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Community Event Wynncraft Ultimate: The Challenge

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by puttey, Jun 5, 2019.


u nice mineman ?

  1. ye

  2. nah

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  1. puttey

    puttey no McConnel dont kill me VIP+

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    Hello gamers of Wynncraft,

    me and my good friends @pogge5, ChawPaky and @Jbip have decided to host a community event for all of you archgamers this Sunday. The world will be announced here, just before starting. This is a major Windcratf challenge, in lots of branches. The branches are:

    unknown (10).png

    1. Legendary Island massive group race

    1. Towers of Ascension, floors 1-7, speed race

    1. Race to Thanos (from tutorial) with a lv 1 class

    1. New class to total level 100 (professions, combat, crafting)

    1. Gather a stack of a certain ingredient (will be revealed later)

    1. First to get a chestnut horse

    1. First to find an unidentified item (level range and item type rarity will be revealed later)

    You can go in a group or not, the maximum group capacity is three. Keep in mind at some branches, such as Legendary Island, you probably want to be alone, but on some branches you want friends, such as a stack of an ingredient. Points as groups are counted the same as points as players, one for the first player in the group to complete the task.

    Many announcements will be made by pogge5, who has shouts in stock.

    The game will last for 70 + 60 + 30 + 40 + 30 + 10 + 30 minutes (each branch one by one) = 270 minutes = 4.5 hours, but we will have breaks, so expect a bit more (~18.15 CEST, ~12.15 EST). If the time limit is over, there will be exceptions for points. due to me only being combat level 60, I will not be able to attend all branches to participate. This is where pogge5, Jbip and ChawPaky will help me. How the branches will work and points:

    Legendary Island - Everyone will enter at the same time. Due to 15% of damage needing to be dealt to get the drop, only the players who deal the most damage will get the drop. In the unlikely case that nobody deals damage, please switch servers and switch back later. The first player to meet pogge5 at the announced world will receive 10 points, second player 5 points, third player 3 points and everyone else who does it within time 1 point. If nobody completes it within time, send pogge5 a screenshot of the token you currently have/what boss room you’re in/what waiting room you’re in and everyone at Dr Legendary and Dr Legendary waiting room will receive 10 points, Orange Cybel and the waiting room will receive 9 points, it goes down one point for each boss in descending order. The points will only be given out to five groups.

    Tower of Ascension - Enter with a class that has never completed Tower of Ascension before. Everyone should enter at the same time. When a player defeats Death, a screenshot uploaded to discord private PMs should be sent to pogge5 of the dialogue, along with your timezone. Make sure the file name of the screenshot includes timezone. Don’t cut out anything. The first player/group to complete it will get 10 points, the second 5 points, third 3. Everyone else who finishes it in time will receive one point. You can also switch servers if you wish, but make sure to meet pogge5 at the world he is currently on. If nobody completes it within time, send a picture of the room you are currently in to pogge5 in discord. Do not upload to gyazo/imgur and include the timestamp. Send your timezone.

    Race to Thanos - Run through the tutorial at the announced world. Start by giving ChawPaky your name at the tutorial. Everyone who starts the tutorial within the first 3 minutes will be entering the race, if you’re late you’re not attending. Horses and walk speed items are allowed, but keep in mind you are only combat level 1 or maybe 2. When you complete the tutorial, run to Thanos with any route you wish. Then meet GeneralPutte at the Thanos bank, along with your horse or items you used. The winner will receive 10 points and the second place will receive 5 points and the third player will receive 3 points. Nobody else will receive points. If the time runs out, nobody will get points.

    First to total level 100 - This will be on the same class as the Thanos race one. Use your Ragni teleportation scroll and start levelling professions and your combat level. The player will need to send a discord DM to ChawPaky#5089 with your inventory and a chat message hovering over your total level. Make sure not to throw out any item. Also include a timestamp and your timezone. The first player to reach total level 100 will receive 10 points and every follow up within time will receive 2 points. If you run out of time, nobody will get a point.

    Gather a stack of a certain ingredient - We will be in a cave, grinding, on the same world. GeneralPutte will be at the entrance/exit to the cave and make sure nobody leaves/enters the cave before you’re told to. If you leave/exit the cave you will be disqualified. Next, you will have to fill in a form AFTER a host tells you that you can enter the cave. Fill in your username and a screenshot of your inventory, include ChawPaky in the screenshot. The form will be closed after 2 minutes. ChawPaky will friend every player in the cave temporarily to see who classes or leaves. They will also be disqualified. The first player to trade ChawPaky the 64 of the required ingredient will receive 10 points and the following two people will receive 5 points, as long as they are on the form. Nobody else will get a point. If you run out of time, the player with the most of the ingredient will be selected through chat and the same process with ChawPaky needs to be repeated.

    First to get a chestnut horse - We will be outside of Bucie. This time, screenshot/record your inventory before starting and screenshot each time you do a successful horse breed. The first player to receive a chestnut horse will receive 10 points and if you get a white horse that’s an extra 5 points. Nobody else will get points. Make sure to have timestamps on your screenshots.

    First to find an unidentified item - You can grind/loot anywhere you wish but please record while doing so. When you’re done, msg pogge5 and tell him you’ve got the legendary item and upload the video to youtube. When it’s uploaded, send it to pogge5. Every player to get the item will receive 5 points within time.

    Questions during the event/Evidence: Please send them to GeneralPutte#0167, ChawPaky#5089 or pogge5#6887. Jbip doesn’t want to be contacted.

    Other questions before the event can be sent here.

    Reward: Secret for now, maybe some money :) (Feel free to sponsor with money and your name will be credited)

    You will be paid 15:00 CEST the 16th of June.

    Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDFyuAQTM6wHq3JzNYYhbCo62ayjYv7c-8IbjjW6s4Q5yGwg/viewform

    The event will be at 7 am EST, 13:00 CEST.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
  2. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    i want to point out that i have absolutely nothing to do with this and didn't know of its existence until 5 seconds ago

    but that's still cool
    Muchwag, Take, TheSaltyArrow and 7 others like this.
  3. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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  4. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    4.5 hours to get lvl 100 combat and professions ?!?
  5. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    I'm guessing he means a total level 100: for example, combat level 12 and level 11 in every profession.
    Although, level 100 in any crafting profession could technically be done in what, half an hour? If you manage to get enough ingredients and materials, all you need to do is click fast.
    Gathering professions would probably take longer than optimized combat levels though.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
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  6. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    I assume you mean any crafting profession '-'
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  7. puttey

    puttey no McConnel dont kill me VIP+

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    No plz dont send me to the Wynn gulag
    Bart (MC) and Take like this.
  8. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    too late, the council already decided your fate
  9. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    It’s treason, then.

    Did I do it right?
  10. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    Do you have to stay level 1 throughout the run?
    Also that's a huge bruh moment
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