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Why I Left (official Goodbye)

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by Spinel, May 28, 2019.

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  1. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Hey, so it's me. Dr Alphys, Maki Nishikino, Lady Caitlin, Yuri, whatever you want to call me.

    I originally wasn't going to post a thread like this because I didn't want to copy bloww's thread or sound like the Verlisify of the Wynncraft community (kudos to anyone who knows what I'm talking about) but I figured that I would regret not ending my time on here with a bang, and I decided to keep my thread to strictly criticizing the community, while bloww criticized general things about the server.

    Before I begin, I just want to say that some of the following information may be controversial to some. If you don't like that, then uh...stop reading I guess. Okay, now that that's over with, let's go!

    1. The Divide in the Community
    Remember when the community felt like a community? Only Pepperidge Farm does. Memes and references aside, the community is so divided into so many "cliques" that it feels like a middle school cafeteria. You got the guild community, the veterans, the newbies, the content team, and a lot more that I'm missing. Maybe I'm looking through the past with rose-tinted glasses, but I don't remember it being like this two or three years ago. Probably a big contributor to this is Pretzule leaving, who organized a lot of community events for us (Thanks Pretz, you were the best). I know a lot of you will disagree with me on this one, but I think fixing guild wars was one of the worst things that happened to this server (well, that and the shitshow that 1.18 caused). I'm speaking from personal experience so maybe it's just me, but I've faced quite a bit of elitism and toxicity from people in major guilds. For example, one time I was fighting Amadel, and I bumped into someone who was a chief in Hax or a big guild like that. He asked me to switch servers for no other reason besides him being there. Sometimes I wish guilds were removed, or at least remained as glorified parties.

    2. Notable People Leaving
    Dr. Zed, Eirika and Ephraim, Gabe Crocoduck. What do these people have in common? If you guessed that they all left, you'd be right. I know this is really no one's fault since people leave due to irl stuff (heck, I'd be a hypocrite if I said that leaving was a bad thing). However, that doesn't change the fact that it has made the forums a lot less enjoyable for me. Things just aren't the same without Zed's news threads, Eirika's participation in roleplays in the forum game section, and Gabe's shitposts. Even one of my close friends, @Happi, left without warning, which overall took a big toll on me. Now, people have always left, but it's never been as bad as this. For one, I don't remember this many people leaving in a single year, and there's usually other people that come to replace them. Unfortunately, that hasn't really happened. I mean, people do join the forums (look at other threads in the section) but these are mostly casuals that only stay for a few months. (and don't get the wrong idea, there's nothing wrong with that)

    3. Moderator Bias/The Overall Mod Team
    Oh boy, this is what I was referring to when I said that this thread may be controversial. Before I begin, I just want to say that this part is mostly anecdotal, but really, this whole thread is lol. Anyway, so recently I've noticed a lot of problems with the mod team. For one, I don't know what the fuck's going on in terms of how they decide things, hence the "bias" in the subtitle. I have multiple examples of this, but I'll just focus on one. There's a certain user on here (not saying any names because that's rude) that should've been banned a long time ago but still isn't, while people like Moss get banned for doing almost nothing wrong. To be clear, it wasn't like I was best friends with Moss or anything, but we were on good terms. Now, if you notice, the mod team (and most likely one moderator in particular, again, not saying names) really doesn't like Moss because of the whole shoutbox drama. There's no other way to explain this other than bias. Next thing I know, a mod will change my name and delete my pfp because the character I chose to represent me isn't family friendly enough. This is a joke, please don't take it seriously. Also, there was also a mod changing polls to censor the community's opinions, which is NEVER okay. Okay, so it's possible that only one mod is behind this, and it's unfair to judge the whole team from one person, right? Unfortunately, there's a problem that plagues the whole mod team, and that's inactivity. And by that, I don't mean inactivity as in not logging in, I mean inactivity as in not posting anything. I almost never see any mods post on any threads, other than the same three people or so. Again, maybe it's my rose-tinted glasses, but I remember mods were a lot more active back in the day. An example of a good mod, imo, is WithTheFish. He is very active, does his job, and frequently interacts with the community. I don't want to say any other names because I don't want anyone to feel excluded. Listen, I don't expect everyone to be a Pretzule. However, I do expect people to be active on their own website. There's always something to post, whether it be welcoming newbies in this section or answering questions in Questions. There's no excuse for the majority of mods to post three messages every month.

    Okay, I guess I'm obligated to list special people. Special shoutout to my weeb squad, @Tsubaki, @Noximilien, @FallenAngel, @LuckyPatch, and @Happi (rip). I would also mention people that I like on here, but I would feel awkward tagging people that I barely know.

    k bye, see y'all in hell, i'm ready to get crucified for this
    Narilune, brokenmotor, Bliss and 13 others like this.
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I have been called.
    @Happi come bak! :c
    weeb. :T
    also Bayonetta? :c
    The Pretzule...
    They were amazing rip
    I actually like that guild wars got fixed. It's something to do in the endgame, which is nice. >w< It's just that...
    certain people in certain communities think that they're better than others. They ruin the fun for all of us. :c
    Everyone's just drifting away honestly. Wynn used to be a close, tight knit community that everyone loved. But now...
    yep. (also everything in bloww's thread)
    Just gonna mention how I don't like how they don't tell us how they dealt with this one person. For all we know, they could totally still be on the mod team with no warnings.
    Really? I see mods everywhere.
    /s, pls no ban. :<
    but yeah, I think it gets my idea apart that aside from modly activities (is that the word I use? Is that even a word?), they don't really post at all. (aside from a few people here and there. <3)
    @Maki Nishikino
    @Dr Alphys
    @Lady Caitlin
    Good luck with life.
    I'll miss you.
    And I really will go crucify you if you don't stay active on discord. >:T
    Narilune and Coffee KQ like this.
  3. Killoli

    Killoli looking for a girlfriend HERO

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    so u want to play gamepidgeon?
  4. pippi~

    pippi~ ritoru demon

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    we have been summoned!

    for real tho, good luck with everything
    we'll miss you until you maybe return.
  5. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Rip, sad to see you go, I've always kind of looked up to you in a way, but yeah, have a good life like all those who left like Zed.

    Also for the Mod Inactivity
    Recently, the locked threads are done by Salted himself lol rather than the mods.

    Alright one final have a good life! Btw, I have a story I'm planning, I kind of want you to see it. Check once a month if I get around posting it, it's related to the current condition of the community.
  6. Bynt

    Bynt Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    When I came back around 2 months ago after 10-11 months, I saw only positive changes (although I didn't like 1.18) people still seem the same with not so much toxicity. Makes me sad that people are now toxic :( Although when I asked you for help via in-game, you delivered so thank you so much for that.
  7. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Dang it, now you're also joining the group of cool people who've left?

    I can sort of see what you're getting at here, especially with "notable people leaving". I do feel like there still are people who fill the "void" so to speak, but as you get older and older it seems like you notice them less, because you didn't exactly grow up on the forums with them. I feel like it's sort of the same way in real life with celebrities. As for the toxicity thing, the truth is that there will always be the occasional person who seems like a jerk, especially as the community grows. I will agree though that the clique thing is getting out of hand. Back in the day you were assimilated by joining the community, but now you have to follow the communities "rules" if you want to be accepted. (this is all just my opinion)

    Sorry for not talking about your third point though, since I'm mostly quickly writing this as a goodbye post and not as an official statement about the mod team (not to mention we can't really make reasoning for bans and stuff public, but if you feel like someone is breaking the rules you should always report them). I will point out though that as stated in the mod document, all mod do different things so some of us may prioritize banning hackers or dealing with scam cases over closing threads.

    I wish you the best of luck outside of Wynn, and feel free to stop by every now and then!
  8. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I find the mods to be extremely biast towards people with ranks, and at one time I even found a really bad gay joke on here. I replied to the thread and said that they really shouldn't be doing things like that, then reported it.

    Guess he got the warning: ME (For apparently trying to deal with it myself, yes I did, by saying it was offensive).

    90% of the mods are just teenagers who don't really know what they're doing. And I agree with you that they are very inactive and unprofessional atm
  9. YoshisWorld

    YoshisWorld Famous Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    i miss you even tho i didnt know you :>
  10. Asthae

    Asthae ... HERO

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  11. Reminiscently

    Reminiscently The Clownfish Prince

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    Bye, I hope we'll meet again somewhere in a different, but better place
  12. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    That's taking it a tad far don't you think, meeting a random person in a silly online game cannot surely create such an attachment XD
  13. Reminiscently

    Reminiscently The Clownfish Prince

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    Yes, maybe I have taken very far, but it's a lot more dramatic than saying ciya/ bye, and this is @Bayonetta we're talking that contributed to countless forum games and probably other conversations that I'm not aware of (Plus a lot of people seemed very devastated when Pretzule left or when Happi left). (I'm not trying to be argumentative either but yeah)
    brokenmotor and Tsukiji like this.
  14. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    XD, it certainly was very dramatic
    Reminiscently likes this.
  15. homie_love

    homie_love Travelled Adventurer

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    Bye buddy
  16. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    See ya man, hope you find another game community that was like the wynncraft forums you remember from long ago.
    Thanks for any comments you left on my threads as well.

    Enjoy life my dude.
  17. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Being honest, guilds getting fixed was definetly an awful thing, it is absurd how serious people take guilds now, why can't we go back to the times where everyone just wanted Hax out of the map? it was a lot more fun eating up a chunk of the map and trying to defend it with the glitches and stuff
    Also you didn't need a 10 stack of LE build to be useful in wars
  18. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    90% of of the playerbase are teenagers, too

    oh and also the fact that moe is older than methuselah balances out the age thing SOO
  19. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Sorry to see you go too :(
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