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Info The Elemental Revamp: Part 1 - Endgame Overhaul - Updated Changelog Beta 1.1.1

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, Jun 28, 2019.

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  1. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Your last statement worries me. We shouldn't have to barter off "protection" for other endgame armors if it means sacrificing the others just for the case of "It's a requirement that __% of the IM's plans will apply. if one piece of armor is saved, another must suffer." Please tell me if that's an inaccurate interpretation or correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly sure that's what ya mean by it. Why not just try to minimize the amount of items that need to suffer? why not have *new* hive items added to the other slots and change the slot of every single one we have right now? It's unnecessary!
    Hyperheretical likes this.
  2. Hyperheretical

    Hyperheretical I Loved You At Your Darkest VIP+

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    You hit the nail on the head. I was being facetious! IM should cater to our every whim as we are the community to which they claim to cater! The items that need this update are the items that nobody is using, and we should not have to sacrifice anything as we are the people who keep this small business running! I can still see a few arbitrary reasons why some current Master Hive armors are being reassigned, but they are hardly an excuse. But now you see, I have given you a list ov doubts that likely plague the minds ov members ov this community who have convinced theirselves that this update is good for current players in any way. If we do not debunk these delusions when the changelog comes, we have lost the fight.
    Shoefarts likes this.
  3. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    You characterize us as mustache-twirling villains who're only out to wreak havoc on the game rather than improve it, and it's anything but the truth, mister Ender. The fact of the matter is that drop pools are already over-saturated, so we can't really add many more items without making it even harder to find the items you need for your builds. Even if we could, there would not nearly be enough that would allow for every single item 80+ to remain untouched, as well, as a number of them would need to be changed anyways in order to adapt to other facets of the element revamp regardless of how many other items we clogged the pool with. So, that solution is right out, for all those who're asking that.

    We truly believe this to be the best thing for the game and the thought of how many builds would break was one of the biggest worries I and others had this update. We're well-aware and if there was a way we could do this without risking it, we would have taken it. That is why we're taking as many steps as we can to minimize that risk and make the transition as smooth as possible. Remember how you all nominated various builders to preview the first rendition of the changelog? They're helping us see what we've done right, what needs tweaking, what needs buffing, etc. Your nominated candidates have already been a huge help in just a couple of days time, and we intend to continually update you on the tweaks we make. If we really were just in our seats going "Nyah-hah-hah, foolish Wynncraft players! We shall destroy their hard work and replace it with jack-squat, hee hee hee!" we would not have taken the steps we have, and we would not be listening to you.
    BethJerry, hppeng, Jbip and 10 others like this.
  4. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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  5. Nicholxs

    Nicholxs Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Pretty sure they're destroying builds in order to create more builds. Either way, I would love to have a helmet in my chest piece slot so I'm down for this update. smh. the logic in turning a chestplate into a helmet.
    Shoefarts likes this.
  6. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    I dont think most people are asking for *nothing* to be touched. The original post of the thread is what had so many people scared. I also feel like a lot of people are scared that mono-element and duo-element builds are going to vanish as a result of the ARchtype implementation, and counteract the variety and freshness of gameplay this update claims to wish to bring. I don't feel like more than half of the items need to be changed tbh, and I feel like certain items like current hive armours work perfectly fine for their purposes and already fit into tri-elemental stats, similar to the hotly contested Steamjet walkers; those don't need to be touched.

    I've been a rather harsh critic of this update, but I do not believe the itemteam is some malicious villain. I do however, think that some things need to be learned, which is why I appreciated your buildmaker nomination system to work things out. I'm just genuinely worried to see Hive armous being changed slots. IT is a very unnecessary change, there's so many more reasons *not* to do it than do it. When new reveals of this update's development pop up, they should be criticized if warranted. Yes we did nominate these buildmakers, there might be times we disagree with them nonetheless. I personally apologize if something I said made Selvut's interpretation happen. I do not think the update has bad intentions or is necessarily bad in concept. I just find it hard to stay quiet about a situation like changing the slot pieces of hive armors that's so unneeded in my mind and is objectively unnecessary.

    I hope this clears some things up. Destrction is not needed for expansion either @Nicholxs Some items aand builds as they are now should be very capably moldable into the new system, and creation of new should not be a sole justification for destruction of current and old. I don't believe that's what the IM is trying to do, especially not after certain respectable steps i've seen taken. I just think there's some changes that are being done soleley for the sake of changing, like the hive armours, and it is not particularly wise.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  7. Muchwag

    Muchwag Don’t call me Poliwhirl! VIP+

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    Can you all shut up, you are making the IM seem like they hate the players. Saying shit like The IM need to satisfy their bloodlust by killing builds is goddamn retarded. The current item system is massive flawed in major ways so they are trying to do their job and fix it. Wether you like it or not this update isn’t going to get scrapped. Try to think of it from their perspective, they have worked collectively hundreds of hours if not thousands and you after seeing fucking 6 items that could still be changed are just constantly hating. Give them a fucking chance please.
  8. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    SmileyAlec and Muchwag like this.
  9. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Please do keep in mind, that there are also a lot of people leaving legitimate and respectful criticism, and to not act like everyone is mindlessly insulting the IM. We know the update won't get scrapped, but it does need reworks and more time, both of which they are taking.
    Druser and Hyperheretical like this.
  10. Muchwag

    Muchwag Don’t call me Poliwhirl! VIP+

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    Their criticism is not legitimate, they haven’t even seen the update. They are going of rumors and speculation. You cannot complaim until you have seen the update, that isn’t fair to the IM.
  11. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Untrue. We are allowed to comment on what we've seen of it and point out trends that could be very harmful if taken. it is also plain to see that many community favoprites like Blue mask, burnout, and steamjet walkers were being utterly ruined, and people have every right to criticize that. IT is also understandable for people to be scared of the IM originally using the phrase "every single level 80+ item in the game will be refitted to fit 10 specific playstyles"

    I'm not about to argue with someone who is anti-criticism for people who are worried about what they've seen so far, and want to give their opinion rather than waiting till a wall of bricks falls on people who will be undeniably damaged if criticism isn't taken.

    If criticism at this point right now is not legit in your eyes, then are you not jabbing at the IM as well? Because theyre taking such legit criticism into account, hence the nomination of several people to work with them and also take more time. (note that i do not consider 'item team is evil, this update sucks as legit critcism)
  12. wish

    wish I eat pizza upside down HERO

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    I know a few days ago I wrote a lengthly post describing my frustration with the item team and such. In a way, we stand on the same side of the matter of opinion. But over the course of these couple days I'm respecting the IM for giving a shit about us. My post was made before the IM annouced that they have heard our voice. And as much as that post I made earlier was written in the spur of the moment and was to be frank, quite negative and borderline rude. I was being honest for what I felt at the moment and only that moment alone. As much as I was frustrated I tried to make sense of what I was saying.

    You on the other hand are literally saying batshit crazy stuff like they have "bloodlust" to destory our builds isn't really complaining or even frustration- its just outright being an asshole. No ones going to listen to you no matter how valid or warranted your complaints are if you sound like a drunk hobo on the side of the street.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  13. Muchwag

    Muchwag Don’t call me Poliwhirl! VIP+

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    Your point @AmbassadorArt is that some items are being changed and people might not like that. I could understand this in a normal update. However with every single item being changed you can’t say an item is bad because anything you could possibly compare it to or use it with we don’t know about. And utterly ruined isn’t correct. It might not be as good in your opinion in the current state of the game. However when every single item level 80+ is changed it might be more powerful than it is now comparatively.

    We can go back in forth here but the thing is you haven’t seen shut of the update so arguing against it now is really depressing that you don’t have any faith in the IM. They actually listen to the community the most and I talk with some of the members on a daily basis. I wholeheartedly believe this update will be good and until it comes out stop dissing on it.
    wish, blow w, Miles_ and 3 others like this.
  14. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    When the changelog drop in a few days, the majority of the community is going to have one of the following immediate responses.

    1. Scroll through the changelog and see what got changed, because they have a positive outlook on the update, they will see a lot of potentials and buffed items, thus they will be happy about the update.

    2. Scroll through the changelog and see what got changed, because they have a negative outlook on the update, they will see a lot of nerfs and drastic changes, thus confirming their fears and hate this update even more.

    3. Scroll through the changelog and see what got changed in their own build, happy if their build "survived", mad if their build did not.

    All of the above is understandable and is expected. People fundamentally prefer an unchanging but safe environment more than one that is changing but improving. However, I would like to give some disclaimer before the changelog is out in the coming few days.

    1. We will continuously update and make patches on the changelog base on community feedback and responses base on builds, however

    2. We will not jump to making changes base on immediate "knee-jerk reaction" feedbacks made with the first couple of builds, we will give everyone some time, because

    3. The build fundamentals are changing, if you use the traditional "comboing the best meta legendary armor with the best meta legendary weapon" idea of making builds, it will not work as well as it did before, and

    4. If you only focus your choices in the old meta legendaries and items, you WILL find your choices extremely limited, that is because

    5. One of our main focus of the update increases the viability of a lot of previously off-meta items where they would fit and combo with each other much better, if you only have a select small pool of "old meta armours" to choose from, you will find building with them extremely restricting, I've said this a couple of times, but

    6. The skill ceiling required to make a good build is drastically increased, while the skill floor required to make a build is drastically decreased. That means it is much easier to jumble a random build with synergies, but much harder to combo everything "that works" together. We have introduced a learning curve in the items to help new players learn how to combo items, as well as making finding out a good synergy much more challenging and interesting. Therefore,

    7. Please do not jump to the conclusion that "this update ruined items" or "my build is completely broken" when you tried to make old builds with the new items. Please give it some time in coming up with testing how comboing works with the updated items. You might have to relearn the system a little bit just to accommodate for the much more expanded "vocabulary" of viable items, you might have to find yourself searching for non-meta and weaker uniques just so you can use a certain strong piece of legendary or mythic, that is natural. At the end of the day,

    8. Your feedback will help us improve and shape a system that you use, please do it justice and make it count!
  15. AurumKitsune

    AurumKitsune Queen of Phoenixes VIP

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    Now that's just false. People love to see things change and improve stuff. Unfortunately, it is hard to say if this is an improvement at all as it is redesigning so much and original purposes of items completely changed. I do not know of a single other game that completely switches focus on something, and when buffing/nerfing they try to keep the thing feel the same.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  16. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    People won't like some changes, and I'm sure I won't like some, but I believe in the IM to give us a good update that improves the game. Items have major flaws, and I think there are too many "meta" items - there are a few exceptions but I'd like if there was a bigger variety of items used in builds because that would make build making more skillful instead of just:
    1: Check Wynndata for meta items
    2: Slap meta items onto build
    3: Profit $$$$
    in a lot of cases. Also some items just aren't very good and the IM will likely give a lot of attention to the shittier items that aren't good enough to be used in many builds in today's Wynncraft. I see an item team that is out to make the game more balanced and to bring more skill to build making, not one out to destroy us. They seem to give a shit about our input, so if there's something we really think is fucked up we can tell them about it collectively, and we'll also get lots of notice before it's released. The game isn't being destroyed, it's just changing into something that will likely be better in the long run.
  17. Hyperheretical

    Hyperheretical I Loved You At Your Darkest VIP+

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    Why do you attack the entire thread, but only quote my words? What an odd argument. You can talk directly to me, we can not hurt each other on the Internet :p
  18. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    that is, surprisingly enough, what we call a "rework" my dude
  19. LordCompost86

    LordCompost86 Lord Of Gavel HERO

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    Inserts response that clearly shows that I haven’t read anything they have said or taken it the wrong way, repeat the same trashy community rage comment and say they are ruining the game to fuel this argument even more when it doesn’t need to be.
    CoolVictor2002 likes this.
  20. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    Ok everyone let's take a chill pill please. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but please do not harass others about theirs, or insult people. We are all human (except salted. He's a cow)
    Sorceric and Stag2001 like this.
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