the bones, but I can't blame her. Anyway, I'll go next-"

    The dorm door swung open and Kindra walked in carrying a couple of letters. She flipped through them as she spoke,

    "Nothing major today, just some welcoming letters for us. Although, you got a letter from family Lys."

    Lysanna practically jumped out of bed and rushed over to Kindra, snatching the letter from her hands. She tore the envelope apart whilst looking at the girls,

    "On second thought, Kindra can go in my place."

    Kindra shrugged and took a couple of minutes in the bathroom, her hair still slightly wet as she walked back out. Lysanna was still reading her letter and Kindra shrugger her shoulders, making her way to the door,

    "Well, I guess Tae and I can save us a table?"

    "Yeah, yeah, that works! I'll meet up with you guys."

    Kollin made his way back to his home without any random interventions and surprise guests. The next day, he woke to several voices of his guild members roaming around the cottage. He flashed his eyes to the clock and breathed a sigh of relief as it read 10:27 AM. He still has a fair amount of time to reach Lord Harto's residence before the messenger appears.

    Ky's grandfather ambled over to the carriage and looked over Ky's work. He squinted a few times, but continued on with his inspection,

    "Everything looks fine...I knew this wouldn't be super difficult, but I'm surprised the old bat still managed to ruin a carriage."

    With that, the garage door opened once more and Lord Feo walked over to them,

    "Ah, is my lovely carriage fixed?! I knew if anyone could've fixed it, it would be you two! The money!"

    A servant walked towards Ky's grandfather and placed a sizeable pouch of gold on the table. Ky's grandfather picked up the pouch, pocketed it, and began walking,

    "We'll take our own leave now, Lord Feo-"

    "Ohoho, so quick to leave, are you? Wouldn't you or that boy of yours enjoy some more company for tonight?"

    Ky barely registered the extra emphasis Lord Feo had on the word boy. He pondered for a quick moment his response to Lord Feo's request.

    One of the guards lowered his sword and raised a hand in the air, the other soldiers slowly lowering their weapons too. He alongside a couple of other guards approached the duo with a lantern and their weapons still out, but not looking they'll attack them,

    "Seems rather odd for an old man and a child to wander around the kingdom outskirts at night. May I inquire as to what you two were doing?"

    Hilda peered her head around Silva and slowly released Silva's cloak, taking a moment to collect herself before speaking,

    "I-I was lost in the woods! He helped guide me back to Ozvio. Plus, who are you calling old anyways?! Don't pretend I don't see some gray in your hair."

    The guard raised an eyebrow and gripped his sword a bit tighter, fixing his helmet with his spare hand as he turned to Silva,

    "So, is the girl's story true?"

  11. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Meet you there!" Tae says as she walks out, closing the door behind her after Kindra walks through.
    "Say, is she always like that when she gets a letter? Does her family live far away or?" The girl asks the other as they walk down the hallway.
  12. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Do I have a light green trench coat and a yellow shirt?
  13. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Pleaaaase, just leave me alone.
    I'll just toss some bs at him or something.

    "Sorry, I'm a bit tired after this."
    Give an apologetic smile.
    "I was planning on resting early so I could wake up prepared for my work tomorrow..."
  14. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I groggily say to the guildmembers even if I don't see them "What's happening?"
  15. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Slowly pick up the piece of paper and read what it says
  16. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Young man, we have no reason to lie to you." Silva says, "If you are still uncertain about us, then you can send someone to accompany me as I escort young Hilda to her home."
  17. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    "Uhmmm, not really? She sorta just reads her letters and tosses them away. I don't know why she got flustered by this one all of a sudden. Maybe something happened a while ago? I don't wanna pry, Lys hates people barging into her business. If she wants to talk about it, she'll come to us."

    Crossing through the main lobby, Kindra pushed a pair of double doors and the duo walked into the cafeteria. It was fairly decorated for the beginning of the year and several girls were already eating their breakfast. Tae followed Kindra and picked up a tray, looking over the meats, salads, and other food items available to them. Kindra grabbed a plate of eggs and bacon, several tangerines, and a glass of water before turning back to Tae,

    "I'll grab us a table, better eat up though! The food here's actually not bad."

    Looking through his closet, Lux fished out a light green trenchcoat and yellow shirt. He changed into them and freshened himself up, ready to tackle the day.

    "Ahh...I see. Well, I'll have a servant see you both out. Thank you both, again! Have a nice evening."

    Lord Feo bowed and began walking to his quarters, a servant motioning them to follow her. The servant led them back to the front of the manor and simply nodded at the duo before returning inside. Ky's grandfather sighed and climbed into the carriage, Ky following behind. As the carriage rocked from the cobbled road, Ky's grandfather turned to him,

    "I'm glad you didn't ask to stay. I didn't want to spend another minute in that blasted home."

    One of the members popped their head into the room,

    "We're headin' out to Goldenberry for the day. You taggin' along?"

    Frozlar stomped on the paper and slowly dragged it over to him. He reached down and picked it up,

    Lunch? I know a table we can sit at. Meet me back at Nevic once lunch starts.

    The guard huffed and marched back to his group. A visible discourse could be seen between the group and Hilda glanced up at the archers on the wall,

    "Well, I wasn't expecting this when I got home..."

    The group motioned towards Silva and after another moment of discussion, nodded their heads. The same guard returned to them,

    "We decided that you don't pose a threat to Ozvio. Finish your business swiftly, our night patrols won't be as lenient with you as we were."

    The iron gate cried sharply as it rose up, exposing the entrance for Hilda and Silva. As the duo cleared the gate and the guards returned to their positions, Hilda tugged on Silva's cloak. He kneeled down as Hilda whispered into his ear,

    "Can you make us invisible again? My home is within my father's trinket shop and I know a shortcut through Ozvio to it. However, it's in a really busy district and I don't know if anyone's still out this late at night. Plus, those patrols sound...scary, to say the least."

  18. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Alright then." Tae spun towards the food, picking a tray and starting to put some food in her place; Meat, eggs, a tangerine, a sandwich and a singular waffle.
    Walking back to the table, she grabbed a glass of orange juice for herself and sat down with Kindra.
  19. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Alright let's go outside to see if anything is new
  20. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Steal a quick nod at Elizabeth and start paying attention to whatever Mr. Nevic is talking about.
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