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A Honest Tier List Of All The Dungeons (their Quests Are Taken Into Factor)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by CACKFLAKSTACK, Aug 2, 2019.

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    CACKFLAKSTACK haha very funny heheh heheh

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    S TIER

    UnderWorld Crypt: Okay, this is hands down the best dungeon, The G.O.A.T of all dungeons before it and to come after it. The quest to get access to this blessed god send is perfection. You go threw a fucking limbo of tortured souls that turn into zombies, bruh that's gold. Whoever made the quest let me date you (I don't care about your gender)

    Okay, the quest is perfection but, the dungeon itself is 10/10, this dungeon has the possibility of debunking atheism because only a holy deity can make something this blessed. Okay first off, the entrance is beautiful. Grian has somekind of Vincent Van Gogh brain to think of this shit. The way the entrance makes you think you are gonna meet Lucifer but looking so rich and classy is astonishing. The way the horde of zombies come out of the ground to kill you is really neat. That survive feature is actually 500 IQ. It makes it hard without making it repetitive.

    AND HOLY SHIT, that boat section is perfect! I think its based of River Styx but even if it wasn't, It would still be the best thing in WynnCraft since Salted had the mere concept of an MMORPG in Minecraft. Then we have the boss fight, oh jesus the boss fight. WHAT IS THIS CLASH OF CLANS TYPE OF SHIT?! It's perfect! Now, you can just spam General Graken but, the fact the GM's still put other pawns is actual GALAXY IQ!

    OK OVERALL PERFECTION, S TIER, 10 out of 10!

    A TIER

    Sand Swept: This dungeon is really super duper amazing something that my small mind didn't know. This dungeon is superior to all aside UnderWorld Crypt. The quests is top 10 in Wynn and the lore is my 2nd favorite of all bosses. The boss is a little lacking compare to others but, when that floors drop you go deadass "OH SHIT". Really amazing dungeon. Plus you have a chance of having a different run everytime and that's just extra effort I love to see in dungeon. Good job CT

    Ragni's Sewers:
    No lie, the quests carries this dungeon. I need to cool my jets from gushing about the
    god send which is UnderWorld Crypt. Okay, the quests is really good. A really good showcase of what WynnCraft is to the new players. The dungeon itself is B tier, too much token grabbing for my liking but, the wall mechanic of the boss fight is really fun! Overall, really good dungeon.

    Fallen Factory: I really love Corkus 10/10 province and the dungeon is good. The challenges are easy if you are on your first try but, the design is really intricate . Envoy ll is really fun and B I G B R A I N but, yeah its A tier. I like the boss fight for some reason, I just really like it even though its generic.

    Galleon's Gravyard: A really love Galleon as a boss. I really love pirates! It really is the opposite of Ragni's Sewers because I don't dig the quest but the dungeon is really fun. I love the cannon mechanic of the mini boss and boss fight but, holy shit! that pirate fight is WOW! It's clever but goddamn laggy and the cannonballs is 50/50 if it's gonna work. It has original room like that Running room to find a token. Very Cool!

    B TIER

    Ice Borrows: I have changed the font for this one! The quest for this dungeon is really cool. Like you time travel and shit real neat. The dungeon itself is boring it takes everything that sucks about Ragni's Sewers and makes it worse like WHAT THE FU--- ok the boss fight is oOoOOOOOOoooooookaAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAaay???? but still borderline B tier

    C TIER

    no one here for now.

    D TIER

    Animal Sanctuary: Okay, this one really makes my sad because the quest is real solid and the building in the dungeon itself is top 4 best dungeon landscape. That huge ass tree and that entrance to that boss room are really cool but... but but but but but but THE DUNGEON IS REPETITIVE AND BORING. Okay, the reason this dungeon is repetitive because after the creeper self-destruct you go into this room that looks really good 10/10 but, the task you have to do is more repetitive than bitting on that LEGO piece that you accidentally put and it just doesn't want to come out due to the fact you have to do the same room boring room over and over and over again. The boss is alright. It's clever I'll give it that but, alright. E Tier.

    E TIER

    Infestion Dungeon: The only saving grace of this dog shit dungeon is the design of the boss and semi ok parkour. The quest is the purest essence of boredom. Which I really feel bad since the GM worked hard on all the quests but this one just falls short in my opinion. You go in a volcano, do some parkour, get lava and leave. BRUH! The boss design is really cool but everything else is poopoo


    Bruh, I'm not even gonna tell you what dungeon this is because, its like Voldemort but nothing happens when you its name. Slykaar is the most boring, no good and poopoo boss ever! I thought Hashir was bad but goddamn Slykaar has a boring boss fight. The keystone guardian has the worst AI.

    You walk 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.1 blocks away from this piece of intellectual muk, it will get lost like your TV remote and you need to walk near it like it was a blind rat trying to find cheese in a mindfield!

    What grind my gear, what rustle my jimmies, what got me deadass seething like that veiny kid meme is the fact that in one room you got to take down these pillars by killing mobs, now normally this wouldn't be a problem for a person of class such as myself. NO NONONONONONONONON. The spawn rate of these mobs is 1 every 10^999999999 years. Rinse, repeat and recycle. After all that if you haven't gotten LoveCraft and horror type of insanity. You will go into one of the worse room in gaming history! You go into this room where you got to get 40 freakin tokens from slimes. Okay, you have a couple of gaps in your memory and you have aged 60 years after that ordeal. You go into this useless parkour. OH WAIT DID I TALK ABOUT HOW USELESS THE PARKOUR FROM THIS DUNGEON IS??? ok the boss. POOPOO worse thing ever 0/10000 remove it from the game! please Salted! Fix, Redo whatever to make this dungeon better!!!!! The quest from this dungeon is meh! but the dungeon is garbage. This makes me so sad since the Jungle and Troms are my favourite parts of Wynn but the dungeon is so bad.

    Ok, I realised that my rant is hard to read so just watch this video by Shots:

    If I change my mind, I will edit this post. Have a nice day!

    Edit 1: I replayed FF and decided to bring it up since the commands are stuff are dope. Easy for Archers such as myself but might be hard for other classes.

    Edit 2: I go more in-depth for why Animal Sanctuary is

    Edit 3: Infestation Dungeon is lowered.

    Edit 4: Animal Sanctuary goes up!

    Edit 5: GG is still A tier but lower than FF.

    Edit 6: I have seen the greatness of Sand Swept. Really good dungeon!

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
  2. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Tied to Envoy Part 1 and 2
  3. RazorGuild


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    galleons graveyard is not better then ff and ice barrows lol

    CACKFLAKSTACK haha very funny heheh heheh

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    Let's debate, Change my mind.
  5. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    white text reeee
    MlecznyHuxel99 and CACKFLAKSTACK like this.
  6. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    too long can't read
    no I just don't feel like highlighting everything
    and you could go into more detail than just saying "it's repetitive"
  7. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    “Why can’t my cannonballs hit the dang enemies!”
  8. RicRicc

    RicRicc Mythics: 0 Chests: 10K+ CHAMPION

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  9. RazorGuild


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    galleons has many problems on its own, and it has a bunch of sore slow spots that nobody likes. I would include the stupid ass boat shooting minigame that takes a millenium and the annoying grab 3 token parkour stuff. The cannonballs are badly designed to also die to your own attacks and sometimes just get fucking one shot by redbeard's shotgun move. They're annoying and adds an uneccesary level of annoyance to the fight. It would be better if they fixed the cannonballsz (like not having the player kill them) Because of these boring timewasters I find galleons to be on the level of Undergrowth because of how slow and bad it is.

    Galleons is just not fun and ice barrows and FF are better with pretty much no forced timewaster segments. Everything in FF can be speedrunned efficiently where there are no "autoscroll" parts. With enough skill and knowledge you can beat FF much quicker. All that applies to ice barrows to except the dumb wall part, however that won't be a problem if you're doing it solo. The autoscroll forces the player to stand fucking still and just wait it out. All you need to do is survive so every player will have the same time on that part no matter the skill level or equipment.

    tl;dr (read the whole thing if you can) galleons has a lot of timewasters and a forced autoscroll timewaster where you can't perform any better to make it quicker.
    H0Y likes this.
  10. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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  11. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    We'll be fixing this in the future so that the cannonballs can only be damaged by the other mobs.
  12. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    What about potion effects because you can’t ice snake with them out.

    CACKFLAKSTACK haha very funny heheh heheh

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    About the cannon ball glitching out, it seems a lot of people have been having that problem. Thought, for some reason. I never got a problem of the sort and this tier is based of personal experiences. I will replay it and see if it has problems but, if I don't them it will stay there in A tier.
  14. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Making a dungeon tier list sounds fun, why not? Also the quests dont have any effect on the rankings.
    Underworld Crypt

    UC is the best dungeon by a long shot. No grinding, unique boss fight (even if you can just spam Gracken), boat ride is lit, survival sections are a cool idea that aren't used enough in this game, and the parkour isn't overly long or hard.

    Really, the only problem with this dungeon is being able to spam Gracken in the boss fight, this could be fixed by making him only target Charon (idk if that's actually possible to code though) and making the minions more dangerous giving the player a reason to summon the other troops.

    I guess another problem is it becomes too easy in later levels but thats a problem with dungeons as a whole.

    10/10 Best dungeon

    Fallen Factory

    This dungeon would be S tier but FuCkInG cOnVeYoR.

    Ignore the conveyor being janky, laggy and overall garbage this dungeon is solid, the parkour through the clock tower is my favorite parkour in the game, climbing up the piles of shit youve made with mech parts is fun and I actually like the entire boss room despite it's grindyness. (plz move bossroom entrance to the actual fight with Antikythera so I don't restart while grinding ty)

    Also unlike every other dungeon it doesn't suffer from the problem of being overly easy above recommended level.

    Infested Pit

    Am I the only person that likes this dungeon? Sure the beginning is stupid hard for of-level mages and archers but other than that the dungeon is oddly fun. It's really just grinding and parkour but the Parkour is really fun and the grinding isn't too bad.

    Oh yea, the boss is kinda fun too.


    Galleon's Graveyard

    This is one of the more unqiue dungeons in the game. The parkour forces you to go quickly, the fight with the pirate ships is fun, the rush through the 2 storage areas to get the tokens is cool, and the bossfight is... unique? I guess? Janky as shit but unique sooo.

    Oh yeah, I forgot the whirlpool section... This part is why this dungeon is a B and not an A, the fucking whirlpools.... It's a fun idea but getting sucked back down to the bottom in mid air is fucking annoying, they also can take forever to actually pull you up in the first place making this part even more hateable.

    Ice Barrows

    If you look up mediocrity in the dicitionary it's this dungeon, I really like the ice maze thing and it uses the survival sections from UC, but the maze is automatic and the survival section is skippable with a horse.

    Now for the bad stuff. The grinding in this dungeon fucking sucks, 3 sections, the first one is basically hide and seek with things that cant move, the second one is mediocre at best and the third one is Overgrowth Ruins level trash. The Ice parkour is just fucking mean and the boss fight is generic af.


    Decrepit Sewers

    As stated by everyone DC is very "meh". I think it does fine as sort of a tutorial or beginner dungeon, which is why it isn't a D. Basically you grind for a bit, do like 5 parkour jumps, grind some more and fight a boss. Not much to it but hey, at least it's not bad.


    Sand Swept Tomb

    SST was basically shit before its revamp and is basically shit now, the beginning of the dungeon is a survival section, which would have been nice if the room wasn't enormous, and a section of... idk wtf this section is to be honest. Like, you're running away from the dispensers but... they don't move, so its kinda just walking from point a to point b.

    After this you head to new part of the dungeon. Aka the worst part. The new parkour here sucks, it's way too long and the only checkpoints you get are hoping you land on a previous jump if you fall, then you get more survival sections that actually are pretty good and then you get the shitty grinding room from the original dungeon. Oh yea, the room where you run from the falling floor still exists too for whatever reason.

    Overgrowth Ruins

    The only reason this dungeon isn't an F is the parkour is kinda fun, but seriously this dungeon is fucking garbage just watch @Shots 's review of it, it'll tell you everything you need to know.

    Lost Sanctuary

    Wow, this dungeon is fucking trash. You literally run over a burning bridge for a few seconds then grind. 4. times. in. a. row. First you kill 1 lonely creeper foreshadowing the impending torture. Then you kill 4. And then 5. And finally you end the creeper genocide with 6 more. then make a few 1 and 2 block jumps, hop on a horse and fight the boss. Literally just grind around Nemract, it's 10 times better.

    I mean hey at least the boss fight isn't generic and boring righ- Wait he has flamethrower? And you need to lead him into a pit of fire that he can charge out of? Also remember when I mentioned the creeper genocide was over? NOPE! You need to kill 8 more just to open the fucking pit you need to bait Gareth into.

    Once you've finally killed that fucker you get your xp and are free to never go back to that shit hole again!

    I really hate this dungeon... and to make things even worse it replaced the Animal Dungeon. That was my favorite of the older dungeons, and it got replaced by the hugest pile of shit. Fuck this dungeon.

    Edit: Yes I forgot DC in my original post, I'm a fucking retard.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    Bart (MC), H0Y, WithTheFish and 3 others like this.

    CACKFLAKSTACK haha very funny heheh heheh

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    Posting my idea on my thread. you think you get challenge me at my own game. you will regret this greatly you fool! you CRETIN!!! No but, really good tier list
    tig and BqwaOLD like this.
  16. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Since I have nothing productive to do with my life here's my list (best to worst). I won't be taking the quest into account unless it has imo a major impact on the dungeon itself (pretty much just Corrupted Betrayal/Fate of the Fallen).

    Everything about the dungeon in terms of mechanics is almost spot on, in particular the boss and the boat area. Sure, you can just do the meta strategy of spamming Graken if you want, but more often than not I just mess around with all the soldiers because it's fun to do so. The only real problems I have with UC are the survival sections, which do get tiresome after the 5-6th time doing them. Also, I love General Graken. He seems like a character I would want to punch in the face but instead of seeming like an annoying, whiny toddler he seems like a grown up old man who treats you like you've known each other your whole life. One of my favorite quotes in all of Wynncraft comes from him when he says "Now, I don't wish to alarm you old bean, but I believe we are in front of the literal gates to hell." and then legit in the next piece of dialogue he tells you not to worry about it. It's hilarious.

    Charon is also a bit generic, sure, but at least he's somewhat intimidating and/or creepy. Plus, the reference of Charon and the ferry is spot on.

    Unfortunately, CUC takes the problem I just mentioned, doubles it, and it also removes the boss fight with something that's less enjoyable and much more grindy, but I digress. UC is still the best dungeon imho.
    If we were talking about the old SST/CSST, then yeah this would be in a much lower spot, but this isn't the old SST/CSST. I mostly love the mechanic of the changing combination of one of four battle rooms and one of four parkours. If you like playing with others then yeah, this is going to be an absolute pain in the ass, but since in PvE games I usually prefer to play alone that is no problem for me. It makes you want to do the dungeon again and again to see all possible outcomes and rooms you may be sent to. However, this is also it's downfall. Once you've found all four possible areas for the two sections, you not only lose incentive to try it until you get all of the eight total rooms, but if you're like me you begin to make a list of your favorite to least favorite and/or which ones you hope to get for it to be the most efficient. For example, I despise the noobis room with a passion due to its mediocre at best spawn rates and how obnoxious the turrets in the walls are, but I like the 30 token room since it's probably the most efficient out of all the options due to how insane the spawn rates are.

    The two survive sections are pretty lack luster and get boring relatively quickly. The first one is really just sit in a corner and wait for Dune Beast to spawn, while the other is just hopping onto your horse and/or kiting everything into one area once mostly everything spawns and spamming AoE out the ass. The run section is fine as is the bridge, although I will admit I like the trap that awaits you if you do somehow fall on the bridge section. Hashr can be difficult for newer players, but for others like me he's pretty easy (although his second "steroid" phase can be pretty obnoxious).
    Despite my problems with unskippable dialogue, Fate of the Fallen is a great quest. Why? Theorick. Theorick is imo an amazing character. Is he an asshole? Absolutely, but what you realize during the quest is despite this attitude he deep down still wants to protect those that he cares about from the corruption, even going as far as to seal himself away to rot if it meant the greater good. So, why is it that when you go into the dungeon that he seems so different? Well, I don't know about you, but having to live in isolation with a parasite slowly eating away at your soul while a bunch of citizens you want to protect try to come and kill you out of pure rage does something to a person. As Telvu puts it, it's a mercy to finally put him to rest.

    It's almost like they could've made another dungeon have a meaningful character/story impact but then they threw him into a dumpster fire instead.
    I wonder who on earth that could be.

    Tangents about Theorick aside, mechanically Ice Barrows is overall decent enough. The 10 token room, 32 token room, normal parkour, and running section are all pretty eh since they're either just boring, grindy, or stupidly easy, but I do enjoy the concept of the invisible maze, the room before the boss due to it's variation with the mini bosses (although the spawn rates can sometimes screw you over), and the boss itself. Theorick was probably one of the hardest bosses I had fought in my first playthrough, granted this was pre-nerf Theorick though, and I enjoy the mechanic of the specters, although their rng can sometimes be unfair.

    I can see why people dislike IB/CIB though. At least CIB parties are the fastest way to get xp rn outside of maybe a few spots in the Sky Islands.
    Fallen Factory: I've come to accept that really the only reason I like Fallen Factory is because of the rewards, Antikythera, and the parkour when it's not buggy or laggy. Antikythera's dialogue is not only pretty funny to me (especially when he tells you to jump off a building because there's more important people than yourself), but it also has understandable logic and reasoning behind what it wants to do, since humans are the greatest threat of them all. Sure, you could argue that a robot turning against its creators is pretty much a cliche now, but this was the first time I had really ever seen it used (outside of Sonic Heroes), not to mention Antikythera made me find out I had a love for robots (along with FNaF, and yes you're legally allowed to "constructively bully" me for mentioning FNaF).

    Mechanics wise though, everything else is pretty tedious. The boss is interesting to a degree since you don't directly fight the boss at first, but so much grinding is involved that it gets pretty repetitive (and god forbid you time out in there), the siege engine room really has no right to exist and just seems like an excuse to throw in a mini boss for the sake of a mini boss despite having to fight two of them in the boss room anyway, and the 24 token room/4 token room, like almost any token gathering room, are both just kind of there because "grinding=fun" (although they usually go by pretty fast, so they get somewhat of a pass). The conveyor belt is cool in concept and in reality the first two or three times you do it, but after that it really just becomes a time wall for you to get through. Oh, and if you have a bad computer, have fun with the belt and it's fps drop.
    Decrepit Sewers is pretty much the exact definition of "meh". There's really nothing super interesting nor anything awful that stands out about it outside of the lore behind Witherhead herself. However, it's at least the quickest of any dungeon despite this, so I'll give it that for not trying to stretch out the dungeon and make it where I get a massive headache.
    Really, Galleon's has one major good thing going for it, a.k.a the ship battle. Letting you control where to fire the cannons with the incoming enemies is pretty enjoyable, although doing it many times in a row does make it get dull relatively quickly. The whirlpool parkour can either be the most care free thing in the world to complete or can decide to make you want to throw your computer out the closest window, the boss can decide to just pull you over to him and ohko because hahaha burst fire, the 16 token room is just your generic "grind everything" room for the 50th time, and the parkour before the boss really doesn't need to be there and it's incredibly easy despite being technically a timed parkour. The introduction of the cannon mechanic in the mini boss and the running sections for the two token room are fine imo though. The boss can also be cheesed by getting far enough away to not aggro him, meaning there is no threat at all. The cannons can decide to be pretty dumb at times though, since there's the occasional time when one will decide "welp time to get stuck on a block!".
    I feel like Infested Pit was designed to make you hate it. After all, it is themed around spiders and that feeling of being trapped. Now, Infested Pit can go one of two ways solely depending on which class you pick if you do it at the recommended level. If you go Warrior or Assassin, then congratulations! You've earned one free cake walk as you become one with the spider exterminator. What's that? You're an Archer or Mage? Well god help your pathetic soul because you're about to get gang banged! At least if you're a Mage you have AoE melees, but Archer doesn't even have that! The only way you're going to survive the onslaught of that first room is by camping near the token door or just having ridiculous gear at that level. The spitters in either of the token rooms are by far the most obnoxious things in the entire dungeon outside of accidentally using AoE on a group of eggs, and the parkours are overall just kind of there (at least it tries to be inventive with slime parkour, though). Arakadicus is surprisingly easy unless she decides to use her web spell and all her babies are nearby, in which case have fun.

    Oh, I mean Infested Pit is the best dungeon because you can get the dead meme SPIDER BUILD from it @YYGAYMER spider build solo LI when??????????
    LOOK! It's generic villain #2788!

    Let's start with the good. The rewards are all nice for their level.
    That's pretty much it.

    The three grinding rooms are all so repetitive and lazy it's absurd. The first room is fine, but then they decided it would be a good idea to make you do the exact same thing two more times except this time you have to kill additional creepers and you have to deal with mobs that really aren't challenging and are just the most irritating mobs to deal with in the entire dungeon outside of the boss itself, in particular those burst ranged mobs that just sit somewhere and interrupt everything you're trying to do. The tree looks nice, but there's really no sense of awe as you climb up it since you're being charged at by a bunch of random mobs repeatedly. The boss tries to be unique but falls flat on it's face since it's basically the exact same thing you had to do in three previous grinding rooms already, except this time it somehow manages to make it even more headache inducing! Garoth's over here spamming flamethrower which, while easy to dodge, pretty much walls off an entire section of the arena because why the hell not, and the creepers spawn rate really decides how long this fight will go for you, because sometimes it'll be fine and then other times it'll not spawn a creeper for pretty much a minute straight. Even after you get the floor to explode Garoth will occasionally decide to just charge out of the hole and if you get even luckier the floor will close when he manages to get out, meaning you get to do all that grinding again!

    This also could just be a me problem, but out of any dungeon, the LS/CLS token collectors by far glitch for me the most, including in the boss room, which ends up making it such a pleasant, bug filled experience.

    If it wasn't for UG, this would be my least favorite dungeon, but UG exists.
    To absolutely no one's surprise, my least favorite dungeon is Undergrowth. YY once asked me why I hated it so much and I made a list of reasons I hated it. Don't mind me while I just copy and paste that (with a few thing edited), because it really just sums up everything without having to dedicate an entire essay on my pure hatred for it.

    The Keystone Guardian has the attention span of a child, although I understand why they couldn't make it's detection range massive.

    The blue token room is the most boring thing on the planet and everytime I enter it I want to go do anything else with my life. Plus, if the spawnrates decide to dick you over, you will be stuck in there for 5-10 minutes straight banging your head against a wall (yes, I swapped servers and barely anything happened).

    The 40 token room is beyond tedious and boring. Killing 10 different slimes that split into more and more slimes is not enjoyable, especially one some of those slimes decide to split into the water or straight up walk off the edge. It would be more reasonable if it were say, 20 tokens, but making you have to collect 40 of them is ludicrously time consuming and, quite frankly, idiotic.

    Slykaar is way too easy, especially if you compare him to Theorick. Hell, I'd even argue every boss outside of Charon in the dungeons is harder than him. All he does is rapid fire 3 times, which usually barely does any damage, and then just sits there doing absolutely nothing. The mobs that spawn with him are piss easy to kill to the point where I don't even really care when I see them spawn in. Sometimes, you can even manage to accidentally push him out of the arena and into the pit surrounding it, which means the fight takes longer with no danger whatsoever.

    The only thing I'm fine with in it are the parkours, because they're really just kind of there, neither good nor bad.

    Lastly, UG does absolutely no justice to Slykaar in the current state of the dungeon. Slykaar in the quest is, imo, a great villain. A mad shaman/scientist who is furious that the people shunned him because someone better than himself appealed to them is actually a good and relatable idea, albeit that Slykaar of course did have many flaws in his ideology. The lab we visit during Slykaar's quest reveals so many cool ideas with the DNA extraction and mutations of slimes to make horrifying monsters, like that of which we see when we fight the mini boss we need to get the key to escape. Furthermore, Slykaar's realm is pretty interesting, because it's never fully stated whether he found it or created it if I'm not mistaken.

    And what does UG do?
    Throw all this out the window and says "who needs that when we have a 40 token room filled with generic SLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMES!".

    Oh yeah, the rewards (outside of maybe molten and possibly fetish), are also not worth grinding for in the slightest.

    tl;dr It's boring, tedious, way too easy, and makes Slykaar way worse as character than he actually is.
    Now back to sweeping tournaments with my level 40 Spinosaurus.
    By the way, I love the fact that Tyrannosaurus is so popular to the point where the spell checker thinks it's a spelling mistake to say Spinosaurus.
    Bart (MC), Jbip, Stag2001 and 3 others like this.
  17. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Tier lists are pretty cool and the forum needs more of them.

    Considering making my own for dungeons but I feel like it would be too similar to other ones on here. I too really like Underworld Crypt and I'm not a big fan of Undergrowth Ruins (feedback: increase the spawnrates on that diamond token section!). Personally, any dungeon where you can do stuff to change up your run (summoning different mobs to fight charon, taking a different parkour route in FF) or there's some degree of variability (Sand-Swept Tomb random paths) is A-Tier or higher in my book.
    Stag2001 and CACKFLAKSTACK like this.
  18. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    @DoctorFam Will you include corrupted dungeons in the list?
    CACKFLAKSTACK likes this.
  19. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    Okay can you not make it the same color as the background pls
    CACKFLAKSTACK likes this.

    CACKFLAKSTACK haha very funny heheh heheh

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    Lol I am using dark theme so thats why its white
    I've only done the corrupt decrepit sewers. So, maybe at a later date but, since that isn't TM you can do it yourself and put your own opinion into mix. :D
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    BqwaOLD likes this.
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