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Guild ♔ Imperial | NOT A WYNN GUILD PLS READ IDK ☕

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Ascended Kitten, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. Kikui

    Kikui Mana Thief

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    Please just call me Kikui, I'd rather not disclose my real name on the internet.
    My discord tag is as follows: Kikui#9040
    My minecraft username is Kikui.
    My timezone lies on the east coast of the United States of America, or GMT -4.

    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    My highest level class in Wynncraft is a level 92 assassin, who I plan to level up to the maximum for usage in events such as wars. My main hobby in the game is exploring, and just interacting with the community; be that with the guild, or just regular players. Naturally, this means I have participated in my fair share of wars, and I have also acted as a source in which other players have come to in order to seek assistance. I
    dabble in the market a bit on the side, in order to create a net income to fund my growing collection of mythics and legendaries.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    I have been in two guilds prior to this application, Titan's Valor, and another smaller guild that has since been disbanded(I do not remember the exact name, this was a year or two ago.)

    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?

    I believe some of my aptitudes lie in my charisma, and my trait to pick up concepts rather quickly. By saying I have good charisma, I'd like to think I have well-developed social skills; among other things. Academically, I am naturally gifted in linguistic arts and history, though I like science the most out of any other subject(Biology and Chemistry specifically).

    Other than these, throughout the course of my life I have always worked administrative positions, be it in servers, other guilds, or at jobs. In fact, in my current job I work an administrative position; so I believe it would be fair to imply that I have cutthroat experience in that regard.

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    I believe I am a shrewdly talented individual, with gifts in many different areas. Many people have confided in me in order to feel better, so I believe that I function as a, "mom," in the sense that I provide a therapeutic effect to the environment I am in. I am an extremely proud individual, be it in my skills or other areas.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    In real life, I enjoy gaming, racing, and practicing art(namely painting and drawing).

    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    Preferably, I'd like to be put in the Duma Community, due to my experience with administrative work. If this is not possible, I'd like to be put in eX, until I can level up my assassin to the point where I am sufficiently satisfied with it, and can put it to use in wars(naturally this would mean I would like to be promoted to IG upon this occurring).

    If my application is accepted, please contact me through discord, as that by far the easiest way to reach me. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day!
    Acrobit likes this.
  2. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
  3. Healabledread

    Healabledread Existencial nihilist

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    My real name is Noah. Discord tag is Rhodiaxx#3853 . The Wynncraft username is Healabledread, an invention of the XBOX live username algorithm. I live in Switzerland, time zone being UTC +2

    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    My highest level class is a mage close to 103. As a veteran Wynncraftian striving for the best, I see myself as a completionist, trying to finish the last few open quests and I've also taken a liking in the new Runescape-esque professions. I love to discover the many different regions and learn more about this vibrant world. Changing my playstyle from lone wolf to more of a community-driven one, I have decided to be more outgoing to players and apply for a guild.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    Wrath of Poseidon [OCE]
    I've only been in that guild for a few days, there wasn't enough community engagement for my taste.

    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    I'm on the way to university and have been competing in sports for a few years now. However, my lifestyle was too active over the years and I've become burnt-out in a way. My current goal is to take it easy and slowly work my way back up. Taking a break from intense activities, I focus on gaming, reading and music.

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    I see myself as a realist, and of course no one comes without flaws. Would even say that my self-scrutiny is a little over the top sometimes, as clinical depression gives me some irrational thought inputs. Still, I do have some objective skills that I'm thankful for and glad to use. The dark side of the mind also does not hinder me from being an active and committed member that is nice to be and have around.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    Due to my origin, I have access to mountains, plains, rivers and lakes, which provide a multitude of options for sports.
    I also enjoy meeting friends and family. At school, besides the usual subjects, I've specified in philosophy, economics and programming

    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    For starting off, eX seems to fit me the most. However, with dedication and patience I'd also be interested in working my way up to the IG. The other branches are also interesting, I'd be happy to work where I can do the most good for the guild. I understand that becoming a part of the #1 is a high goal. However, I think I might just have what it takes and I'm ready to show my commitment.

    Kindest regards

    Acrobit likes this.
  4. Mackeeper

    Mackeeper Hitting on your mom uwu

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    Discord: soup#4727
    IGN: MackeeperBestApp
    Location: UAE
    Timezone: EST+9
    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    My highest level class is a level 50 warrior. I know it isn't too high, but I got there 22 hours, Im not sure if thats good or not but I'm proud of it, considering I had no previous experience in the game beforehand.
    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    I would say that once I am dedicated to do something, I will do almost anything to achieve it and I won't give up.
    5. What do you think about yourself?
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I love to bike around and chat and hang out with some of the friends I have and go out to a movie or the mall or something like that. Also, I love to play sports with my dad, namely badminton, and
    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    I would like to be in the Duma Community, but I figure I should get some more experience first. So therefore I think the eX would be the best choice. Along with that, I could also get more experience of the game and enjoy my time here.
    Acrobit likes this.
  5. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
  6. Blaze3547

    Blaze3547 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. I go by Ross in real life, my Discord is Blaze3547#3757, I live on the East Coast of the U.S with Eastern Standard Time Zone. (10pm when I’m posting)

    2. My Highest level is a 101 Assassin (73 Knight on the rise), I really love figuring out the most OP way to do something, questing, and understanding the lore of the game.

    3. It was two or three years ago before I took a long hiatus because my computer had decided it no longer wanted to work, and I couldn’t afford a new one, if I remember correctly the guild Paladins United.

    4. My real life aptitude list is unfortunately short, I have an analytical mind that helps when problem solving, and I can work with people relatively easily. Though I believe my greatest feature in real life is my love for video games, and that is because it has led me to meet some amazing people and be part of some very friendly communities.

    5. I believe myself to be just a friendly guy, that just wants to play video games with his friends, and make more friends along the way.

    6. For fitness, I enjoy kickboxing. I don’t fight but I’m not at a mom gym that doesn’t teach any real techniques and how to use them. Otherwise, I mostly just play games, go to work, and go to school.

    7. I would like to join the Imperial Guard. To start, my assassin build is meant to shred bosses and swarms of mobs because of the fact that I was warring a few years ago before any real updates and improvements were made to stop all the crashing.Second, my Knight is (eventually) going to be built in a way to basically just be a wall and let the Mages and Archers pop the baddies. Third, I've always enjoyed the warring aspect of the game, just found it difficult with the state it was previously in.
    Acrobit and Alex1 like this.
  7. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!


    We regret to inform you that your application was denied by the guild’s members and its council. However, do not lose faith, and feel free to apply again in one week.

    Best of luck to you!
    Blaze3547 likes this.
  8. clo

    clo Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    Nickname: sera
    DC: soft#3339
    IGN: ihym
    Location: NA
    Timezone: PST

    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why?
    My highest level class is currently a level 102 Knight and I have six level 100+ classes. My main hobbies in Wynncraft are warring, mythic trading, and helping others in the community. (My Wynndata stats are currently glitched and will not show my true statistics. I uploaded a picture below as proof of my class.)

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):

    I honestly do not remember the first guild I was in but my most notable guild experiences were in XSM and ERN.

    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    I am quite good at drawing as I enjoy making digital art and I often play volleyball for a club in my city.

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    I think I am quite shy and introverted but I can act extroverted when I open up. Although I keep to myself, I am friendly and always open to a conversation.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I enjoy listening to music, watching anime and movies, but I mostly enjoy spending time with my friends online whether that's on minecraft or other games.

    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    I would really enjoy being in the Imperial Guard as I love to war and would constantly contribute in this field. I am excited to learn more about warring from more experienced players in Imperial if I were to be accepted.

    Attached Files:

  9. clo

    clo Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Apologies for that first screenshot, I just realized it does not show my combat level. I uploaded another picture below.

    Attached Files:

  10. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your applications have been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
  11. Maronee

    Maronee Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    Nickname: Nova
    Discord tag: Aldorei#9747
    Username: Aldorei
    Location: Finland
    Timezone: EEST (UTC+3)
    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    My highest level class is level 60 mage. I like to do quests and explore the world! I also really enjoy helping people and playing with them!
    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    I was in [NRM] Necromancers of Wynn. Left it because it was pretty inactive.
    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    I don't have many aptitudes in real life... I am pretty good at drawing... :)
    5. What do you think about yourself?
    I am pretty anxious!! So at first I might seem like a pretty distant person. But once I get to know you more I become pretty extroverted!
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I like to hang out with my friends. I enjoy cooking! And I like to play in Wynncraft! (Who doesn't)
    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    I would like to be part of eX because I am only level 60 :)

    I know you didn't ask this but...
    8. Something about yourself!
    I am a non binary person so it would make me really happy if you used the pronouns he/him and they/them (sorry if it's too much to ask ( =ω=) )
  12. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
  13. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    join imp uwu
  14. mahalooooo

    mahalooooo Well-Known Adventurer

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone? People call me Alex because that is my name, my discord is alexshutup#3529, my ign is IkeaOfficial, and I live in Canada (PST)
    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc) I love to war with friends, but currently I'm doing a run through of wynn with a craftsmen class which is so far a lot of fun.
    3. Previous guild affiliation(s): THI, Mox, BCr, Dsq, Fox, WTH.
    4. What are your aptitudes in real life? I like to skateboard with my friends and I think that has made a bit more tough than most, pretty much I just try to do stuff thats going to make me happy.
    5. What do you think about yourself? Im fun
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life? Skateboard and snowboard.
    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why? probably IG and Duma, like I said I really like to war and I would like to climb the ranks of Imp. also eX cus it looks fun.
  15. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    Good luck to everyone applying! This is definitely the guild that you should join.
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  16. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    We regret to inform you that your application was denied by the guild’s members and its council. However, do not lose faith, and feel free to apply again in one week.

    Best of luck to you!
  17. cheeseries

    cheeseries Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    bump go to 1st page
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  18. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    weird thing is when I applied I said that one day I would be on imperial guard

    eventually it happened, weird how that works out
    Bensky likes this.

    CACKFLAKSTACK haha very funny heheh heheh

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    1. Amrye, Sir Famlot Theodore the IV#7610, DoctorFam, Toronto, Ontario, EST

    2. LVL 71, I like to take walks around WynnCraft from Wynn to Gavel and sneak into Corkus. I am in real awe with what the CT have built over the past couple years, it really is something.

    3. I was on a small guild called NightKore but it disbanded.

    4. I am not specifically good at anything. I try to put myself in situations that can make me pick up something. On second thought, people tell that I am really good at drawing but I haven't touched a pencil in awhile.

    5. I feel like I can be really obnoxious without realizing it because I pursue something to the ends of the Earth. I recently took a step back in my day to day life and I am trying to get into fitness. Not because I'm fat or anything but to be more athletic. Some people in my life just push their views on me and even if sometimes its helpful. It puts a lot of expectations on someone like me, someone that should be given those types of expectations.

    6. I love architecture in real life but I feel in games and in art in general. That's what pulled me into Minecraft in the first place. Aside that, I love art and animation. I love the pure spectacle of what animation can bring.

    7. I would love to be in IG but I'm not lvl.80. eX is the second choice. It sound real fun! So yup! eX is the one I would like to be apart of!

    Thanks for reading!
  20. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    Good luck! :)
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