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Professions - How Does The Community Feel? (results Released)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Goden, Apr 10, 2019.

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  1. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    So, it's been a good while since professions released, and as I've watched the community start to learn to live with them and newer players be introduced to them, I've seen a lot of different reactions from people and a lot of different opinions on the system. Due to that, I got a bit curious, and decided that a poll to figure out how the community stands on the mechanic would be a neat idea.


    Normally I'd just use a forum poll for this, but I decided that getting a bit more info so that I could use it as a comparison (such as join date) would be much better as it'd let me see if there's any correlations between certain answers.

    After a week from now (April 17th) I'll make the results public in this thread (and probably change the title to reflect that so it's easier to find out) and y'all can see what your fellow Wynncrafters think about the update.

    Edit: since people seem to be curious, I ask for your IGN in the form so I can check for duplicates in case you *ahem* "forget" you responded. Yeah you could just lie but for accuracy's sake please make this easier on me. If you didn't put an IGN there and instead put something random I'll be deleting it as I consider it to be spam instead. Hope y'all understand

    ..aaand the results are in! Before I do any analysis stuff (also I'm tired from work and stuff so I'll get to that tommorow *cough*), here's just the actual charts and results..

    First, even though it's not the point of the poll here's the years that 117 unique players joined for uh.. whatever reason
    2014: 44
    2013: 18
    2016: 16
    2015: 15
    2019: 9
    2017: 7
    2018: 3
    Don't remember: 5
    This'll come into play a little more later (tommorow I'll do a little comparison to see which years voted for what side- as in pro, neutral, or against- in the actual poll part). For now, enjoy seeing if you're part of the cool 2014 gang.

    And here's what y'all have probably been waiting for, the actual results..
    They're pretty neat: 44
    Eh, in the middle: 35
    Not a big fan: 16
    dear god why were they added: 12
    I love them!: 10
    Not gonna lie, I'm a litte surprised too. I thought the general community opinion was pretty negative, but it seems I was a fair bit wrong there.

    So, what did I come up with from all of your optional responses? First, huge thanks to so much of you (93/117 people filled in the optional box) for making this easier for me so I can understand your thought process behind your choices. That makes my later analysis a hell of a lot easier. For now though, from what I can tell you guys do actually like the concept of professions. They generally were seen as a cool little add-on to the game that you guys thought if executed and balanced better (see next sentence) could end up as a really cool addition. Some of you guys decided to write out 4+ paragraph explanations describing why it's bad right now and what could be changed, and those centered around one very big thing. In fact, over 80% of the written responses were a complaint about the massive grind in professions (I like even numbers and rounding, sue me). The ones that didn't mention grinding typically fell into one of three categories:
    1. "they're cool"
    2. "they suck"
    3. "stop fucking changing every god damn ingredient"
    So yeah, that's the basic gist of all of the data. In making this thread, I wasn't really aiming just to satisfy my curiosity, but I was also doing this to show the CT perhaps one or two things that the community might not feel too great about and could use tweaking. Yes, I'm aware that just because the community feels something is stupid doesn't always mean it is, and yes I'm aware that you all were probably very aware of how much people hate the grind in professions already, but adding some statistical (if likely biased in a few ways) evidence to back up the distaste couldn't hurt, so I went ahead and did it.

    Lastly, I want to thank y'all again for being super cooperative in the poll, I do appreciate all of the responses, from just simple answers that left the optional field blank to those who wrote small high school grade papers, and hope the poll answered a few of the questions you might've had on where the community stands in relation to you on the update. I'll add more analytical stuff later when I'm not dead tired, but for now, until next time :wave:
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2019
  2. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    pRoFfEsIonS bAd cAuSe I hAvE tO gRInD UuUfhhh
    TheSaltyArrow, Take and Awesomah like this.
  3. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Professions are good. Grind sucks since devs werr trying to add 500+ hours of content, so it was all monotonous/boring after the first 30-60 mins. Crafting is good. Crafting doesn't fix mythics though. Also ingredient diversity was low on release. I think such a large update should have added more ingredients, but we'll get more soon.
    Multiple responses should be disabled?
  4. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Professions is definitely a great element to Wynncraft, just that it's super grindy.

    Gathering professions take like ages to level up once you hit level 70+, and the resources mostly disappears from failed refining.
    Crafting never happens until there's Double Prof XP and Double Prof Speed, as the materials costs are so expensive.
    It's similarly the reason why Double Combat XP no longer affects quests, as people will just wait till there is a bomb to end their quests.

    But it's certainly good if you want an alternative way to earn money, thats why I still level up all of them, as loot run just kinda sucks now
    Luky0, Spinel, ParkourTNT and 6 others like this.
  5. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Yeah pretty much.
    I, at the very least, feel it is to grindy.
    Mock that oppion if you want, but if you want yours to taken any more seriously maybe try and be respectful.

    Pro tip, if your trying to convince someone of something, don't antagonize them.
  6. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Crafting is a really fun, until you notice the levels and the grinding. The resources grinding is annoying, and the crafting grinding is what I think is worse. This basically throws off the entire pace of if you wanted to craft at your own pace. Instead of, "Hey, I can make this cool item now with these new ingredients and my crafting items," you have "ok, I have to constantly craft weaker weapons so I can use and make stronger weapons later." I agree there should be a limiter, but it's really annoying in its execution.

    TLDR: The grinding, focusing mostly on crafting, throws off the tempo of crafting items along your journey.

    Probably worded it wrong/badly cus my minds in an another place so quote me for clarification
  7. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    wdym by this?
    rEsPeCt BaD cUz EfFoRt
  8. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Artemis Lance and SUPER M like this.
  9. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    It means I don't agree with that ^^^^^^^^^^^
  10. Mmm

    Mmm Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Selling oak wands be like

    Quick Buck, Low Effort, and fast.
  11. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    oh ok thanks
  12. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    INFLATION: For Dummies (Now with pictures!!1!!1!1!)
    (sarcasm alert) Crafting the best items possible really seems to be a big seller because everyone can do that far more easily than finding mythics! Thanks @Salted , very cool!
  13. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    I’m not trying to be taken seriously with that message.
  14. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Yeah but, it sounded like you were sarcastically saying it was to grindy.
    SUPER M and trex1611 like this.
  15. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Normally I would've turned it off but it requires people to sign in with their Google account first which I figure would end up being a hassle for those in a hurry. I'm fine with just going through and deleting duplicates/obvious fake answers at the end
    TwageTomato and NicBOMB like this.
  16. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    My biggest problem with professions is the bank and weight material.
    1. Ingredients/Materials takes a lot of bank pages which means -> Buying pages = Being poor = Not buying pages = Not gathering/crafting
    I know this might seems idiotic, but it's really a big problem to me (probably other players too).
    2. Material weight make organizing the bank hell to me. Also, losing materials.
    This is the biggest problem :/

    Oh yeah, there is this problem that I forget to mention in the poll:
    - Losing high tier ingredients with full souls.
    Literally the worst feature bug.
  17. Chris Benso

    Chris Benso Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I just started to play again with a level 80 assassin that I used before the update and it was frustrating to me when I want to get into that stuff but it feels pointless since I have nothing to gain for a long time of mindless grinding when legendary items save the hassle of having to find things from certain enemies to get a decent weapon. Also with the materials my previously "organized" bank is just cluttered with items that look good but are 50 levels higher than my stats that I will probably never be able to use.
  18. ptobey

    ptobey Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    It's really not that grind for what you get at the end. I just wish that they'd get finished nerfing stuff so I can actually identify good recipes that won't be shit in a week. This is coming from one of the only level 1300+ people btw.
  19. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    DiD You JUsT taG aN aDMiN?????
    NicBOMB likes this.
  20. Awesomah

    Awesomah Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Addition of professions is one of the best things that could have ever happened to Wynncraft.

    It was always a grindy game (except for running a quest for the first time ever) where you kill mobs to get the best gear. That's it. But now we have a new type of grind which results in immense diversity that makes the two types of players both whom like to kill a mob countless amounts of times and whom like to gather/craft something countless amounts of times play the game. Oldschool players are free to keep doing what they are doing, but the ones looking for new stuff can achieve the ability to craft incredibly overpowered stuff with the cost of grinding profession levels for hours. It feels like this game has evolved into a huge mmorpg from a random mmorpg with one update. ("Professions" only may sound like a small update but dont forget that this update also added things like rare mobs which drop rare ingredients and such. So this is more than just gathering/crafting.)

    As someone who is experienced enough to have reached lvl100 on 3/4 gathering and 5/8 crafting professions, I'd like to reply to or make comments on some of the complaints of people about the update.
    If you are talking about selling refined/unrefined materials, you are definitely right. You can pretty much sell any material that you gather while leveling up your gathering professions or you can also use those(with the combination of ingredients) to level up your crafting professions and sell those to blacksmith for decent money. This becomes more serious at lvl +90 and starts making real money.
    However, if you were talking about selling crafted items, I have to say that I strongly disagree. I have been trying to sell items that overperform mythics by upto 40% for over a month now, yet almost no sales. I even opened up a crafting service where I charge people for a joke amount of 8 emerald blocks for coaching on them for the best possible crafted item that suits them. Maybe 3-4 sales other than the ones I crafted for my friend.
    Sticking to selling materials to earn big buck seems to be the best way.

    It seems from this comment that you didnt have a realistic conception of crafting in your mind before starting your journey. Well, what type of leveling process could you expect from an mmorpg? It will of course be grindy till you reach a high milestone in crafting. And that's basically how leveling up works, you have to craft a useless item hundreds of times to reach your desired in crafting (whereas in real life you study for something). I dont really understand the point of these statements...
    In case you didnt know; you HAVE TO use max amount of ingredients while leveling up. Leveling up crafting does not only consist of grinding materials. You also need to get the ingredients that can be gathered the most efficiently. A list of these ingredients can be found in a guide on forums.

    You will need to assign bank pages just for materials&ingredients that you gather if you are taking this seriously. And as a person who didnt grind more than 12 LE before 1.18 other than quests simply due to not playing the game as much, there shouldnt be any problem in purchasing bank pages unless you are giving away every single LE you get. When you are new you abviously will not be able to purchase tons of bank pages but also you will not need too many. As you level up your professions you will need more pages but at the same time you should have progressed enough to have purchased enough bank pages. I dont see how this could be a problem unless you are getting rid of the materials you have gathered (by selling/crafting).
    You can very easily fix that by changing the way you organize your bank.
    An ingredient is an ingredient. If there is a chance for them to drop upon death, of course they will drop upon death no matter what tier they are. If you dont wanna lose them, keep a teleport scroll on you for the worst cases or just play safe and aware of the fact that you are holding a valuable thing in your inventory. So pointless

    My thought on the most common complaint, about the grind:
    OF COURSE professions will be grindy. What did you seriously expect before starting? Did you expect to gather 5 of all levels of materials and reach lvl100 immediately? I'm incredibly surprised how whiny&hypocritical people can be about grinding something that's the most expected thing to be grindy when all they do in this game is grind. Absolutely CRAZY. Profession is system is all about hard work = high reward. If you want to be able to craft weapons that easily outdamage a similar mythic by upto 40% and have more utility, you have to either work hard to gather or spend money on those materials. If you wanna be able to earn 8-12 LE (possibly even more) in an hour by doing something that you can do while watching youtube/netflix in the other side of your screen, you have to work hard.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2019
    Luky0, BmZuzu and TheGiantSpider like this.
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