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Info The Elemental Revamp: Part 1 - Endgame Overhaul - Updated Changelog Beta 1.1.1

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, Jun 28, 2019.

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  1. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    unique changes are HYPE
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  2. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Yes there are a lot of extremely powerful uniques now.
    Miles_ likes this.
  3. Hyperheretical

    Hyperheretical I Loved You At Your Darkest VIP+

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    alexa play despacito
  4. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    So if we're gonna destroy the values of people's mythics anyways, can we also raise the drop rate to something a bit less impossible?
    CringeAura, Realises, hppeng and 7 others like this.
  5. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    mythics are still 250% viable and probably gonna remain the meta the fuck are you on
  6. Hyperheretical

    Hyperheretical I Loved You At Your Darkest VIP+

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    I mean you're right about that, everything is shit now but mythics are still marginally less shit in comparison
    hppeng likes this.
  7. Snipy

    Snipy Normal wynncraft player :P VIP+

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    Wars and builds are extremely related tho, if u wanna be one of the top warring people u can't just use a bad build, be honest how many 22k's have you ever done?
  8. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    I'm not saying they aren't going to be viable, I'm making the point that a lot of people spent stacks of le to buy the perfect mythic and now those perfect mythics might end up getting rerolled to being a big pile of Salted poo.

    with how rare mythics currently are, even a very small difference in stats could mean the difference between being worth 5 stacks of le vs. 50 stacks and with all the changes, a mythic that used to be worth 30 stacks could end up only being worth 1 stack.

    So if we're going to go down the path of devaluing a lot of mythics might as well crank it up another notch and raise the drop rates of mythics and this way more people can have fun with mythics instead of just the ultra rich.
    Also on an unrelated note can someone try and make an endgame Pure build?
  9. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    hmm meteors are meh but otherwise not 100% bad
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  10. add 45/45 horse

    add 45/45 horse My Immortal

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    I've had a decent look at the changelog and there are a lot of changes for the better. People seem to only be focused on the negative although that's to be expected when its the effects of these changes are so pervasive. I think the best thing to do would be to give my opinions in no particular order.

    First off, I notice the sheer number of items that have been changed. There seems to be many changes to items causing them to promote a greater variety of playstyles. Some items were completely revamped for this reason, and I'm not too sure on how I feel about that. Items like Sky Chef's Apron, which once was a sp chestplate is now a highly defensive divine item. Only a few people used it before so I'd say changing it was for the better but I'm still not completely sure.

    On a similar topic there seems to be a hit out on items without reqs that focus on giving sp (blue mask :-; its too weak now in my opinion). All of it seems to be part of making building more restrictive in general, although I have a fear about this, that there may be too few items to allow the player to be flexible in buildmaking. It definitely seems that you can sort of "lock" yourselves out of options by going too deeply into an archetype by using the highest req, strongest armors.

    I just have to put here - yay mana nerf! I felt it was breaking the game as 90% of the builds you'd see were spell builds and int was a must-have on any of those builds because those items were the only ones with mana. Spreading mana out to other items and nerfing it in general was the best possible thing you could have done for the health of the game.

    Some changes seem to hurt more than help though. Some are just plain underwhelming - I know nirvana got a huge damage buff but for that mana price its not worth it. Some mess with the value of already existing items too strongly - all freedoms having 1/4 mr will really mess with the value of a freedom that had 3/4 before. I think the most harm is caused by greater sp requirements though. I'm not as worried about these changes destroying builds as new ones can be made. I'm more concerned about being a player going through the game trying to find a piece of armor they can wear. Taking a brief look at uniques I think they are meant to fulfill this purpose but I don't quite think they do so well enough.

    Unique and rare changes are hot, I may need to take a break from typing this out.

    Most importantly, I needed to see what building was like, so I gave it a spin, making builds for my favorite element fire.

    Immortal Tank Archer v2

    Wow, this build will never die ever! Divine archetype really is no joke when it comes to mana and survival, although damage ofc suffers. Using boreal in this build really limited my options, and I needed to sacrifice damage items to even USE it. I'm not sure what I think about this yet, but I can see what is meant by "great builds are tougher to make". Negative element defense is splattered everywhere just to coerce you to use items in their suggested archetype. But I don't play by the rules so....

    Inferno Melee
    Trying to make a melee inferno build I notice just how hard it is to try to shove the tier boost archetype and the raw melee archetype together, I'm wondering if this was even for the best at all. I've lost all of my spell capacity, and for just a little melee damage. Lesson learned: its best to play by the rules. I really want to see what I can make when I blend archetypes properly, but I spent a very long time trying to get this to work to no avail. Perhaps this is a sign that items are too restrictive, or that my build approach was wrong.

    Anyways I'm tired rn so more thoughts later after I've further explored this.
  11. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Give me awhile and I'll point out some of the changes I do like to show that I'm not blind to some of the neat changes. I just think that if the SP bonus items weren't being so utterly butchered and restricting options of current and future builds, and making a very unfreidnly "meantime environment" so players wont run around armorless while making new builds, that this changelog would be getting a much better reception. The SP req and bonus changes on 90% of these items are excessive when you think about the cost towards existing builds.
  12. Hyperheretical

    Hyperheretical I Loved You At Your Darkest VIP+

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    Wait what? An informed opinion on the Internet...? What?
  13. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    on topic of inferno, https://wynndata.tk/s/g4dyaw ouch thunder defense but your sp will easy make up for it
    Druser likes this.
  14. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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  15. Poprony

    Poprony First cata finder <o/ HERO

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    It does when I use cata, so like for me I love rainbow now bud ;)
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  16. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Okay, let's check out some changes I feel pretty chill with, to substantiate my earlier point that it's not like the new possibilities or the actual principle of the update is bad.

    Steamjet Walkers
    Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou for backing out of the awful first proposal for Steamjet Walkers! It still served as a damaging tri-elemental piece of armor and kept its original purpose that people were so in love with, and though the overall power was nerfed, the purpose of this item was preserved in traditional builds and will prove useful in future ones. Thank you.

    Soul Signal
    Now I'm pretty legit hyped for this increase in spellpower of Soul Signal, because I felt that is was very reliant on just one ID: The raw Spell, and I feel like its use is being bolstered. Yes the Skillpoint req is quite a big hike, but not irredeemable, and the preservation of its power offsets it somewhat.

    I am NOT a fan of the majority of mythic reworks, but I do think this one is pretty hot. XP bonus was a distracting stat, and the melee damage was nullified largely because of the -attack tier, and adding poison was an interesting way of making this item much more useful and not just a worse-damaging warchief with less - defenses and different skillpoint reqs. The nerf in manasteal doesnt really bother me much and was the only water-based stat on the item, so the wate rdamage % is a fitting addition.

    Even though the lucrative 2+ tier attack speed of Centipede may remain despite the huge glassy nerf on it, Nephilim might actaully see some use now as a safer alternative and not overlooked for what used to be negative damage ID's. This helmet I think was one of the, if not THE least used +attack tier item in the game, this is a perfect example of the kind of buffing overlooked items the IM was talking about.

    Preety much all of the new/changed MAster Hive Items
    I love the new Master Hive items. But I have mixed feelings about the slot changes of Hephesteous greaves especially, I think it was change for the sake of change and an unnecessary existing-build-killer.

    Attached Files:

    Tsuneo, Realises, Stag2001 and 2 others like this.
  17. Major_Lue

    Major_Lue Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I'm not a fan of directly refuting things people bring up as the update is still pretty fresh but I'll explain why this (and other) slot changes did happen.

    The master hive pieces were made with every other armour piece in mind and trying to create the least conflict. You'll see some noteable pieces aren't trying to compete with master hive such as Nether's Scar vs Obsidian-Framed, Hetusol vs Eden-Blessed, Bete Noire vs Chaos Woven, Aries/Ex Nihilo vs Abyss-Infused. You get the point, right? Now obviously, not every single case of this could have been avoided such as Ration vs Eden-Blessed or the notable ones like Medeis/Cumulonimbus and their tri-hive counterparts. The point is, where could have been avoided was avoided.

    Hephaestus was changed purely for this reason. In the leggings slot if we just quickly look at combos making up Heph's TFA we can instantly spot both Gemini and Heat Sink. I'm sure it would be a bummer if the lifesteal oriented leggings in Heat Sink couldn't be used with the sustain based type of Heph's TFA. If you examine things closely nothing that's been done in this update was changed for the sake of changing it. Hephaestus was changed to avoid clashing with things such as Heat Sink/Gemini. Boreal was changed to avoid things such as Soul Signal. Anima was changed to avoid things such as Sizzling Shawl. By no means did I list all the things it could have been clashing with, but I hope I provided enough examples to show that things aren't being changed just because we wanted to.

    This isn't even talking about trying to juggle that with all 10 hive pieces simultaneously to make sure a slot isn't oversaturated (like if we had 4 helmets instead of 2) which if we did it would definitely have made our lives easier but for the sake of not oversaturating the slot with master hive pieces and to try to make the shop look more representative (again, both not as big of deals as clashing with existing items but still relevant) this is what we ended up with.
    Tsuneo, Dondasch, Stag2001 and 4 others like this.
  18. MidnightOpera

    MidnightOpera BUYING Motivation cuz I've lost mine HERO

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    It seems to me and several players I've talked to that this update seems designed to push players in the direction of crafted items- the whole, "if you don't like what you have, craft it yourself!" sort of mentality that was emphasized when 1.18 was dropped. Are there accompanying changes to crafted items that will occur because of or in conjunction with this update? Many things take durability (e.g. walking or opening a bank) that to most of the community (that I've talked to) seems like that's not really how it should be. Could this at least be taken into consideration? If you're pushing people in the direction of crafted items, whether intentionally or not so, could we see improvements towards how durability works especially for high-level equipment which is very expensive to keep in a state of constant repair?
  19. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    I wish we just where listened to...
  20. Pvpet

    Pvpet The Generous

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    This is terrible news -_-, all of my Armour looks completely wasted now. I don't see many buffs in the changelog. Thanks for the work though, we'll just have to see how it plays out.
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