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Heroic Figures: Redux ~ Forum Rp { Cancelled }

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by JoshLegacy, Apr 2, 2019.

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  1. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Oh that's the reason
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    How long have you been with me btw? .-.
  3. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Ask the game master not the chaotic neutral
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    uh, surprise?

    srsly tho, i haven't rped in a while.

    Superhero Name:
    The Marksman
    Alternate Identity: Kayla Argos Luna
    Age/Gender: 14, Female
    • Born on March 6, (year)
    • Lost her family to a mafia robbery at the age of 2. Her Guardian Angel (named Aquila) was only able to save her and she escaped.
    • Began to learn about her magic capabilities at the age of 4 from her Guardian Angel who was a Bow Weapon Master and an Ice / Water / Air Elementalist.
    • Attended Catholic Church as a coping mechanism beginning at the age of 4 (also a rosary was one of the few keepsakes she has of her family). Began fully believing in the Catholic Church after a year.
    • Met Arya at age 4.
    • Mainly lived on the streets.
    • Began going to middle school at age 11 after saving up for pretty much all her life. Arya and Aquila helped with making the excuse that she was homeschooled and eligible enough for middle school. (Generally one of the few lies she was actually fine with). She's actually pretty smart analytically but not smarter than James in that sense.
    • Met James Fall at school (6th Grade Age 11).
    • Aquila suddenly disappears.
    • Began being The Marksman at age 11 (summer before she started 6th Grade). Arya pretty much instantly finds out Kayla's the Marksman.
    • James finds out Kayla is the Marksman December that year.
    • Almost died while trying to stop a robbery. Gave her a weaker left leg than right leg but it's hardly noticeable if you don't pay close enough attention. But it is a pretty vital weakness. Afterwards, she stopped going at as the Marksman every night but she still went out occasionally.
    • Became confirmed in the church at age 12.
    • Completely stopped going out as the Marksman when she turned age 14... much to the relief of James and Arya but maybe some new threat may get her back into it.
    • James' Father offered for Kayla to live with them (since y'know, she's an orphan). Kayla agreed and moved in.

    Description: Black Hair (mostly kept back in a ponytail, her hair has a little purple to yellow gradient at the tips, it's a really faint and unnoticeable gradient), Hazel Eyes, Semi-Dark Skin, About 5 ft 3 inches, much skinnier than average.
    Behavior: Introvert, Shy as hell, Often Nervous, Playful Childish Sense of Humor, Optimistic Hopeful Mentality, Quiet, Can be easily embarrassed, Tries her best not to curse but is very emotional, Tries her best not to lie, Always wears jeans and a jacket / hoodie (even in the summer).
    Recently, she's taken more of a laid back version of using her magic. Instead of being the one holding the bow and shooting the arrows, she's been doing more of a sans impression where she simply raises her hand and summons in bows that hover around her and shoot. She always prefers to use the bow "Steel Surge."
    Never was particularly interested in joining the I.A.H.F. (like how she is in my rp, except she was forced to work with the M.S.A.A.).
    When she used to act as the Marksman, she would only use "Steel Surge" and she would never talk or use her fire magic.
    Ethnicity: Filipino

    Super Suit: Black Cloak (Hood of Cloak makes it so that people can't see her face... magic gimmick, not physical gimmick), Black Boots, Black Jeans
    Skills and Abilities: (Dw, pretty much everything is nerfed and limited)
    i'm limiting it to these four bows for now... there's only 2 more i would prefer to add but they might complicate things (backstory wise and rp wise)

    Steel Surge
    Description: An ancient looking wooden bow. Some symbols are engraved in it.
    Abilities: The bow is indestructible despite being made of wood. The bow can protect the wielder with a thin transparent barrier that for the most part is really strong but still breakable.
    Arrows nocked on the bow can be enchanted with passive piercing (from the bow). This can be stacked with Kayla summoning in Green Piercing Arrows.
    The bow itself can cut through many things despite being made of wood.

    Description: White, Blue, and Grey Bow
    Abilities: If slung on her back, it will sprout wings that actually work. (Note that wielding the bow already spends lots of energy so this may not be worth it).
    It shoots much weaker but faster arrows (passively).
    The weight of pulling back the string feels like literally nothing.
    Its arrow storm shoots a ton of extremely weak magical homing light blue feather looking projectiles.
    The bow can be "cloned" (basically the bow gets duplicated and can do said abilities above). Takes a lot of energy and clones will disappear if concentration is lost.

    De Aeris
    Description: Faded Version of Aether
    Abilities: Wielder can turn invisible (Note that this bow takes up even more energy than Aether to even keep summoned)
    Wielder can turn into air (Except Kayla can't really use it, she'd probably feel extremely awful afterwards)
    The arrows shot out are extremely weak.
    The weight of pulling the string back is non-existent.
    The bow can be "cloned."

    Description: Bow with two fiery wing looking things attached to a black handle.
    Abilities: Only shoots flaming arrows.
    Better Firebending.

    Note that she practically only uses Steel Surge and Aether. She almost never touches De Aeris or Ignis.
    Piercing - Indicated by shimmering Green Arrows
    Flame - Self-Explanatory, the arrow tip is lit on fire
    Ice - (Takes more energy for Kayla) Coats the blade of the arrow in ice. Slows down targets.
    Electric - (Takes more energy for Kayla) Coats the arrow in electricity. Shocks targets.
    Bounce Off - Crimson Arrows. There are three levels. The lightest shade bounces off the wall once. The darkest shade bounces off walls three times.
    Cloning - Some bows can be duplicated and controlled like the normal bow. Requires heavy concentration.
    Arrow Storm - The wynncraft spell.
    Explosive Arrows - Self-Explanatory. Take a decent bit of energy to cast.
    Extreme Explosive Arrow - Takes a while to charge up. Takes all her energy. Will explode and deal massive AoE damage. Won't damage abiotic things. She will most likely pass out after casting said arrow.
    • Bow Weapon Master. Can summon in and desummon her bows. Can also summon and desummon normal Wooden Bows. Can summon and desummon arrows. Arrows may have some magical gimmick (ex. Piercing, Exploding). Can also control (kinda telepathically) bows and arrows and make them fly up and shoot without touching them (she can't do this with bows and arrows she doesn't "own").
    • Generally can't miss a shot if she doesn't want to. (I mean it's not like she's shooting homing arrows where she always hits her target and it's not like targets can't dodge lol)
    • Has this ability which idk how to name it. I'll just explain it. If you've ever played the 2013 Tomb Raider game, it's similar to Laura Croft's survival instinct ability. It's slightly different though but when she does it, she's able to detect where every single living being is in an 100 feet radius and can detect magic traces in said radius (I actually nerfed it for this roleplay but whatever)
    • Can gage distances, angles, speed, and velocity of objects / people extremely well. Begins to not be so accurate after 1000 feet. This also allows her to be "show off" and dodge incoming attacks from people by a mere centimeter.
    • Can summon / desummon her cloak. She can also summon / desummon in a really big fluffy coat, ear muffs, a scarf, and other things. Pretty much any object can be summoned / desummoned (. A trick taught to her by Arya using the Duat. But it's really draining since she's not supposed to perform that kind of magic.
    • Fire Elementalist (Kayla is immune to fire and anything she touches is immune to fire as long as she's touching it... hence no burning of clothes. Pretty much mastered). She also isn't affected at all by high temperatures.
    • Secondary Air Elementalist (Not really good at air but she knows basics)
    • Athletic, knows some martial arts... but it honestly is only useful for parkouring on top of buildings and not really for combat.
    • Bladed Fan Weapon Master. Has these two crystal bladed fans with a purple / orange gradient. Basically makes her a bit more viable in close range and helps her fire bending.
    Weakness: o boi
    • Literally the weakest person alive physically. A single brush off punch would probably deal some serious damage. Thus, getting in close range combat really sucks for her. Even tripping over a rock and falling on concrete would wind her out. Somehow, falling and rolling doesn't severely hurt her though. It would be better classified as some sort of "curse" rather than actual physical capabilities because being able to parkour on top of buildings and using the bow and arrow takes a lot of physical strength and thus, this really wouldn't be proportionate.
    • Her more powerful magic (other than fire magic ) is exceptionally draining such as heavy explosion arrows and wielding some of her powerful bows.
    • Really weak against water, ice, and ground based magic / attacks.
    • Has a passive where she's really easily affected by cold weather. Cold weather makes her slower, her magic weaker, and could probably even lead to some lethal effects.
    • She's Catholic and thus, won't kill anyone. She sucks at lying (never really tries to lie regardless) and sucks at detecting lies.
    • Easily hurt emotionally.
    • Easily trusting of people, her opinions can be easily swayed (she's very empathetic.) This also makes her really easy to fool and mislead her into traps.
    • Really sucks at keeping her own secrets but is good at hiding other's secrets.
    (Basically, she's an extreme glass cannon).

    Time as a Super: Has known about her magic capabilities since 4 but has been "The Marksman" for the past 3 years.
    Name: Aquila
    Age: Uh.... +6000 years?
    Gender: Female
    Description: Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Light Skin, Looks like a 13 year old at the moment. About 5ft 3 inches.
    Magic Capabilities: Ice / Water / Air Elementalist, Bow Weapon Master
    Behavior: Extremely Formal to the point where it could almost be classified as "edgy". However, she loosens up the longer she gets to know someone and usually ends up turning into the extremely annoyed, sensitive type of person.
    Current Statis: Guardian Angel of Kayla. Currently missing and probably shouldn't be found anytime soon (basically just don't refer to her at all in the roleplay please)

    Name: Arya
    Age: Uh... like no one knows... but she looks 14. (She's stuck at the age of 14. Cursed.)
    Gender: Female
    Description: Blonde Hair, Grey Eyes, Light Skin, Looks like a 14 year old. About 5 ft 5 inches.
    Magic Capabilities: Egyptian Divine Magic (Hieroglyphs), Utilizing the Duat, Greek Incantations, Roman Incantations (I'll nerf her to just these three since Arya's pretty much the definition of a Mary Sue).
    Behavior: Extremely Sassy, Constantly Annoyed, Agitated, but also has a wicked and snarky sense of humor. She's that type of person who would pull off a large variety of pranks, from tripping people to embarrassing inappropriate pranks.
    Current Statis: More of a friend to Kayla rather than the mentor role she used to play when she was "older" than Kayla (I mean she technically still is but physically, not really).
    Other Info: Parents died hundreds of years ago... so I guess they won't have a major impact lel.

    Name: James Fall
    Age: 14
    Birth Date: January 27, (year)
    Gender: Male
    Description: Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Light Skin, Slightly skinnier than the "average", about 5ft 6 inches.
    Magic Capabilities: Summons Shards of Power (too many to list). Wields a wooden staff which amplifies his summoning power.
    Behavior: A bit extrovertive. Generally not easily pissed. Tries to refrain from cursing except for the words "shit" and "hell." Retains a more formal, serious behavior but has a dorky side. Has a slightly more pessimistic than optimistic mentality but he's not the completely pessimistic, hopeless, depressed type of person.
    Current Statis: He likes Kayla, Kayla likes him, but neither really reveal it.
    Ethnicity: Canadian
    Other Notes: His mother died in a car accident when he was 6. His father supports the family. James has no siblings.

    Just a question... whenever these characters (including James' father) may ever appear in the rp, may I control / rp them or nada?

    Main City of Operations: New York City.
  5. SkellySniper

    SkellySniper In a permanent state of necro

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    Utilizing the Duat, eh? Someone did their research. Well done that man.

    Also a bump, because this thread is about to go to the point of no return (page 2).
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    eh it's more of an excuse / justification xd
  7. SkellySniper

    SkellySniper In a permanent state of necro

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  8. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Since when the hecc did we die
  9. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    ever since:
  10. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Uhh...15 dollars.
    The mayor's a she actually.
    You drink the tea and finish bathing. A book teleports onto your head and falls into the tub.
    It was actually tomorrow, but for the sake of moving things along, we'll make it today. The weather is cloudy, but it should clear.
    No, god no!
    "Tomorrow at around 10."
    A year. She's like a little girl but without the body.
  11. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    They're and ice, water, and air elementalist?
    How and why? Kayla know about Arya basically being an Egyptian mummy?
    So this is prior to meeting James then?
    So if I just throw super-villains at you...?
    Too many to list=Make them up?
    Sure, if you're okay with 5 minutes of dialogue that essentially leads to nothing since you don't know what's supposed to happen next or what information they hold. Unless you want to control all five of them?
  12. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Alright, I'm gonna get in my suit. Grab it out of whatever frame it's on and put it on.
  13. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Buy one pack, and buy a pack of double aa batteries
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Toss the book out of the water and get out to dry/cloth myself.
  15. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    You take your suit out of it's casing and don it, and power it up. You feel like Peter at the start of Spider-Man for the PS4...only with a lot more money.
    You toss (@LuckyPatch11) out of the water and exit into your bedroom and move to the dresser. What do you feel like wearing today?
    You reach into the freezer and take a pack of Monster. As you close the door something slams into it. You can't tell what it was, but you can see the imprint of a pair of hands and a ghostly face it left on the glass.
  16. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    White dress. My wardrobe should mostly consist of white and gray, with the rare red and pink.
    Call one of my maids and ask if no one needed help today.
  17. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    I smile a bit.
    "I really should add a "Shaun's secretprojectOS booting up" sequence."
    I prepare to leave (but from where do I go? Do I have a secret garage?)
  18. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The Guardian Angel is an ice, water, and air elementalist. Kayla is a fire major and air minor elementalist.

    More of Aquila led Kayla to Arya and Arya felt bad (since Kayla at this point is a 4 yr old orphan and Arya’s immortal at 14 anyway so she was like “Why not.”)

    Yep. Sry for putting it out of order.

    Yeah... but they’d have to rile her up in some personal way. I can provide some additional info if needed.

    Nope, they’re all set in stone.

    My old rp had a list of about half of them...

    It’s under the Shardaic Mages Spoiler.

    James knows some higher tier shards though. I’ll tell you all the ones he does use / know later when I’m not on mobile.

    Fair point, I wasn’t thinking when I said that lel.
  19. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Do you mean you ask them if they need help?
    You have a...a chute from you slide down from and launch into the air.
  20. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    “The hell?” Look around
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